View Full Version : Illegal aliens: declaring war on the enablers

29th April 2010, 06:52 PM
Illegal aliens: declaring war on the enablers

By: Devvy
April 30, 2010

Illegal alien

1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization.

2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

The hysteria pumped up by the useful fools in mainstream media and cable news network anchors over Arizona's new immigration law is shameful. The temper tantrums by mayors and race baiters like Al Sharpton demanding the State of Arizona ignore the lawlessness in their state caused by the illegals invasion is putrid. A U.S. Congressman calling for the Department of Fatherland Security under Jan (the man) Napolitano to ignore any requests from law enforcement in the State of Arizona to determine citizenship status is beyond words. This is what such irresponsible actions are creating:

"It's going to change our lives," said Emilio Almodovar, a 13-year-old American citizen from Phoenix. "We can't walk to school any more. We can't be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we're illegal immigrants."

The pigs?

All to protect criminals. When was the last time you saw massive demonstrations and mayors come out in support of bank robbers?

Thieves steal what doesn't belong to them. The same applies to the 22 million illegal aliens who have invaded our country openly and in our face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in welfare, food stamps and medical care. Not to mention the massive amount of drugs coming across the border as well as gangs and terrorists. Arizona should just roll over and do nothing while their citizens suffer such madness.

There is no difference. A thief is a thief.

Oh, make no mistake about it, illegals are in an uproar and things are likely to get very ugly. Back on March 27, 2006, I wrote a column titled When Illegals Go Berserk, Will Your State be Prepared? Well, the situation is moving into a dangerous direction. Go watch to this harridan shout, "We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we...we will use them against you! Believe that!"

A lot more......http://www.devvy.com/new_site/declaring_war_on_enablers_042910.html

29th April 2010, 07:01 PM
We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we...we will use them against you! Believe that!

Go right ahead, I believe Arizona is pretty well armed, with weapons, not pickaxes, and shovels.

These idiots are very well adapted to rising to the challenge here in the states for "rights", but won't lift a g*d damn finger in their home country.

29th April 2010, 07:47 PM
Excellent article. Thank you Ponce!

29th April 2010, 07:48 PM
These idiots are very well adapted to rising to the challenge here in the states for "rights", but won't lift a g*d damn finger in their home country.

I couldn't have stated it any better.

How pitiful of those parasites.

29th April 2010, 09:03 PM
The article is completely misleading and part and parcel of the entire problem.

The following assumptions are so full of sh!t, it's hard to believe that former GIM members can't spot the flaws with their eyes closed...

from the article...
"The same applies to the 22 million illegal aliens who have invaded our country openly and in our face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in welfare, food stamps and medical care. Not to mention the massive amount of drugs coming across the border as well as gangs and terrorists. "

... bankrupting the states...?
What has bankrupted the states and the nation at large is the Fed number 1. The money is the theft, 98 percent of it has already been filtered off and stolen through inflation. Taxes and usury has taken most of the rest. Add to that unfunded mandates, wars for nothing, the welfare state agendas and you get to nearly 100 percent of the financial problem. Whatever illegals have cost the US after the advantages that the nation has taken in terms of lower agricultural, cleaning and other low end sectors is not enough to make a drop of difference in terms of the big picture.

... drugs coming over the border... ?
Again, the root cause of the entire drug problem stems from govt regulations making it so high profit for criminals. Prior to illegals, mafias ran drugs all by themselves. Again, a symptom issue can not be the cause of a root cause issue.

The biggest problem is that Arizona residents have been led to believe they are solving something, which they are not.
Once again, TPTB and the matrix has the sheep thinking they are solving some issue, that this symptom issue will improve.

But the reality is far far away from anything of the sort.
The whole thing will turn out completely counter-productive, just like 100% of everything else govts do. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder, once gone, leave room for the rest? That is the theory?

The theory is you can sacrafice some freedoms and liberties and gain some security in the process. Those who believe the AZ laws will make anything better and not make anything worse also think they are smarter than Ben Franklin. They might want to study their history. Logic and history have proven how things work. Going against logic and history doesn't work.

What makes people think they solve symptom issues without solving root causes? Even RP's words were turned upside down in that other thread tht went 16 pages over on GIM2 (with majority support by the members there I might add). RP addressed this issue with a 99 percent focus on the root causes. Go after the root causes and this issue goes away. Nothing gets solved until the root issues get solved. This issue either simply gets worse, regardless the new law or if it does go away it will be because the race to the bottom that the US is currently experiencing gets so bad that nobody wants to be in the country anyway, legal or not.

29th April 2010, 10:15 PM

The entire SW has been bankrupted,
and turned into a war zone.

That ain't enough for some people.

29th April 2010, 10:36 PM
The entire SW??

Are you saying Chicago is better? New York? Florida? Oklahoma?

The facts remain simple as ever. If somebody steals your house, your car, your fuel, your food, then charges you half of everything you produce and sends your children away to fight wars based on lies and treason, what do you plan to do?

