View Full Version : Little ways to starve the beast

28th April 2010, 09:26 AM
So the big ways in which we can starve the beast are to owe no debts, avoid/reduce taxes, expatriate, bartering, etc.

For some, either they're already doing them, or maybe some of those options are not realistic and/or not desirable at this time. I was trying to think of other small ways to starve the beast, and this is what I came up with:

1) don't buy stuff, but if you have to
2) shop at locally owned stores when possible
3) grow/raise food, but if you dine out occasionally
4) eat at locally owned restaurants
5) pay tips in cash
6) pay contractors in cash

I know that there are many other small ways that we can all begin to or continue to starve the beast. Let's hear 'em.

28th April 2010, 10:24 AM
Good thread and ideas.

Always work for yourself. The little expenses that are not deductable when you work for someone else become deductable when your self employed.

Learn how to do things yourself, especially around the house.

Live as close to a self sufficient lifestyle as possible. Ties in with what you've already posted.

Buy and sell on Craigslist whenever possible and avoid the sales tax

Set up a water collection system if you can , especially for your gardens. No reason to pay into the water system when you can get it for free

If you do work for someone else then figure your tax burden out so you owe a little bit at the end of the year. Why let the Gov have an interest free loan all year long. Forget trying to get a big fat check back every year. Not only are you loaning the gov money interest free but they are also devaluing your dollar all year long so its a double hit. If you owe them 500-1000 at the end of the year its a much better alternative.

Barter whenever possible.

Have some old stuff to get rid of? Put it on CL and offer it up for a trade.

Get to know a local organic farmer if your not able to grow your own. Offer to work around the farm a few days a month in trade for some food. If they dont need help then offer cash for a discount. If no discount available shop around but always pay cash regardless. Never imply that they dont need to pay the tax on it, most farmers are smarter than you think and what they do with the money after you pay em is their business.

Grow a little weed or brew a little beer, makes for great barter items.

If your good at something then start a small business on the side on weekends and only accept cash. No law against working for cash. By doing this you encourage people to use cash more as well and make it harder for them to ever implement a cashless society.

28th April 2010, 10:32 AM
Good posts, almost verbatim in how I run the course of my life. Keep as much cash out of the system as possible and do for yourself as much as possible.

28th April 2010, 10:37 AM
pay EVERYWHERE in cash. Saves every merchant 3% or more, that's the fee that goes to banksters.

that also messes up their data mining. all they see now on my statements is that I am withdrawing and occasionally depositing good amounts of cash. helps me out if I need to sell gold coins, for instance (oh, I've lost these in unfortunate boating accident, but just in case...)

start a small business

28th April 2010, 10:40 AM
Arnold raised our taxes twice in 2009. After the first time, I stopped buying retail.. Everything is cash to very local stores and cash bartering, or other ways....

This will not stand....

I'm saying they lost sales tax on at least $10,000.00 retail purchases just from me.... all because of their own greed... we gotta starve the beast

28th April 2010, 10:41 AM
I've tried to deal in cash as much as possible. Not only does using cash stop the banks from making money off us, it also prevents the government from tracking every misc. purchase we make. I think that if the governments idea of a VAT or national sales tax ever takes off, you'll see an explosion in bartering and "craigslist" type cash transactions.

Twisted Titan
28th April 2010, 10:44 AM
pay EVERYWHERE in cash. Saves every merchant 3% or more, that's the fee that goes to banksters.

[b]that also messes up their data mining. all they see now on my statements is that I am withdrawing and occasionally depositing good amounts of cash.

That is the biggie

By paying cash you keep your movements private.

God forbid you get investigated a CC purchase can hang your @$$ out to dry as you've been time stamped.

forget those "reward points"

Collect " Freedom points"


28th April 2010, 10:57 AM
A customer told me that his credit card company jacked his rate up because he was buying booze and they had traced it to my store. WTF? Cash/gold/silver/barter/undergound economy is fine with me!

28th April 2010, 10:59 AM
If only they'd let you start another currency in your town, that'd be a biggie though...

28th April 2010, 11:09 AM
Starve the beast...

I stopped paying a credit card a while back (6 mos) due to unexpected financial issues. I tried working their deal but still couldn't keep up and stopped. I got a call yesterday with an offer.... I owe 9.5Kish the offer was 2500 within 4 months but I need to start this before the 30th when they are writing it off and sending it to another agency. I explained the offer was fantastic but I am in no real way able to make these large payments, we did a short financial analysis for the record to determine which "agency" this will go to.

Next stop, 3rd party collections. Bankers are done with it and credited as paid in full. Needless to say I don't have stellar credit anymore but it doesn't matter because I cant afford credit anyways.

Lets see ho much flaming I get on this forum :fish

28th April 2010, 01:38 PM
Pay contractors in cash ONLY if they wave the tax.

