View Full Version : Who will police the police? This should be fun . . .

28th April 2010, 08:41 AM
The police officers union will be protesting outside the opening night of a very crowded local music festival tonight.

It should be interesting, but I hope they don't mess with the entertainment . . . I am going to SunFest to see Weezer!

Not exactly sure what their protest is all about? Reckless spending in our local government? I wish! I bet their signs will try to make it appear that way. But more accurately (and more greedy) is the fact that the West Palm Beach City Council rejected their proposal for a 5% pay increase. I mean, really, who in the private sector is getting a 5% pay increase during these economic times?

This event is the event of the year for West Palm Beach. It's their greatest single revenue producing event, and the pride and joy of the Council members. This is not going to make for good negotiations in the future.

Story here (http://blogs.palmbeachpost.com/westpalmbeat/2010/04/police-release-details-of-operation-sunfest-beginning-today-at-5pm/)

28th April 2010, 08:52 AM
Take a sign and protest the protesters... "Get a Real Job!!!"

28th April 2010, 09:06 AM
That's a good idea.

I don't mind people protesting, making their voices heard, etc. But this feels more like intimidation to me, considering WPB police are the security for the event itself. You know how you shouldn't be a jerk to your waiter because of what he might do to your soup? It's like that, but worse.

Large Sarge
28th April 2010, 01:02 PM
I am in N. Georgia, but I get all the atlanta tv channels.

Atlanta is on the verge of bankruptcy, not so shocking to this group, but the real culprit is all the city pensions (mainly police and fire)

the pensions are draining more than taxes/revenue bring in, atlanta is already underwater.

a lot of the cops/firemen here are just beginning to smell the smoke, seen some union leaders on TV "pensions are sacred" (blah blah)

I expect in a few months we will have police protesting here also.

I wonder if thats what is going on in your area??

28th April 2010, 01:06 PM
"Free" TV won't be free for much longer.........as everything else.

28th April 2010, 01:40 PM
I guess police can protest too. I have a couple friends who got exactly 5% raises this year, (more like 4.95784 etc to be exact) The way I look at it is that this is what workers deserve to keep place with inflation. It isn't a raise, it's just enough to keep your purchasing power as it was before perhaps. I have fallen out of interest with the economic news so I don't know what the inflation rates have been.

Since the police are protesting shouldn't there be an armed group of civilians around to make sure this all doesn't get out of line? Do these police protesters have their protest permits? Will they be carrying while protesting? Will they arrest those who step on their toes at all? Free speech is great but people seem to think that the freedom of speech means that no one can disagree.

I say this is a good thing, let this police force show their weakness to the public. A raise, what freaking raise? I can join the force with a HS diploma and end up making 30,000 a year here after doing the BS training which is what I basically do on my own any way, (stuff like gun care/target practice, martial arts training (perhaps) basic getting in shape stuff, and testing clean) all on the taxpayers dime.

Oh, and something I saw today, I was at my favorite local chinese buffet eating some ss chicken and crab rangoon when I noticed that these two fat men in ties were actually police officers. I noticed this because all they did was talk about tasing people. There experiences with it, and how much they liked it. Give these men raises!!!! :sarc:

28th April 2010, 04:03 PM
Wouldn't it be funny as hell if a few "Agent Provocateurs" joined them just like the police love to do with everybody elses protests? I can see it now, a few acts of mayhem :o Blame it all on those violent police protesters ;D

28th April 2010, 04:09 PM
We expect pictures, just like your good reporting on your local TEA party :)

28th April 2010, 05:14 PM
Wouldn't it be funny as hell if a few "Agent Provocateurs" joined them just like the police love to do with everybody elses protests? I can see it now, a few acts of mayhem :o Blame it all on those violent police protesters ;D

Even better, rather than provoke violence, the provocateurs could be gay boys in uniform having a make out love and grope fest in front of the camera's.

That might repulse the most ardent neocon law and order fanatics and the cops would probably join in.

28th April 2010, 08:05 PM
Wouldn't it be funny as hell if a few "Agent Provocateurs" joined them just like the police love to do with everybody elses protests? I can see it now, a few acts of mayhem :o Blame it all on those violent police protesters ;D

Even better, rather than provoke violence, the provocateurs could be gay boys in uniform having a make out love and grope fest in front of the camera's.

That might repulse the most ardent neocon law and order fanatics and the cops would probably join in.

Good one. I can picture the cop from the Village People leading a YMCA singalong ;D

28th April 2010, 09:23 PM
UPDATE: Weezer is awesome. OK, that might not be an update, but it is true.

RE: the protesters . . .

The protesters were the worst protesters that I have ever seen or heard of in my life. They didn't even bother to *wave* their signs. They held them chest high and stood there. That's it. The only memorable sign was "First to respond, last to get paid." I am not even sure if it is memorable, but I remembered it, so that says something.

And, all of their signs were mass produced. You could tell that their union handed them out, instead of being heart-felt and made by someone with an actual voice. I like the hand-written ones. The ones that were born of a rebels heart. There were none. They may as well have picked these signs up at K-Mart, or whatever.

Anyway, that's my update. Nothing to see here . . . literally . . .move along.

28th April 2010, 09:28 PM

28th April 2010, 09:28 PM
UPDATE: Weezer is awesome. OK, that might not be an update, but it is true.

RE: the protesters . . .

The protesters were the worst protesters that I have ever seen or heard of in my life. They didn't even bother to *wave* their signs. They held them chest high and stood there. That's it. The only memorable sign was "First to respond, last to get paid." I am not even sure if it is memorable, but I remembered it, so that says something.

And, all of their signs were mass produced. You could tell that their union handed them out, instead of being heart-felt and made by someone with an actual voice. I like the hand-written ones. The ones that were born of a rebels heart. There were none. They may as well have picked these signs up at K-Mart, or whatever.

Anyway, that's my update. Nothing to see here . . . literally . . .move along.

you are correct about weezer

;D ;D ;D

Saul Mine
28th April 2010, 09:56 PM
Maybe a gang of ninja suited flower children will show up and beat the snot out of them, taze them a few times, and then throw them in jail.

28th April 2010, 10:14 PM
Maybe a gang of ninja suited flower children will show up and beat the snot out of them, taze them a few times, and then throw them in jail.

we can only hope!