View Full Version : Stalin the Coffehouse jew

philo beddoe
29th April 2010, 07:44 PM

Although the documents have been available to a handful of researchers since 1992, it is the first time that the general public has been given access to the files which concern the 1940 Katyn massacre.

The sight of Stalin's signature on what amounts to a collective death warrant quells decades of debate on the massacre and gives the lie to claims by die-hard Stalinists that their idol did not personally sanction the killings.

29th April 2010, 08:26 PM
I just wanted to beat occam to this thread.


Hatha Sunahara
29th April 2010, 08:32 PM
Indoor posters only now. Putin idolizes Stalin. So do a lot of old Russians. I think he may be like Bush--a puppet for the real rulers.



General of Darkness
29th April 2010, 08:35 PM
The USSR has been pilfered by the khazars. Just look at the Russian billionaires. I just looked up Mel Gibsons Icon Productions, I wanted to hit him up for helping out South African Whites, fucking hell he sold the shit to a Russian khazar.

The world is going to a third world cesspool in short order.

29th April 2010, 09:05 PM
Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses.

The first was Ekaterina Svanidze who bore him one son, Jacob. His second wife was Kadya Allevijah. She bore him a son Vassili, and a daughter Svetlana. His second wife died in mysterious circumstances, either by committing suicide, or murdered by Stalin. His third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, who was the head of Soviet industry.

Stalin's daughter (who in 1967 fled to the USA) then married Lazar's son Mihail i.e. her step-mother's nephew. Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish.

Stalin's vice-president Molotov was also married to a Jewess, whose brother, Sam Karp, runs an export business in Connecticut. Just to complicate things even more, the Molotov's (half-Jewish) daughter also called Svetlana was engaged to be married to Stalin's son Vassili.

29th April 2010, 11:53 PM
Learn how propaganda works from this article:

"The files catalogue the chilling decision-making process that culminated in Stalin and his henchmen approving the execution of 21,587 unarmed Polish army reservists in 1940."

Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

30th April 2010, 02:35 AM
Learn how propaganda works from this article:

"The files catalogue the chilling decision-making process that culminated in Stalin and his henchmen approving the execution of 21,587 unarmed Polish army reservists in 1940."

Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

Antonio, I have to quote Budda on this one.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

The only thing I believe is that the biggest peices of shit rise to the top of the cesspool. Stalin did not get into power and stay in power by being a good guy. So who's propaganda shall I believe? No one's. Do I think Stalin ordered the the extermination of over 20,000 prisoners? Hell yeah. You really don't?

30th April 2010, 03:01 AM
Learn how propaganda works from this article:

"The files catalogue the chilling decision-making process that culminated in Stalin and his henchmen approving the execution of 21,587 unarmed Polish army reservists in 1940."

Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

Antonio, I have to quote Budda on this one.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

The only thing I believe is that the biggest peices of sh*t rise to the top of the cesspool. Stalin did not get into power and stay in power by being a good guy. So who's propaganda shall I believe? No one's. Do I think Stalin ordered the the extermination of over 20,000 prisoners? Hell yeah. You really don't?


Do you believe he executed those men or do you KNOW he executed them? How about you apply logic and consider that in the light of the "fact" that Stalin killed 40 million of Russians it seems strange that he killed only 22000 Poles.
Surely he could do a few million of them, let alone Germans after the war but no MSM whore says he did.
It does seem strange, doesn`t it?

30th April 2010, 05:11 AM
We don't really'know' any history. We just blindly believe what we are spoon fed by whatever establishment mouthpieces we happen to have as our propagandists. Some truth inevitably slips through but it is poisoned and intentionally twisted and thus is worse than outright lies because it hides itself in the guise of fact. As far as belief goes, I no longer believe much at all. It is more of a balancing act between what I think is more likely instead of believing one version or another. Thus it is with 9\11. I don't know what happened but I'm more certain the government is lying to me than I am they are telling the truth.

But hey, anything is possible right? Maybe Stalin was a purely altruistic leader and everything he did was to mitigate far worse outcomes. How do any of us know now? We can only take our best bet.

30th April 2010, 05:17 AM
Maybe Stalin was a purely altruistic leader and everything he did was to mitigate far worse outcomes. How do any of us know now? We can only take our best bet.

Superb thinking, woodman!

30th April 2010, 08:16 AM
Actually, I am not stalinist but I call it BULLsh*t. I just scanned russian news agencies, and I don't see a single news about it. Even news agency by Berezovsky, who's anti russian and hiding in London doesn't say anything.

What I see, however, is some Ukrainian and georgian crypto-khazars called him to be responsible for some ukrainian deaths. that was in the news. I also saw british khazarian organization call Stalin something. But nothing that you've posted. LINKS HERE, OR ELSE IT IS BULLsh*t.

30th April 2010, 08:30 AM
Learn how propaganda works from this article:

"The files catalogue the chilling decision-making process that culminated in Stalin and his henchmen approving the execution of 21,587 unarmed Polish army reservists in 1940."

Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

From the OP's article:
"One of the documents made public is a note from Lavrenty Beria, the head of the NKVD, to Stalin about the fate of the Poles. The Poles included military officers, priests, writers, professors and aristocrats. In the note, Beria proposes that the NKVD "quickly examine the use of the highest means of punishment – death by shooting." Stalin's signature and a red stamp reading "Top Secret" are on the first page of the document, which is dated March 1940. Another document, a secret internal Soviet Communist party memo from 1965, refers to "what was formerly Bourgeois Poland" and warns against any public disclosure, arguing that the documents have no historical value."

I can't believe we have a member here defending the memory of the murdering thug Stalin. But, we believe a person has the right to express his opinion, even when he sounds like either a horse's arse or mindblowingly intellectually dishonest.

Anecdote: I have known hundreds of Jews in my life. Not once have I ever heard one condemn or criticize Stalin, not once, even when I attempted to elicit such a response. Diatribes against Hitler were de reguer. But Stalin, appeared to be tacitly a secular saint of sorts, untouchable amongst all the Jews I have known.

30th April 2010, 08:46 AM
Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

Typical jewish dismissal and discounting tactics. The ADL would be proud of you.

EDIT to add: Thanks to Hoarder and Mamboni for the useful posts.

30th April 2010, 09:37 AM
Mamboni is right, Stalin, and then pretty much every other russian leader were married to jewish (or crypto-jewish i.e. khazar) women. It was common.

about third of russians adore Stalin like a father. that's common too. he was a thug and a convicted fellon for robbing banks in Baku, where Rothschilds had their oil interest. Then all of a sudden he's moved to st petersburg and became an editor of a leading communist newspaper Pravda (which was probably purchased and converted from other, weekly newspaper Zvezda), before being sent to Siberia again.

Some people say he was a Jesuit.

30th April 2010, 09:46 AM
Tsk, tsk, you guys.

I don't know how many times I have told you all that you need to read "The Plot Against the Church" by Maurice Pinay.

That book reveils the history of crypto-jewry since the murder of Jesus. It is a must-read for Christians and non-Christians alike. Anyone who wants to know the truth.

This book uses irrefutable jewish sources to prove the conspiracy. Even Occam would be silenced by the truths it unveils.

