View Full Version : Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

26th April 2010, 11:44 PM
Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

April 26, 2010
By Steve Thomas

(for Henrymakow.com)

For over 30 years, Rael Maitreya (left) has been the leader of a growing world movement known as Raelism - a self proclaimed 'atheist religion' claiming direct contact with invisible 'extraterrestrial beings' resembling Biblical 'fallen angels'.

My recent research has uncovered numerous personal connections between the leadership of this cult movement, and the top-level world elite - musicians, politicians, gate-keepers of capital, media and culture - several indicating a more than passing interest in fallen angels!

Is this Raelian connection a harmless fling or a potential threat to the stability and spiritual well-being of human-kind? Let's examine some of the activities and claims of this group...


On April 12, 2009, Rael Maitreya, the atheist French 'prophet' who claims to be Israel's Messiah, publicly addressed the nation of IsRael (as he has renamed it): "I, Yahweh, through the mouth of my Prophet, RAEL, your awaited Messiah, am sending you this ultimate message... you all need to unite to prepare the construction of the Third Temple, Our Embassy and the glorious return of our beloved son, our last and ultimate messenger, the Messiah Rael, who will bring centuries of peace on Earth with our return. Every minute counts and remember that you cannot say we did not warn you."


Not content with stealing the divine titles of the Lord Jesus Christ - Messiah - Beloved Son - Rael Maitreya claims to have been personally contacted by advanced extra-terrestrial beings known as 'scientists', or 'elohim', who have been universally mistaken for God in monotheism. These 'beings from the sky' are supposedly due to "officially" intervene in the governmental affairs of planet earth very soon, dependent upon the desire of human-kind to receive them!

The group appears to be predicting some kind of alien-controlled Galactic World Government, centred in a temple, or extra-terrestrial "embassy", in Jerusalem: "The embassy will be built, and our parents from space will come..."


This might all be 'pie in the sky', if it weren't for the incredible connections that Rael Maitreya appears to have, that might just make this diabolical scheme slightly more plausible. We have seen the registered public forum links between senior Rothschild family members and Rael Maitreya in Facebook. This family enabled the Israeli parliament, the Knesset building to come into being in Jerusalem, and the Israeli Supreme Court building with its reported array of Masonic imagery and sinister symbolism... Could an 'embassy-temple' be far behind?



Bible prophecy describes a focused global connection between deluded human rulers of the world, and the deceptive spiritual enemies of God. The book of Revelation describes Satan, the Devil (aka Lucifer - appearing as an "angel of light"), being "cast into the earth with his angels", to deceive the leaders and kings of the earth, who will voluntarily "give their power" to Antichrist for a time, supported by his "false prophet".

Reading this Raelian material reminds us of the New Testament prophecy of the Apostle Paul: "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come an apostasy first, and that man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God..." [2 Thessalonians 2:3]


Interesting then to discover that Rael has set up an 'apostasie' website where he brazenly takes on God himself. Devoting his campaign to call Christians to 'apostatize' and 'de-baptize' themselves, a video is presented entitled "Brigitte's blasphemy". Rael's glamorous, if somewhat unhinged spokesperson, publicly states: "There is no God, there is no soul," then she speaks against the Holy Spirit of God, denying his existence. She continues: "most of the God believers of the planet are responsible for the wars that we see - we don't see atheists sending bombs..."

Brigitte presents here a well worn cliché in her attempt to smooth over the inconvenient fact that a clear majority of genocidal murders of millions have been conducted in the blatant cause of atheism (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot...), and by megalomaniacs arrogantly claiming a divine right to make war in the name of God (Hitler, Mussolini...) - occultists who had nothing whatever to do with God.



The world-changing ambitions of this group extend to an assault upon family life and sexual morality, as Rael challenges norms of heterosexual monogamous marriage. Not even a case of 'live and let live' here. In an article entitled, 'Divorce can save your life!' Rael states that: "The Raelian philosophy teaches that guilt, frustration and antiquated Judeo-Christian values are at the core of many contemporary health problems". "People are healthiest when they're free to enjoy many sexual partners," explains Rael. "In fact, I encourage people to explore 'polyamory,' which means loving many people simultaneously and without jealousy."

