View Full Version : As I say that it will happen.......you?

27th April 2010, 12:05 PM
At one time I thought that what would happen in the US would happen over time but after reading and thinking more about it I have decided that it will happen all at once..........why?

Five years ago I had a carport that came down on my two cars because of the weight of the snow..........to me........the snow is the economy.......the carport is the government.......and the two cars are you and I.

The government is trying to hold up the economy as hard as they can but the weight of the same is so much that it will come down on us all at once.

What say you

27th April 2010, 12:25 PM
The slow suffocation of being buried alive, or the speed of the guillotine? I put my money on the guillotine.

It will probably happen fast, and in a manner much like 9.11. Some horrible economic event occurs, everyone panics, and the authorities unveil the already-made solution.

27th April 2010, 12:29 PM
I was at REI gear store the other Saturday in Arcadia, CA. So packed full of consumers you thought REI was going out of business, no special sales, no special day, just lots of customers and long lines.... So I think there are many large pockets of people in communities that have not felt the effects of a bad economy. They are working, living and spending like no tomorrow.

I just don't see it coming to a quick stop... it has been and continues to deteriorate, with some affected harder than others.

27th April 2010, 12:37 PM
If it will happen slolyyyyyyyy then why does the government already have troops in place all over the country?.......at DC they even have tank on railroad containers......

Why do I see (once in a while) healthy men with short hair cuts, military belts and military clean shoes in civies walking around?.........look how straight they walk, how they stand, how alert they always are..........

If it takes time that will give the general public time to get ready because they know that it will happen.........better to catch "most" everyone with their pants down.

27th April 2010, 01:02 PM

mick silver
27th April 2010, 01:05 PM
i have never heard it put that why but yes it could happen that fast . i have alway thought the same if it start it will come fast .... no slow burn it will be fast and hard ....like the new rabbit

mick silver
27th April 2010, 01:11 PM
dow down 220 maybe the put some gas on the fire

27th April 2010, 04:26 PM
If it will happen slolyyyyyyyy then why does the government already have troops in place all over the country?.......at DC they even have tank on railroad containers......

it creates jobs for the troops. who work to protect the entrenched position and corporate interests of the Soviet-ized RahmEmanuel-ized government.

sort of Obama style Fascism. a Corporate Police State, which actually reminds me a little of Robocop.


27th April 2010, 05:10 PM
The armed forces just got an increase in salary.........in the Latin Americans countries that happens just before something happens..... nothing is no longer for free.

27th April 2010, 06:13 PM
The snow has been accumulating for many years. Another inch or two and the supports will buckle.

27th April 2010, 06:20 PM
The morons & lobbyists who run Washington are probably trying to bolster the system as much as they can & are hopeful that 0bumhole's political capital will endure for a while. Meanwhile, they probably think that their nonsensical Keynesian approach will somehow produce positive results in spite of everything negative.

Allowing the free market to work would be too financially devastating for them and they're probably so desperate to bolster the economy by any financial means possible.

I think they're in deep denial and somehow delusional enough to think that all of the excessive money printing and borrowing will pay off at some point as well as being too arrogant to surrender any power whatsoever.

They've been so out-of-touch that their own arrogance and ignorance will eventually destroy not just themselves but the whole country.

It's a slow death and sooner or later it's going to come crashing down very soon.

General of Darkness
27th April 2010, 06:27 PM
The government wants this disaster to happen they've been behind it from day one. I'm just not sure what outcome they're expecting, but it will be probably be a global reduction of population by 30%.

27th April 2010, 06:29 PM
The government wants this disaster to happen they've been behind it from day one. I'm just not sure what outcome they're expecting, but it will be probably be a global reduction of population by 30%.

And a possible opportunity for major socializations of the economy.

27th April 2010, 06:41 PM
Right with you, Ponce.

Been there for quite some time, is why I made like a bat out hell L.V.

As Obama says, Everything is on the table....

27th April 2010, 06:42 PM
Remember that when they make big moves they are at their most vulnerable.

27th April 2010, 06:46 PM
As Obama says, Everything is on the table....

