View Full Version : MarketNeutral - He's left the building.

28th April 2010, 12:41 PM
Good people,

We've lost a great member today - and been given something to reflect upon.
The day before yesterday, we got an incoming account deletion request from MarketNeutral. This was somewhat shocking to the site owner and mods, as he has been a prolific poster of news articles and has participated in many thread discussions. We attempted to contact him through other members who knew how to reach him via email, but to no effect. His account deletion concluded today.

Apparently, this was due to personal attacks against MarketNeutral in threads, it appears that he decided he did not want to continue here among people who would not respect or consider his point of view, and just wanted to throw insults instead.

You will be missed, MarketNeutral - best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
As for us, this is a sad day for the forum - and a time that some of us might want to reflect on Rule #1, and why it exists.


28th April 2010, 12:49 PM
"You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into."

But MarketNeutral sure did try, only to set himself up for disappointment.

28th April 2010, 12:52 PM
Market Neutral is my favorite poster.
I can't believe anyone would attack him.

His departure makes me reconsider my participation here.
I guess I'll have to review the threads, very sorry to see you go MN.


28th April 2010, 12:54 PM
I'm sure it's because of me. Blame me if you want. :) I don't mind.

He called me a police state shill and neocon and I called him a liberal commie prima donna. He's like 7'1" tall, but he's a delicate little flower.

28th April 2010, 12:55 PM
I have mixed feelings about this... I did notice he was gone last night and wondered what happened. ???

I did enjoy his insight and reflection, but many of his posts simply linked to current news stories reminded me of that irritating news spider on GIM....

Many of those posts I had to wade through to get to the interesting stories written and posted by members.

28th April 2010, 12:56 PM
Exactly. And now this drama. He's left in a huff from every forum I've seen him on. No problem. I'll keep bringing interesting stories to the forum and others will just have to pick up the yoke and pull if they want it.

28th April 2010, 12:57 PM
Darn, now I will have to work harder........but.......I'll never be up to his standards of posting, he knew what to look for >:(

Large Sarge
28th April 2010, 12:58 PM
I am so sorry to see him go

Great Guy.

We lost a real gem there

good luck MN with whatever/whereever you go

Nomen luni
28th April 2010, 12:58 PM
This is a real shame. I would much rather that imbecile Philo had been shown the door. The dullard has cost this site dearly.

28th April 2010, 12:59 PM
Here we go again. ::)

28th April 2010, 01:01 PM
He did the same thing at GIM back in late 2007/ early 2008, except he convinced G-Kahn to delete all his posts, which also had the effect of deleting all the other posts in all the threads he started.

Always struck me as a bit selfishand thin skinned.

28th April 2010, 01:01 PM
I'm so glad we have a forum where we can say anything we want.

28th April 2010, 01:02 PM
I knew he would, I called it four or five days ago.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 01:07 PM
Good people,

We've lost a great member today - and been given something to reflect upon.
The day before yesterday, we got an incoming account deletion request from MarketNeutral. This was somewhat shocking to the site owner and mods, as he has been a prolific poster of news articles and has participated in many thread discussions. We attempted to contact him through other members who knew how to reach him via email, but to no effect. His account deletion concluded today.

Apparently, this was due to personal attacks against MarketNeutral in threads, it appears that he decided he did not want to continue here among people who would not respect or consider his point of view, and just wanted to throw insults instead.

You will be missed, MarketNeutral - best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
As for us, this is a sad day for the forum - and a time that some of us might want to reflect on Rule #1, and why it exists.

Gaillo, the one thing I can tell you, inspite of my gruff posting style, I can smell insincerity a mile away. Marketnotneutral always does this. Now he wants you to feel that an 'important' member has been lost, and then go looking for someone to blame. Not buying it none bit.

28th April 2010, 01:09 PM
Yes sad to see him go, but he did this at GIM as well... Giant stars and large bonfires burn themselves out quickly... Hope to see ya again supernova!

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 01:10 PM
I am so sorry to see him go

Great Guy.

We lost a real gem there

good luck MN with whatever/whereever you go

Sarge, Karl Rove, Judge Napoolitano and Obama all just came out with the same position notneutral has been pushing here. You didn;t get the memo?

28th April 2010, 01:13 PM
This is a big net loss to the forum - Market is a one-man News Bureau.

I suspect the Arizona immigration issue precipitated this move. I didn't agree with his insistence on absolute unfettered freedom for Arizona residents, illegal or not; but, I support his stance in spirit and principle as at my core I am a Libertarian and absolutely loathe government meddling and IDing of citizens. But, we live in the real world and there are a lot of folk on the street who are not deserving of the privilege of being an American citizen.

28th April 2010, 01:13 PM
Sorry to hear that. I did like his posts and enjoyed is ever changing avatars. Oh well.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 01:14 PM
This is a real shame. I would much rather that imbecile Philo had been shown the door. The dullard has cost this site dearly.
: The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honour you can bestow on him. It means that you recognise his superiority to yourself.-Joe Sobran

28th April 2010, 01:15 PM
Sorry to see you go MN. I'll welcome you back anytime. Though I did morn the loss of my posts when you left GIM1, but that is sure water under the bridge now.


28th April 2010, 01:23 PM
MarketNeutral was the reason I got hooked on reading GIM1 on a regular basis...

too bad he doesn't have thicker skin....

Dirty Harry
28th April 2010, 01:28 PM
I'll agree he was a prolific poster. He had some good threads and some that were not so much. He sure seemed to be one of those guys who has the majority number of posts in his own threads though.

I think the good doctor is right in stating it was probably the Arizona issue that hastened his exodus.

But all in all, it's nice to not have to scroll a page and a half to see someone else post a thread. Just sayin'.

28th April 2010, 01:39 PM
Despite any differences he had, I still find it saddening that he left.

Oh well.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 01:48 PM
Despite any differences he had, I still find it saddening that he left.

Oh well.
Thats what he wants.
Making an announcement is an attention grabbing play.

Large Sarge
28th April 2010, 01:51 PM
This is a big net loss to the forum - Market is a one-man News Bureau.

I suspect the Arizona immigration issue precipitated this move. I didn't agree with his insistence on absolute unfettered freedom for Arizona residents, illegal or not; but, I support his stance in spirit and principle as at my core I am a Libertarian and absolutely loathe government meddling and IDing of citizens. But, we live in the real world and there are a lot of folk on the street who are not deserving of the privilege of being an American citizen.

I tried to deal with that issue, by explaining you need to remove the "free lunch" (including payroll taxes, free school, lunches, breakfast, etc) and legalize all the drugs

that will solve the illegal immigration problem, and employers will not have any real incentive to hire illegals

Employers hate all the B.S. (taxes, etc)

if you can pay some guy 1/2 what you normally pay, and do it under the table (no govt nosing around), well.....

that is kind of what most folks espouse here

(less govt, more liberty, etc)

The trick is to remove the incentive for the employers to hire them

illegals pay no income taxes
legals should pay no income taxes

no free school/day care/ meals for anyone


nothing will change from this law, Napolitano is right, it will probably bankrupt arizona.

you are only dealing with the symptoms.

Employers still prefer to hire somone who is not going to demand "unemployment insurance, now govt mandated health insurance, etc"

further into the police state over immigration, and Arizona, one of the most free states in the country is welcoming it with open arms.

28th April 2010, 01:54 PM
Darn, now I will have to work harder........but.......I'll never be up to his standards of posting, he knew what to look for >:(

Who knows what he was linked into?

But it was the good stuff, and plentiful.

28th April 2010, 01:56 PM
But, we live in the real world and there are a lot of folk on the street who are not deserving of the privilege of being an American citizen.

There such a things as temporary residents, or second class citizens.

28th April 2010, 01:57 PM
I liked his posts of topical news stories. He maybe needed a thicker skin or just told his adversary to fuck off and leave it alone for a day.

28th April 2010, 02:01 PM
MarketNeutral was the reason I got hooked on reading GIM1 on a regular basis...

too bad he doesn't have thicker skin....

Yes I agree with this. If you post a huge number of posts you are going to draw criticism, deserved or not, and some of it may be in the form of personal attacks, or something akin to it. You should be able to take most of it, and if it becomes incessant in one direction I am sure that a moderator would sort it out. Unfortunately not everyone can become completely satisfied, and you either bear it or bail out...

I think for the forum it certainly is a loss that we lost MN, but if the cost of keeping MN would have been more heavy handed moderation (which it appears to be), I say let him go, long term it would be another GIM where prolific trolls get a free pass, and those who take the bait in the heat of the moment gets banned. I am not saying that MN was a troll.

I think this should be a lesson to those who did personally attacked MN, that we did loose an asset to GSUS today, and you do bear part of the blame for making GSUS a weaker place.

Freedom is a fragile thing!

28th April 2010, 02:03 PM
This is a big net loss to the forum - Market is a one-man News Bureau.

and like Ponce said, "He knew what to look for".
I often wondered how he found all those articles that he posted.

28th April 2010, 02:07 PM
Part of the problem with young people today. They MUST be liked. Not tolerated, but adored. They can't handle any criticism. It sends them into a deep depression when they don't receive positive feedback and validation.

*which is why they would never "offend" someone by not being correct.

28th April 2010, 02:10 PM
This is good news.

The weak shall be eliminated.

It will serve to strengthen the heard.

(now where have I heard such similar sentiment before?)

28th April 2010, 02:13 PM
Despite any differences he had, I still find it saddening that he left.

Oh well.
Thats what he wants.
Making an announcement is an attention grabbing play.

I don't think He announced it did He?

28th April 2010, 02:19 PM
This is good news.

The weak shall be eliminated.

It will serve to strengthen the heard.

(now where have I heard such similar sentiment before?)

Oh noes! We lost our leader! We're doomed! What will we do if there is nobody to lead us and show us the way? :sarc:

This is the internet. We're not really achieving anything here are we?

