View Full Version : Why western analysts and pundits don't understand gold

Black Blade
28th April 2010, 05:01 AM
Much of the problem for American financial analysts is that they are restrained by their limited world view. They simply do not or can not see beyond the financial borders of New York City and London. The world is a much bigger place and while they do not understand why people invest or use gold as a financial instrument, the truth is that among the other 6 Billion people (and growing) of the world, gold is and always has been a value of exchange. For anyone who has visited, lived or worked as an expat in Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East, we can assure everyone here in the west that currencies are generally distrusted or even dispised.


Local artesenal miners in Northern Myanmar

The clarity of it all for me came to bear when I worked on precious and base metals exploration and development projects in the jungles, mountains, high altitude deserts and remote villages of Myanmar, Laos, Colombia, Peru and Zambia. In every case I would find people working from sun up to sundown struggling to eek out a few flakes or a rice-grain size nugget of gold to feed themselves and their families for another day. Meanwhile, I would hire workers for remote camps and often would board local (and scary) airlines with large bundles of currency wrapped in plastic "Hefty" garbage bags to pay off local officials, military personnel and hire locals for trenching. drilling and grass-roots outcrop and stream sediment sampling. However, in nearly every case when the workday ended or there was a break, they would diligently search for gold to spend for their needs although they had "currency" in their posession.


Geophysical (Aeromag-Areograv)

The financial analysts of New York and London will never understand this and the underlying true concept of money - the 6,000 year-old interaction of the value between physical effort-work and precious metals will always elude them and the reasons of why many of the great civilizations of the world were built and had a solid foundation based on the search for and the posession of gold. Yet these "learned men" of finance can't connect the dots between the devaluation of the US dollar once it was delinked from the backing of silver and gold. So don't be surprised that the western-centric "guests" on CNBC are clueless. They simply do not have the benefit of global experiences with "real people" in the "real world" where over 80% of the world's population resides, where paper currencies have always failed, and precious metals have always held value.


Burmese Family of "Hydraulic Miners" Pihinga Complex

On the flip side we get to take advantage of their ignorance and accumulate physical silver and gold with ever "cheaper" devalued dollars as Washington DC and Wall Street conspire to cheat the people with unbridled spending and currency creation. Personally, I keep a minimum of a third of my investment portfolio in precious metals. Should be some "Interesting Times" ahead.

- Black Blade

Saul Mine
28th April 2010, 05:58 AM
They understand just fine, but they are in a different business: the wheeler-dealer business. That is a lot like show business, in that the show must go on, and you are only as good as your last performance. Truth has nothing to do with it, and honesty is just part of the show. Gold just doesn't pay. Not for wheeler-dealers it doesn't.