Sorry for that... :CS

27th April 2010, 07:30 PM
I used to believe it would happen very fast so I prepared for it. But now I think it will be a slow process, and in fact I think we are in it right now, most of us just haven't realized it yet.

27th April 2010, 08:00 PM
I used to believe it would happen very fast so I prepared for it. But now I think it will be a slow process, and in fact I think we are in it right now, most of us just haven't realized it yet.

You got my gears turning. I stand by my earlier comments, but your comment reminds me that when one is actually experiencing history firsthand, it may seem incredibly slower or faster than one would expect, and incredibly different from how posterity may remember it. Strange it is to be experiencing such a turning point in history here and now.

27th April 2010, 08:01 PM
OK Mr. os...........let's see who is right......you or I, all that we need is another make believe 9/11 to close everthing down.............................FAST.

27th April 2010, 08:09 PM
OK Mr. os...........let's see who is right......you or I, all that we need is another make believe 9/11 to close everthing down.............................FAST.

That would be Ms. K to you. Mr. os if you're really nasty. :-)

And you are absolutely right, another event like that would certainly do it, but I don't see it. Not like I am an oracle or anything.

27th April 2010, 08:17 PM
I agree with k-os. Seems like one drawn out slow burn to me. I just can't envision very many "collapse" scenarios that would allow TPTB to get away with as much of our money as they currently are. I think they're going to squeeze us for every last penny they possibly can before they allow a full "collapse". They aren't done with us yet.

27th April 2010, 10:38 PM
Ms K.......what a pleasent sight for this old man, a beautiful lady to answer my statement........are you single? (damn Cuban lovers) hahahahaahahahah.

drafter?........they will continued to play their games by increasing the taxes in any way that they can but even WTSHTF that will not stop.......and that's the way that it will be.

27th April 2010, 10:47 PM
When the music stops nobody will have a seat.

27th April 2010, 11:01 PM
When the music stops nobody will have a seat.

What about when the ideas on the net catch wildfire? You said before that the whole world would wake up to the stench of taxes and fiat money. Or maybe I was the one who was just hoping?

I think the sooner everyone faces the facts the sooner we can form a base position. A postion around the root causes and not even looking in the direction of the symptoms.

The facts are clear, the silver has been removed from the coin around the globe. Only one remaining middle class is legally armed and they're falling quickly to the bottom class. History has been very clear as to how these things turn out in the end. The slow end, the fast end? So what? The end is pretty much the same.

People need to first come to grips with reality, just like hope, denial of the facts is not a strategy. Plan A has never worked and plan B doesn't even have a definition. Once you can get beyond the matrix, you have a chance, until then you can forget it, slow or fast is going to be only relative.

27th April 2010, 11:07 PM
You said before that the whole world would wake up to the stench of taxes and fiat money.

That must have been Ponce, not me.

I have always thought in today's age of fast communication the plug will be pulled quickly, once the proper stops have been put in place.

I imagine it will be right after they pass a law to "reform" things.

27th April 2010, 11:12 PM
Mua? sorry Horn, it waesn't me.

By the way, I am with you in what you posted.

28th April 2010, 01:24 PM
I've always been in the "slow erosion" camp. It started a century ago, with big down waves in the 1930's, 1970's, and I suspect the 2010's.

All efforts are to slow it down, not prevent it. So that's what will happen.

28th April 2010, 01:30 PM
You can only stop a car, by hand, from going down hill only for so long.... and once you loose your grip........is goneeeeeee.

28th April 2010, 06:57 PM
You can only stop a car, by hand, from going down hill only for so long.... and once you loose your grip........is goneeeeeee.

The grip is goneee alreadyeee.

So get a grip, and get this: Most Everybody in this world is already under half-slavery, the road to full-slavery could take some time still, but it's baked in and we'll get there sooner or later.

You want proof, then try to get out from under the current half-slavery situation of today, you can't can you? Critical mass has been reached, everybody has already lost half of everything, the battle over the last half will be a much more difficult one than anybody believes. You do understand the rules of no limit poker and when one player has over half the chips don't you?

28th April 2010, 07:07 PM
The way that I like to think about this is.......you already hit your hand with the hammer and now you are just waiting for the pain to reach your brain.