*God helps those that help themselves; In other words, get off your ass and carry your own water.

28th April 2010, 02:19 PM
He had a knack for finding interesting news items.

I'll also miss his GIF's.

28th April 2010, 02:20 PM
Apparently, this was due to personal attacks against MarketNeutral in threads, it appears that he decided he did not want to continue here among people who would not respect or consider his point of view, and just wanted to throw insults instead.


It is unseemly for a Mod to so favor one side in any debate here. The referenced thread issue was the contentious Arizona Immigration Law. It is also hypocritical to now administratively decry "throwing insults" here when we all laughed at the Mod Madfrank's insulting video Hitler Responds to GIM and witness "throwing insults" in the course of many threads here daily. Gaillo is basically here in this thread now administratively just singing the usual Good Bye Cruel World song on behalf of the disgruntled departed MarketNeutral:


Like many here I enjoyed MarketNeutral's numerous threads and will miss him.


Nomen luni
28th April 2010, 02:25 PM
This is a real shame. I would much rather that imbecile Philo had been shown the door. The dullard has cost this site dearly.
: The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honour you can bestow on him. It means that you recognise his superiority to yourself.-Joe Sobran
I'm pretty sure he didn't have people's reaction to your Tourette's in mind when he penned this.

28th April 2010, 02:27 PM
Just like the founding fathers didn't have wetback's rights in mind over those of an American when they penned the Constitution.

old steel
28th April 2010, 02:28 PM
Oh well what can you do, water under the bridge.

Thick skin never hurt anyone did it?

Anyways you still have my 1 post a day to look forward to.

Just remember MN, wherever you go there you are.


28th April 2010, 02:29 PM
We could do like fighter pilots in WWII and paste-up some sort of confirmed kills insignia whenever we take out the vulnerable among us!

Cruising in threads where we disagree with the initial premise would be a sure fire way to up the kill ratio - - and be sure to bring along a wing man just in case you miss the target.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 02:30 PM
This is a big net loss to the forum - Market is a one-man News Bureau.

and like Ponce said, "He knew what to look for".
I often wondered how he found all those articles that he posted.
His staff at the SPLC?

28th April 2010, 02:34 PM
We could do like fighter pilots in WWII and paste-up some sort of confirmed kills insignia whenever we take out the vulnerable among us!

Cruising in threads where we disagree with the initial premise would be a sure fire way to up the kill ratio - - and be sure to bring along a wing man just in case you miss the target.

You are a professional at obfuscation. NOBODY told MN to leave. NOBODY that I know of asked for him to be banned or removed. HE LEFT OF HIS OWN ACCORD. There is an ignore feature here I believe. If you can't stand the truth then ignore it.

1970 Silver Art
28th April 2010, 02:36 PM
Posters on GSUS are going to eventually post something that other posters will not like or will disagree with. More than likely, they will be called on it here. That is just the way it is.

When you login to GSUS, make sure that you have a very good flame suit (a.k.a. thick skin) because you will never know when you need it. Having a good flame suit on GSUS is no different when posters were on GIM1. The same thing applies.

The fact that MN decided to leave GSUS proves that you need a very good flame suit in order to "insulate" yourself from the worst flames that GSUS can throw at you.

Without a flamesuit on GSUS, you might get "burned" alive by the GSUS "flames".

28th April 2010, 02:48 PM
This is good news.

The weak shall be eliminated.

It will serve to strengthen the heard.

(now where have I heard such similar sentiment before?)

Oh noes! We lost our leader! We're doomed! What will we do if there is nobody to lead us and show us the way? :sarc:

This is the internet. We're not really achieving anything here are we?

*God helps those that help themselves; In other words, get off your ass and carry your own water.

"We're not really achieving anything here are we?"

Well that is something to think about.

Are we here to play games???

Some might.

Was MarketNeutral a game player? I don't think so.

Will others contine to play little games? Most definitely! The evidence is right here!

28th April 2010, 02:48 PM
MN pulled this shit at GIM, which leads me to believe there is something very wrong with his psyche.

Somewhat of an attention whorish kinda thing.

Hey MN, I like your work, but you come across as an immature kid running away and taking all your marbles when someone pisses you off...

28th April 2010, 02:54 PM
This is good news.

The weak shall be eliminated.

It will serve to strengthen the heard.

(now where have I heard such similar sentiment before?)

Oh noes! We lost our leader! We're doomed! What will we do if there is nobody to lead us and show us the way? :sarc:

This is the internet. We're not really achieving anything here are we?

*God helps those that help themselves; In other words, get off your ass and carry your own water.

"We're not really achieving anything here are we?"

Well that is something to think about.

Are we here to play games???

Some might.

Was MarketNeutral a game player? I don't think so.

Will others contine to play little games? Most definitely! The evidence is right here!

It sure is right here. What have you contributed except for your FUD comments over and over. Fear, uncertainty and doubt should have been your ID.

*wait I found the great libertarian's contribution:


28th April 2010, 03:11 PM
We could do like fighter pilots in WWII and paste-up some sort of confirmed kills insignia whenever we take out the vulnerable among us!

Cruising in threads where we disagree with the initial premise would be a sure fire way to up the kill ratio - - and be sure to bring along a wing man just in case you miss the target.

You are a professional at obfuscation. NOBODY told MN to leave. NOBODY that I know of asked for him to be banned or removed. HE LEFT OF HIS OWN ACCORD. There is an ignore feature here I believe. If you can't stand the truth then ignore it.

After reading the forth post in this thread, I thought you were taking credit for this.

28th April 2010, 03:14 PM
I said people could blame me. No skin off my back. He called me a shill and I returned fire. If you can't take the heat, get your ass out of the kitchen.

28th April 2010, 03:14 PM
i think Maybe you two might need more time in the thunderdome together.

Just sayin.... ;)

28th April 2010, 03:16 PM
It is unseemly for a Mod to so favor one side in any debate here. The referenced thread issue was the contentious Arizona Immigration Law. It is also hypocritical to now administratively decry "throwing insults" here when we all laughed at the Mod Madfrank's insulting video Hitler Responds to GIM and witness "throwing insults" in the course of many threads here daily. Gaillo is basically here in this thread now administratively just singing the usual Good Bye Cruel World song on behalf of the disgruntled departed MarketNeutral:

Unseemly for a mod. Favoring one side in a "debate". Hmmm... If that's how you choose to see the announcement, then so be it. However, I think you are incorrectly characterizing my post and its intent, and since I typically resent such actions (as I'm sure you do when people mischaracterize what you say...), I will go ahead and see if I can perhaps correct a misconception or two.

I don't see where I'm "favoring one side" - other than possibly on the "side" of the forum rules - I simply made an announcement that MarketNeutral had left, and explained the apparent reasons that he did so. I added that the forum has lost a valuable member, and I stand by that statement. Regardless of how you felt about MarketNeutral's politics (I personally took issue with many of his viewpoints), the fact remains that he located, read, and posted news articles that just about EVERYONE on the forum read and found to be of at least SOME value. Do you feel that he should be silenced because you disagree with some of his socialist/liberal/whatever ideas? That the forum is now a better place without him? Then perhaps this isn't the forum for YOU, book... read the word next to Gold and Silver in the header graphic - it doesn't say "Liberty for those who agree with us", or "our version of Liberty" - it says simply Liberty. I have an impression that there are a great many members of this forum who have NO idea what that word means, and that just as long as they can say whatever THEY want, that's enough Liberty for them and to hell with anyone else's opinion.

My comments regarding Rule #1 and attacking other forum members was a general statement that I would make in just about ANY situation where a forum member has left due to personal attacks, those comments were not specifically directed at MarketNeutral in particular. As for the hitler video, WTH does that have to do with ANYTHING here? It was a humorous "attack" on NON-MEMBERS, broke no forum rules, and does NOT apply to MarketNeutral or any other aspect of what has happened here. To draw a comparison between the hitler video and personal attacks possibly resulting in a forum member leaving makes no sense - or perhaps I'm missing something here that you would like to enlighten me to?

28th April 2010, 03:17 PM
Don't sweat it Gaillo. Book just likes to poke when he sees an opening. :taunt:

28th April 2010, 03:32 PM
Yes sad to see him go, but he did this at GIM as well... Giant stars and large bonfires burn themselves out quickly... Hope to see ya again supernova!

agora too i think. strange guy, you'd think he'd have the self esteem that being disagreed with wouldn't be such a drama to him, but apparently not.

28th April 2010, 03:37 PM
I was gonna say......

But it goes with out saying.....

But I'll say it anyway

I think Gaillo , Mad franks and JQP should be allowed to have an opinion on subjects just like anyone else.

Just because they are Mods, shouldn't mean they cant post like anyone else with an opinion

Nomen luni
28th April 2010, 03:44 PM
+1 on that, Ken.

28th April 2010, 03:48 PM
People come and go as they need to. We all need to take a break sometimes, and for various reasons. I will miss MarketNeutral's news posts, for sure, but it'll be OK, and maybe someone else will pick up the slack.

Also, Book, I am pretty sure that moderators are allowed to have opinions. Sheesh.

28th April 2010, 04:06 PM
MN pulled this sh*t at GIM, which leads me to believe there is something very wrong with his psyche.

Somewhat of an attention whorish kinda thing.

Hey MN, I like your work, but you come across as an immature kid running away and taking all your marbles when someone pisses you off...

+1 BillBoard.

Like everyone, I enjoyed the news feed, but to a point. I also like the commentary and the back and forth discussion. One has to know coming here that a thick skin is needed. You don't just stumble across GSUS and pactically everyone here is a GIM1 vet. MN knew the deal coming in.

Thats all I have to say about that.

28th April 2010, 04:07 PM
He had a knack for finding interesting news items.

I'll also miss his GIF's.

I don't know what GIF's means but I love your avatar.

