View Full Version : Tyranny in America: Ron Paul discusses the National ID card

26th April 2010, 07:19 PM

Refer to my avatar.

26th April 2010, 07:21 PM
What is wrong having your hand scanned? :oo-->

26th April 2010, 08:04 PM
If the gov did their job in the first place we wouldnt need any of this. Its the Gov job to stop the illegals at the border. Its also their job to ensure they dont work here. If you fined employers 100,000 k for hiring illegals the problem ends overnight. Most wont come here if they cant find work.

26th April 2010, 08:08 PM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.

26th April 2010, 08:19 PM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.

Yup, our rulers create the problem, causing a reaction, offering the solution, their solution. Seems that people will never wake up to this trick.

philo beddoe
26th April 2010, 08:26 PM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.

Yup, our rulers create the problem, causing a reaction, offering the solution, their solution. Seems that people will never wake up to this trick.
That's why that nigger shoved through his 'health' care package, but then gives a little speech warning AZ of their errors. nice try

26th April 2010, 08:44 PM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.

Yup, our rulers create the problem, causing a reaction, offering the solution, their solution. Seems that people will never wake up to this trick.

The Bogeyman Scam. Step one - Create Bogeyman. Step two - Scream the Bogeyman is going to get you and your family. Step three: Ratchet up the fear level. Step four - Take action to defeat the Bogeyman so that you and your family will be safe.

100% effective.

26th April 2010, 08:50 PM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.

Yup, our rulers create the problem, causing a reaction, offering the solution, their solution. Seems that people will never wake up to this trick.
That's why that nigger shoved through his 'health' care package, but then gives a little speech warning AZ of their errors. nice try

Did you watch the video?

Because of the illegals are going to take YOUR JOB, we need chips in our hand.

Bogeyman - illegals
Harm you - taking American workers jobs
Take action - you need to be chipped to prove you should be here

Can I just call you Fish? It is fitting because you constantly are getting hocked and being pulled around by your lips.

willie pete
26th April 2010, 09:05 PM
I think Dr.Paul is Completely Right, .....chip? implant? Nat'l ID Card? Maybe an ear-tag like cattle?

26th April 2010, 09:18 PM
Would it be so hard to charge a minimal fee for temporary work visas?

Maybe even accept a pesos, or two?

26th April 2010, 10:19 PM
I think Dr.Paul is Completely Right, .....chip? implant? Nat'l ID Card? Maybe an ear-tag like cattle?

No chip = no job.
No chip = you can not purchase/sell goods.
No chip = you are illegal. ;D

Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill are proposing a new national biometric ID card that would be required of all U.S. workers.

So you won't be able to work (and if you can't work, you can't buy or sell) without a national ID card implanted with a biometric chip. No word about whether they are going to give the option to have the biometric chip implanted in one's right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:16)

I am guessing forehead or the back of the neck because everyone does not have hands. Can't discriminate.

old steel
26th April 2010, 10:31 PM
Exactly and how do you turn off an implanted chip? They will know where you are whenever they want.

Total control except for how you think but if you get the chip they don't care how you think they already know you're not a problem.

That crusty old senator was right "The American people have no idea what's coming"

26th April 2010, 10:31 PM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.

Yup, our rulers create the problem, causing a reaction, offering the solution, their solution. Seems that people will never wake up to this trick.
That's why that nigger shoved through his 'health' care package, but then gives a little speech warning AZ of their errors. nice try

Another fine example of how and why a moderator needs to have a heavy hand and occasionally take out the trash.

There are forum killers, their anti-social behavior is big clue, and they should not be allowed to fester.

Still crying? Skyvike isn't here to save you. What happened to liberty? You guys whine to protect the wets, but you won't let an American speak freely. And you think HE'S the fascist. Take a look in the mirror.

And calling someone trash is a personal attack. You're the one the mods need to "handle"

26th April 2010, 10:48 PM
And you should take libertarian out of your ID. Unless it means freedom for some, or freedom until someone says something that you don't like. ::)

That ain't liberty.

26th April 2010, 10:49 PM
Yes wildcard, and while your busy posting racial hate on a computer that was built by slave chincs, eating food harvested by wetbacks and niggers. We're all getting drilled by crackers with money printed by kikes.

All in a days work.

