View Full Version : America under foreign occupation.

29th April 2010, 05:52 AM
Well, this will be a thread to finally give the truth out. That America as you know it is under siege, it has been under a control of a foreign power for years and years. And not a damn thing YOU are doing about it.

This is a continuation of the Goodbye America (http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=2852.0) thread to show that America had been taken over and sold a long time ago. It didn't happen now.

Your most profitable industries are:
1. financial fraud (stripping people of their assets)
2. guns and war (killing people)
3. drugs (killing people)
4. somewhere there is oil, which you also mostly grab from other countries via force.

You are fighting wars against other INDEPENDENT countries. Just a few recent examples:
* Iraq - leveled, > 1 million dead. Yugoslavia - leveled, no such country anymore.
Opium war against Russia (http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=3282.0)

You have a group of people who are smart and rich that is fleeing:
More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship... (http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=3247.0)

On this forum there's only one man in the WHOLE GOVERNMENT that is mentioned as somebody who "may" be a any good - Ron Paul. This is a sign - A BIG FREAKING BRIGHT SIGN that you don't have control over your own government.

You cannot go around trying to use Constitution (law - which is created by your enemy BTW), and attempt to get your country back. It is just funny to watch, and isn't going to work. They are laughing their ares to the bank when you try doing that.

Here's I posted a link that basically says who is representing you country in creation of a a single world banking - it is Rothschilds who are jewish khazars from Europe:
USA after all is owned by Rothschild (http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?topic=2843.0)

America is under a khazarian rule, and has been for maybe 30 years, or even way more. It means there's no SIMPLE way of getting them out. BUT there are ways. There are countries out there that know how to get rid of khazars and known it for centuries, countries they are afraid of, afraid BIG TIMES. one of those countries is Russia.

Let's list some facts here, so we can finally get over with this "america is free" claim.

29th April 2010, 06:02 AM
I'll throw some more facts in here when I can. But make sure you read about Khazaria and Khazarian Kaganat - this is how your rulers operate, this is a basis of their control. They run a separate parallel government that fully controls your "visible" government. You have control in local matters, but most international and large national issues are under their full and complete control.

What about police and military and such?

1. Police may or may not be your friend. Your local policeman is probably your neighbor and likely is NOT a khazarian. He may be your best friend. But they are made NOT to think for themselves, that's the problem

2. CIA - CIA is THEIR operation. CIA is most likely under MOSSAD control. Not your friend

3. Army, navy - here's what they are MOST afraid of, it is a large military group that is not them. Army and navy is your friend, you cannot have them fight their wars in other lands. Bringing military back should be #1 priority if you want any freedom at all.

4. Private armies such as Blackwater/XE - this is their private armies on american soil.

29th April 2010, 06:11 AM
Good thread! Keep it coming! I'm especially interested in 'the cure.'

29th April 2010, 06:19 AM
Ok, the cure can be hard, and it can be easy.

Here's 2 people khazars are afraid THE MOST:

Svyatoslav of Kiev
This guy destroyed first khazarian empire, he was a russian (slavic at that point) ruler in 945-972 ad

Joseph Stalin
A controvercial figure, but he got rid of khazarian occupation in russia, after khazars led by Trotsky and over 200 new york jews took control of Russia and killed Tsar Nicolas II. It was "red" Trotsky, Bala Kun and their gang who killed 20+ million people, starved Ukraine, and created concentration camps. This is the reason the guy is demonized in history books (mostly written by khazars). He's got his share of blood obviously, but he rid russia of most of the khazars. it was bloody too (I am not a stalinist myself, I think the guy had 2 sides, but the fact remains he did it).

They are afraid of strong military leaders.
They are afraid of strong national governments (that's why they promote multiculturalism)
They are afraid of strong religions such as christianity and islam (that's why they don't want religion in schools)

I will post pictures, because even the pictures make them tremble.

29th April 2010, 06:38 AM
Read about Tribe of Dan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribe_of_Dan). It is a common belief that the "jews" that are in power in US, Britain and Israel are not jews at all, they are a mix of turko-khazarian blood. However there's another opinion on this one, and that there's a blood of Tribe of Dan in them, that it is a mix

Main symbol of the Tribe of Dan is a serpent:

So, don't tread on me yellow flag with a serpent - not a good flag to show independence, it is their subliminal message.

29th April 2010, 06:53 AM
So, don't tread on me yellow flag with a serpent - not a good flag to show independence, it is their subliminal message.
I'm guessing artists should give up using red, blue, white, black, violet, and green as well since that is in the symbol as well?