MN was a bit of a Prima Donna wasn't he? He did contribute a lot but it gets tiring when someone threatens to leave until\unless something is straightened out to their desire. We can all be replaced. Thing is, if you lose too many good posters the site suffers. Happened over at GIM from the bans. It kinda seems that MN has banned himself.

28th April 2010, 04:12 PM
Also, Book, I am pretty sure that moderators are allowed to have opinions. Sheesh.



Gee...Fair enough k-os but don't you think it kinda hypocritical that Mod Gaillo is administratively spanking some here in this very thread for being "insulting" while Mod Gaillo in other threads himself is calling people a douchebag?



28th April 2010, 04:16 PM
He hasn't spanked anyone book, you just like stirring the pot. IF anyone was gonna get spanked over it, it would have been me. He may be lamenting and/or chastising, but not spanking.

*nobody is perfect.

28th April 2010, 04:21 PM

Gee...Fair enough k-os but don't you think it kinda hypocritical that Mod Gaillo is administratively spanking some here in this very thread for being "insulting" while Mod Gaillo in other threads himself is calling people a douchebag?

Hey book-o,
You ARE aware, aren't you, that I was a regular member here before becoming moderator, and that I made MANY posts as a regular member (over 600, if I remember correctly!). The post you link to in your weak attempt to point out how "hypocritical" I am is one of them.

Why ya stirring the shiit here with me today, buddy? What have I done to you lately other than overlook personal attacks, give you pretty much free run of the place to say just about anything you want, and otherwise been almost the EXACT opposite of the mods over on that "other" forum?

I don't really care if you like me or not, but taking exception to my announcement that a fellow forum member has left? Don't you have any REAL battles to fight?

28th April 2010, 04:22 PM
He hasn't spanked anyone book, you just like stirring the pot.

Being administratively lectured on "insults" by a guy who calls people douchebags. Noticing the obvious is not stirring the pot...lol.


28th April 2010, 04:23 PM
After Book's posting Wildcard perhaps one could call it an evacuation?

Mod is difficult work, especially on a site critical of authority figures. And Mods wish to enjoy regular posting as well. I've always been of the mind that Mods should be allowed to have more than one membership, obvious to all the same poster perhaps (like KeehahM and Keehah as example), one for Mod work (and not accepting much BS) and one for being a member with opinions like the rest of us.

Book, I offer you this (http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/Leeds-pub-sheep-arsonist-admits.6256885.jp) as diversion.

28th April 2010, 04:26 PM
It's just continuing the drama that mn and lg want around here. I like this place and I will continue to try to add to it until I'm told to fuck off. Everyone has to decide for themselves.

28th April 2010, 04:28 PM
Also, Book, I am pretty sure that moderators are allowed to have opinions. Sheesh.



Gee...Fair enough k-os but don't you think it kinda hypocritical that Mod Gaillo is administratively spanking some here in this very thread for being "insulting" while Mod Gaillo in other threads himself is calling people a douchebag?



Why does everybody give douchebags a bad name?

28th April 2010, 04:29 PM
As for us, this is a sad day for the forum - and a time that some of us might want to reflect on Rule #1, and why it exists.


Adding an "O" to my name is what.........respectable administrative editing by a Mod?


Hey book-o,
You ARE aware, aren't you, that I was a regular member here before becoming moderator, and that I made MANY posts as a regular member (over 600, if I remember correctly!). The post you link to in your weak attempt to point out how "hypocritical" I am is one of them.

28th April 2010, 04:31 PM
ROFL. Everyone is sensitive today. Harden the fuck up.


28th April 2010, 04:32 PM
As for us, this is a sad day for the forum - and a time that some of us might want to reflect on Rule #1, and why it exists.


Adding an "O" to my name is what.........respectable administrative editing by a Mod?


Hey book-o,
You ARE aware, aren't you, that I was a regular member here before becoming moderator, and that I made MANY posts as a regular member (over 600, if I remember correctly!). The post you link to in your weak attempt to point out how "hypocritical" I am is one of them.

Oh... you DON'T have an "-o" after your name? Hmmm... interesting. I'd say that's just about 1/100 as much of a mischaracterization as the things you've been twisting in this thread today about me.

28th April 2010, 04:34 PM
I don't pretend to speak for MN but do know him
like many others going back as a poster.

I doubt very much that MN left for one reason.
I'd say a guarantee, give him more credit than that.

He is much stronger than you people here make him
out to be. One or two people don't scare him .
He always puts up some info that many see
as "controversial" but that is not what he is known for.

It is up to everyone here to do the work , research,
post quality stuff, that is part of the message, IMO .

MN took shots at trolls before he left gim1,
then joined agora, did the same there, gave us good
advice, left there, now here too, but it is not one thing.
Yes some people have some baggage , we know each other,
etc going back. We are not all on the same page.

Stay safe is probably the biggest message,
and be smart.

I spoke out as I usually have done.

Singling out one or two people is wrong though.

MN's very presence here with his original name
helped this forum out and really sent a message
to everyone especially the admins at gim who
he was in with. Think about that.

Maybe he does not appreciate me saying all these things.
Cause he is a quiet guy , doesn't do the head on like me.

We all need to do our best, MN thinks so for sure.

Farewell MN, may fortune smile upon you and your family.

Don't be a stranger, LOL .

Best Regards

And thanks for the avatars, I am stealing 3 of em. ;D


28th April 2010, 04:34 PM
Never thought I'd be saying this, but here goes!


28th April 2010, 04:44 PM
I knew he would, I called it four or five days ago.

got any predictions for Gold or the Dog ? 8)

28th April 2010, 04:47 PM
I'll miss him and the GIFs.

As for the "drama," he just deleted his account without making a meladramatic exit. We only know because it was made public in this thread.

28th April 2010, 04:50 PM
I knew he would, I called it four or five days ago.

got any predictions for Gold or the Dog ? 8)

I posted Silver Sammy singing "Up! Up and away in my beautiful balloon" referring to silver. It's going down. Sell now. ;D


28th April 2010, 04:51 PM
Hmmm... interesting. I'd say that's just about 1/100 as much of a mischaracterization as the things you've been twisting in this thread today about me.

Let's trust the reading comprehension of our fellow GSUS members. The posts in this thread speak for themselves...lol.


28th April 2010, 04:52 PM
As for the "drama," he just deleted his account without making a meladramatic exit. We only know because it was made public in this thread.

Exactly. Excellent point RJB.


28th April 2010, 05:02 PM
Well this sucks for the rest of us who enjoy reading and discussing the news with him.

See you around, MarketNeutral

28th April 2010, 05:08 PM
Exactly. Excellent point RJB.


Now that I think of it, it's a certain mod causing the drama--- Isn't there a "stirring the pot" smiley? ;D

28th April 2010, 05:10 PM

28th April 2010, 05:14 PM
Now that I think of it...




28th April 2010, 05:15 PM
Too bad, I'll miss the news feeds.
He should have gotten one of these
and used some of this

28th April 2010, 05:20 PM
Gee...Fair enough k-os but don't you think it kinda hypocritical

He was a regular member here and got into it,
good for him and god bless him , lol , he is one
of us, he did worse than that too on here beating
scorpio up, lol , like you, so what, now he is mod, less fun,
Gaillo/Henny got banned on gim with me and others last
day as we posted, Joe6Pack too, posts gone, etc,
Gaillo worked to bring people here too,
doing the right thing, while some people were mocking us,
like mayhem who later became mod here bullying
people, I strongly believe he was removed but
they are not talking, good for JohnQ aka JoeSixPack,
here we are, you should be very glad
Gaillo is mod, CONSIDER, I gave him a hard time on gim,
if people remember, but in the end he did all the
right things and fought all the same battles,
demanded a ban on himself, got one as solidarity
with others, I apologized to him on here and he did not
treat me like sh*t like mayhem who I was friends
with long time. Think about that Book.

Gaillo is mod, he ain't pushing me and others around.

Lucky for all of us to have Gaillo as mod.

Not the other guy.
I strongly believe we repelled a boarding attempt.
Lost Fred in the process.

28th April 2010, 05:27 PM
I`m not a desperate forum junkie so I`m often clueless about GIM and other forum politics and gossip but I have seen several times with my own eyes an announcement of Marketneutral deleting his precious account.

It seems a bit pathetic to me. If you are an owner of a pair and armed with the truth, make OTHERS delete their accounts if they attack you or take a ban like a man should.

Grand Master Melon
28th April 2010, 05:28 PM
I think it's lame that he left. So there's a couple of people you don't see eye to eye with, big deal.

This is the interweb, there will be arguments, idiots, spambots, sockpuppets and any other thing you can think of but at the end of the day it's still just the interweb.

28th April 2010, 05:29 PM

28th April 2010, 05:31 PM
Lucky for all of us to have Gaillo as mod.

I was joking around about him causing drama, and I'll continue :)

That said, I do appreciate Gaillo, JSP, and Madfranks.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 05:38 PM
It is unseemly for a Mod to so favor one side in any debate here. The referenced thread issue was the contentious Arizona Immigration Law. It is also hypocritical to now administratively decry "throwing insults" here when we all laughed at the Mod Madfrank's insulting video Hitler Responds to GIM and witness "throwing insults" in the course of many threads here daily. Gaillo is basically here in this thread now administratively just singing the usual Good Bye Cruel World song on behalf of the disgruntled departed MarketNeutral:

Unseemly for a mod. Favoring one side in a "debate". Hmmm... If that's how you choose to see the announcement, then so be it. However, I think you are incorrectly characterizing my post and its intent, and since I typically resent such actions (as I'm sure you do when people mischaracterize what you say...), I will go ahead and see if I can perhaps correct a misconception or two.