26th April 2010, 10:51 PM
This forum is private property, we are all at the whim of the owner. I'd prefer this doesn't become the case with this country.

26th April 2010, 10:57 PM
Yeah, because when it does they'll just trot you out back and disappear your ass. And who will stand up to them then? You? I don't think so. It'll be men like Ben Shockley. Men who aren't such pansies that they follow politically correct protocol.

Men that are so brainwashed that they must stay inside the lines and not offend anyone will certainly never pick up a rifle in the name of freedom.

You guys keep preaching that you're libertarians, but all I see is a bunch of commie doubletalk.

If you're not ready to die for it, put the word "freedom" out of your vocabulary. -- Malcolm X

26th April 2010, 11:15 PM
Men that are so brainwashed that they must stay inside the lines and not offend anyone will certainly never pick up a rifle in the name of freedom.

Picture a future for yourself stuck in a foxhole, with a spic, a nigger, and a kike plinking at predator drones fueled by legions of chipped consumers. ::)

26th April 2010, 11:19 PM
I'm sure I'll be shooting at wets that want to conquer america and the brainwashed liberals that will fight alongside them to make sure they get their chance. After that is over maybe we'll get around to kicking the zio banksters out.

*you see I understand the jewsmedia is whipping up this frenzy right on time. I understand there will be a race war and that it's a tragedy that millions will die needlessly, but I also understand that I can't make all the muds understand before they try to kill me. I also know that I will not be taken alive if I can help it. I will not be carted off to the FEMA camp, so help me God.

**why do you think the jews fight so hard to let so many immigrants come to the USA? Just for this purpose. We're too busy unf*cking that situation to deal with the bastards at the fed and on wall street.

26th April 2010, 11:38 PM
What has been created since the dawn of time. What do cultures create when left to themselves? Let's look at Africa, Asia, Europe, America, etc.

Racism hasn't gone away, it's just that dumbass whites have been brainwashed to believe it has. Let me let you in on a little secret, the browns still hate your f*cking guts.

26th April 2010, 11:41 PM
Diverse people don't get along with each other no matter how long you try to force them to stay together. Only a tyrannical dictator and the fear of death can make it appear so for a while. When the dictator is gone then they go right back to hating each other.


You don't look like me, you don't believe what I believe, you don't live like I do, you don't eat the same foods I eat, our cultures are completely different. I want you to give up your culture and switch to mine. Sound good? No? Violence comes next.

Nomen luni
27th April 2010, 04:25 AM
There using the illegals as a means to get us all chipped.

Like they used a "mushroom cloud" to invade Iraq.

Like they used Al-Qaeda to pass the Patriot Act.

Same old, same old and people fall for it hook line and sinker again and again.

Refer to my avatar.
Very well said, Sir! +1K

old steel
27th April 2010, 08:48 AM
No national id card for me but then i live in Canada so there you go.

Oh wait, we passed our own version of the Patriot Act up here unread in tandem with the US when their Patriot Act was passed unread.

Sounds like they have a plan for us.

27th April 2010, 12:02 PM
The funny thing is they made the personal attacks and then whined about it. I know they won't say another word because they're scared to get banned, even for a few days. Do whatever you gotta do. Libertarian Guard has said over and over that he wants an iron fist ruling this board and will not tolerate outside views. He keeps talking about how we're "ruining the board", WE ARE THE BOARD YOU FUCKING MORON.

philo beddoe
27th April 2010, 12:35 PM
If the gov did their job in the first place we wouldn't need any of this. Its the Gov job to stop the illegals at the border. Its also their job to ensure they dint work here. If you fined employers 100,000 k for hiring illegals the problem ends overnight. Most wont come here if they cant find work.

All that we have to do is to impose the laws that we now have in the books about arresting and deporting ALL illegals.........as you all know we have illegals from all over the world and not only from the Latin American countries.

Stop them at the border.............not once they are inside.... deport them.
You want an honest solution? Have every state effectively deputize all natural born citizens that want to round up illegals. That's what this law in AZ is about. Go to Home Depot parking lot, make the call, and demand the cops arrest em all.

27th April 2010, 02:08 PM
The law does not apply to all Americans - only "persons liable".

The question: Are you a person liable?

If you don't have the "right" to be here, you are exercising a government granted privilege, subject to their authority.