29th April 2010, 07:22 AM
RJB, why? I don't see a reason. There's only 7 colors. But the serpent and six-pointed star are two symbols that shouldn't be used on flags IMHO

29th April 2010, 07:30 AM
RJB, why? I don't see a reason. There's only 7 colors. But the serpent and six-pointed star are two symbols that shouldn't be used on flags IMHO
Fair enough. I am enjoying this thread. I'll go back to lurking.

29th April 2010, 08:07 AM
Good thread! Keep it coming! I'm especially interested in 'the cure.'

I agree that this is a good thread. Here is one visual to go along with the premise here:

29th April 2010, 08:17 AM
One of the most evil things that zionists are doing right now is a subversion of a lot of good people into their own agendas. Christian zionists - this is their evil creation. They want good christians - regardless of their concession - to be part of their zionist world order, support Israel, believe their gods of war etc. etc.

This description in Khazar-o-pedia is wrong:
Chrisian zionizm is a group of subversive organizations that were created to confuse christians into believing that Izrael is God's creation, and to make them support Israel with their faith (anti-christ) and money (well, maybe they are more interested in the money).

There's more and more of this christian zionizm around. There are numerous reports that it has a strong following in the military as well, which may be your only stronghold against a complete and total zionist khazarian occupation.

BTW any chirch or secret sect like freemasonry that says you should be "born again" - is likely a zionist front or supporting zionist agenda.

29th April 2010, 08:50 AM
I think a good part to remember is the parasitic/host relationship.

The ability to leave the host and leech onto another at will or overnight, can't be expressed as more important.

Just as the fleet of multi-national corporations that globe trot around sapping energy from unsuspecting or desperate countries.

So to could be the use of the U.S. as the main "beehive base" if you will.

Alot has changed since WWII, as to the multiple layers of shielding which have been installed. Though I'm still not fully convinced that the khazars themselves aren't just another layer of "meatshields" as they may have been in the past. And mostly disposed of when it's required.

Nonetheless a shield, or layer in the proper direction to be targeted.

29th April 2010, 09:23 AM
IMHO, a flag or the symbolism on a flag is given creedence by those who fly it. I certainly don't think that the millions of patriots have been subliminally persuaded to fly the Don't Tread On Me flag nor have any desire to be affiliated with any world Zio-Corp.

29th April 2010, 10:37 AM
Joseph Stalin
A controvercial figure, but he got rid of khazarian occupation in russia, after khazars led by Trotsky and over 200 new york jews took control of Russia and killed Tsar Nicolas II. It was "red" Trotsky, Bala Kun and their gang who killed 20+ million people, starved Ukraine, and created concentration camps. This is the reason the guy is demonized in history books (mostly written by khazars). He's got his share of blood obviously, but he rid russia of most of the khazars. it was bloody too (I am not a stalinist myself, I think the guy had 2 sides, but the fact remains he did it).

Are you sure about STALIN being against Khazars? Seriously.

I thought he was one of them and "STALIN" wasn't even his real name.

29th April 2010, 12:22 PM
MetalsMan, I am sure Stalin - wasn't one of them. The Trotsky gang and Stalin group were 2 separate groups that came to power after 1917. Trotsky wrote everywhere that he has only one real enemy, and it is Stalin. Before he died, Lenin was #1 figure, and in order to take full control Trotsky created himself a second para-military group (in classic khazarian style of parallel government), Revvoensovet. It was he and not Stalin who created and used "schock brigades", and other killings - it was an american-made armored train and its leader. Trotsky, Sverdlov (Sverdlov's brother was an american banker), Bela Kun and his gang were financed by Jacob Schiff (and through him by Warburgs and Rothschild). All these bustards were denying that they are jewish and instead called themselves communists (tribe of Dan and khazarian blood at its best). These bastards were using anti-christ symbolic as well, which is commonly documented.

It is estimated (low estimates too) by Russian sources that Trotsky and gang killed around 6 million people before he was at least contained when Stalin was elected after Lenin's death. There's just way too many sources going all the way to brits like Lord Sydenhem and many others that describe what communists did to Russia (and communists were an EXTERNAL OCCUPATIONAL POWER). Trotsky's world revolution continued into a Hitler's World War (I let you figure out the rest). Stalin was a part of a group for a strong russian government, and not anti-government khazarian trotskist gang, and he fought against them.

And...although Stalin himself wasn't all white and pretty....and he created 1937 later...although this sounds like another BS, and was probably an attempt for another coup to overthrow Stalinists.