I don't see where I'm "favoring one side" - other than possibly on the "side" of the forum rules - I simply made an announcement that MarketNeutral had left, and explained the apparent reasons that he did so. I added that the forum has lost a valuable member, and I stand by that statement. Regardless of how you felt about MarketNeutral's politics (I personally took issue with many of his viewpoints), the fact remains that he located, read, and posted news articles that just about EVERYONE on the forum read and found to be of at least SOME value. Do you feel that he should be silenced because you disagree with some of his socialist/liberal/whatever ideas? That the forum is now a better place without him? Then perhaps this isn't the forum for YOU, book... read the word next to Gold and Silver in the header graphic - it doesn't say "Liberty for those who agree with us", or "our version of Liberty" - it says simply Liberty. I have an impression that there are a great many members of this forum who have NO idea what that word means, and that just as long as they can say whatever THEY want, that's enough Liberty for them and to hell with anyone else's opinion.

My comments regarding Rule #1 and attacking other forum members was a general statement that I would make in just about ANY situation where a forum member has left due to personal attacks, those comments were not specifically directed at MarketNeutral in particular. As for the hitler video, WTH does that have to do with ANYTHING here? It was a humorous "attack" on NON-MEMBERS, broke no forum rules, and does NOT apply to MarketNeutral or any other aspect of what has happened here. To draw a comparison between the hitler video and personal attacks possibly resulting in a forum member leaving makes no sense - or perhaps I'm missing something here that you would like to enlighten me to?
I don't see any problem with what you just said. What I do have a problem with is if you took his word for it without being skeptical or pondering any agendas he might have. So I will do some pondering for you. Where does he find the time to bombard internet forums with so many posts and threads? Could it be because he is in the full time employ somewhere? I always thought his threads were bordering on spam and never said anything. His articles could quite possibly be computer generated. And he used to not get involved in arguments so much, now it is stepped up. Put two and two together. here is a new forum here that they haven't figured out yet how to infiltrate. So more people are coming out of deep cover. I am damn proud that my name is on the top of the list for ban requests. What is it , half a dozen now? Must be doing something right.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 05:40 PM
I`m not a desperate forum junkie so I`m often clueless about GIM and other forum politics and gossip but I have seen several times with my own eyes an announcement of Marketneutral deleting his precious account.

It seems a bit pathetic to me. If you are an owner of a pair and armed with the truth, make OTHERS delete their accounts if they attack you or take a ban like a man should.
I'll give you credit on that. After a couple of mini one day bans, you never cried. But give rodin a one day ban, and he cries for life.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 05:45 PM
After Book's posting Wildcard perhaps one could call it an evacuation?

Mod is difficult work, especially on a site critical of authority figures. And Mods wish to enjoy regular posting as well. I've always been of the mind that Mods should be allowed to have more than one membership, obvious to all the same poster perhaps (like KeehahM and Keehah as example), one for Mod work (and not accepting much BS) and one for being a member with opinions like the rest of us.

Book, I offer you this (http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/Leeds-pub-sheep-arsonist-admits.6256885.jp) as diversion.
No problem with that. Skyvike had Osaka, Don Black, Sayam, Blueice,,....etc

28th April 2010, 05:45 PM
I`m not a desperate forum junkie so I`m often clueless about GIM and other forum politics and gossip but I have seen several times with my own eyes an announcement of Marketneutral deleting his precious account.

It seems a bit pathetic to me. If you are an owner of a pair and armed with the truth, make OTHERS delete their accounts if they attack you or take a ban like a man should.
I'll give you credit on that. After a couple of mini one day bans, you never cried. But give rodin a one day ban, and he cries for life.

Thank you. I cry very seldom, usually when faced with horrors such as death of a loved one. But many people cry after a 24hr ban on a forum.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 05:49 PM
As for the "drama," he just deleted his account without making a meladramatic exit. We only know because it was made public in this thread.

Exactly. Excellent point RJB.

You gotta know marketnotneutral is smarter than that. If he made his own announcement, everyone would of called him a pussy. Instead, he got someone to do it for him unwittingly by proxy. There also is a certain tribe of people who are very good at proxy wars........hmmmm

28th April 2010, 05:57 PM
Said lots, everyone would have an issue with something, lol .

Having said that this will blow over.

Singling people out ain't right either,
Market Neutral ain't that weak, give
him more credit than that, sheesh .

I don't want to see anyone here blow themselves
up for no reason here.

Be smart and contribute best you can.

Ben, WildCard, Book, me, others, it is cool we
are here together, I think so ? No ? We are all
individuals and characters to put it nicely. I don't
take things personally and hope others don't too.
Sometimes our posts knock heads, big deal .
Hope you guys feel that way, I do.

If this is over one word only, don't think so ,
but if it is , wow, talk about blowing out of proportion.
See my posts in lounge before commenting to me

Or maybe someone should just close this thread, ?

28th April 2010, 06:02 PM
Yep, market left because he was an infiltrating jew and all 30 or so of us regulars on this forum (does it even appear on any search engines yet?) are sooo important that he spent hour after hour finding interesting things on the web to post just so we'd all notice when he had his account deleted and of course that would change America's view on illegal immigration.

The guy was a great source of articles that I never would have run across myself, and I'll miss him.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 06:17 PM
Yep, market left because he was an infiltrating jew and all 30 or so of us regulars on this forum (does it even appear on any search engines yet?) are sooo important that he spent hour after hour finding interesting things on the web to post just so we'd all notice when he had his account deleted and of course that would change America's view on illegal immigration.

The guy was a great source of articles that I never would have run across myself, and I'll miss him.
And another thing Ash, maybe you could figure out who MN deigned to whine about in his retirement letter to the mods. Dollars to donuts, it was me and wildcard. So there you have it. He chooses to be sneaky, and I am open to everyone with what I say. Never once in my life have I written a mod to complain about someone, have you?
Maybe one of the mods could enlighten us about who exactly he complained about. Then Ash, you will know why I am making my retort public.

28th April 2010, 06:27 PM
I was gonna say......

But it goes with out saying.....

But I'll say it anyway

I think Gaillo , Mad franks and JQP should be allowed to have an opinion on subjects just like anyone else.

Just because they are Mods, shouldn't mean they cant post like anyone else with an opinion

x3 here.

28th April 2010, 06:37 PM
Market Neutral was one of my favorite posters at GIM1 before he left there. If you are out there MN, please reconsider. If I hadn't listened to people who irritated the crap out of me I would still believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny, santa claus and that only Catholics get into heaven.

28th April 2010, 06:55 PM
And another thing Ash, maybe you could figure out who MN deigned to whine about in his retirement letter to the mods. Dollars to donuts, it was me and wildcard. So there you have it. He chooses to be sneaky, and I am open to everyone with what I say. Never once in my life have I written a mod to complain about someone, have you?

No I haven't... so what's your point? I didn't even complain to the mods on the old GIM when certain posters accused me of being a gay jew (because I didn't think asspounding should be outlawed), asking if I was in the tribe (because I didn't agree with socialized health care 4 years ago any more than I do now), or saying I was a delusional moron (because I didn't think muslims should be given special rights over the rest of us).

I didn't complain, but here's my complaint now: it gets pretty fucking tiring when someone implies you're a jew because you have a disagreement with them. Yeah, he quit and it looks like he did it in a huff and maybe he complained to the mods and you and/or others, I don't know what he said and neither do you... but you're going to assume he did and then you're going to the standard fallback and bringing the "tribe" into it? As if no one could dislike you unless they belonged to the tribe? And you're doing this based on the content of a resignation letter that quite possibly exists only in your imagination? You concluded he was being sneaky and a possible infiltrator after closely examining the evidence that you dreamed up?

I'd like to think he deserves better than that based on his contributions.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 06:59 PM
And another thing Ash, maybe you could figure out who MN deigned to whine about in his retirement letter to the mods. Dollars to donuts, it was me and wildcard. So there you have it. He chooses to be sneaky, and I am open to everyone with what I say. Never once in my life have I written a mod to complain about someone, have you?

No I haven't... so what's your point? I didn't even complain to the mods on the old GIM when certain posters accused me of being a gay jew (because I didn't think asspounding should be outlawed), asking if I was in the tribe (because I didn't agree with socialized health care 4 years ago any more than I do now), or saying I was a delusional moron (because I didn't think muslims should be given special rights over the rest of us).

I didn't complain, but here's my complaint now: it gets pretty f*cking tiring when someone implies you're a jew because you have a disagreement with them. Yeah, he quit and it looks like he did it in a huff and maybe he complained to the mods and you and/or others, I don't know what he said and neither do you... but you're going to assume he did and then you're going to the standard fallback and bringing the "tribe" into it? As if no one could dislike you unless they belonged to the tribe? And you're doing this based on the content of a resignation letter that quite possibly exists only in your imagination? You concluded he was being sneaky and a possible infiltrator after closely examining the evidence that you dreamed up?

I'd like to think he deserves better than that based on his contributions.

I don't need to assume he did anything. I know he did, and he was pretty damn smart about it, getting a mod to thinbk it was so newsworthy that a whole thread needed to be posted about it. it was a trick to try to silence us in submission. He won't silence me, and you certainly won't. maybe you better read the OP from Gaillo. In fact, now that I think about it, this is the first time I have ever seen a mod think it was important enough to announce someones willfull departure. A proper response would be more like "see you later pussy"

28th April 2010, 07:28 PM
MarketNeutral was a popular and well liked member here. If no announcement was made, chances are some of the members would have started threads asking what happened. This was a common occurrence at GIM, when a popular member would disappear, people would want to know what happened. So if Gaillo never started this thread, when two or three other members started asking what happened to MN, would you then accuse them of falling right into MN's trap to get other members to announce his departure by proxy?