Available at Omni Christian Bookstore, online.

Man, I feel like a broken record, but this is the most important book I have ever read on the conspiracy.

General of Darkness
30th April 2010, 10:54 AM
Nice find G2

30th April 2010, 11:04 AM
I may not agree with the conclusions of the book or the posters here,

but ....

here are some quotes from the book awoke linked:

(Council of Peoples Commissars)

1. Ilich Ulin (Vladimir Ilich Ulianov or Nikolaus Lenin). President of the Supreme Soviet, Jew on mother’s side. His mother was called Blank, a Jewess of German origin.
2. Lew Davinovich Bronstein (Leo Trotsky), Commissar for the Red Army and the Navy; Jew.
3. Iosiph David Vissarionovich Djugashvili-Kochba (Joseph Vissarianovich Stalin), Nationalities Commissar; descendant of Jews from Georgia.
4. Chicherin; Commissar for foreign affairs; Russian.
5. Apfelbaum (Grigore Zinoviev), Commissar for internal affairs; Jew.
6. Kohen (Volodarsky), Commissar for press and propaganda; Jew.
7. Samuel Kaufmann, Commissar for the landed property of the State; Jew.
8. Steinberg, law Commissar; Jew.
9. Schmidt, Commissar for public works; Jew.
10. Ethel Knigkisen (Liliana), Commissar for supply, Jewess.
11. Pfenigstein, Commissar for the settlement of refugees; Jew.
12. Schlichter (Vostanoleinin) Commissar for billetings (confiscation of private houses for the Reds); Jew.
13. Lurie (Larin), President of the supreme economic council; Jew.
14. Kukor (Kukorsky), Trade Commissar; Jew.
15. Spitzberg, Culture Commissar; Jew.
16. Urisky (Radomilsky), Commissar for “elections”; Jew.
17. Lunacharsky, Commissar for public schools. Russian.
18. Simasko, Commissar for health; Jew.
19. Protzian, Agriculture Commissar; Armenian.

Of a total of 502 offices of first rank in the organisation and direction of the Communist revolution in Russia and in the direction of the Soviet State during the first years of its existence, no less than 459 posts are occupied by Jews, while only 43 of these offices have been occupied by Gentiles of different origin.

Those numbers are kind-of astonishing to me.

Details and names documented here:

Not to try to One-Up anyone, but The Plot Against the church covers that info in even more detail.

For example

The first cabinet of Germany in the year 1918 was composed of Jews.

1. Preuss, Minister of the Interior.
2. Freund, Minister of the Interior.
3. Landsberg, Finance Minister.
4. Karl Kautski, Finance Minister.
5. Schiffer, Finance Minister.
6. Eduard Bernstein, secretary of the State Treasury.
7. Fritz Max Cohen, director of the official information service. (This Jew was earlier correspondent of the Jewish “Frankfurter Zeitung”).

The second “German Socialist government” of 1918 was formed of the following Jews:

1. Hirsch, Minister of the Interior.
2. Rosenfeld, Justice Minister.
3. Futran, Minister of education.
4. Arndt, Minister of education.
5. Simon, State secretary of finances.
6. Kastenberg, director of the department of science and art.
7. Strathgen, director of colonial department.
9. Wurm, secretary of food.
10. Merz, Weil, Katzenstein, Stern, Lowenberg, Frankel, Schlesinger, Israelowitz, Selingsohn, Laubenheim, etc., took up high posts in the ministries.

Among the remaining Jews who controlled the sectors vital to life of the German state, which had been defeated through the American intervention in the war, were found in the year 1918, and later:

1. Kohen, President of the German workers and soldiers councils (similar to the Soviet council of soldiers and workers of Moscow in the same year).
2. Ernst, police president of Berlin.
3. Sinzheimer, police president of Frankfurt.
4. Lewy, police president of Hessen.
5. Kurt Eisner, Bavarian state president.
6. Jaffe Bavarian finance minister.
7. Brentano, Industry, trade and transport minister.
8. Talheimer, minister in Württemberg.
9. Heimann, another minister in Württemberg.
10. Fulda, in the government of Hesse.
11. Theodor Wolf, chief editor of the newspaper “Berliner Tageblatt.”
12. Gwiner, director of the “Deutsche Bank”.10

B) Hungary in the year 1919. On 20th March 1919 the Jew Bela Kun (Cohn) took over power in Hungary and proclaimed the Hungarian Soviet republic, which from that moment on was submerged in a hair-raising sea of blood. Twenty-eight (28) Commissars formed with him the new government and of these 18 were Israelites. That is an unheard of proportion, when one bears in mind that in Hungary lived one and a half million Israelites compared to 22 million inhabitants. The 18 Commissars held the actual control of rulership in their hands and the eight Gentile Commissars could do nothing against them.11

“More than 90% of the members of the government and the confidence men of Bela Kun were also Jews. Here follows a list of members of the Bela Kun government:

1. Bela Kun, general secretary of the Jewish government.
2. Sandor Garbai, “official” president of the government, who was used by the Jews as a Hungarian man of straw.
3. Peter Agoston, deputy of the general secretary; Jew.
4. Dr. E. Landler, Peoples commissar for internal affairs; Jew.
5. Bela Vago, deputy of Landler, a Jew with the name Weiss.
6. E. Hamburger, Agriculture Commissar; Jew.
7. Vantus, deputy of Hamburger; Jew.
8. Csizmadia, deputy of Hamburger; Hungarian.
9. Nyisztor, deputy of Hamburger; Hungarian.
10 Varga, Commissar for financial affairs; Jew by name Weichselbaum.
11. Szkely, deputy of Varga; Jew by name Schlesinger.
12. Kunftz, Education minister; Jew by name Kunstater.
13. Kukacs, deputy of Kunfi; a Jew, who in reality was chilled Lowinger and was the son of the director-general of a banking house in Budapest.
14. D. Bokanyi, Minister of labour; Hungarian.
15. Fiedler, deputy of Bokanyi; Jew.
16. Jozsef Pogany, War Commissar; a Jew, who in reality was called Schwartz.
17. Szanto, deputy of Pogany; a Jew named Schreiber.
18. Tibor Szamuelly, deputy of Pogany, a Jew named Samuel.
19. Matyas Rakosi, trade Minister; a Jew, who in reality was called Matthew Roth Rosenkrantz, present Communist dictator.
20. Ronai, Commissar of law; a Jew named Rosentstegl.
21. Ladai, deputy of Ronai; Jew.
22. Erdelyi, Commissar of supply; a Jew named Eisenstein.
23. Vilmas Boehm, Socialisation Commissar; Jew.
24. Hevesi, deputy of Boehm; a Jew named Honig.
25. Dovsak, second deputy of Boehm; Jew.
26. Oszkar Jaszai, Commissar of nationalities; a Jew named Jakubovits.
27. Otto Korvin, political examining Commissar; a Jew named Klein.
28. Kerekes, state lawyer; a Jew named Krauss.
29. Biro, chief of the political police; a Jew named Blau.
30. Seidem, adjutant of Biro; Jew.
31. Oszkar Faber, Commissar for liquidation of Church property; Jew.
32. J. Czerni, commander of the terrorist bands, which were known by the name “Lenin youth”; Hungarain.
33. Illes, supreme police Commissar; Jew.
34. Szabados, supreme police Commissar; a Jew named Singer.
35. Kalmar, supreme police Commissar; German Jew.
36. Szabo, supreme police Commissar; Ruthenian Jew, who in reality was called Schwarz.
37. Vince, Peoples Commissar of the city of Budapest, who in reality was called Weinstein.
38. M. Kraus, Peoples Commissar of Budapest; Jew.
39. A. Dienes, Peoples Commissar of Budapest; Jew.
40. Lengyel, President of the Austro-Hungarian bank; a Jew named Levkovits.
41. Laszlo, President of the Communist revolutionary court; a Jew, who in reality was called Lowy.12