To do otherwise, would raise the tax burden or deficit burden disproportionately back on you, and less so on the contractor.

One hand washes the other, or both hands share the dirt.

28th April 2010, 01:44 PM
Do not keep money in the bank. It just allows them to perpetuate their pyramid counterfeiting scheme. If you use a checking account, deposit the money as you write the checks.

28th April 2010, 01:57 PM
Although this is not quite germane to this thread, the single best thing we can do outside of our own family is to be good neighbors. I take in the neighbors empty trash cans and help with snow removal. Smiling, saying hello and helping out when you see the need and have the time are musts.

Good neighbors are worth more than gold & silver! And on the other hand the neighbor from hell, can make life hell!

I'm very fortunate to have great neighbors.

28th April 2010, 02:23 PM
Don't buy a single thing from a corporation, unless you are going to default on the payment of it, deal only with people who you are sure will not pay taxes on the income you provided them with. Get in a line of business where it is unlikely that IRS will be able to trace your dealings. Pay no taxes, don't get a permit. Produce/grow as much of your needs as possible yourselves. Don't keep money in a bank account, buy gold and silver cash.

old steel
28th April 2010, 02:30 PM
How about we track the beast down kill it then we don't have to starve it.

28th April 2010, 03:03 PM
How about we track the beast down kill it then we don't have to starve it.

It will kill you way before you kill it, that is why.... Starve it sufficiently then you have a chance!

28th April 2010, 03:07 PM
How about we track the beast down kill it then we don't have to starve it.

How would we know if the next beast would be any more benevolent than what we have now? And you know the saying about living by the sword, dying by the sword. And you never could be quite sure that in fact you are slaying the right beast to begin with.

Back to the drawing board.

28th April 2010, 03:21 PM
How about we track the beast down kill it then we don't have to starve it.

A better question, is how will we avoid getting eaten by the starved beast? :taunt:

Ponce, probably has that answered...assorted trip wires, laser centuries and the likes.

28th April 2010, 05:07 PM
This thread reminds me of Solaris... http://solari.com/

28th April 2010, 05:51 PM
This is a great thread - lots of good ideas

I wanted to expand on the "don't leave your money in the bank" idea - leaving money in a checking/savings account allows banks to do fractional reserve lending and feeds the beast.

Here's my method - every payday, I do what I call a "sweep" - the very day a direct deposit comes in, I use online billpay to pay all the bills that have come in since the last pay day (we use a credit card for online purchases only, and I pay the balance on that card every payday). Then I take out all the cash we'll need until the next payday, and the remaining balance gets wired for PM purchases.

This works to starve the beast, and helps protect us in case of a bank holiday.

28th April 2010, 06:29 PM
1. Fight your traffic tickets. Yeah it's a favorite of mine.

2. Get a discount for paying cash, don't just ask for it. If I'm buying something big what I do is ask what the price is if I pay cash. If the price doesn't go down, I tuck my envelope back into my pocket and whip out my visa card, as it will cost them 3%. Sometimes they change their tune.

3. Demand to deal with people instead of machines. The merchandise isn't gonna get any cheaper if you use the self checkout, so you may as well make sure they're employing people locally. When they put the self-checkouts in, they reduce the staff so that there will be lineups for the humans and more people will use the self-checkouts. Go to the humans anyway, complain about the lines. Same thing at the bank... go to the tellers instead of the ATM. They're often cute as hell, so you get to see cleavage and you're keeping someone working.

4. Take everything. Maximize your tax return, don't get lazy and let something go. If you are 'entitled' to something from the gov, then take it. I'm actually really bad at this, to often I think "is it worth the bother" and I decide it's not. I could get a few bucks back for my old car licence plates but I never bother. I know I should though, we all should, if it's gov money then it's worth the bother just to say FU.

28th April 2010, 06:32 PM
Cash, cash, cash
And don't forget to ask for a discount when paying with cash.
Many businesses cram cash right into their pocket after you walk out the door.
Everyone wins!
Only patronize America first businesses.

28th April 2010, 07:56 PM
4. Take everything. Maximize your tax return, don't get lazy and let something go. If you are 'entitled' to something from the gov, then take it. I'm actually really bad at this, to often I think "is it worth the bother" and I decide it's not. I could get a few bucks back for my old car licence plates but I never bother. I know I should though, we all should, if it's gov money then it's worth the bother just to say FU.

I consider every dime I keep from the govt. a win. I have no problems paying an accountant high fees to keep money out of the government. I'd much rather employ that accountant directly than feed the gov.

28th April 2010, 08:18 PM
Solari is the site of Catherine Austin Fitts. Her most basic premise is strong local, community banking systems. After discovering her and reading about her background, I researched every community bank in my region and found one that I can feel comfortable with for everyday checking, savings, etc. She has also appeared as a guest on the usual alternative radio shows. Check it out.