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 07:32 PM
MarketNeutral was a popular and well liked member here. If no announcement was made, chances are some of the members would have started threads asking what happened. This was a common occurrence at GIM, when a popular member would disappear, people would want to know what happened. So if Gaillo never started this thread, when two or three other members started asking what happened to MN, would you then accuse them of falling right into MN's trap to get other members to announce his departure by proxy?
Well yes I wpould, when him and three or four of his other buddies are calling for my banishment. "tis my fault he left in a huff? No way, and I don't think he deserves an official exit like he's some royalty. I would be happy if one of his acolytes would of started a thread, because no weight would of been given to it.
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

28th April 2010, 07:53 PM
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

Worth checking out IMO. Opened my eyes. Good to know who does what around here.

28th April 2010, 08:00 PM
MarketNeutral was a popular and well liked member here. If no announcement was made, chances are some of the members would have started threads asking what happened. This was a common occurrence at GIM, when a popular member would disappear, people would want to know what happened. So if Gaillo never started this thread, when two or three other members started asking what happened to MN, would you then accuse them of falling right into MN's trap to get other members to announce his departure by proxy?
Well yes I wpould, when him and three or four of his other buddies are calling for my banishment. "tis my fault he left in a huff? No way, and I don't think he deserves an official exit like he's some royalty. I would be happy if one of his acolytes would of started a thread, because no weight would of been given to it.
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

We lost a good poster.

Yet somehow this thread is all about you?
Get a fucking clue.
Or better yet post something useful.

28th April 2010, 08:04 PM
I never had a single problem with MN except his ******* avatar pics. I always had to scroll down past them to avoid the blinking. In case you didn`t know, blinking discupts one`s brainwaves and make one feel disoriented. This is why police cars use them and rock "music" concerts employ them too to better brainwash the stinking hippies that attend them.

28th April 2010, 08:06 PM

I am me, I am free
28th April 2010, 08:46 PM
I never had a single problem with MN except his ******* avatar pics. I always had to scroll down past them to avoid the blinking. In case you didn`t know, blinking discupts one`s brainwaves and make one feel disoriented. This is why police cars use them and rock "music" concerts employ them too to better brainwash the stinking hippies that attend them.

I'm going to start calling you Cartman. lol

28th April 2010, 08:52 PM
I'm going to start calling you Cartman. lol

Who dat?

I am me, I am free
28th April 2010, 09:16 PM
I'm going to start calling you Cartman. lol

Who dat?

"They're not people, they're hippies!" lol


28th April 2010, 10:23 PM
..,.I'm a better poster than MN

You must be kidding right?

and Im finnaly gonna say it...(wanted to for a while)

Your avatar is stupid

there i said it...

28th April 2010, 10:28 PM
As for the "drama," he just deleted his account without making a meladramatic exit. We only know because it was made public in this thread.

Exactly. Excellent point RJB.

You gotta know marketnotneutral is smarter than that. If he made his own announcement, everyone would of called him a pussy. Instead, he got someone to do it for him unwittingly by proxy. There also is a certain tribe of people who are very good at proxy wars........hmmmm

Dude, you need to get over yourself. Now you are drawing some kind of wacko connection between "a certain tribe" Market Neutral's untimely departure???

Just go create some kind of wacko alternate universe where anything is possible. Because you've lost all touch with reality here.

28th April 2010, 10:49 PM


28th April 2010, 10:50 PM
Captain FUD is just doing as he's told. Trying to stir things up over here. We're doing quite nicely thank you! You guys keep trying though. It keeps things interesting.

philo beddoe
28th April 2010, 10:58 PM
..,.I'm a better poster than MN

You must be kidding right?

and Im finnaly gonna say it...(wanted to for a while)

Your avatar is stupid

there i said it...

666 posts and nothing memorable just like your life

28th April 2010, 11:02 PM


"Leno booked WildCard"


28th April 2010, 11:05 PM
Maybe they can get someone onto the Magic Johnson hour. ;D


*oh wait, that show went off the air...much like they will.

28th April 2010, 11:16 PM

I just read this whole thread.

Most people are not open borders.

Especially the non conformists against repression on gim.

MN knows this and knows us well on this.

MN was never with the trolls on gim, ever .

I don't think he is open borders, just does not agree
with that law, proposes other laws as more effective.

Open borders is destruction, which is why trolls
argue for it.

If MN left because of that thread, that is lame.
More than one reason, has to be.

I'd say WildCard destroyed everyone with his points.

Read the thread.

My other posts stand, but I am still confused,
if not more now. WTF ?

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 12:46 AM
MarketNeutral was a popular and well liked member here. If no announcement was made, chances are some of the members would have started threads asking what happened. This was a common occurrence at GIM, when a popular member would disappear, people would want to know what happened. So if Gaillo never started this thread, when two or three other members started asking what happened to MN, would you then accuse them of falling right into MN's trap to get other members to announce his departure by proxy?
Well yes I wpould, when him and three or four of his other buddies are calling for my banishment. "tis my fault he left in a huff? No way, and I don't think he deserves an official exit like he's some royalty. I would be happy if one of his acolytes would of started a thread, because no weight would of been given to it.
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

Better poster my ass! You bring nothing to the table.

You're a fuckin moron!

29th April 2010, 12:47 AM
MarketNeutral was a popular and well liked member here. If no announcement was made, chances are some of the members would have started threads asking what happened. This was a common occurrence at GIM, when a popular member would disappear, people would want to know what happened. So if Gaillo never started this thread, when two or three other members started asking what happened to MN, would you then accuse them of falling right into MN's trap to get other members to announce his departure by proxy?
Well yes I wpould, when him and three or four of his other buddies are calling for my banishment. "tis my fault he left in a huff? No way, and I don't think he deserves an official exit like he's some royalty. I would be happy if one of his acolytes would of started a thread, because no weight would of been given to it.
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

Better poster my ass! You bring nothing to the table.

You're a f*ckin moron!

That's the spirit melon! Now, once more with feeling! 8)

29th April 2010, 12:55 AM
MarketNeutral was a popular and well liked member here. If no announcement was made, chances are some of the members would have started threads asking what happened. This was a common occurrence at GIM, when a popular member would disappear, people would want to know what happened. So if Gaillo never started this thread, when two or three other members started asking what happened to MN, would you then accuse them of falling right into MN's trap to get other members to announce his departure by proxy?
Well yes I wpould, when him and three or four of his other buddies are calling for my banishment. "tis my fault he left in a huff? No way, and I don't think he deserves an official exit like he's some royalty. I would be happy if one of his acolytes would of started a thread, because no weight would of been given to it.
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

Better poster my ass! You bring nothing to the table.

You're a f*ckin moron!

It`ll be very soon when Ben Shockely aka Philo departs after posting some gay porn infected with viruses. Under no circumstances click on his last posts unless you are in the market for a new computer.

29th April 2010, 12:56 AM
You had to buy a new computer after clicking on gay porn Occamsrazor?

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:00 AM
You had to buy a new computer after clicking on gay porn Occamsrazor?

Hey, I know we don't see eye to eye on race or whatever. I also know I'm drunk after having attended a great concert but I, at least in some ways, respect you. Not that you give a shit. That said, you do bring something to the table. I know you don't want or need my respect but I'm being honest, which is waht I always try to do.

I can't say that about that Philo or whatever.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:01 AM
You had to buy a new computer after clicking on gay porn Occamsrazor?

Hey, I know we don't see eye to eye on race or whatever. I also know I'm drunk after having attended a great concert but I, at least in some ways, respect you. Not that you give a sh*t. That said, you do bring something to the table. I know you don't want or need my respect but I'm being honest, which is waht I always try to do.

I can't say that about that Philo or whatever.

I quoted the wrong shit. Damn, too many beers. Oh well ;D

29th April 2010, 01:03 AM
Ben is a little rough around the edges, but he is very aware of what is really going on. I just don't think words on a computer screen hurt anyone. I'd rather someone be offensive and tell me the truth than be silky sweet and lie to me.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:05 AM
Ben is a little rough around the edges, but he is very aware of what is really going on. I just don't think words on a computer screen hurt anyone. I'd rather someone be offensive and tell me the truth than be silky sweet and lie to me.

Not sure if you're talking to me. Ben being Philo?

I agree with the second part of your comment though the truth is always the turth, in many ways it's subjective. I gave you an applaud or whatever, fuck typing when drunk skucs.

29th April 2010, 01:06 AM
Sorry to hear about this, Gaillo. MN was a valuable poster.

Good people,

We've lost a great member today - and been given something to reflect upon.
The day before yesterday, we got an incoming account deletion request from MarketNeutral. This was somewhat shocking to the site owner and mods, as he has been a prolific poster of news articles and has participated in many thread discussions. We attempted to contact him through other members who knew how to reach him via email, but to no effect. His account deletion concluded today.

Apparently, this was due to personal attacks against MarketNeutral in threads, it appears that he decided he did not want to continue here among people who would not respect or consider his point of view, and just wanted to throw insults instead.

You will be missed, MarketNeutral - best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
As for us, this is a sad day for the forum - and a time that some of us might want to reflect on Rule #1, and why it exists.

Gaillo, the one thing I can tell you, inspite of my gruff posting style, I can smell insincerity a mile away. Marketnotneutral always does this. Now he wants you to feel that an 'important' member has been lost, and then go looking for someone to blame. Not buying it none bit.

Obviously quite a few posters "feel" MN was an important member.

I understand that, having been one of those personally attacking MN when you couldn't deal with his arguments, you would want to minimize his importance. Too bad you all can't bring to the table what he did.

Apparently, this was due to personal attacks against MarketNeutral in threads, it appears that he decided he did not want to continue here among people who would not respect or consider his point of view, and just wanted to throw insults instead.


It is unseemly for a Mod to so favor one side in any debate here. The referenced thread issue was the contentious Arizona Immigration Law. It is also hypocritical to now administratively decry "throwing insults" here when we all laughed at the Mod Madfrank's insulting video Hitler Responds to GIM and witness "throwing insults" in the course of many threads here daily. Gaillo is basically here in this thread now administratively just singing the usual Good Bye Cruel World song on behalf of the disgruntled departed MarketNeutral:


Like many here I enjoyed MarketNeutral's numerous threads and will miss him.