In this government which for a time held Hungary in thrall, the chief of the Hungarian Cheka Szamuelly, besides Bela Kun, distinguished himself through countless crimes and plunderings. While the latter rode through the land in his luxury automobile (with the symbol of a large gallows mounted on the vehicle, and accompanied by his capable Jewish woman secretary R. S. Salkind, alias Semliachkay), the former travelled through Hungary in his special train and sowed terror and death, as a contemporary witness describes:

“That train of death travelled snorting through the black Hungarian nights; where it stopped, one saw people hanging from trees and blood which ran on the ground. Along the railway line naked and mutilated corpses were to be seen. Szamuelly dictated his judgements in his train, and whoever was forced to enter never lived to tell the tale of what he saw. Szamuelly lived constantly in this train. Thirty selected terrorists ensured his security. Selected executioners accompanied him. The train consisted of two saloon wagons, two first-class wagons, which were occupied by the terrorists, and two third-class wagons for the victims. In the latter executions were carried out. The floor of this wagon was stiff with blood. The corpses were thrown out of the windows, while Szamuelly sat comfortably in the elegant workroom of his compartment which was upholstered in rose-coloured damask and decorated with polished mirrors. With a movement of the hand he decided over life or death.”13

This book was written as a warning to the pope in 1962.

30th April 2010, 11:12 AM
And from Chapter three:

It suffices to recall the names of those who have formed the governments and the principal leading organs in the Soviet Union, in order to know what one has immediately to think of the clear and categorical proof of the evidence.


(Council of Peoples Commissars)
1. Ilich Ulin (Vladimir Ilich Ulianov or Nikolaus Lenin). President of the Supreme Soviet, Jew on motherâ‚„s side. His mother was called Blank, a Jewess of German origin.
2. Lew Davinovich Bronstein (Leo Trotsky), Commissar for the Red Army and the Navy; Jew.
3. Iosiph David Vissarionovich Djugashvili-Kochba (Joseph Vissarianovich Stalin), Nationalities Commissar; descendant of Jews from Georgia.
4. Chicherin; Commissar for foreign affairs; Russian.
5. Apfelbaum (Grigore Zinoviev), Commissar for internal affairs; Jew.
6. Kohen (Volodarsky), Commissar for press and propaganda; Jew.
7. Samuel Kaufmann, Commissar for the landed property of the State; Jew.
8. Steinberg, law Commissar; Jew.
9. Schmidt, Commissar for public works; Jew.
10. Ethel Knigkisen (Liliana), Commissar for supply, Jewess.
11. Pfenigstein, Commissar for the settlement of refugees; Jew.
12. Schlichter (Vostanoleinin) Commissar for billetings (confiscation of private houses for the Reds); Jew.
13. Lurie (Larin), President of the supreme economic council; Jew.
14. Kukor (Kukorsky), Trade Commissar; Jew.
15. Spitzberg, Culture Commissar; Jew.
16. Urisky (Radomilsky), Commissar for ₓelections₝; Jew.
17. Lunacharsky, Commissar for public schools. Russian.
18. Simasko, Commissar for health; Jew.
19. Protzian, Agriculture Commissar; Armenian.

In the Appendix at the end of this volume can be found the interesting and illustrative lists of the Jewish officials in all the government bodies of the Soviet Union, the Communist Party, the Red Army, the Secret Police, the trade unions, etc.

Of a total of 502 offices of first rank in the organisation and direction of the Communist revolution in Russia and in the direction of the Soviet State during the first years of its existence, no less than 459 posts are occupied by Jews, while only 43 of these offices have been occupied by Gentiles of different origin. Who then has accordingly carried out this terrible revolution? The Gentiles perhaps?

Another statistic, which was published in Paris by the counter-revolutionary newspaper ₓLe Russe Nationaliste₝, after the victory of the Jewish Communists in Russia, reveals that of 554 Communist leaders of first rank in different offices the racial composition was as follows:
Jews 447
Lithuanians 43
Russians 30
Armenians 13
Germans 12
Finns 3
Poles 2
Georgians 2
Czechs 1
Hungarians 1

During the Second World War, and from then on up to our present time, the Jewish clique which rules the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, continues to be very numerous, for at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a long time was regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. But it has been revealed that he belongs to the Jewish race; for Djougachvili, which is his surname, means ₓSon of Djou₝, and Djou is a small island in Persia, whither many banished Portuguese ₓGypsies₝ migrated, who later settled in Georgia.

Today it is almost completely proved that Stalin had Jewish blood, although he neither confirmed nor denied the rumours, about which mutterings began in this direction.14
Let us look at a list of the Soviet officials in the government of Stalin:

1. Zdanov (Yadanov), who in reality was called Liphshitz, foriner commander in the defence of Leningrad during the 2nd world war. Member of the Politbƒ¼ro up to 1945 and one of the instigators of the decision which excluded Tito from the Cominform in the year 1948 and who shortly afterwards died.

2. Lavrenty Beria, Chief of the M.V.D. Police and of Soviet heavy industry, member of the Soviet Atom industry, who was executed upon orders of Malenkov, and in fact for the same reason for which Stalin liquidated Yagoda.

3. Lazar Kaganovich, director of Soviet heavy industry, member of the Politburo from 1944 to 1952, then member of the Presidium and at present President of the Supreme Presidium of the USSR.

4. Malenkov (Georgi Maximilianovich Molenk), member of the Politburo and Orgburo until 1952, then member of the Supreme Presidium, President of the Ministerial Council after the death of Stalin; Minister in the government of Bulganin since 1955. He is a Jew from Ornsenburg, not a Cossack, as is asserted. The name of his father, Maximilian Malenk, is typical for a Russian Jew. In addition there is a very important detail, which reveals the true origin of Malenkov and also of Khrushchev. The present wife of Malenkov is the Jewess Pearlmutter, known as ₓComrade Schans chuschne₝ who was Minister (Commissar) for the fish industry in the Soviet government in the year 1938. If Malenkov had not been a Jew, it is extremely unlikely that he would have married a Jewess, and the latter would also not have married him. There exists no official description of the life of Malenkov. This is certainly to be attributed to the fact that he does not want his Jewish origin to be discovered.

