View Full Version : ADL director joins list of top US Jews speaking out against Obama’s Israel polic

28th April 2010, 10:31 PM

ADL director joins list of top US Jews speaking out against Obama’s Israel policies.

The Anti-Defamation League’s National Director Abe Foxman over the weekend joined the growing tide of American Jewish leaders criticizing US President Barack Obama’s policy toward Israel.

In a statement, Foxman described as “deeply distressing,” the “significant shift in US policy toward Israel and the peace process, which has been evident in comments from various members of the Obama Administration and has now been confirmed by the president himself in his press conference at the Nuclear Security Summit.”

Foxman continued that Obama’s statements that “the absence of a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict undermines US interests in the broader Middle East and the larger issue of resolving other conflicts is a faulty strategy” and “an incorrect approach on which to base America’s foreign policy in the Middle East and its relationship with its longtime friend and ally, Israel.”

Foxman’s statement went on to criticize the “blatantly disproportionate number and the nature of statements issued by this administration criticizing Israel as compared to what has been said about the Palestinians,” as well as what he described as “dangerous thinking” that “shifts responsibility for success of American foreign policy away from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt and directly onto Israel.”

Instead, Foxman called on the US administration to demand that Palestinians “abandon their tactic of just saying no” and “insist that the rest of the Arab world move toward normalization relations with Israel.”

Foxman was far from alone in his criticism.

Late last week, World Jewish Congress Chairman Ronald Lauder penned an open letter to Obama, published in a number of major newspapers including The Jerusalem Post, in which he, too, called on Obama to reassess his administration’s policy regarding Israel.

Lauder, who is known to support Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and ran as a Republican candidate in a New York City mayoral race, also blasted the administration for “seeming to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks,” arguing that “after all, it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who refuse to negotiate.”

Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel also put his thoughts in print, taking out paid advertisements in The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal entitled: “For Jerusalem.”

28th April 2010, 10:36 PM

ADL not complaining about this anti-Semitic Holocaust?


28th April 2010, 11:00 PM
Surprise, surprise.

It ain't worth protesting so long as their people do it.

28th April 2010, 11:55 PM
Of course Palestinians should be equally blamed for being walled in, starved and bombed...

29th April 2010, 02:09 AM
All this including the words of Foxman and Obama is based on a faulty concept that palestinians exist.
Golda Meyer was more honest and admitted that Pals don`t exist.

29th April 2010, 02:15 AM
All this including the words of Foxman and Obama is based on a faulty concept that palestinians exist.
Golda Meyer was more honest and admitted that Pals don`t exist.
Golda Meir was probably instrumental in the creation of the Palestinians... Certainly I can agree that their is little historical basis for a Palestinian people, but they do exist today!

29th April 2010, 04:11 AM
I thought the jews were running the world? The way everyone talks around here the jews are in complete control. So why would they put someone in office that isnt pro joo?

29th April 2010, 05:07 AM
I thought the jews were running the world? The way everyone talks around here the jews are in complete control. So why would they put someone in office that isnt pro joo?

This is a superb question. I`ve racked my brains over this too, why would Obongo turn against Israel after kissing Jew ass all his life? It`s an elaborate game as everything is in politics but what is the goal of this game?

Obongo is fucking everything up here in USA as fast as he can, reminding me of Yeltsin doing the same in USSR.

Bush was your Gorby, the 1st open traitor who stabbed USA in the back by doing 911.

Obongo is an American Yeltsin who will preside over a monumental change (destruction) of USA.

After him comes a faux hardliner like Putin who will pretend to restore order.

29th April 2010, 08:28 AM
We'll criticize them all but we'll still send Israel and the muslim countries billions of dollars each year. Our foreign policy is just "say one thing and do another".

29th April 2010, 08:58 AM
there is little historical basis for a Palestinian people, but they do exist today!