Old habits do die hard, don't they. Book just can't resist telling the mods how to do their job. Makes him real popular everytime.

29th April 2010, 01:07 AM
I'm 99% certain that Philo is the artist formerly known as Ben Shockley.

Maybe you should drink more often. Don't be lukewarm in anything.

29th April 2010, 01:08 AM
At least book isn't a coward hiding behind a new user ID now is he?

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:12 AM
I'm 99% certain that Philo is the artist formerly known as Ben Shockley.

Maybe you should drink more often. Don't be lukewarm in anything.

I do enjoy a drink. I wasn't on GIM that long. I spent most of my time at kitco as "traitor" after haiving been offended by the masters of GIM that accused me of having an account that I didn't have. Dumbasses.

I try not to be lukewarm. I just try to gewt my opinion accros like everyone else. Shit, like most people I want others to see the world in the way which I do but ultimately I know that's not realistic. If it were it would be a great plce. Or at least it would in my opinooin. LOL!

29th April 2010, 01:12 AM
You had to buy a new computer after clicking on gay porn Occamsrazor?

Hey, I know we don't see eye to eye on race or whatever. I also know I'm drunk after having attended a great concert but I, at least in some ways, respect you. Not that you give a sh*t. That said, you do bring something to the table. I know you don't want or need my respect but I'm being honest, which is waht I always try to do.

I can't say that about that Philo or whatever.

I shoot dope but I don`t touch booze. What views of mine on race do you find objectionable?

29th April 2010, 01:14 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

*where is kelstar when you need him?

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:15 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I was and indeed I am. lol

fuck, i fail at typing while drunk ( i took extra time to make sure that was right)

29th April 2010, 01:16 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I`m high on the net but you`d never know it. I`m higher than a kite on the job but nobody knows either.
Booze destroys the body, the mind and the soul irreversibly. It`s an organic solvent which makes you piss your DNA down the toilet.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:19 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I`m high on the net but you`d never know it. I`m higher than a kite on the job but nobody knows either.
Booze destroys the body, the mind and the soul irreversibly. It`s an organic solvent which makes you piss your DNA down the toilet.

Wow, that's awfully critical especiallly when coming froma guy that said they were shooting. Geeze.

aside from that. if i choose to go out, enjoy a concert and knock down some beers, how does that really mean i'm destroying the body?

29th April 2010, 01:24 AM
We've lost a great member today

Oh, I think we'll be OK without him.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:26 AM
We've lost a great member today

Oh, I think we'll be OK without him.


29th April 2010, 01:30 AM
And another thing Ash, maybe you could figure out who MN deigned to whine about in his retirement letter to the mods. Dollars to donuts, it was me and wildcard. So there you have it. He chooses to be sneaky, and I am open to everyone with what I say. Never once in my life have I written a mod to complain about someone, have you?

No I haven't... so what's your point? I didn't even complain to the mods on the old GIM when certain posters accused me of being a gay jew (because I didn't think asspounding should be outlawed), asking if I was in the tribe (because I didn't agree with socialized health care 4 years ago any more than I do now), or saying I was a delusional moron (because I didn't think muslims should be given special rights over the rest of us).

I didn't complain, but here's my complaint now: it gets pretty f*cking tiring when someone implies you're a jew because you have a disagreement with them. Yeah, he quit and it looks like he did it in a huff and maybe he complained to the mods and you and/or others, I don't know what he said and neither do you... but you're going to assume he did and then you're going to the standard fallback and bringing the "tribe" into it? As if no one could dislike you unless they belonged to the tribe? And you're doing this based on the content of a resignation letter that quite possibly exists only in your imagination? You concluded he was being sneaky and a possible infiltrator after closely examining the evidence that you dreamed up?

I'd like to think he deserves better than that based on his contributions.

+1, well said, Ash.

Many people are not looking for a jr high-school style exchange of insults and one liners when it comes to discussing PMs, politics and economics on the internet.

Ad-hominem, the crass attempts at personal disqualification by accusing someone of being a shill, a jew or whatever, can be produced by almost any poster. That just doesn't take much. But it does lead to a gradual loss of thoughtful posters, until you're left with an echo chamber full of the most aggressive and ignorant posters, eating each other to death as they alternate between circle jerks and backstabbings.

29th April 2010, 01:30 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I`m high on the net but you`d never know it. I`m higher than a kite on the job but nobody knows either.
Booze destroys the body, the mind and the soul irreversibly. It`s an organic solvent which makes you piss your DNA down the toilet.

Wow, that's awfully critical especiallly when coming froma guy that said they were shooting. Geeze.

aside from that. if i choose to go out, enjoy a concert and knock down some beers, how does that really mean i'm destroying the body?

It does. There is no safe dose of booze. It`s like liquid radiation, it irreversibly damages DNA. Dope is painful to quit, to put it mildly but you can do it for 30 years and have healthy kids and look totally normal. I know a guy who`s been on heroin since he was 12, he is 54 and looks 46-48. He looks,acts and talks absolutely perfectly sober. You`ve had a few beers and can`t type shit. I used to drink while a teen and I shudder when i remember how God-awfully sick I was after drinking.
If you have kids, that`s one thing. if you don`t and plan to have them, you are committing a crime when drinking.
It`s their DNA you are destroying.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 01:33 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I`m high on the net but you`d never know it. I`m higher than a kite on the job but nobody knows either.
Booze destroys the body, the mind and the soul irreversibly. It`s an organic solvent which makes you piss your DNA down the toilet.

Wow, that's awfully critical especiallly when coming froma guy that said they were shooting. Geeze.

aside from that. if i choose to go out, enjoy a concert and knock down some beers, how does that really mean i'm destroying the body?

It does. There is no safe dose of booze. It`s like liquid radiation, it irreversibly damages DNA. Dope is painful to quit, to put it mildly but you can do it for 30 years and have healthy kids and look totally normal. I know a guy who`s been on heroin since he was 12, he is 54 and looks 46-48. He looks,acts and talks absolutely perfectly sober. You`ve had a few beers and can`t type sh*t. I used to drink while a teen and I shudder when i remember how God-awfully sick I was after drinking.
If you have kids, that`s one thing. if you don`t and plan to have them, you are committing a crime when drinking.
It`s their DNA you are destroying.

My existing children are doing just fined in their advanced classes. I really find it hard to beleive that you're saying that somehow heroin is superior in any way to alcohol (beer).

29th April 2010, 01:41 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I`m high on the net but you`d never know it. I`m higher than a kite on the job but nobody knows either.
Booze destroys the body, the mind and the soul irreversibly. It`s an organic solvent which makes you piss your DNA down the toilet.

Wow, that's awfully critical especiallly when coming froma guy that said they were shooting. Geeze.

aside from that. if i choose to go out, enjoy a concert and knock down some beers, how does that really mean i'm destroying the body?

It does. There is no safe dose of booze. It`s like liquid radiation, it irreversibly damages DNA. Dope is painful to quit, to put it mildly but you can do it for 30 years and have healthy kids and look totally normal. I know a guy who`s been on heroin since he was 12, he is 54 and looks 46-48. He looks,acts and talks absolutely perfectly sober. You`ve had a few beers and can`t type sh*t. I used to drink while a teen and I shudder when i remember how God-awfully sick I was after drinking.
If you have kids, that`s one thing. if you don`t and plan to have them, you are committing a crime when drinking.
It`s their DNA you are destroying.

My existing children are doing just fined in their advanced classes. I really find it hard to beleive that you're saying that somehow heroin is superior in any way to alcohol (beer).

I`m high and I type perfectly in a foreign language. You are drunk and type with mistakes in every sentence in your native tongue.

29th April 2010, 02:04 AM
Hi guys! I just joined up. I was at GIM from 03-08 when skyvike banned me.

I have since lurked and when the split happened, I decided I wanted to be here. Let me preface this by saying I am 100% anti-israel, and you can go back through my old posts on gim, if anyone has them archived, to check that out.

That being said, the actions on this thread (and merlins) make me sick. No Im not going to run away crying, but at the same time....why would I want to be here? Most of you people sound like fools. Stormfront II is very fitting.

If you want to wake people up, you arent going to do it by calling everyone who disagrees with you joos, faggots, and wetbacks.

I dont feel I can refer people to this site with you assholes sounding like a moronic redneck white power meeting. Im sure you will all just accuse me of using megaphone, et al., which is just more of the sickness.

Want to do something, and be a big brave white man? Go to church, the supermarket, walmart, and hand out flyers and get in peoples faces. go confront the assholes hiring illegals at the home depot. Dont come on the internets and harrass what few people inhabit this place.

29th April 2010, 02:08 AM
You guys are pathetic, trying to smear J6P's forum with your little psy-ops campaign. Go on back to GIM2 and leave us alone if you don't like it here.

*who invited your dumb ass here in the 1st place pot_dragon.

29th April 2010, 02:14 AM
I didnt know I needed an invite, I thought this was a free forum for people who liked liberty...but its becoming obvious that you dont believe in anyone elses liberty, especially if you dont agree with them.

youre lucky im not a mod, ive have sent your ass down the line a long time ago, with the other troublemakers.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 02:15 AM
Hi guys! I just joined up. I was at GIM from 03-08 when skyvike banned me.

I have since lurked and when the split happened, I decided I wanted to be here. Let me preface this by saying I am 100% anti-israel, and you can go back through my old posts on gim, if anyone has them archived, to check that out.

That being said, the actions on this thread (and merlins) make me sick. No Im not going to run away crying, but at the same time....why would I want to be here? Most of you people sound like fools. Stormfront II is very fitting.

If you want to wake people up, you arent going to do it by calling everyone who disagrees with you joos, faggots, and wetbacks.

I dont feel I can refer people to this site with you assholes sounding like a moronic redneck white power meeting. Im sure you will all just accuse me of using megaphone, et al., which is just more of the sickness.