Tell me, what you plan to do about those things? Ask the govt man to start checking peoples' papers? So that's the plan? Give up some liberty in pursuit of some security? Great plan. That's sure to fix our problems. :sarc:

gunny highway
30th April 2010, 05:03 AM
it's funny how no one talks about why the illegals are here. if it weren't for the companies that hire these illegals, we wouldn't have an illegal alien problem. look at who benefits from them being here illegally and you will have the source of the problem. it's all about incentive. take that incentive (jobs) away and you get rid of the problem. what they are doing in AZ is akin to how our drug laws work in this country. they are going after the "user" and not the supplier. i say we prosecute those companies that hire illegals and you will see a huge change.

30th April 2010, 05:26 AM
Funny how no one speaks of the children of illegals. Numbers are thrown around on how many are here, 12 million, 22 million sucking off the system...but how many illegal anchor babies do they produce? Another 20 million? Who are uneducated spanish speaking and also sucking the system?
I think this law if you can sneak across the border and crap out a baby, should be changed.

30th April 2010, 06:21 AM
The article is completely misleading and part and parcel of the entire problem.

The following assumptions are so full of sh!t, it's hard to believe that former GIM members can't spot the flaws with their eyes closed...

from the article...
"The same applies to the 22 million illegal aliens who have invaded our country openly and in our face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in welfare, food stamps and medical care. Not to mention the massive amount of drugs coming across the border as well as gangs and terrorists. "

... bankrupting the states...?
What has bankrupted the states and the nation at large is the Fed number 1. The money is the theft, 98 percent of it has already been filtered off and stolen through inflation. Taxes and usury has taken most of the rest. Add to that unfunded mandates, wars for nothing, the welfare state agendas and you get to nearly 100 percent of the financial problem. Whatever illegals have cost the US after the advantages that the nation has taken in terms of lower agricultural, cleaning and other low end sectors is not enough to make a drop of difference in terms of the big picture.

... drugs coming over the border... ?
Again, the root cause of the entire drug problem stems from govt regulations making it so high profit for criminals. Prior to illegals, mafias ran drugs all by themselves. Again, a symptom issue can not be the cause of a root cause issue.

The biggest problem is that Arizona residents have been led to believe they are solving something, which they are not.
Once again, TPTB and the matrix has the sheep thinking they are solving some issue, that this symptom issue will improve.

But the reality is far far away from anything of the sort.
The whole thing will turn out completely counter-productive, just like 100% of everything else govts do. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder, once gone, leave room for the rest? That is the theory?

The theory is you can sacrafice some freedoms and liberties and gain some security in the process. Those who believe the AZ laws will make anything better and not make anything worse also think they are smarter than Ben Franklin. They might want to study their history. Logic and history have proven how things work. Going against logic and history doesn't work.

What makes people think they solve symptom issues without solving root causes? Even RP's words were turned upside down in that other thread tht went 16 pages over on GIM2 (with majority support by the members there I might add). RP addressed this issue with a 99 percent focus on the root causes. Go after the root causes and this issue goes away. Nothing gets solved until the root issues get solved. This issue either simply gets worse, regardless the new law or if it does go away it will be because the race to the bottom that the US is currently experiencing gets so bad that nobody wants to be in the country anyway, legal or not.

Too much common sense in your post FM. Well written!

30th April 2010, 06:54 AM
from the article...
"The same applies to the 22 million illegal aliens who have invaded our country openly and in our face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in welfare, food stamps and medical care. Not to mention the massive amount of drugs coming across the border as well as gangs and terrorists. "

It should be obvious but it's not. Don't stop giving welfare and food stamps, just get mad that people accept them. We need more regulation to save us from the previous regulation. That's the american mindset now. That's why people have 4 prescription drugs they 'need' to take just to counteract the side effects from the other 3 they 'need' to take. They spend our money rewarding the same behavior that they spend our money punishing.

it's funny how no one talks about why the illegals are here. if it weren't for the companies that hire these illegals, we wouldn't have an illegal alien problem. look at who benefits from them being here illegally and you will have the source of the problem. it's all about incentive. take that incentive (jobs) away and you get rid of the problem. what they are doing in AZ is akin to how our drug laws work in this country. they are going after the "user" and not the supplier. i say we prosecute those companies that hire illegals and you will see a huge change.

Of course they hire illegals. Who else can you hire that won't demand $10+ an hour wages for unskilled labor? Who else won't demand you pay their health insurance or try to unionize? Under the rules, if you have a type of work to get done that's worth $7 an hour, it simply does not get done because you legally must pay even the most useless of idiots more than that. If I have a yard where I lose an average of $50 of property a night to theft, then I won't pay a security guard $70 a night to watch that place. I sure as hell won't hire someone if I have to pay their health insurance too. The jobs are there for illegals because citizens can't legally do them (2 years ago maybe they wouldn't if they could, but now I'd wager they would.)