No mention here of STD's, HIV, or the effect of multiple parental partners on a child's identity and well-being. Nor the loss of cohesiveness to society and the inevitable trauma to innocent victims of infidelity. Instead, we find the following twisted challenge to normal theistic morality: "true spirituality never spawns guilt, shame or feelings of betrayal... The old Judeo-Christian teachings are repressive and anti-spiritual..." Rael goes further in pushing God-given protective boundaries, establishing a scientific quest to create the first human cloned infant. This, it is claimed, will enable homosexuals to enjoy their own 100% genetic offspring, or replace a 'lost relative'. http://www.clonaid.com/page.php?7


This attempt to unite the world under under what are traditionally known as Satan's 'demons' or 'devils' would go nowhere. But the alarming factor is the registered connection between Rael Maitreya's primary link, Igor N.Grata, to the ruling echelons of global society, culture, arts, media, ruling families, big business, courtesans to the nobility, and billionaire financiers.

Igor N. Grata: http://www.facebook.com/grata?ref=sgm (logon to Facebook to view details of this intricate and global web, peppered with famous names.)

Displaying Rael Maitreya in pole position (with links to the Angel Illuminati, and the Grandmaster of the Guilderberg / Bilderberg, Van Hausen Guilder), this page connects the Raelian movement to 'the world'. The level of inter connectivity between mutually established friend connections (scroll the friend links on this page to confirm) reveals a well developed network at the highest levels of global society.

If a bid to establish centralized World Government is successful, under the guidance of this 'Maitreya', are we about to witness the Biblical "Great Apostasy"? The "Time of Tribulation" - the final fling of the unholy Devil, frantically attempting to establish rule over God's earth before Jesus Christ returns to overthrow the ancient Luciferian rebellion, establishing the eternal Kingdom of the true Creator? This may read like a bizarre tale of fantasy - but truth, it seems, really can be stranger than fiction.

27th April 2010, 11:47 PM
Thomas' articles about the plausible connections between Rael and the NWO. I came to the same conclusions about 4 years ago. I used to be a Raelian guide level 4 and responsible for the country of Sweden.
When I started to see the connections between Raelism and the agenda of the elite, I quit the movement and wrote a book about my experiences. You can find it here for free: http://www.realrael.org/

By Daniel Vandinja

Ex-Raelian Priest, level 4

(for henrymakow.com)

STOCKHOLM--The term "Illuminati" is spreading like wildfire across the world, and people are gasping and widening their eyes to something that seems so unbelievable that it literally becomes unbelievable!

Youtube is filled with videos claiming that Michael Jacksons´ death was somehow plotted and executed by this super secret elite, and Obamas "Yes we can" speech is reversed and suddenly becomes the salute "Thank you Satan!".

Now this is the average teenagers' view of the Illuminati and it makes them paranoid and at the same time give them no choice but to ridicule the whole thing. The curiosity and the search for more information stops there and the global agenda for world domination carries on like nothing ever happened.

I am a high school teacher in Stockholm, Sweden and I can see this kind of information taking hold of our youngsters, leaving them confused. At the same time they ridicule me for believing in UFOs, an experience that haunts me from my days as a cult leader.

Yes, I used to be regionally responsible for the Raelian Movement in my country, and I appeared on national TV, talking about the Raelian vision of a future where everyone will have cloned biological robots for everything, especially sex!

I promoted a world where all religions would be replaced by atheism, where all nations would finally become ONE under a world government.

With dreamlike gaze and frantic conviction, I told the Swedish population that our race is actually a lab-product made by advanced extraterrestrials coming from a distant solar system somewhere in our milky-way galaxy.

I convincingly advocated the view that God is a fantasy and that the human soul is a joke. Eternal life is to be reached through cloning and the true Gods are the E.Ts, who will come to earth to save the just from destruction.

Well, a lot has happened since I made these public appearances. Nowadays I feel sorry for the kids in my school who are growing up in this climate of not knowing what to believe.