Want to do something, and be a big brave white man? Go to church, the supermarket, walmart, and hand out flyers and get in peoples faces. go confront the assholes hiring illegals at the home depot. Dont come on the internets and harrass what few people inhabit this place.

blah blah blah

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 02:16 AM
I didnt know I needed an invite, I thought this was a free forum for people who liked liberty...but its becoming obvious that you dont believe in anyone elses liberty, especially if you dont agree with them.

youre lucky im not a mod, ive have sent your ass down the line a long time ago, with the other troublemakers.

Why? I thought you just joined up?

29th April 2010, 02:18 AM
I didnt know I needed an invite, I thought this was a free forum for people who liked liberty...but its becoming obvious that you dont believe in anyone elses liberty, especially if you dont agree with them.

youre lucky im not a mod, ive have sent your ass down the line a long time ago, with the other troublemakers.

ROFL. You'll never be a mod you dumb f*ck. Didn't you vote for Obama? You come in and start hurling insults without contributing anything. You're the f*cking parasite. WAAAA. You guys don't do things the way I like, change it all immediately. How about no and f*ck you.

*and you're the one talking about suspending people's right to free speech you ass fuck. Why don't you run to Merlin for a little consolation.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 02:20 AM
I think he was talking to me OR, but I could be wrong, He's drunk on the internets.

I`m high on the net but you`d never know it. I`m higher than a kite on the job but nobody knows either.
Booze destroys the body, the mind and the soul irreversibly. It`s an organic solvent which makes you piss your DNA down the toilet.

Wow, that's awfully critical especiallly when coming froma guy that said they were shooting. Geeze.

aside from that. if i choose to go out, enjoy a concert and knock down some beers, how does that really mean i'm destroying the body?

It does. There is no safe dose of booze. It`s like liquid radiation, it irreversibly damages DNA. Dope is painful to quit, to put it mildly but you can do it for 30 years and have healthy kids and look totally normal. I know a guy who`s been on heroin since he was 12, he is 54 and looks 46-48. He looks,acts and talks absolutely perfectly sober. You`ve had a few beers and can`t type sh*t. I used to drink while a teen and I shudder when i remember how God-awfully sick I was after drinking.
If you have kids, that`s one thing. if you don`t and plan to have them, you are committing a crime when drinking.
It`s their DNA you are destroying.

My existing children are doing just fined in their advanced classes. I really find it hard to beleive that you're saying that somehow heroin is superior in any way to alcohol (beer).

I`m high and I type perfectly in a foreign language. You are drunk and type with mistakes in every sentence in your native tongue.

Perhaps I do type with mistakes but I find I doubt that heroin is any better than alcohol.

Hey, here's a song for you: http://lala.com/zQsVY

29th April 2010, 02:22 AM
Thats my point. I dont WANT to contribute here. Nor will anyone else. It will be 3 drunk rednecks bitching about joos. You are driving people away, and the people you bring in will be of a lesser quality. Like yourself.

Like I said if your such a tough guy, do something in the real world. instead you are drunk off your ass at 5am bitching on the internet. Now excuse me, i have to go make some money.

29th April 2010, 02:22 AM
Well, then feel free to piss off you little troll.

*if you're playing poker let me know where so I can come take your bankroll. You probably play as bad as you post.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 02:25 AM
Thats my point. I dont WANT to contribute here. Nor will anyone else. It will be 3 drunk rednecks bitching about joos. You are driving people away, and the people you bring in will be of a lesser quality. Like yourself.

Like I said if your such a tough guy, do something in the real world. instead you are drunk off your ass at 5am bitching on the internet. Now excuse me, i have to go make some money.

Not sure exactly who you're talking to but I'm slightly drunk (sobering up) at 224 am here in the central deserts of Arizona.

Oh and not that your posts of any actual value but the mere act of posting anything is a contribution even though it's not much of a contribution so you're already failing.

29th April 2010, 02:26 AM
Dope vs alcohol,better in what sense? Dope feels infinitely better than booze, it`s harmless albeit hellishly painful to come off . It`s risky in many ways if you don`t know what you are doing. It`s a real man`s drug.

Grand Master Melon
29th April 2010, 02:27 AM
Dope vs alcohol,better in what sense? Dope feels infinitely better than booze, it`s harmless albeit hellishly painful to come off . It`s risky in many ways if you don`t know what you are doing. It`s a real man`s drug.

lol, we'll leave it at that. I don't want to get into a pissing contest about drugs.

29th April 2010, 02:34 AM
Dope vs alcohol,better in what sense? Dope feels infinitely better than booze, it`s harmless albeit hellishly painful to come off . It`s risky in many ways if you don`t know what you are doing. It`s a real man`s drug.
The heroin addicts I've known and seen may have initially been real men, though I doubt it. I thought you were off it Occam, clean... I think you are deluding yourself... There is no glory in being a smackhead!

29th April 2010, 02:40 AM
Dope vs alcohol,better in what sense? Dope feels infinitely better than booze, it`s harmless albeit hellishly painful to come off . It`s risky in many ways if you don`t know what you are doing. It`s a real man`s drug.
The heroin addicts I've known and seen may have initially been real men, though I doubt it. I thought you were off it Occam, clean... I think you are deluding yourself... There is no glory in being a smackhead!

I`m cutting down right now and will have to get clean very soon. I`ve lost interest in it already. It gets pretty boring after 3 years on it.
I hate booze with a passion. The govt-sanctioned high is genocide while the illegal dope is harmless.

29th April 2010, 02:55 AM
Did the fat lady sing yet?

Waiting to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting to clean up the city.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to put on a black shirt.
Waiting to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting to smash in their windows
And kick in their doors.
Waiting for the final solution
To strengthen the strain.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to turn on the showers
And fire the ovens.
Waiting for the queens and the coons
and the reds and the jews.
Waiting to follow the worms.

Would you like to see Britannia
Rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.
Would you like to send our colored cousins
Home again, my friend?

All you need to do is follow the worms.

29th April 2010, 02:57 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.

29th April 2010, 03:07 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.
Sometimes I get the same feeling about you... Damn in every two posts or so now I see a personal attack. What's up with that?

29th April 2010, 03:08 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.

Why Johnny Ringo, whatever do you mean?

I've been doing all I can to shed some light on the huddled masses.

29th April 2010, 03:11 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.
Sometimes I get the same feeling about you... Damn in every two posts or so now I see a personal attack. What's up with that?

Well, coming from you Neuro that hurts. But to tell the truth I'm fed up with wishy washy people and anyone that attacks me is going to get both barrels back their way. I try not to attack someone unless they have attacked me first, after that the gloves come off.

29th April 2010, 03:21 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.
Sometimes I get the same feeling about you... Damn in every two posts or so now I see a personal attack. What's up with that?

Well, coming from you Neuro that hurts. But to tell the truth I'm fed up with wishy washy people and anyone that attacks me is going to get both barrels back their way. I try not to attack someone unless they have attacked me first, after that the gloves come off.

Our policies are exactly the same.

29th April 2010, 03:21 AM
Are ya hung up?

If your looking for somewhere to place blame, I think you've been doing a fairly good job of it so far.

I'm sure you'll continue to do so.

29th April 2010, 03:24 AM
I'm sure you'll be there to laugh, Hole.

*you'll have to do better than that to make me doubt myself. Any day the mods want me gone I'll be gone.

29th April 2010, 03:26 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.
Sometimes I get the same feeling about you... Damn in every two posts or so now I see a personal attack. What's up with that?

Well, coming from you Neuro that hurts. But to tell the truth I'm fed up with wishy washy people and anyone that attacks me is going to get both barrels back their way. I try not to attack someone unless they have attacked me first, after that the gloves come off.

Wildcard I think you are an honest and standup guy, but if this site which has a lot of great things going for it, descends into a cesspool of namecalling, then we will all lose, and those who wants to destroy this site has won. Something to think about...

29th April 2010, 03:30 AM
Just part of who I am Neuro. I respond in kind. I'm not the turn the other cheek or avoid a conflict type. If someone wants to get in the mud then I'll beat them there. I'm too old to change my spots or try and pretend to be sophisticated. As I've said before, there are worse things to be than a brutish loudmouth. A fascist censor is one of them.

29th April 2010, 03:39 AM
Just part of who I am Neuro. I respond in kind. I'm not the turn the other cheek or avoid a conflict type. If someone wants to get in the mud then I'll beat them there. I'm too old to change my spots or try and pretend to be sophisticated. As I've said before, there are worse things to be than a brutish loudmouth. A fascist censor is one of them.

Name-calling accomplishes nothing except showing that one is weak. The way to destroy people is with truth, sarcasm and subtle psychological torture, the truth being the most important. Walk softly and carry a big stick.

PS.Uncle Joe never once raised his voice but they had a wardrobe full of suites of all sizes because people regularly shitted their pants in front of him and the staff had to carry them out, change their clothes and stuff them back into his office so they could continue the meeting.

29th April 2010, 03:46 AM
I agree with you Occams, name calling achieves absolutely nothing...

29th April 2010, 03:53 AM
It makes me feel better. :P

29th April 2010, 03:53 AM
There are a couple of posters who do nothing but empty ad hominem attacks. Incidentally they hate my guts. I on the other hand, almost never resort to name-calling unless it is used as an actual definition of who the victims are.

1970 Silver Art
29th April 2010, 03:55 AM
Name calling just makes all of us look bad IMO. It is not always necessarily what you say but it is how you say it and how you express it. Even though GSUS is much more freedom of speech oriented than the Censored Deuce, that does not mean that GSUS is immune from going downhill with the pissing matches, name calling, and personal attacks on other posters.

IMO resorting to name calling and personal attacks is just giving the Censored Deuce what it wants and that is seeing GSUS go down in flames. Do not give the Censored Deuce that satisfaction.