5. Nikolaus Salomon Khrushchev, present chief (1963) of the Soviet Communist party, member of the Politburo since 1939, i.e. since the year when Malenkov was chosen member of the Orgburo. He is the brother of Madame Malenkov, i.e. of the Jewess Pearlmutter. Khrushchev is a Jew and his real name is Pearlmutter. Also, the present wife of Khrushchev, Nina, as well as the wives of Mikoyan, Voroshilov, Molotov, etc., are Jewesses.

6. Marshal Nikolaus Bulganin, at present first Soviet minister, former bank official, was one of the ten Jewish members of the Commissariat for the liquidation of private banks in the year 1919.

7. Anastasio Josifovich Mikoyan, member of the Politburo since 1935, member of the Supreme Presidium since 1952, Trade Minister and Vice-president in the Malenkov government. He is an Armenian Jew and not a true Armenian as is believed.

8. Kruglov, chief of the M.V.D. after Beria. Upon command of Kruglov the imprisoned Jewish doctors were released who had been imprisoned by Riumin, sub-chief of the police, during the rulership of Beria, in the year 1953. Likewise Jew.

9. Alexander Kosygin, member of the Politburo up to 1952, afterwards deputy in the Supreme Presidium and Minister for light industry and food in the Malenkov government.

10. Nikolaus Schvernik, member of the Politburo up to 1952, then member of the Supreme Presidium and member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist party; Jew.

11. Andreas Andreievich Andreiev, who was known as the ₓPolitbureaucrat₝ of 3 A, member of the Politburo between 1931 and 1952, Jew from Galicia (Poland). He writes under a Russian pseudonym.

12. P. K. Ponomareno, member of the Orgburo in the year 1952; afterwards member of the highest Presidium and culture minister in the Malenkov government.

13. P. F. Yudin (Jew), deputy member of the highest Presidium and titulary of the Ministry for building material in the Malenkov government in the year 1953.

14. Mihail Pervukin, member of the Presidium of the central committee of the Communist party since 1953.

15. N. Schatalin, official in the sub-secretariat of the Central Committee of the Community Party.

16. K. P. Gorschenin, Justice minister in the government of Malenkov.

17. D. Ustinov (Zambinovich), Soviet ambassador in Athens (Greece) up to the second world war; defence minister in the Malenkov government.

18. V. Merkulov, Minister for state control at the time of Malenkov.

19. A. Zasyadko, Minister for the coal industry under Malenkov.

20. Cherburg, Soviet propaganda chief.

21. Milstein. one of the Soviet espionage chiefs.

22. Ferentz Kiss, Chief of the Soviet espionage service in Europe.

23. Postschreibitscher (Poschebicheve), former private secretary of Stalin, at present chief of the secret archives of the Kremlin.

24. Ilya Ehrenburg, delegate for Moscow in the Supreme Soviet, Communist writer; likewise Jew.

25. Mark Spivak, delegate from Stalino (Ukraine) in the Supreme Soviet of Moscow.

26. Rosalia Goldenberg, delegate from Birobudjan in the Supreme Soviet.

27. Anna E. Kaluger, delegate of Bessarabia in the Supreme Soviet, Her brother, not Koluger, but Calugaru in Rumanian, is a Communist official in the government of Rumania.

30th April 2010, 11:15 AM
I'm almost done...

This is important.

Also Kalinin, one of the great Soviet officials under Stalin who died some time ago, was a Jew.15
It is only too well known, that the Anti-Semitism of Stalin was a misrepresentation of the facts, and that the blood bath among the Jews (Trotskyists) which he carried out in order to assert his power, was performed by other Jews. In the last instance the struggle between the Jew Trotsky and the Jew Stalin was a struggle between parties for control over the Communist government, which they created, it was purely a family dispute. As proof, the following list of Commissars for Foreign Affairs, during the period when Stalin got rid of some certain Jews, who had become dangerous for his personal power.

1. Maxim Maximovich Litvinoff, Minister for Foreign Affairs up to 1939, when he was replaced by Molotov. He afterwards occupied high offices in the same ministry up to his death in February 1952. He was born in Poland as son of the Jew Meer Genokh Moiseevich Vallakh, a bank clerk. In order to conceal his real name Maxim Moiseevich Vallakh, Litvinoff used various pseudonyms during his real career, among them Finkelstein, Ludwig Nietz, Maxim Harryson, David Mordecay, Felix, and finally, when he became an official in the Communist regime of Russia, he took on the name of Litvinoff or Litvinov. When this Jew was replaced by Molotov in the Year 1939, the Jews of the western world and the entire Jewish-Freemasonic press began to cry out that he had been removed by Stalin because he was a “Jew”, but they kept quiet afterwards concerning the fact that up to his death Litvinov remained in the ministry. Why also say this, if it was not of interest for the conspiracy? In the Memoirs of Litvinov, which were published after his death, he wrote that in his opinion nothing would alter in Soviet Russia after the death of Stalin. In fact, Stalin died a year after Litvinov and nothing was altered in the Soviet’s internal and external policies.
What the West calls change in the policy of the USSR, is simply nothing further than a skilled propaganda for the necessities of the plan for world rule through the Jews. Nothing has altered since the death of Stalin. A certain unrest may have arisen on account of the lack of a new leader of the stature of Stalin or Lenin, that is all. For this reason the Jewish-Freemasonic conspirators of the West wish to paint the Soviet-Communist black raven over with the glittering colours of “Pacifism”, “Coexistence”, “Human friendliness”, etc., in order to introduce it to the world as something harmless, until a dictator with the same lusts of his predecessors arises.
When Litvinov asserted that nothing would alter with the death or Stalin, he knew very well, that this would be so, because Stalin was nothing more than one of the handymen of the Jewish band, which rules the USSR, and because after him other Jews would be at hand, to carry on the plan of world domination, for which Bulganin, Baruch, Reading, Thorez, Mendes France, David Ben Gurion and many others are cooperating.
In continuing the list of Jews in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, we mention:

2. Andreas Januarevich Vishinsky, now dead, who was foreign minister of the USSR before the death of Stalin and afterwards permanent representative of the Soviet Union in the UNO. There he missed no opportunity to sling his obscenities against the non-Communist lands, exactly as in the times when he was “Peoples Judge.” His Jewish name was Abraham Januarevin.

3. Jakob Malik, Soviet representative in the UNO and a great personality in the Soviet diplomatic hierarchy; Jew.

4. Valerian Zorin, for a time ambassador in London and likewise a great figure of Soviet diplomacy, who changes his post according to necessity.

5. Andrei Gromyko, diplomat, Minister for foreign affairs since 1958.

6. Alexander Panyushkin, former Soviet ambassador in Washington, ambassador in Peking during the year 1955, who is regarded as the actual dictator of Red China.

7. Zambinovich (Ustinov), ambassador in Athens up to 1940.

8. Admiral Radionovich, ambassador in Athens between 1945 and 1946, i.e., as the Communist coup d’état in Greece was prepared; Jew.

9. Constantin Umansky, ambassador in Washington during the Second World War and afterwards official in the Ministry for foreign affairs in Moscow.