The fact that he was antisemitic I am not even discussing, ask oscamsrazor. He put in every newspaper the following warning "all antisemites will be severely punished" (or something of that nature). This is because he knew these were not jews but khazars, and he warned that he will punish khazars for killings and for misrepresenting themselves as jews (khazars are not of jewish blood).

This is what crypto-jews can do if they are left alone:

The problem US has is that US has been under crypto-jew khazarian control for a while, and many things that are well known everywhere in the world are news here. No, they don't "hate us for our freedoms", they hate you because you have an evil sitting at the head that disregard everyone else's life, liberties and pursuit of anything good, for personal gain and for World Domination. And you blindly don't see it.

29th April 2010, 01:48 PM
Great info FreeEnergy,

I actually read that article. "The Tribe" built the "Hell Bomb" (Atomic Bomb).

I believe the article also says that Stalin was one of them >>>

"the New World Order has based its entire strategy on the agony of the hundreds of thousands of civilians burned alive at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including many thousands of children sitting in their schoolrooms. These leaders had learned from their master, Josef Stalin, that no one can rule without mass terrorism, which in turn required mass murder."

But that doesn't really matter.

They are kicking our asses. Free America is in Dire Straights.

I wouldn't doubt if they false flag nuke us and then TSHTF big time.

What do you think will happen? How do we stop this madness?

29th April 2010, 02:11 PM
MetalsMan, I saw that reference. That's why I only trust Rense site to a degree...but then again the author has been an american, and had been fed an official version of Russia and Stalin. And, it is entirely possible that Stalin originally was part of Trotsky gang as well, and changed his mind later.

The correct quote should be this one:

These leaders had learned from their master, Leon Trotsky, that no one can rule without mass terrorism, which in turn required mass murder."

Here's another quote from khazaropedia:

The Fourth International (FI) is an international communist organisation which opposes both capitalism and Stalinism.

Leon Trotsky was a founding member of Fourth International. FI is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

29th April 2010, 02:26 PM
What do you think will happen?

Don't know, don't have a crystal ball. But my guess some banks will collapse. Dollar may or may not collapse, will or will not be replaced with amero. A North-American alliance may be formed. Khazarian Kaganat will be built in the Middle East.

I am studying the history of Khazaria (600-950 ad give or take) now, and what looks interesting is that when they ruled it they had a total disregard to local population. they robbed it, they used them as slaves, and they didn't build anything except their own fortresses on rivers to pillage and bribe the merchants. They are destructive, very destructive force.

How do we stop this madness?

This is what I am currently studying. But off the top of my head, you don't have a chance against in full frontal, because they've been in revolution and counter-revolution for centuries. They have a network of organizations they use when needed. BUT... They also need to stay secretive, or the whole charade gets exposed. They don't like exposure, not unless they actually feel they own everything.

So...in no way it is anything, I am not a revolutionary, never been and never will probably be. But here's ideas to look into:
1) try to bring the army and/or navy back.

2) do an investigation into how they do colored revolutions. They use very little funding , use local networks and access young people via technology. It is smart IMHO. To do that, you would need your own network, i.e. video hosting site, messaging like twitter, etc. you can't use existing networks because they are under control

3) maybe get one national TV channel under your control(?) fat chance of that...at least a national radio show, TV is better.

4) do what you can do - stay debt free, buy gold or silver to protect yourself and families from collapse.

Maybe a very good, solid, strongly researched video that outlines current situation and explained in layman's terms would work. Viral spreading it across the internet, to many people simultaneously, so that it cannot be shut down. This would be enough to make decent people ask questions (even uneducated questions - there's so much fraud that they really DON'T like being exposed).

this is thinking out loud

29th April 2010, 02:37 PM
You guys are great at marketing BS :) everyone in the world agrees, that american marketing is da best. So you could come up with a marketing gimmick that will go viral, but at the end that will make people watch the video, for instance.

Or. you can flood every home with DVDs much like AOL did in the 90th. Will probably cost a couple of million bucks, it is nothing to folks like Rothschild...may be able to find a businessman who will finance this, not very likely though...

educate people

you can hire chinese to spam every email box with the video. just like they spam you with their drugs.

30th April 2010, 08:55 PM
Why "the Fifth Column" was always unwelcome in Europe.