28th April 2010, 08:45 PM
Paying bills with MO's works great, they get posted immediately not having to clear like regular checks. For the small fee of .89 ya never have to think about being over drawn and paying the bank their outrageous penalties.

28th April 2010, 09:21 PM
Paying bills with MO's works great, they get posted immediately not having to clear like regular checks. For the small fee of .89 ya never have to think about being over drawn and paying the bank their outrageous penalties.

I think banks have been playing with posting deposits on time.
I believe they purposely post them late and withdraw the large billing amounts first allowing them to maximize over-draught fees on several small billing amounts.
They are scum!

28th April 2010, 09:25 PM
I think banks have been playing with posting deposits on time.
I believe they purposely post them late and withdraw the large billing amounts first allowing them to maximize over-draught fees on several small billing amounts.
They are scum!

I think that is indeed a fact . . . they cash the big ones to put you in the overdraft area, then charge you for maximum overdraft on the smaller ones. I believe this has been going on for a decade. At least.

28th April 2010, 09:26 PM
"Scum" is almost too nice for those assholes. I read somewhere the billions of dollars in fees that were the result of overdrafts, no wonder they like that scam.

Saul Mine
28th April 2010, 09:27 PM
Learn the local driving laws and follow them: when to slow down, no cell phone, etc.

28th April 2010, 09:29 PM
Learn the local driving laws and follow them: when to slow down, no cell phone, etc.

Excellent point and outside of the box . . . exactly what I wanted. I do this already (drive like an old lady), but it is very good advice for people who would otherwise be paying fines and fees. Great way to starve the beast!

28th April 2010, 09:49 PM
Learn the local driving laws and follow them: when to slow down, no cell phone, etc.

Excellent point and outside of the box . . . exactly what I wanted. I do this already (drive like an old lady), but it is very good advice for people who would otherwise be paying fines and fees. Great way to starve the beast!

With so many photo revenue collection devices out there, combined with corporate revenue collectors hiding at the bottom of hills...it makes me wonder why anyone buys performance cars anymore? They have become useless to own, but very useful for revenue collections.

29th April 2010, 06:33 PM
I just cant think of any reason to ever use a bank.

A great place to do a FTF sale for a lot of cash. Much safer than your home or a motel room. ;)

Then again, that is outside of the normal use of a bank.

I'm merely borrowing their security. :D

1st May 2010, 11:43 PM
Shop at mom and pop stores... instead of the big guys... buy gasoline from your local independent station... even if you pay more, the beast eats less

1970 Silver Art
2nd May 2010, 04:16 AM
Paying bills with MO's works great, they get posted immediately not having to clear like regular checks. For the small fee of .89 ya never have to think about being over drawn and paying the bank their outrageous penalties.

I think banks have been playing with posting deposits on time.
I believe they purposely post them late and withdraw the large billing amounts first allowing them to maximize over-draught fees on several small billing amounts.
They are scum!

Yeah that seems to be true with my bank too even when I make a cash deposit into my checking account. I wait a day or two to pay any bills online once I verify that the deposit is indeed in my checking account.

Korbin Dallas
2nd May 2010, 02:51 PM
Stop giving money to Hollywood. Don't pay to see movies. 90 % of the entertainment business is part of the problem, Wealthy hypocrites like Harrison Ford and Al Gore. Find cheap entertainment-- books, hikes, cookouts, etc..

2nd May 2010, 03:17 PM
Here's something I want you guys to do for me.
Ya know all those stores and businesses that ask for your phone number or discount card, even though you are paying cash...DON"T USE THE CARDS OR GIVE THEM YOUR REAL NAME AND NUMBER!
Forgo the small discounts to remain anonomous.
The hardest place you will have doing this is the grocery store, because the club discount can be substantial.
This is an evil plot to control you.
That is all!

2nd May 2010, 04:28 PM
Bank of America Visa Card - good bye.

they charged me a service fee each month for not using it. it was so worth it to have them out of my life. official credit card of the 2010 Olympic games ? official Usurer of the 2010 Olympic games ?

Bank of America - good bye.

+ pay cash for doctor appointments and shop hard for a good affordable dentist.

i figured out that each Sierra Mist (I LOVE SIERRA MIST !! ) was costing me about $4 in dental care. i stopped with the Sierra Mist and the Mug Root Beer on October 28, 2008 - a week before Obama was elected. haven't had a soda since.

i had one dentist who tried to sell me 4 $300 "deep scaling" sessions - $1200.

i had my teeth cleaned at a dental school. very thorough very good. $70 for exam and cleaning.

then i spent $2000 on 18 appointments because i had about 8 cavities and 1 1/2 crowns. that's what gave me the motivation to stop drinking soft drinks.

i think in general, minimizing the number of contracts that you have with American corporations is a good idea. none of them exist for your benefit or have had you sign a contract for your benefit.

i think the basic guideline to remember is, corporate America = organized crime.

i have a non-corporate landlord - my landlord is a retired contractor who built the building i live in. it is so much better dealing with a person - especially if you can do little things that make their job easier, you build a case for little things like not raising your rent.