Why? Because I know that UFOs are real; I saw one myself when I was in my early teens. And when it comes to the music industry and the political arena, I know it is all corrupt, that it is in reality filled with brainwashing and mind control.

But how are the poor kids today going to understand that this is fact, not fiction. Kids of today cannot, with all of their dysfunctions, read works by Albert Pike, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russel, Carroll Quigley or any other author from the elite´s own stock.


(below, Raelian emblems)


I was a Raelian for ten years of my life and I was put on a path coinciding with an agenda that is most commonly known as the "New World Order".

There is a new day dawning for the world, like Obama chanted in his election campaign, but it is a dawn where God is dead, and man becomes a machine whose soul has been replaced with an implant from the Verichip-corporation.

It is a future controlled by alien technology - yes alien! - it is alien to us, the people. The trinkets that we are given to play with are obsolete. The earth is dotted with underground bases, making it look like Swiss cheese. In these luxurious facilities, black budget money in the trillions is wasted on military projects that would appear as magic to any cashier or university professor.

The agenda of the Raelian Movement is strikingly similar to that of the globalists.

The cult itself might have been created to lead people in a certain direction. If the media is used for propaganda purposes, then why shouldn´t the religious communities be infiltrated and utilized as well?

This is just a theory of mine, and I can´t claim that this is the way things are, but I have gathered some tantalizing information from various sources that makes this claim look plausible.

In my book "The Masonic Messiah", which is really just a compilation of other peoples materials (the credit is not mine), I try to give some examples of why the Raelian Movement might be a pawn in the game for world control.

It is available online as a free e-book



28th April 2010, 07:22 AM
Slave mentality comes to mind.

Or more sumpathetically, some sort of new age jumble between Christianity, Atheism and Judeaism?

28th April 2010, 08:11 AM
Or the illuminati one world religion

21st May 2010, 05:34 AM
Here's Brigitte!


25th May 2010, 12:32 PM
This quote from Serpo's link seems to fit that video quite well:

The people need powerful and charismatic leaders to follow, and they are literally created or handpicked from the ruling elites own stock. These leaders are the Shepherds of the flock, and only to them will certain truths be revealed, so as to then be imparted at the right time to the greater bulk of the population. Truth has to be revealed only at certain times, when people are waking up to what is going on. However the truth, normally hidden from the public, will be exposed by the Shepherds in a manner that is spun of into mysteries or pure fantasy. This way the flock will wander in the direction pointed out by the Shepherd, even though it certainly is the wrong one.

It would seem they are attempting to bring the Christian control meme into the age of our new gods of science and technology. Updating God in the Heavens with a lab coat and test tubes.

Less a stretch than when reincarnation was all the rage for Christians.

Or perhaps a more incrementalist approach would be to see the Raelians as part of the long line of tainting worship of our creation with worship of our brothers who rule over us.


In June 325 the council opened and continued for two months, with Constantine attending. The bishops modified an existing creed to fit their purposes. The creed, with some changes made at a later fourth century council, is still given today in many churches. The Nicene Creed, as it came to be called, takes elaborate care by repeating several redundancies to identify the Son with the Father rather than with the creation:

"We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of his Father, of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father. By whom all things were made ... Who ... was incarnate and was made human ..."

Only two bishops, along with Arius, refused to sign the creed. Constantine banished them from the empire, while the other bishops went on to celebrate their unity in a great feast at the imperial palace.

The creed is much more than an affirmation of Jesus' divinity. It is also an affirmation of our separation from God and Christ. It takes great pains to describe Jesus as God in order to deny that he is part of God's creation. He is "begotten, not made," therefore totally separate from us, the created beings. As scholar George Leonard Prestige writes, the Nicene Creed's description of Jesus tells us "that the Son of God bears no resemblance to the ... creatures."

The description of Jesus as the only Son of God is carried forward in the Apostles' Creed, which is used in many Protestant churches today. It reads: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty... I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord." But even that language - calling Jesus God's only Son - denies that we can ever attain the sonship that Jesus did.