Saul Mine
30th April 2010, 01:45 PM
The welfare recipients are not thieves. They merely accept gifts. The thieves are the elected officials and bureaucrats who take our money by force and give it away.

Whining about immigrants is merely a distraction from the real problems.

30th April 2010, 10:27 PM
The welfare recipients are not thieves. They merely accept gifts. The thieves are the elected officials and bureaucrats who take our money by force and give it away.

Whining about immigrants is merely a distraction from the real problems.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make my points in 4 lines or less. Guess I need to read more Saul Mine.

But not to forget, RP was pretty much saying the same thing when he kept repeating over and over, that if you end the "welfare state" you end the illegal alien problems.

30th April 2010, 11:04 PM
I'm still wondering why is it illegal for us to relieve Congress from it's duties?

1st May 2010, 05:30 AM
I'm still wondering why is it illegal immoralfor us to relieve Congress from it's duties?

1st May 2010, 06:53 AM
Horn? it is part of the US Constitution that allows to overthrow the government if they are not for the people...........after all, WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT.

1st May 2010, 09:12 AM
Horn? it is part of the US Constitution that allows to overthrow the government if they are not for the people...........after all, WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT.

We need to talk more about this process, and somehow do it in a fashion that doesn't permit our arrest for dissension, or some other anti-patriotic law on the books.

Shouldn't the process should be more mechanized after 200yrs. of being institutionalized.

I offer my solution of replacing the Congress with an E-Republic software available to everyone, and my idea is met with mockery and derision?

Why is that? Is there some sort of fear in becominng ones own representative?

1st May 2010, 09:33 AM
Horn? it is part of the US Constitution that allows to overthrow the government if they are not for the people...........after all, WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT.

No that is the Declaration of Independence.

1st May 2010, 10:06 AM
I'm still wondering why is it illegal immoralfor us to relieve Congress from it's duties?

Question, is there more thoughts behind the correction?

Like Congress, when left unaddressed it is more or less an attack on the provocateur, or in this case the enabled. ;)

1st May 2010, 10:08 AM
The welfare recipients are not thieves. They merely accept gifts. The thieves are the elected officials and bureaucrats who take our money by force and give it away.

Whining about immigrants is merely a distraction from the real problems.


Immigrants are one of the problems, ignoring it won't make it go away or solve the problem. Problems are solved by first recognizing them as problems and then implementing a solution. None of that can be done without "whining".

The welfare recipients were never forced to take the aid. They took it willingly and willfully.

Let me ask you this, Is it moral for someone to take a gift that they know was stolen?

I would say no but of course we all must go by our own moral compass. Stolen property is stolen property. The acceptance of that stolen property is immoral and should be illegal.

1st May 2010, 10:29 AM
Thanks Ares..............better yet.

1st May 2010, 10:54 AM
The welfare recipients are not thieves. They merely accept gifts. The thieves are the elected officials and bureaucrats who take our money by force and give it away.

Whining about immigrants is merely a distraction from the real problems.


Immigrants are one of the problems, ignoring it won't make it go away or solve the problem. Problems are solved by first recognizing them as problems and then implementing a solution. None of that can be done without "whining".

The welfare recipients were never forced to take the aid. They took it willingly and willfully.

Let me ask you this, Is it moral for someone to take a gift that they know was stolen?

I would say no but of course we all must go by our own moral compass. Stolen property is stolen property. The acceptance of that stolen property is immoral and should be illegal.

You did a fantastic job proving my point about symptom issues and root cause issues. The example is one of the best I have seen to disprove your ideas. Your words work so much against you that I can't believe anyone would fall for that. But of course they do, history has shown how around the world people love to focus on symptoms and rarely try to figure out root causes.

You see... you spent your words talking about what happens to stolen property after the fact. Where it goes and who is to blame downstream. But there's no mention of who took the property in the first place. It's almost like the root cause problem (the original theft) is just part of the game, accepted as fully ok.

It doesn't seem to matter to you that the taxes that are illegal were collected and collected under duress and a half slavery system. It only seems to matter how those funds were then spent and who agreed to get them or not and who is worthy to get them or not and if they should have accepted them or not.

With this kind of thinking we can blame gunpowder and lead for all the murders in the world. With this kind of thinking, there's no need to blame the DC gang and past and current politicians, and the MIC for war, war is just a fact of life, those that died, it was their fault for getting in the way and accepting the bullets into their bodies.

Everytime the issue comes up, RP says we need to get rid of the "welfare state".

But carry on, you stay on those downstream and symptom issues, 6 billion people agree with you and misery loves company.

1st May 2010, 02:52 PM
Thanks Ares..............better yet.

Yes, but the declaration was only that, a declaration.

Nowhere in any other document does it describe the actual mechanics of temporary seizure of Congress by the people. I realize there was a fear at the time of "mob mentality", maybe this had something to do with the absence of mechanics, or Ben's masonry connections? :)

But these days, with all of our technology these two fears seem negligible.

Anyway, maybe a bill could be proposed to detail it?

Wonder if any of them would take up that offer? :oo-->