View Full Version : Fish Oil

29th April 2010, 09:09 PM
I'm looking for some fish oil in liquid form, non-capsule.

Anyone have any recommendations?

Looking for the best stuff on the market...


29th April 2010, 10:26 PM
You can't go wrong with this stuff:

Any particular reason you're going with liquid instead of capsules?

29th April 2010, 11:52 PM
I spent a couple hours researching and ended up deciding on that same bottle you posted the link to.

I'm going to check our local vitamin shop tomorrow to see if they have any in stock.

Going with liquid to avoid the added capsule ingredients.

I'll chug it right out the bottle.

29th April 2010, 11:58 PM
I'm also thinking of trying Nordic Naturals...

30th April 2010, 04:57 AM
Carlsson is the top. Fish oil is a must have supplement, it keeps you sane and it is good for every cell in your body.

30th April 2010, 09:36 AM
The commie is right. :)

Fish oil is also the only nutrient that is better to get from a supplement than from whole foods. As the mercury content is negligible in its supplement form.

30th April 2010, 02:54 PM
The commie is right. :)

Fish oil is also the only nutrient that is better to get from a supplement than from whole foods. As the mercury content is negligible in its supplement form.

Why didn`t you give me an applaud,motherfucker?
Don`t you see I`m drowning in smites after the sodomy thread?

1st May 2010, 01:24 PM
Why didn`t you give me an applaud,motherf*cker?
Don`t you see I`m drowning in smites after the sodomy thread?

I applaud you in support of Socialism!!

;D I do agree about fish oil, I remember reading one article/study, that concluded that if everyone took fish oil, heart disease and cancer rates would be chopped in half across the board.

9th May 2010, 03:52 AM
I highly recommend Swanson Vitamins. They have the cheapest prices around, and make their own stuff:


9th May 2010, 04:35 PM
Vita Cost has it too........

I usually order from Vitacost too. Just don't buy the NSI brand of fish oil. I had to return some recently because it went bad. They were the capsules though. I'm back to buying Carlson's.

10th May 2010, 10:54 PM
I ended up going with both Carlson's and Nordic Naturals.

I rotate them each day so I have both bases covered in case one is better than the other .


10th May 2010, 11:15 PM
Eat small fish like sardines and sprats. They are full of oil and have very little contamination like mercury,PCB`s etc and they are much cheaper than salmon which is the most toxic protein food one can buy.

13th May 2010, 09:39 PM
The best fish oil is Green Pasture's fermented cod liver oil. CLO is superior to regular fish oils because it contains vitamins A & D in addition to the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA; fish oils only contain the latter.


14th May 2010, 11:54 PM
The best fish oil is Green Pasture's fermented cod liver oil. CLO is superior to regular fish oils because it contains vitamins A & D in addition to the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA; fish oils only contain the latter.


Says who?

I just threw their cod liver oil away. It tastes disgusting. I rather die 10 years early than have to take that nasty stuff every day. Seriously.

Weston Price seems to think highly of it but they change their mind every year or so.

15th May 2010, 02:13 AM
Krill oil is way better than fish oil.

Ever try Salba?

18th May 2010, 01:58 PM
I bought the Carlson's fish oil gel caps and have had no fish burps. I've tried other brands but had fish burps, s I like this one. :)

18th May 2010, 10:46 PM
Says who?

Well, me! LOL.

I didn't have health or dental insurance for a while. I had a small cavity in one tooth and an infection in another on the same side of my mouth that started causing severe aching and throbbing. After three weeks of taking high doses of this CLO, the pain was gone.

I had been taking other CLO brands to save money, but they obviously didn't help.

It's probably the vitamins combined with the DHA & EPA. AFAIK, fish oils don't cure cavities.

I just threw their cod liver oil away. It tastes disgusting. I rather die 10 years early than have to take that nasty stuff every day. Seriously.

The new bottles come with a little syringe. I just shoot a small amount to the side of my cheek, away from my tongue, and then chase it with water.

Weston Price seems to think highly of it but they change their mind every year or so.

Weston Price the researcher used CLO to reverse cavities and heal other health issues, as he documented in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

The chapter called "Primitive control of dental caries" shows x-rays of some children whose cavities were healed (check out Figure 97):


The Weston Price Foundation does change its supplement recommendations, but that's because manufacturers change their processing or formulations.

There was a whole hoopla over Carlson's CLO a few years ago, because Carlson didn't want to reveal "proprietary" information like whether or not their CLO contained synthetic vitamins (many CLO manufacturers remove the natural vitamins and then replace some or all of them with synthetics which don't have to be reported on the label).

A corporate representative even went so far as to post on the WAPF Yahoo group Native-Nutrition, although he wouldn't provide any proof to his claims:

"Carlson Cod Liver Oil Does Not Contain Synthetic Vitamins"

18th May 2010, 11:36 PM
Great post lapis. I need to do some more research.

20th May 2010, 08:22 AM

This stuff is the best omega-3 on the market for non vegetarians. Ive had remarkable results and
have been taking it for 2 years, sell it, and have a preparedness stockpile of it for one year. If I only
had one supplement to load up on, this is it. I notice improvement with so many health challenges
both physical and mood. Hope I am not breaking the rules by posting this. :oo-->

4th February 2011, 07:03 PM

Is this stuff any good? The price is outstanding.

4th February 2011, 10:16 PM
You really shouldn't be using Fish Oil anyways. Omega 3 comes from MANY other sources OTHER than Fish Oil, so you can avoid the Mercury and PCBs. You also really want Omega 3, 6, AND 9...

For more info:


4th February 2011, 10:59 PM
Everyone already eats too many omega 6 and 9. Omega 3s from non-animal sources are worthless. The mercury and pcb content of refined fish oils are negligible. Nobody is 'pushing' D-3, in fact many places are trying to restrict it.


It's illegal to import D-3 over 1000 IU into Canada.

Omega-3 is almost entirely ignored by the sickness industry.

Don't listen to that guy.

4th February 2011, 11:00 PM
I haven't watched the video's yet but I've read that animal based Omega-3 is the best.

Also, should babies/toddlers take fish oil/Omega-3? From the little that I have read your supposed to rub a small amount in their skin.

4th February 2011, 11:02 PM
Everyone already eats too many omega 6 and 9. Omega 3s from non-animal sources are worthless. The mercury and pcb content of refined fish oils are negligible. Nobody is 'pushing' D-3, in fact many places are trying to restrict it.


It's illegal to import D-3 over 1000 IU into Canada.

Omega-3 is almost entirely ignored by the sickness industry.

Don't listen to that guy.

That's pretty much what I've read, that animal based Omega-3 is tops!

4th February 2011, 11:06 PM
Everyone already eats too many omega 6 and 9. Omega 3s from non-animal sources are worthless. The mercury and pcb content of refined fish oils are negligible. Nobody is 'pushing' D-3, in fact many places are trying to restrict it.


It's illegal to import D-3 over 1000 IU into Canada.

Omega-3 is almost entirely ignored by the sickness industry.

Don't listen to that guy.

That's pretty much what I've read, that animal based Omega-3 is tops!

Anyone who says otherwise is probably a vegetarian/vegan. Vegans are notoriously biased.

Also, should babies/toddlers take fish oil/Omega-3? From the little that I have read your supposed to rub a small amount in their skin.

Mother's milk has omega-3 in it. If they are past that you can mix it in with flavorful foods. I don't know if rubbing it on the skin does anything.