10. Manuilsky, former representative in the Ukraine and in the UNO, at present President of the Ukraine; likewise Jew.

11. Ivan Maisky, ambassador in London during the war, afterwards high official of the Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

12. Madame Kolontay, ambassador in Stockholm until her death in March 1952; Jewess.

13. Daniel Solod, ambassador in Cairo in the year 1955. The latter, supported by a Jewish group which belongs to the diplomatic corps in Cairo, directs the Israelite conspiracy inside the Arab world under Soviet diplomatic protection, without the Egyptian government noticing this. This government should not forget that David Ben Gurion, first minister of Israel, as well as Golda Meyerson, Israel’s Minister in Moscow, are Russian Jews like David Solod.
At present, according to confirmed data, 80% to 90% of the key positions in all ministries in Moscow and the remaining Soviet republics are occupied by Jews.
“I do not believe that there can be any doubt of the origin of all those who occupy the highest posts in Moscow since the first moment of the revolution; for the Russians it is a lamentable fact that after all this course of time things are much worse, for the number of Jews who live in Russia has increased in frightening degree. All important leading positions are in their hands...”16
As in Russia the countries of Europe where Bolshevism has gained control, are also completely ruled by a Jewish minority; the latter always appears in the direction of the Communist government with an iron, criminal and merciless hand, so as to attain the utter enslaving of the native citizens through an insignificant group of Jews.

More convincing than any other proof is an exact surveying of the most principal leaders of the Bolshevist governments of Europe, which are always found in the hands of the Israelites. We will quote the most principal ones:

1. The most important Communist leader since the occupation of this land by Soviet troops is Mathias Rakosi, an Israelite, whose real name is Mathew Roth Rosenkranz, and who was born in the year 1892 in Szabadka.
2. Ferenk Münnich, First Minister in Hungary in the year 1959 after Janos Kadar.
3. Erno Gero, Minister of the Interior until 1954.
4. Szebeni, Minister of the Interior before the Jew Gero.
5. General Laszlo Kiros, Jew, Minister of Interior since July 1954, simultaneously chief of the A.V.O., i.e. the Hungarian police, which corresponds to the Soviet M.V.D.
6. General Peter Gabor, chief of the Communist political police of Hungary up to 1953, a Jew, who in reality was called Benjamin Ausspitz and was earlier a tailor in Satorai-Jeujhely, Hungary.
7. Varga, State secretary for economic planning; a Jew, who in reality is called Weichselbaum; former Minister of the Bela Kun government. He was also President of the supreme economic council.
8. Beregi, Minister for foreign affairs.
9. Julius Egry, Agriculture minister of the Hungarian Peoples Republic.
10. Zoltan Vas, President of the supreme economic council; a Jew, who in reality was called Weinberger.
11. Josef Reval, the editor of the Hungarian press and director of the Red newspaper “Szabad Nep” (The Free People); a Jew; who is really called Moses Kahana.
12. Revai (another), Minister for national education; a Jew named Rabinovits.
13. Josef Gero, transport minister; a Jew named Singer.
14. Mihaly Farkas, Minister for national defence; a Jew named Freedman.
15. Veres, Minister of State.
16. Vajda, Minister of State.
17. Szanto, Commissar for purging of enemies of the State, in the year 1951 sent by Moscow; a Jew named Schreiber; former member of the Bela Kun government.
18. Guyla Dessi, Justice Minister up to 1955; today chief of the secret police.
19. Emil Weil, Hungarian ambassador in Washington; he is the Jewish doctor who tortured Cardinal Mindszenty.

Among other important Jewish officials to be mentioned are:
1. Imre Szirmay, director of the Hungarian radio company.
2. Gyula Garay, judge of the Communist “Peoples court of Budapest.”
3. Colonel Caspo, Sub-chief of the secret police.
4. Professor Laszlo Benedek, Jewish dictator for educational questions.
The sole important Communist of Gentile origin was the Freemason Laszlo Rajk, former minister for foreign affairs, who was sentenced and executed by his Jewish “brothers” for his “betrayal.”

1. Clemens Gottwald, one of the founders of the Communist party in Czechoslovakia and president of the country between 1948 and 1953; a Jew, who died shortly after Stalin.
2. Vladimir Clementis, former Communist minister of Czechoslovakia for foreign affairs, “sentenced and executed” in the year 1952; Jew.
3. Vaclav David, present foreign minister of Czechoslovakia (1955); Jew.
4. Rudolf Slaski, former general secretary of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia, “sentenced” in the year 1952; a Jew by name of Rudolf Salzmann.
5. Firi Hendrich, present general secretary of the Communist party; Jew.
6. Andreas Simon, sentenced in the year 1952; a Jew named Otto Katz.
7. Gustav Bares, assistant of the general secretary of the Communist party; Jew.
8. Josef Frank, former assistant of the general secretary of the Communist party, “sentenced” in the year 1952; Jew.

30th April 2010, 11:17 AM
MY LAST POST ON THIS, unless more info is specifically requested.

1. Boleislaw Bierut, President of Poland up to 1954; Jew.
2. Jakob Berman, general secretary of the Communist party of Poland; Jew.
3. Julius Kazuky (Katz), minister for foreign affairs of Poland, who is well known for his violent speeches in the UNO; Jew.
4. Karl Swierezewskv, former vice-minister for national defence, who was murdered by the Anti-Communist Ukrainian country population in south Poland (the mass of the people is not always amorphous); Jew.
5. Josef Cyrankiewicz, first minister of Poland since 1954, after Bierut; Jew.
6. Hillary Mink, Vice-prime minister of Poland since 1954; Jew.
7. Zenon Kliszko, minister of justice; Jew.
8. Tadaus Kochcanowiecz, minister of labour; Jew.
The sole important Polish Communist of Gentile origin is Wladislaw Gomulka who was removed from political leadership since 1949, when he lost his post as first minister. Sooner or later he will share the same fate as Rajk in Hungary.