Philistines or Philistimlyans

Even khazar-o-pedia couldn't deny they exists, although they show maps where Israel is everywhere and Philisimlyans are apparently only in Ghaza:

The real picture was not like that at all. Philistimlyans were sea people, and they controlled cities-states in the area. They would occasionally succumb to Egyptians and other strong armies, but would usually regain their independence. Their cities were all over the sea shore.

Showing Israel like that on the Philistines map would be like showing German borders in 1942 when they captured everyone around for a couple of years - A FRAUD.

29th April 2010, 09:04 AM
I thought the jews were running the world? The way everyone talks around here the jews are in complete control. So why would they put someone in office that isnt pro joo?


Totally kosher boy. He works for the NYC synagogue and they are fighting with the Tel Aviv synagogue. One big dysfunctional family kicking their dog:

29th April 2010, 09:05 AM
One thing is to talk about something and another to act on it...........only time will tell who is really incharged..........but of course we know who is.

29th April 2010, 09:06 AM
Showing Israel like that on the Philistines map would be like showing German borders in 1942 when they captured everyone around for a couple of years - A FRAUD.


29th April 2010, 09:18 AM
One thing is to talk about something and another to act on it...........only time will tell who is really incharged..........but of course we know who is.



29th April 2010, 09:22 AM
I thought the jews were running the world? The way everyone talks around here the jews are in complete control. So why would they put someone in office that isnt pro joo?

Except that it is all a big show...Obama acts like he isn't pro Israel now so that he will still have some credibility when Israel starts (or more likely pushes US into) a war with Iran. Plus, what are a few "statements" against Israel? Actions speak louder than words, and Obama hasn't cut off aid or removed any of the Israelis from his administration. Again, just a charade to fool the masses.

29th April 2010, 10:20 AM
I believe you are right BigShiny. O was tough with the Israeli's in words. Just like Bush and Clinton before, but all they did was increasing aid and fought their wars. I think it is all part of the gameplan...

29th April 2010, 10:31 AM
Again, just a charade to fool the masses.

The impression that one isn't part of the masses, is another part of the foolery.

As is Obama, as is you, as is me.

Yes, racial ties are by far the deepest, but as has been shown time and again thruout history, ones own race is secondary to ones own being.

Jews will beget jews, whites beget whites, so on & so forth.

This dualistic nature could be a more prevalent trait amongst the "chosen" ones, and why again, it is exploited with haste as is summed in the phrase "the meek shall inherit the earth".

It was only a matter of weeks ago, that the zionists were in control here.

Israel is only a country, there are no Israelis, the united states too, these are the meek.

There are however Alabamans, and Obamans.

29th April 2010, 10:53 AM
Damn it horn you are a deep mother, you talk cryptic, full of double meanings. I like it! I hope I will be among those who inherit earth. I bet you will though!

29th April 2010, 05:17 PM
Again, just a charade to fool the masses.


that Israeli demonstration in New York struck me the same way -

They are a caricature of the selfish greedy homicidal ritual Passover blood sacrifice Jew stereotype. But they're real people. Scary.

29th April 2010, 05:43 PM
We see that there is a plague here, a plague that threatens the health of the Aryan peoples.

29th April 2010, 05:54 PM
that Israeli demonstration in New York struck me the same way -

They are a caricature of the selfish greedy homicidal ritual Passover blood sacrifice Jew stereotype. But they're real people. Scary.

Notice that they all remain in NYC and don't, themselves, actually move to their stolen "Homeland" in Palestine?


29th April 2010, 06:13 PM
I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.”

— Nahum Goldmann “The Jewish Paradox” 1978

29th April 2010, 06:39 PM
"Jewish life?"..........ZIONISTS LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, stop confusing the Jews with those DOGSSSSSSSS, or monkeys.

29th April 2010, 09:27 PM
"Jewish life?"..........ZIONISTS LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, stop confusing the Jews with those DOGSSSSSSSS, or monkeys.

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