View Full Version : Jew: Arizona law like 'Nazi Germany'

26th April 2010, 04:22 PM


A Colorado Democrat says Arizona is on its way to becoming a “police state” and its new immigration law is “reminiscent” of Nazi Germany.

“It is absolutely reminiscent of second class status of Jews in Germany prior to World War II when they had to have their papers with them at all times and were subject to routine inspections at the suspicion of being Jewish,” Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo), who is Jewish, told POLITICO.

“I fear that Arizona is headed for a police state and it really underscores the need for immigration reform at the federal level to fix our system,” he said.

Arizona’s new immigration law, signed last week by Gov. Jan Brewer (R), requires police officers to ask people for identification papers if they have “reasonable suspicion” to believe that someone is an undocumented immigrant. The law has sparked protests across the country and reignited a national debate over comprehensive immigration reform.

Polis was careful to point out he was not comparing the law to the Holocaust but rather to the period before the war when Jews were required to carry papers and identify themselves publicly.

“I think it’s a very fair comparison and I hope that we’re not headed on the same trajectory that Nazi Germany was,” Polis said. “But this was a very recent experience for Jewish Americans and Jews worldwide and it’s something that when we see similarities we start ringing alarm bells.”

Polis also said the politics underpinning the Arizona law would keep Jews firmly in the Democratic political camp.

“Many Jews have been uneasy with President Obama’s policy on Israel…but when they see scary policies, endorsed by mainstream Republicans, signed into law by mainstream Republicans, like this Arizona law, it means the only choice for Jewish voters is the Democratic Party,” he said.

Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) has called the Arizona law a “step forward” and a “good tool,” though his office has said his statements do not represent an endorsement of the law. His position is a dramatic switch from 2007, when he was a key proponent of comprehensive immigration reform.

The idea that any sort of exclusionary thinking on the part of Americans—and especially European Americans as a majority group—leads inexorably to a Holocaust for Jews is not the only reason why Jewish organizations still favor mass immigration.

Understanding Jewish Influence

The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

We [i.e., Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible' and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.
(Jewish social scientist and political activist Earl Raab1993b, p. 23).2

Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy


Isn't there a famous saying, something like the following?

"If you want to know who's in power,
just ask who it is you cannot criticize ..."

Jones apologizes for Jewish joke

“I wish that I had not made this off the cuff joke at the top of my remarks, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it. It also distracted from the larger message I carried that day: that the United States commitment to Israel’s security is sacrosanct.”


Not allowed!


26th April 2010, 04:28 PM
So is this Jew telling me that Isreal will accept me with open arms and provide all the services I may need without me paying taxes or becoming a legal citizen? Just wondering.

26th April 2010, 04:35 PM

and this is the man that "represents" my district :sicko

26th April 2010, 04:41 PM
The Holohoax is like the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going and going.

26th April 2010, 05:01 PM
The holohoax IS an energizer bunny.

Germany attacked Poland in 1939. A lot of polish people fled to Russia. At one point there were up to 2 million polish immigrants, who didn't want to get russian citizenship. Stalin and germans agreed that polish refugees would be taken to refugee camps. germans got the train to russia, filled it with polish people. Train stopped in the woods near katyn, where german SS killed all polish refugees. It is highly likely, knowing the role of khazars in SS, that most of these were khazars and not actual germans. This is very well documented in russian sources, and some of it was about to float up in Nurenberg, but didn't. Russia was NOT in war with Poland, and hence could not possibly have any "prizoners of war". This is now being blamed on "evil Stalin".

I bet t that similar situations happened to jews...it would be very interesting to dig into who was THE REAL SS. Judging by the facts of mindless massacres and killing - most likely khazars, just as the head and killing sections of NKVD in Soviet Union.

26th April 2010, 05:36 PM
Russia was NOT in war with Poland, and hence could not possibly have any "prizoners of war".

So you wouldn't call invasion an act of war? Interesting.

Oh and LOL at the idea of the Communists being scapegoats for the Nazis.

26th April 2010, 05:41 PM
The holohoax IS an energizer bunny.

Germany attacked Poland in 1939. A lot of polish people fled to Russia. At one point there were up to 2 million polish immigrants, who didn't want to get russian citizenship. Stalin and germans agreed that polish refugees would be taken to refugee camps. germans got the train to russia, filled it with polish people. Train stopped in the woods near katyn, where german SS killed all polish refugees. It is highly likely, knowing the role of khazars in SS, that most of these were khazars and not actual germans. This is very well documented in russian sources, and some of it was about to float up in Nurenberg, but didn't. Russia was NOT in war with Poland, and hence could not possibly have any "prizoners of war". This is now being blamed on "evil Stalin".

I bet t that similar situations happened to jews...it would be very interesting to dig into who was THE REAL SS. Judging by the facts of mindless massacres and killing - most likely khazars, just as the head and killing sections of NKVD in Soviet Union.

Not sure where you're getting your history from, but the Russians invaded Poland as well. The Russians also have admitted to the Katyn killings of all the Polish officers...That's what the Polish president was visiting Russia for when it crashed or got shot down...