1. Anna Pauker, Jewess, former minister for foreign affairs of the “Rumanian Peoples Republic”, and spy No. 1 of the Kremlin in Rumania up to the month of June 1952. Since then she has remained in the shadows in Bucharest up to the present day, naturally in freedom. This Jewish hyena, who was originally called Anna Rabinsohn, is the daughter of a rabbi, who came to Rumania from Poland. She was born in the province of Moldau (Rumania) in the year 1892.
2. Ilka Wassermann, former private secretary of Anna Pauker, at present the real directress of the ministry for foreign affairs.
3. Josef Kisinevski, the present agent No. 1 of the Kremlin in Rumania, member of the central Committee of the Communist party and vice-president of the council of ministers. He is a Jew and comes from Bessarabia; his correct name is Jakob Broitman. Also he is the real chief of the Communist party of Rumania, although “officially” the general secretary of the party is the Rumanian locksmith Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dez, who, however, only plays the simple role of a political front. Kisinevski took his present pseudonym from the name of the city of Kisinau in Bessarabia, where before the arrival of the Red Army he owned a tailor’s workshop.
4. Teohari Georgescu, minister for internal affairs in the Communist government of Bucharest between 1945 and 1952; at the present time he has been reduced to a second-rank post, although he was “officially” “expelled” from the Communist party. He finds himself in the same position as Anna Pauker. His real name is Baruch Tescovich. He is a Jew from the Rumanian Danube harbour of Galatz.
5. Avram Bunaciu, likewise a Jew, is the present (1955) general secretary of the Presidium of the great national assembly of the “Rumanian peoples republic”, i.e. the real leader of this assembly, for the “official” president Petru Groza is only an old Freemasonic marionette, who is married to a Jewess and plays only a purely static role. Avram Bunaciu is called in reality Abraham Gutman (Gutman translated into Rumanian is the corresponding name for “Bunaciu”, i.e. the pseudonym taken on by this Jew).
6. Lotar Radaceanu, another Minister of the Communist government of Bucharest “deposed” in the year 1952, but who in 1955 reappeared on the honorary tribune. He is a Jew from Siebenbürgen and is called Lothar Würtzel. Since the “Würtzel” in Rumanian translates “Radicinu”, this Jew has simply transferred his Hebraic name into Rumanian and is now called “Radaceanu”.
7. Miron Constantinescu, member of the central Committee of the Communist party and minister for mining and petroleum. Now and then he changes his ministerial posts. He is a Jew from Galatzi (Rumania), who in truth is called Mehr Kohn, and as is customary among them, uses a Rumanian pseudonym.
8. Lieutenant General Moises Haupt, commander of the military district of Bucharest; Jew.
9. Colonel General Zamfir, Communist “security chief” in Rumania and responsible for thousands of murders, which this secret police has perpetrated. He is a Jew and comes from the Danube harbour of Braila. He is called Laurian Rechler.
10. Heim Gutman, chief of the civil secret service of the Rumanian Peoples republic; Jew.
11. Major-General William Suder, chief of the information service and of counter-espionage of the Rumanian Communist army. He is a Jew, by name Wilman Süder and former officer of the Soviet Army.
12. Colonel Roman, former director of the E.K.P. service (education, culture and propaganda) of the Rumanian army up to 1949, and at the present time Minister in the Communist government. His name as Jew is Walter.
13. Alexander Moghiorosh, minister for Nationalities in the Red government; Jew from Hungary.
14. Alexander Badau, chief of the Control Commission for foreigners in Rumania. He is a Jew who originates from the city of Targoviste whose real name is Braustein. Before 1940 his family in Targoviste possessed a large trading firm.
15. Major Lewin, chief of press censorship, Jew and former officer of the Red Army.
16. Colonel Holban, chief of the Communist “Security” of Bucharest, a Jew named Moscovich, former Syndicate (Union) chief.
17. George Silviu, general governmental secretary of the ministry for internal affairs; a Jew named Gersh Golinger.
18. Erwin Voiculescu, chief of the pass department in the ministry for foreign affairs. He is a Jew and is called Erwin Weinberg.
19. Gheorghe Apostol, chief of the general labour union of Rumania; he is a Jew named Gerschwin.
20. Stupineanu, chief of economic espionage; Jew by name Stappnau.
21. Emmerick Stoffel, Ambassador of the Rumanian Peoples Republic in Switzerland; a Jew from Hungary and specialist in bank questions.
22. Harry Fainaru, former legation chief of the Rumanian Communist embassy in Washington up to 1954 and at present official in the ministry for foreign affairs in Bucharest. He is a Jew named Hersch Feiner. Before the year 1940 his family possessed a grain business in Galatzi.
23. Ida Szillagy, the real directress of the Rumanian embassy in London; Jewess; friend of Anna Pauker.
24. Lazarescu, the “Chargé d’Affaires” of the Rumanian government in Paris. He is a Jew and is really called Baruch Lazarovich, the son of a Jewish trader from Bucharest.
25. Simon Oieru, State under-secretary of the Rumanian state; Jew with name of Schaffer.
26. Aurel Baranga, inspector general of arts. He is a Jew; Ariel Leibovich is his real name.
27. Liuba Kisinevski, president of the U.F.A.R. (Association of anti-Fascist Rumanian women); she is a Jewess from Cernautzi/ Bukowina, and is called in reality Liuba Broitman, wife of Josif Kisinevski of the central Committee of the party.
28. Lew Zeiger, director of the ministry for national economy; Jew.
29. Doctor Zeider, jurist of the ministry for foreign affairs; Jew.
30. Marcel Breslasu, director general of arts; a Jew by name Mark Breslau.
31. Silviu Brucan, chief editor of the newspaper “Scanteia”, official party organ. He is a Jew and is called Brükker. He directs the entire campaign of lies that attempts to deceive the Rumanian people concerning the true situation created by Communism. At the same time the Jew Brükker directs the fake “Antisemitic” campaign of the Communist press of Rumania.
32. Samoila, governing director of the newspaper ‘‘Scanteia”; he is a Jew; Samuel Rubenstein.
33. Horia Liman, second editor of the Communist newspaper “Scanteia”; Jew with the name of Lehman.
34. Engineer Schnapp, governing director of the Communist newspaper “Romania Libera” (Free Rumania), the second Communist newspaper on the basis of its circulation; likewise a Jew.
35. Jehan Mihai, chief of the Rumanian film industry, Communist propaganda by means of films; a Jew, whose name is Jakob Michael.
36. Alexander Graur, director general of the Rumanian radio corporation, which stands completely and solely in the service of the Communist party. He is a Jewish professor and is called Alter Biauer, born in Bucharest.
37. Mihail Roller, at present President of the Rumanian academy, is a sinister professor, a Jew, unknown before the arrival of the Soviets in Rumania. Today he is “President” of the Academy and in addition he has written a “new history” of the Rumanian people, in which he falsifies the historical truth.
38. Professor Weigel, one of the tyrants of the university of Bucharest, who directs the constant “purging actions” among Rumanian students who are hostile to the Jewish-Communist regime.
39. Professor Lewin Bercovich, another tyrant of the Bucharest university, who with his spies controls the activity of Rumanian professors and their social connections; an immigrant Jew from Russia.
40. Silviu Josifescu, the official “literary critic”, who censures the poems of the best poets like Eminescu Alecsandri, Vlahutza, Carlova, etc., who all died centuries ago or more than half a century ago, and alters form and content, because these poems are “not in harmony” with the Communist Marxist ideas. This literary murderer is a Jew, who in truth is called Samoson Iosifovich.
41. Joan Vinter, the second Marxist “literary critic” of the regime and author of a book with the title “The problem of literary legacy” is likewise a Jew and is called Jakob Winter.
The three former secretaries of the General Labour League up to 1950, Alexander Sencovich, Mischa Levin and Sam Asriel (Serban), were all Jews.