1970 Silver Art
2nd May 2010, 04:45 PM
I will get on my knees and confess to the GSUS community that I continue to feed the Wal-Mart beast and will continue to feed the Wal-Mart beast for a while longer but I pay cash for all of my purchases.

2nd May 2010, 06:06 PM
I will get on my knees and confess to the GSUS community that I continue to feed the Wal-Mart beast and will continue to feed the Wal-Mart beast for a while longer but I pay cash for all of my purchases.

No!!!! Josey, boycott walmart, with hand and fist!

Walmart....grrrrr, is responsible for the death of small business and small towns. They have not only destroyed lives, but destroyed whole towns in the process. Small business, is what we need to bring back. Mom and Pop shops. Walmart is evil. Research it, they are. Pay a little more at your local shop, or barter with your neighbors.

Actions count, each one of our choices....counts. Even a little.

Walmart, is one beast, I love to starve...just wish most folks would.

Korbin Dallas
2nd May 2010, 06:19 PM
Here's something I want you guys to do for me.
Ya know all those stores and businesses that ask for your phone number or discount card, even though you are paying cash...DON"T USE THE CARDS OR GIVE THEM YOUR REAL NAME AND NUMBER!

I agree, give them a fake name, address, phone number, but get the stupid club card, and us the hell out of it. Don't let those bastards squeeze more money out of you just because you didn't "join" their little club. Hell, Jack Mehoff (The name I gave Vons) gets a free sandwich about once a month at the Vons by my office.

It was funny the time I didn't have my card with me, and the cashier asked for my phone number. I couldn't remember the fake number I gave, so I told her I just moved. She scanned her card for me, and I got the savings anyway.

2nd May 2010, 06:25 PM
This is a Great Thread!

I think most of you have hit the nail on the head with Cash, Cash, Cash. I not only insist on a cash discount, I refer customers for a discount kick-back. Think about it. If we all knew the best dentist that gives a cash discount shouldn't we all stick together? Keep the circle going amongst your like-minded friends. Same with any other transactions: car repairs, new cabinets, drive-way grading, heat/air repairs, printing . . . always try to deal direct with the "owner".

1970 Silver Art
2nd May 2010, 06:28 PM
I will get on my knees and confess to the GSUS community that I continue to feed the Wal-Mart beast and will continue to feed the Wal-Mart beast for a while longer but I pay cash for all of my purchases.

No!!!! Josey, boycott walmart, with hand and fist!

Walmart....grrrrr, is responsible for the death of small business and small towns. They have not only destroyed lives, but destroyed whole towns in the process. Small business, is what we need to bring back. Mom and Pop shops. Walmart is evil. Research it, they are. Pay a little more at your local shop, or barter with your neighbors.

Actions count, each one of our choices....counts. Even a little.

Walmart, is one beast, I love to starve...just wish most folks would.

I am going to try my best to boycott Walmart but it will not be easy because I am used to going to Walmart to get my groceries, and to buy other goods in one location. I hope that I will eventually become sucessful in boycotting Walmart. I seem to see one everywhere I go in my city.

Korbin Dallas
3rd May 2010, 11:32 AM
Oh, I almost forgot. The best part about giving a fake name, is when the cashier thanks you by name. Hearing "You saved 2 dollars today, thank you Mr. Mehoff" is a riot. I should get creative and sign up with some outrageous name like Titlover or something like that. ;D

3rd May 2010, 11:36 AM
How about buying used items, as in from a thrift store? I know that I still pay tax on those items, but the big corps are not making any money off of that purchase, at least.

Obviously better than that would be garage sales, but you have go to be dedicated to do garage saleing around here.

3rd May 2010, 11:38 AM
Oh, I almost forgot. The best part about giving a fake name, is when the cashier thanks you by name. Hearing "You saved 2 dollars today, thank you Mr. Mehoff" is a riot. I should get creative and sign up with some outrageous name like Titlover or something like that. ;D

I smile every time I hear "Thank you, Mr. Olmstein". LOL

3rd May 2010, 11:50 AM
Learn the local driving laws and follow them: when to slow down, no cell phone, etc.

I don't really agree as once revenue drops they'll put in more laws.

City just south of here needed some more cash so they put in laws about the height of grass and they want you to get a permit to take photos in the parks and are just tossing around random tickets. If there's a fire hydrant within a mile of your car they'll ticket you for parking in front of it.

If you really want to hurt them you have to fight the tickets, puts them in a position where more tickets = less revenue so they become less likely to hand them out like flyers.