On another note, since Russia and Germany both invaded Poland and split the country between them, how come the allies didn't declare war on Russia???

26th April 2010, 05:46 PM
Judea Declares War on Arizona...lol.


26th April 2010, 06:06 PM
Hitler was right.

26th April 2010, 06:09 PM
Hitler was right.


Arizona is now living Chapter XI.


26th April 2010, 06:13 PM
Why does being a Jew make someone who wasn't even born at the time an authority on Nazi Germany? That said, the comparison is idiotic and pure emotionalist drama. If this person was living on the southern border of Arizona, I wonder how long he would tolerate illegal invaders crossing his property before he'd be crying anti-semitism.

26th April 2010, 06:15 PM
...yeah...ill bet the jews will welcome the palastinians the same way they want
us to accept the mexes :oo-->

26th April 2010, 06:19 PM
Hitler was right.


Arizona is now living Chapter XI.


Interesting reading.. if your a dope... lol

"Any crossing of two beings not at exactly the same level produces a medium between the level of the two parents. This means: the offspring will probably stand higher than the racially lower parent, but not as high as the higher one." ....

"It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.
The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
Lowering of the level of the higher race;
Physical and intellectual regression and hence the beginning of a slowly but surely progressing sickness."

26th April 2010, 06:30 PM
...yeah...ill bet the jews will welcome the palastinians the same way they want
us to accept the mexes :oo-->

Well, you know how that works according to Jews, the world's self-appointed most righteous and authorities on what is good and decent: Jewish identity is sacrosanct. To assail it in any way is tantamount to being anti-semitic. But when white Europeans wish to maintain their cultural identity, they are accused of "clinging to their guns and religion," and denigrated as xenophobes and crypto- or outright racists. Personally, I am proud of my ancestry as a white European and will never apologize to anyone for it, let alone a Jew. Jews are far and away the most tribal and culturally bigoted people on earth. You want proof? Exhibit A: Israel (i.e. kosherized apartheid).

26th April 2010, 06:37 PM
Not sure where you're getting your history from, but the Russians invaded Poland as well. The Russians also have admitted to the Katyn killings of all the Polish officers...That's what the Polish president was visiting Russia for when it crashed or got shot down...

On another note, since Russia and Germany both invaded Poland and split the country between them, how come the allies didn't declare war on Russia???

It is strange to me too that russians didn't openly called Katyn what it was.
On second thought... my source of that information above may not be that reliable. Maybe what played a role is the fact that the majority of russian oil is bought by Rothschild, and it is likely that Russia - just like USA - is a part of worldwide khazarian kaganat, and hence can't tell the truth.

Hitler's SS was interesting brigades. They reminded me of soviet NKVD so much...and I am very much familiar with the process soviet NKVD worked, who ran it and who provided the brains...I also call it soviet because it is not russian, it is soviet, as in I-IV International (IV International is incidentally based in...Vienna).

Soviet Union did take part of the Poland, but only the part that was historically Ukraine, and also added Lithuania and made it a separate state. Poland didn't ask for it back neither after the war, nor after Soviet Union was long gone. Both are now its own separate countries and happy with the arrangement, so they were inherently not polish. Part of the whole anti-Russian propaganda is that russia was an invading block as well.

The allies didn't declare was on Soviet Union because they built up Germany to fight the soviets. They didn't want germany and soviet union to get together - otherwise we all would be speaking german or russian now.

26th April 2010, 09:26 PM
We should try to emulate the jews!



30th April 2010, 09:14 AM
...yeah...ill bet the jews will welcome the palastinians the same way they want
us to accept the mexes :oo-->

Well, you know how that works according to Jews, the world's self-appointed most righteous and authorities on what is good and decent: Jewish identity is sacrosanct. To assail it in any way is tantamount to being anti-semitic. But when white Europeans wish to maintain their cultural identity, they are accused of "clinging to their guns and religion," and denigrated as xenophobes and crypto- or outright racists. Personally, I am proud of my ancestry as a white European and will never apologize to anyone for it, let alone a Jew. Jews are far and away the most tribal and culturally bigoted people on earth. You want proof? Exhibit A: Israel (i.e. kosherized apartheid).

^^^^ Perfect.

30th April 2010, 09:25 AM
...yeah...ill bet the jews will welcome the palastinians the same way they want
us to accept the mexes :oo-->

Well, you know how that works according to Jews, the world's self-appointed most righteous and authorities on what is good and decent: Jewish identity is sacrosanct. To assail it in any way is tantamount to being anti-semitic. But when white Europeans wish to maintain their cultural identity, they are accused of "clinging to their guns and religion," and denigrated as xenophobes and crypto- or outright racists. Personally, I am proud of my ancestry as a white European and will never apologize to anyone for it, let alone a Jew. Jews are far and away the most tribal and culturally bigoted people on earth. You want proof? Exhibit A: Israel (i.e. kosherized apartheid).

^^^^ Perfect.


Also, if the jew doesn't like it, why doesn't he leave Arizona and head home is the fiat state that is Israel?