1. Marshal Tito, who with his real Jewish name is called Josif Walter Weiss, originates from Poland. He was an agent of the Soviet secret service in Kabul, Teheran and Ankara up to 1935. The true Brozovich Tito, in origin a Croat, died during the Spanis civil war in Barcelona.
2. Moses Pijade, general secretary of the Communist party and in reality the “grey eminence” of the regime, is a Jew of Spanish origin (Sefardit).
3. Kardelj, member of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist party and minister for foreign affairs; is a Jew of Hungarian origin and is called in reality Kardayl.
4. Rankovic, member of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist party and minister for internal affairs, is an Austrian Jew and was earlier called Rankau.
5. Alexander Bebler, member of the Central Committee of the Communist party and permanent representative of Yugoslavia in the UNO, is an Austrian Jew.
6. Ioza Vilfan (Joseph Wilfan), economic advisor of Tito, in reality the economic dictator of Yugoslavia, is a Jew from Sarajevo.
Since not so many Jews live in Yugoslavia as in other lands, we find a greater number of natives in the Communist government of this land, always however in posts of the second rank; for the abovementioned principal leaders in reality control the Yugoslav government completely and absolutely.17

I know that it is dry reading, but this book is a decimator of the curtain which hides the history and future of crypto-jewry. Also, just chapters 2 and 3 are written in such a format. The rest of the book is an exciting, adventure filled, detailed account of history, from the time of Christ up until 1962.
I encourage every person I know in this world to read the entire book. Again.

30th April 2010, 11:19 AM
LOL @ the smites that started up suddenly, as soon as I expose the treachery of jewry.

Screw you ADL Word-twisters.
You can not argue documented historical fact, especially when the historical fact was documented by the jew himself.

Posting historical fact got me banned 2 times out of my 3 bannings on GIM.



30th April 2010, 11:29 AM
LOL @ the smites that started up suddenly, as soon as I expose the treachery of jewry.

Screw you ADL Word-twisters.
You can not argue documented historical fact, especially when the historical fact was documented by the jew himself.

Posting historical fact got me banned 2 times out of my 3 bannings on GIM.



For this herculean effort herein, I'll be awarding you all of my applauds for a few days Awoke!!!!

30th April 2010, 11:37 AM
You're a good man, Mamboni.

General of Darkness
30th April 2010, 11:49 AM
For this herculean effort herein, I'll be awarding you all of my applauds for a few days Awoke!!!!


30th April 2010, 11:51 AM
LOL @ the smites that started up suddenly, as soon as I expose the treachery of jewry.

Screw you ADL Word-twisters.
You can not argue documented historical fact, especially when the historical fact was documented by the jew himself.

Posting historical fact got me banned 2 times out of my 3 bannings on GIM.



For this herculean effort herein, I'll be awarding you all of my applauds for a few days Awoke!!!!

I gave Awoke an applaud too!

Here is an interesting thing Joszef Pogany, war commissar of the 1918 Hungarian Communist government.

I had an American girlfriend in the early 90's, in Prague for a few months, her last name was Pogany, and she was of hungarian descent. I wonder if she might be related to this war minister, she never told me she was of Jewish descent though, but she was fun to party with... :oo-->

30th April 2010, 12:17 PM
I will also sound like a broken record, but

it has to be understood that both you Jews and you Jew-"haters" are in the same camp

this entire planet is in hands of Satan, both camps are in his hands.

All power structures here belong to usurper. It pleases him to use chosen as store-front.

Jews and non-Jews are not enemies. Your enemy is Satan, who uses nations as pawns to fight the Almighty.

The only way to understand how Matrix operates is to wise up and get the Red Pill down. I am talking about the Bible of course. That is the door THIS ENTIRE WORLD does not want you to find.
Do not go to churches, do not listen to Televangelists. There will be a lot of those willing to "help" you --> do not trust anyone, most likely you will encounter agents of "him", you will not be able to tell the difference.

Get KJV and go through it yourself with prayer, no matter how stupid it sounds to you now.

I am done talking.

Fantastic post, G2Rad. I agree whole-heartedly.

Personally I read the Douay-Rheims bible, but still, the Challoner revision is largely based on the KJV.

30th April 2010, 12:44 PM
Amazing that eastern Europe had such a great concentration of jews in power after wwII!

30th April 2010, 01:21 PM

30th April 2010, 03:51 PM
I can't believe we have a member here defending the memory of the murdering thug Stalin. But, we believe a person has the right to express his opinion, even when he sounds like either a horse's arse or mindblowingly intellectually dishonest.

Anecdote: I have known hundreds of Jews in my life. Not once have I ever heard one condemn or criticize Stalin, not once, even when I attempted to elicit such a response. Diatribes against Hitler were de reguer. But Stalin, appeared to be tacitly a secular saint of sorts, untouchable amongst all the Jews I have known.

Parroting MSM and calling Stalin a murdering thug without ANY hard evidence to back it up (same as the MSM) doesn`t do any good to your online persona, if you wish to present yourself as an intellectually honest person.
Also,not only I have known 1000s of Jews, I am a Jew. I am qualified to speak on the subject of Jewish politics.
Stalin has been demonized as the most antisemitic tyrant except for Hitler by the MSM. Some even go as far as saying he was MORE antisemitic than Hitler which is true because he purged 10000s of Leninist Jewish cadre.
I choose not to believe you about Stalin being untouchable among all the Jews that you`ve met. Finding a stalinist today is EXTREMELY rare in the West.

It is with a heavy heart I have to call you a liar because I like you.

30th April 2010, 03:54 PM
Thank you Goldmonkey. I have that URL memorized, but I didn't post it because the UK government/courts ruled that the site was anti-semitic and was suppossed to be deleted. It was pulled down for a while, so I didn't think the link was good.

30th April 2010, 03:57 PM
Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

Typical jewish dismissal and discounting tactics. The ADL would be proud of you.

EDIT to add: Thanks to Hoarder and Mamboni for the useful posts.

So ADL is a Stalinist organisation? Then I`m running to find the closest branch.
Also, it is not every day you have a chance to use the word "jewish" derisively and without the capital J while addressing an actual Jew who is cool enough to continue a friendly chat with you.
It is a pretty toothless goyish attack, Awoke...

30th April 2010, 04:07 PM
Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

Typical jewish dismissal and discounting tactics. The ADL would be proud of you.

EDIT to add: Thanks to Hoarder and Mamboni for the useful posts.

So ADL is a Stalinist organisation? Then I`m running to find the closest branch.
Also, it is not every day you have a chance to use the word "jewish" derisively and without the capital J while addressing an actual Jew who is cool enough to continue a friendly chat with you.
It is a pretty toothless goyish attack, Awoke...

Well, just a little FYI, I make a conscious effort to never put a capital on any word that has the word "jew" as its root. That's just me.

Anyways, Stalin was a fratricidal jew. The ALD is a vehement, rabid jewish organization. I never said the ADL was a stalinist organization, but you're a jew, a stalinist as well as a zionist, and you use the tactics employed by TPTB:
Dismissal, discounting, word-bending and context altering.

If you want to bend me straight-forward posts around, so be it, but the people here are not dense enough to be mislead by linguistic trickery.

30th April 2010, 04:11 PM
Occam, just what is so damn great about Stalin?

I'd like to know why you idolize him so much.

30th April 2010, 04:14 PM
We don't really'know' any history. We just blindly believe what we are spoon fed by whatever establishment mouthpieces we happen to have as our propagandists. Some truth inevitably slips through but it is poisoned and intentionally twisted and thus is worse than outright lies because it hides itself in the guise of fact. As far as belief goes, I no longer believe much at all. It is more of a balancing act between what I think is more likely instead of believing one version or another. Thus it is with 9\11. I don't know what happened but I'm more certain the government is lying to me than I am they are telling the truth.