This (the collapse) has always occurred when Christians and pagans allow themselves to be deceived by the skilled diplomatic maneuvers of the Jews and believed in their friendship and loyalty. For the Jews unfortunately only utilize these subtle requests in order to disarm those whom they secretly regard in their deepest hearts always as deadly foes, in order then, when they have once been lulled asleep through the aromatic nectar of friendship and brotherhood and are disarmed, to easily enslave or destroy them. The Jews have always followed the norm, if they are weak or dangerously threatened, of giving themselves out as friends of their foes, in order to be able to easier rule them. Unfortunately, they have had success with this maneuver in the course of centuries and still also today.

Jewish diplomacy is classic: In order to arouse sympathy, they describe the persecutions, slavery and murders, which their people has suffered, in the blackest colors, but carefully conceal the motives through which they themselves called forth these persecutions. If they have been successful in inoculating pity, they attempt to transform it into sympathy. Accordingly they fight without pause, in order to attain all possible advantages on grounds of this pity and sympathy. These advantages have always been directed at destroying the defense erected against them by Christian or pagan clergy or civil authorities, so that the Jews can set their plans for conquest over the unfortunate state into fact, which has naively destroyed the walls which earlier rulers had erected for defense against Jewish conquest.

Gradually, the Jews gain greater influence in the land through this maneuver, which affords them hospitality, and they go from being the persecuted to become merciless persecutors of the real patriots, who attempt to defend their religion or their land against the rule and destruction of the undesired aliens, until the Jews finally rule or destroy the Christian or pagan state, always according to what is planned.

Part 4, chapter 17

The government of Witiza is another classic example of what happens to a nation which the Jews wish to destroy and which, lulled asleep and deceived by the apparent wish of founding the Christian-Jewish reconciliation, the unity of peoples, the equality of men and similar ideals which are too beautiful to be honest, concede to the Jews, who are out for destruction and conquest, high positions in the nation. History shows us that in such cases the Jews spread immorality and perversion by all attainable means, for it is relatively easy to destroy a land weakened by these two vices, because it cannot properly defend itself. It is a strange coincidence that even in the case of the Gothic kingdom, when Witiza conceded to the Jews high positions in the government and society, all possible perversions and immoralities spread out there and even the king and his closest advisors did not remain spared by this. This king abandoned himself to ignoble Jewish counsellors and advisors.
We must allude to two important coincidences: First there was then in Christianity no more perverted society than that of the Gothic kingdom. This coincides with the fact that in Christianity there was also no other kingdom where the Jews had such great influence. For the rest remained true to the traditional doctrine of the Church and continued to fight more or less against Jewry. Secondly such perversity came about particularly when the chains were removed from the Jews, which had prevented them from doing evil, and they obtained high positions in the Visigoth society.

Twelve hundred years after these events, the methods of Jews have still remained essentially the same. They wish to overthrow authority in the USA, England, and other western states and therefore spread immorality and perversion there. Many patriotic writers have accused the Jews as being principal agents of white slavery, of trading with heroin and the dissemination of pornographic, destructive theatres and cinemas. All this harms the American, English and French youth and the other lands, whose decline Jewry has resolved upon. As one sees, the methods have little altered in twelve hundred years.

30th April 2010, 09:16 PM
The jews fear stalin? I've never heard anything so silly. Stalin who had millions of Christians killed at the hands of marxist jews. Stalin who made "anti semitism" a capital offense. Stalin was nothing but a shabbos goy.

The jews fear(ed) Hitler and the Third Reich.

The jews fear Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

30th April 2010, 09:32 PM
How do we stop this madness?


Starve it

The only problem here is when the parasite & host have a symbiotic relationship.

Day traders plinking from their laptops at ETFs comes to mind.

30th April 2010, 10:21 PM
Profiling the enemy doesn't seem to be a very good strategy as far as I can tell either, recent examples of this will be pending.

Especially in cases of severe vulnerability, it is best in cases such as these to lure it close then listen for when exposed.


1st May 2010, 06:53 AM
How do we stop this madness?


Starve it

The only problem here is when the parasite & host have a symbiotic relationship.

You hit it Horn. This is the signature of the uber predatory parasite, the ability to put the host in a position where disengaging from the parasite harms the host. An induced state of symbiosis that causes the host to rely on the parasite. kind of contradictory, in a way blurring the distinction beween host and parasite.

1st May 2010, 07:13 AM
The jews fear stalin? I've never heard anything so silly. Stalin who had millions of Christians killed at the hands of marxist jews. Stalin who made "anti semitism" a capital offense. Stalin was nothing but a shabbos goy.

The jews fear(ed) Hitler and the Third Reich.

The jews fear Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The Khazars fear no controlled opposition.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

They fear the initiative of individuals.