I also believe that you should "fight back" to defend yourself and your point on GSUS if another poster decides to "attack" your point of view. By "fighting back", I mean providing arguments to back up the point that you are trying to make. IMO name calling is not "fighting back" but that is my opinion. A poster can "fight back" on GSUS without resorting to name calling and personal attacks.

29th April 2010, 03:57 AM
I think I make my points very well tyvm. Crudely, but effectively.

29th April 2010, 04:11 AM
You'll never have to worry about whether or not I'm telling you what I really think. As opposed to someone like Horn-y that drifts into every thread like this and says nothing. He also likes to play games with multiple sock-puppet accounts. Even old skyvike told us that on gim1 before it closed down for good. I only have one account. I say what I need to say and don't care who knows I said it. I don't have to hide behind different accts to make it seem like there are more people on my side than there truly are.

*so be careful who you trust out there. The polished snake is out to get you.

29th April 2010, 04:13 AM
I know you'd love to see this site fail Horn. It's so clear to anyone that can see.
Sometimes I get the same feeling about you... Damn in every two posts or so now I see a personal attack. What's up with that?

Well, coming from you Neuro that hurts. But to tell the truth I'm fed up with wishy washy people and anyone that attacks me is going to get both barrels back their way. I try not to attack someone unless they have attacked me first, after that the gloves come off.

Please point out where I attacked you. Or maybe you mean anyone who attacks you or says or does something you don't approve.

29th April 2010, 04:16 AM
You are hiding behind a new id because you know that people wouldn't like you if you used your real ID. That means you're trouble. I already said I thought you were Mayhem/webtech, and if you are then you deserve worse than what's been said. The others think you're Ulysses. In any case you're hiding and that makes you a coward.

*someone thought you were PDT, but I know you're not. Fred would shoot me an email and tell me and not be a little weasel.

**speaking of which, why haven't we had a webtech/Mayhem fact finding mission yet? Why would someone try to slither around in the background and ask to remain anonymous?

29th April 2010, 04:19 AM
You are hiding behind a new id because you know that people wouldn't like you if you used your real ID. That means you're trouble. I already said I thought you were Mayhem/webtech, and if you are then you deserve worse than what's been said. The others think you're Ulysses. In any case you're hiding and that makes you a coward.

*someone thought you were PDT, but I know you're not. Fred would shoot me an email and tell me and not be a little weasel.

Spin it any which way you want; you say you only attack those who attack you and that's not true. You tell me what that makes you.

29th April 2010, 04:22 AM
I said I try not to. You spin any way you want. Either tell everyone who you were or buzz off.

I try not to attack someone unless they have attacked me first, after that the gloves come off.

29th April 2010, 04:24 AM
I said I try not to. You spin any way you want. Either tell everyone who you were or buzz off.

That could happen. Or we could try this:

I do neither and you deal with it.

29th April 2010, 04:26 AM

People can decide for themselves.

29th April 2010, 04:30 AM

People can decide for themselves.

Typical prejudice based on ignorance: because YOU only remember seeing one person say nym you assume I must be that person.

Anyway, next time you want to sound righteous and say you only attack those who attack you, remember it's a lie.

29th April 2010, 04:32 AM
Try reading comprehension mystery man. ::) I'll attack anyone I feel like. How's that grab ya. We got a thunderdome just for it.

29th April 2010, 04:40 AM
Try reading comprehension mystery man. ::) I'll attack anyone I feel like. How's that grab ya. We got a thunderdome just for it.

Well, let's see:

"I try not to attack someone unless they have attacked me first, after that the gloves come off."

You did say you "try", maybe you're not yet in full control of yourself.

29th April 2010, 04:43 AM

Your mother tries to keep her feet together, but she can only do it when they're behind her head.

29th April 2010, 04:45 AM

Your mother tries to keep her feet together, but she can only do it when they're behind her head.


I thought you must be young. Don't worry, puberty will pass.

29th April 2010, 04:47 AM

Your mother tries to keep her feet together, but she can only do it when they're behind her head.


I thought you must be young. Don't worry, puberty will pass.

I see you got the joke. Did she show you too?

29th April 2010, 04:53 AM
I've been doing some research on this. Odysseus is not Mayhem/WebTech. He is Immanti/Ulysses from the old site. For some reason, he doesn't want people to know who he is, but he keeps leaving breadcrumbs.

29th April 2010, 04:54 AM

Your mother tries to keep her feet together, but she can only do it when they're behind her head.


I thought you must be young. Don't worry, puberty will pass.

I see you got the joke. Did she show you too?

Well, it was a bit high end for me, but I got it. You're a comedic genius and a real asset to this forum. What a privilege to have your kind of quality content here. With that around, nobody will miss Market Neutral.


29th April 2010, 04:56 AM
Not when they're being distracted by pos shills.

29th April 2010, 04:56 AM
I've been doing some research on this. Odysseus is not Mayhem/WebTech. He is Immanti/Ulysses from the old site. For some reason, he doesn't want people to know who he is, but he keeps leaving breadcrumbs.

Lieutenant Columbo? Is that you?


You two really need to get a life.

29th April 2010, 04:58 AM
Columbo always solved the case, so I guess that means you're immanti/uloses

29th April 2010, 05:00 AM
Columbo always solved the case, so I guess that means you're immanti/uloses

Weren't you certain I was someone else 5 minutes ago? Nym, remember?

I guess that means you don't know what you're talking about.

Like I said: get a life.

29th April 2010, 05:01 AM
I've been doing some research on this. Odysseus is not Mayhem/WebTech. He is Immanti/Ulysses from the old site. For some reason, he doesn't want people to know who he is, but he keeps leaving breadcrumbs.

Lieutenant Columbo? Is that you?

I'll take that as confirmation, and since I know how much you love wikipedia... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbo_(TV_series))

Columbo is a scruffy-looking cop who is often underestimated by his fellow officers and by the murderer du jour. Despite his appearance and superficial absentmindedness, he solves all of his cases and manages to come up with the evidence needed for indictment, thanks to his eye for detail and the meticulous and committed approach he brings to his work.

29th April 2010, 05:04 AM
I've been doing some research on this. Odysseus is not Mayhem/WebTech. He is Immanti/Ulysses from the old site. For some reason, he doesn't want people to know who he is, but he keeps leaving breadcrumbs.

Lieutenant Columbo? Is that you?

I'll take that as confirmation, and since I know how much you love wikipedia... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbo_(TV_series))

Columbo is a scruffy-looking cop who is often underestimated by his fellow officers and by the murderer du jour. Despite his appearance and superficial absentmindedness, he solves all of his cases and manages to come up with the evidence needed for indictment, thanks to his eye for detail and the meticulous and committed approach he brings to his work.

Good for you, I hope you're relieved.

I know you boys really care and I appreciate the attention, but now that you've drawn yet another firm conclusion, could we get back to the topic of this thread?

29th April 2010, 05:28 AM
Did some more reviewing, Wildcard is pretty much a single issue guy when he is not stirring the pot around here.

I'd prefer to have MN back and not the two inferiors who claimed some credit for driving him off.

29th April 2010, 05:33 AM
ROFL, well thanks a lot keehah. I remember when I was defending you on the golden agora. I'm sorry for that. Suck my inferior ass.

29th April 2010, 05:36 AM
I am not sure I want to be associated with all you faggot loving, open borders pushing, anti-free speech hippies anyhow.

Nomen luni
29th April 2010, 05:46 AM
Hi guys! I just joined up. I was at GIM from 03-08 when skyvike banned me.

I have since lurked and when the split happened, I decided I wanted to be here. Let me preface this by saying I am 100% anti-israel, and you can go back through my old posts on gim, if anyone has them archived, to check that out.

That being said, the actions on this thread (and merlins) make me sick. No Im not going to run away crying, but at the same time....why would I want to be here? Most of you people sound like fools. Stormfront II is very fitting.

If you want to wake people up, you arent going to do it by calling everyone who disagrees with you joos, faggots, and wetbacks.

I dont feel I can refer people to this site with you assholes sounding like a moronic redneck white power meeting. Im sure you will all just accuse me of using megaphone, et al., which is just more of the sickness.

Want to do something, and be a big brave white man? Go to church, the supermarket, walmart, and hand out flyers and get in peoples faces. go confront the assholes hiring illegals at the home depot. Dont come on the internets and harrass what few people inhabit this place.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying, except that it applies only to a few posters and you seem to be blanketing everyone with your accusations, which is not cool.

Nomen luni
29th April 2010, 05:49 AM
Well yes I wpould, when him and three or four of his other buddies are calling for my banishment. "tis my fault he left in a huff? No way, and I don't think he deserves an official exit like he's some royalty. I would be happy if one of his acolytes would of started a thread, because no weight would of been given to it.
btw..,.I'm a better poster than MN

We lost a good poster.

Yet somehow this thread is all about you?
Get a f*cking clue.
Or better yet post something useful.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

29th April 2010, 05:54 AM
Jesus..... (Gsus?)!

Look at this thread!


29th April 2010, 05:58 AM
5 pages.... Funny, the people bitching about the "drama" of MN leaving are the ones who actually upped the drama 100 fold. :oo-->

Nomen luni
29th April 2010, 06:07 AM
100 fold?!!! Don't be such a drama queen! ;)

29th April 2010, 06:13 AM
100 fold?!!! Don't be such a drama queen! ;)
I had no scientific means of measuring it. It will all be based on SWAG until they invent a dramameter.

Until such a device is invented I stand by my observation :)

29th April 2010, 06:32 AM
100 fold?!!! Don't be such a drama queen! ;)


29th April 2010, 06:32 AM

29th April 2010, 06:38 AM
Funny how a simple announcement regarding a departed member can turn into something like this. We let it go on long enough, but now I'm locking the thread.

Nomen luni, Grand Master Melon and wildcard have been given 2 day bans for personal attacks.