But hey, anything is possible right? Maybe Stalin was a purely altruistic leader and everything he did was to mitigate far worse outcomes. How do any of us know now? We can only take our best bet.
That's reasonable.
Three things:

1) What is certain.
2) What is possible.
3) What is probable.

Hardly anything is certain,
Nearly everthing is possible.

So let's discuss and focus on what is probable.

30th April 2010, 04:46 PM
Even if we assume this version is true, do they mean other countries execute ARMED people? Even if one is clueless about Katyn but HAS TASTE, the literary taste alone would set him/her upon the right direction towards suspicion...

PS.My mom writes shopping lists and leaves them unsigned. I asked her to sign one with "Joseph Stalin".
I will scan and post it soon. As it turns out, Stalin wants mostly organic food...

Typical jewish dismissal and discounting tactics. The ADL would be proud of you.

EDIT to add: Thanks to Hoarder and Mamboni for the useful posts.

So ADL is a Stalinist organisation? Then I`m running to find the closest branch.
Also, it is not every day you have a chance to use the word "jewish" derisively and without the capital J while addressing an actual Jew who is cool enough to continue a friendly chat with you.
It is a pretty toothless goyish attack, Awoke...

Well, just a little FYI, I make a conscious effort to never put a capital on any word that has the word "jew" as its root. That's just me.

Anyways, Stalin was a fratricidal jew. The ALD is a vehement, rabid jewish organization. I never said the ADL was a stalinist organization, but you're a jew, a stalinist as well as a zionist, and you use the tactics employed by TPTB:
Dismissal, discounting, word-bending and context altering.

If you want to bend me straight-forward posts around, so be it, but the people here are not dense enough to be mislead by linguistic trickery.

Since goyim are destined to play second violin to Jews on this planet, they console themselves by depriving Jews of the capital J. I can live with this but it`s a pityful consolation.
I am a Jew, a Stalinist and a Zionist of sorts. My Zionism consists of supporting the existance of the state of Israel and nothing else. I say in every thread that ZOG did 911 and that the gas chambers are a hoax.
Are these views shared by ADL?

Awoke, we have a saying in Russian;"you have kasha in your head".
I`m sure you understand what I mean, kasha is buckwheat hot cereal.

You can`t figure out who I am so you resort to empty ad hominem attacks. I have never once knowingly posted a lie on any forum.

Nobody ever called me a liar because I`ve never lied.

You,mamboni, Philo, Magnes and others WANT Stalin to exist as a bloodthirsty tyrant. That is why you ignore the truth about him.
I`m going to start my own thread about him which will be one of the longest threads here. They were some of the longest on GIM and TGA and they got erased. No problem because I have everything in my head and having to start over helps me to better summarize what I want to say.

30th April 2010, 05:07 PM
We don't really'know' any history. We just blindly believe what we are spoon fed by whatever establishment mouthpieces we happen to have as our propagandists. Some truth inevitably slips through but it is poisoned and intentionally twisted and thus is worse than outright lies because it hides itself in the guise of fact. As far as belief goes, I no longer believe much at all. It is more of a balancing act between what I think is more likely instead of believing one version or another. Thus it is with 9\11. I don't know what happened but I'm more certain the government is lying to me than I am they are telling the truth.

But hey, anything is possible right? Maybe Stalin was a purely altruistic leader and everything he did was to mitigate far worse outcomes. How do any of us know now? We can only take our best bet.
That's reasonable.
Three things:

1) What is certain.
2) What is possible.
3) What is probable.

Hardly anything is certain,
Nearly everthing is possible.

So let's discuss and focus on what is probable.

Absolutely! From my first post in this thread (You have to read them both to get my gist):

[qoute] (Do I think Stalin ordered the the extermination of over 20,000 prisoners? Hell yeah. You really don't?)[/quote]

Antonio merely picked part of my post to bolster his arguement and my post must be taken in context to appreciate my intent

30th April 2010, 06:16 PM
Absolutely! From my first post in this thread (You have to read them both to get my gist):

(Do I think Stalin ordered the the extermination of over 20,000 prisoners? Hell yeah. You really don't?)

Antonio merely picked part of my post to bolster his arguement and my post must be taken in context to appreciate my intent
Yes, I was just emphasizing your important distinction between possible and probable.

To say that something is possible is not much of a concession.

There are official and unofficial versions of history but most of have recognized the modus operandi and modus agendi of the clever tribe. There are numerous reasons to believe it's probable Stalin was a Jew and that he killed as many blond-haired, blue eyed Ukranians as possible during his reign. I could go on and on about that..

1st May 2010, 05:54 AM
Since goyim are destined to play second violin to Jews on this planet, they console themselves by depriving Jews of the capital J. I can live with this but it`s a pityful consolation.

I don't intend to play second fiddle.

I am a Jew, a Stalinist and a Zionist of sorts. My Zionism consists of supporting the existance of the state of Israel and nothing else. I say in every thread that ZOG did 911 and that the gas chambers are a hoax....

...You can`t figure out who I am so you resort to empty ad hominem attacks. I have never once knowingly posted a lie on any forum.

Nobody ever called me a liar because I`ve never lied.

I assumed you were and all out line-towing jew, because you admitted that you are a jew, a stalinist and a zionist.
I made a mistake with my assumption. I have never read any of your posts in the holohoax or 911 threads, so I didn't know that you took a stance on the same side as these truths.

So, my mistake.

However, fundamentally you and I are pitted enemies, because Jesus Christ is my Lord and saviour, and your three main fundamentals go against everything I stand for. Regardless, I can be man enough to continue discussion with you, without resorting to name calling, provided you put away your pretentious sarcasm-stick when you post.

This goy is ready to fight, but doesn't want to if he doesn't have to.
It is the enemy (The conspirators) that force my hand on this keyboard.

You,mamboni, Philo, Magnes and others WANT Stalin to exist as a bloodthirsty tyrant. That is why you ignore the truth about him.
I`m going to start my own thread about him which will be one of the longest threads here. They were some of the longest on GIM and TGA and they got erased. No problem because I have everything in my head and having to start over helps me to better summarize what I want to say.

He is a fratricidal jew that killed countless humans. What else is there to say?

2nd May 2010, 02:27 PM
This goy is ready to fight ...

Awoke, I hope you know that Hebrew term "goy" that Occamsrazor uses to address non-Jews, means cattle, or sub-human being.

It is almost the same as n-word.

I`m sure Awoke is up there high enough in Jewology so he knows what the word goy means. It`s only fair since he deprives me of the capital "J" when saying jewish.
I feel hurt, humiliated, frustrated and confused...oy vey...

2nd May 2010, 02:41 PM

2nd May 2010, 07:19 PM
This goy is ready to fight ...

Awoke, I hope you know that Hebrew term "goy" that Occamsrazor uses to address non-Jews, means cattle, or sub-human being.

It is almost the same as n-word.

Of course I know that, brother. But coming from a stalinist jew, it really doesn't mean shit to me.

Besides, I am a goy as defined by the jews. German and Irish, and ready to scrap.

But the reality is, a jew calling me a goy has about the same effect as a black person calling me a honkey or a european calling me a caker: Nothing.

oy vey indeed.