1st May 2010, 07:22 AM
This is the signature of the uber predatory parasite, the ability to put the host in a position where disengaging from the parasite harms the host. An induced state of symbiosis that causes the host to rely on the parasite. kind of contradictory, in a way blurring the distinction beween host and parasite.

http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/83021867.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF8789215ABF3343C02EA54884F2C6D9B177EA11 4F5D19726CF6FB8C08FEFD10A67131BAE30A760B0D811297

Paulson and Bernanke threatened to turn off every ATM machine in the USA over the weekend unless Congress approved the Wall Street Bailout...lol.


1st May 2010, 09:14 AM
The jews fear stalin? I've never heard anything so silly. Stalin who had millions of Christians killed at the hands of marxist jews. Stalin who made "anti semitism" a capital offense. Stalin was nothing but a shabbos goy.

The jews fear(ed) Hitler and the Third Reich.

The jews fear Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The Khazars fear no controlled opposition.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

They fear the initiative of individuals.

You won't hear an argument from me.

I'm just saying jews created communism and use(d) it as a tool to control soviet russia and now the majority of the world. So Stalin was just the ultimate shabbos goy.

1st May 2010, 10:03 AM
You won't hear an argument from me.

I'm just saying jews created communism and use(d) it as a tool to control soviet russia and now the majority of the world. So Stalin was just the ultimate shabbos goy.
After going to all that trouble to implement the Bolshevik Revolution to take over the USSR, it is very doubtful that they would have permitted a goy to take control.

The end result reveals the original intention.......and I think that applies to Adolf Shickelgruber as well.

1st May 2010, 10:10 AM
You won't hear an argument from me.

I'm just saying jews created communism and use(d) it as a tool to control soviet russia and now the majority of the world. So Stalin was just the ultimate shabbos goy.
After going to all that trouble to implement the Bolshevik Revolution to take over the USSR, it is very doubtful that they would have permitted a goy to take control.

The end result reveals the original intention.......and I think that applies to Adolf Shickelgruber as well.

Stalin had as much control as any of our presidents in the last 100 years. Not much.

Like I said he's just a shabbos goy puppet. Jews typically don't like to exert their rule out in the open.

1st May 2010, 10:14 AM
You won't hear an argument from me.

I'm just saying jews created communism and use(d) it as a tool to control soviet russia and now the majority of the world. So Stalin was just the ultimate shabbos goy.
After going to all that trouble to implement the Bolshevik Revolution to take over the USSR, it is very doubtful that they would have permitted a goy to take control.

The end result reveals the original intention.......and I think that applies to Adolf Shickelgruber as well.

Then why does the same group love to put a goy in office in the US?

Why wouldn't they put a goy as the figure head? This is a tactic they have employed for thousands of years, why would they stop now?

1st May 2010, 11:17 AM
Like I said he's just a shabbos goy puppet. Jews typically don't like to exert their rule out in the open.
That's why they use Marranos as often as they can. Jews are the world's greatest actors, did you ever notice that about Hollywood?
More key figures are Marranos than you or I will ever know.
I'm sure you already knew about Marranos and you didn't learn it from mass media or Hollywood. That said, if the official Jewish version (OJV) of history does not mention the existence of Marranos in everyday life, why would you believe the OJV when they tell you Hitler and Stalin were goys?

As always....cui bono?

1st May 2010, 12:28 PM
Your most profitable industries are:
1. financial fraud (stripping people of their assets)
2. guns and war (killing people)
3. drugs (killing people)
4. somewhere there is oil, which you also mostly grab from other countries via force.

America is under a khazarian rule, and has been for maybe 30 years, or even way more. It means there's no SIMPLE way of getting them out. BUT there are ways. There are countries out there that know how to get rid of khazars and known it for centuries, countries they are afraid of, afraid BIG TIMES. one of those countries is Russia.

Let's list some facts here, so we can finally get over with this "america is free" claim.

i agree. the US is run by & for a group of criminal Khazarian Jews.

i would date the government takeover at 11-22-63 (JFK Assassination) or 9-11.

and they think they have the right to tax the rest of us to help finance their crime gang.

as far as a semblance of democracy in the government, i think that pretty much ended with the appointment of Bush.

it's paradoxical to have Obama in the White House. the term "Uncle Tom" comes to mind. i use that phrase because it refers to a black man who makes a living as a servant for white men - originating in the slave days. and look who the primary slave traders were - Khazarian criminals named Jews.

so here we have Obama in the White House, serving the same criminal group that enslaved African Americans in earlier centuries.

Uncle Tom Obama working for Uncle Sammy Shylock, dba the United States.