View Full Version : National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

30th April 2010, 12:31 AM
WASHINGTON (RNS) A federal district judge in Wisconsin has ruled that the 1988 law creating the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.

"It goes beyond mere 'acknowledgement' of religion because its sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function in this context," U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled Thursday (April 15).

"In this instance, the government has taken sides on a matter that must be left to individual conscience."

The Madison, Wis.-based Freedom from Religion Foundation, which filed suit in 2008 to stop the prayer day, hailed the decision as a "sweet victory."

"The law is on our side," said the group's co-president, Annie Laurie Gaylor. "The judge had the courage to make the decision on the merits of the case and not worry about public opinion."

The White House issued a statement Thursday on Twitter saying: "As he did last year, President Obama intends to recognize a National Day of Prayer."

In 2009, Obama issued a proclamation but did not host the traditional White House observance that his predecessor, George W. Bush, had held while he was president.

The American Center for Justice, which filed a brief in the case supporting the law on behalf of 31 members of Congress, called the decision "flawed" and predicted it could end up before the Supreme Court.

"It is unfortunate that this court failed to understand that a day set aside for prayer for the country represents a time-honored tradition that embraces the First Amendment, not violates it," said chief counsel Jay Sekulow.

The law creating the national observance dates to 1952 and was made more specific in 1988, calling for it to be marked annually on the first Thursday in May.


Some of the signers of the constitution participated in a national day of prayer.
and George Washington declared a national day of prayer.

Now it's Unconstitutional?

30th April 2010, 01:08 AM
The Establishment Clause prohibits it.

Understanding it should be simple and unmissable.

30th April 2010, 07:09 AM
no matter what has brought up this outcome, any good intention enforced on a large scale never works out in the (very) long run, what was valuable backthen cannot not apply today - reality changes... the US constitition is a excellemt tool but the founders have made some mistakes when drafting it. Such as this one.

because it is about favoring a belief system, over another one... and then other religious groups set in and demand too their own day of prayers fitting their textbooks/orientation... and it goes on and on... conflicts guarrantted around the corner

7th trump
30th April 2010, 09:54 AM
no matter what has brought up this outcome, any good intention enforced on a large scale never works out in the (very) long run, what was valuable backthen cannot not apply today - reality changes... the US constitition is a excellemt tool but the founders have made some mistakes when drafting it. Such as this one.

because it is about favoring a belief system, over another one... and then other religious groups set in and demand too their own day of prayers fitting their textbooks/orientation... and it goes on and on... conflicts guarrantted around the corner

The Constitution is fine and the founders didnt make mistakes drafting it up. Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.
Marxism or socialism and even communism wasnt around when America was founded. Look at the whole world before saying the founders made mistakes. America, even the world, is changing because of socialism, not from a mistake made 200 years ago.
Social Security is American socialism and you participate in it. Social Security is not unconstitutional because it doesnt have any mandatory clause in it to force you participate, but yet you do. You pay federal taxes because you participate in Social Security.
Socialism is swallowing up England, a kingship, as much as America. Socialism/communism is taking everything over because people are lazy and greedy. People want something for nothing and once they tasted fruits of socialism by taking from one to give to another they wanted more, but were unaware of the consequences.
If you want to see how socialism works world wide google "International Labor Organization". Understand what this organization really is, its origin is of communism (ussr). All countries that participate in that organization are hit with heavy progressive taxes, loss of private property ownership (dont pay your property taxes and see what happens to your house, farm, business that you mortgaged your life for) and indebtness.

You can pray silently without any day of prayer and no one will know.
I find it odd that you would reply in such a thread when you yourself do not beleive in the prayer, but hidden triangle symbolism that puts satan over God.

30th April 2010, 10:27 AM
The Constitution is fine and the founders didnt make mistakes drafting it up. Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.
Marxism or socialism and even communism wasnt around when America was founded. Look at the whole world before saying the founders made mistakes. America, even the world, is changing because of socialism, not from a mistake made 200 years ago.

I am willing to bet that the founders knew about the dangers of dictatorship and the mechanisms allowing as how it emerges.. scoalism being fascism after all .

30th April 2010, 10:34 AM
What business do Christians have joining in a day of prayer with non-Christians? (No offense intended, Ken :()

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and

what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what

agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and

I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the

unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

30th April 2010, 11:04 AM
The Constitution is fine and the founders didnt make mistakes drafting it up. Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.
Marxism or socialism and even communism wasnt around when America was founded.

You're right that communism wasn't around when America was founded. However, I'll argue that America was re-founded after the civil war due to the implementation of the Reconstruction amendments as well as the 14th Amendment. One of the reasons for L.B. Bork naming his book "The Red Amendment" is that it was a vehicle to implement communism in America. The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848...plently of time for it to reach America and for its ideas to reach the U.S.

30th April 2010, 11:48 AM
What business do Christians have joining in a day of prayer with non-Christians? (No offense intended, Ken :()

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and

what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what

agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and

I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the

unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Your right of course.
and no offence taken :)

But I think it's crazy the way these Judges think they know better than the writers of the Constitution.

30th April 2010, 12:01 PM
I agree, Ken. It's just another indication of the course our nation is taking. It brings a tear to the eye.

7th trump
30th April 2010, 12:09 PM
The Constitution is fine and the founders didnt make mistakes drafting it up. Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.
Marxism or socialism and even communism wasnt around when America was founded. Look at the whole world before saying the founders made mistakes. America, even the world, is changing because of socialism, not from a mistake made 200 years ago.

I am willing to get that the founders knew about the dangers of dictatorship and the mechanisms allowing as how it emerges.. scoalism being fascism after all .

Doubt it.
Back then you had nothing but kings ruling and claiming all parts of the world. Spanish empire, french empire, english empire, german empire and so on. Russia was even a kingship until the bulshevic jews murder Nicholas and his german wife to bring in communism.

30th April 2010, 12:11 PM
What business do Christians have joining in a day of prayer with non-Christians? (No offense intended, Ken :()

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and

what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what

agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and

I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the

unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

This is true in the sense that we would not be equally joined in supplication of our Father, wherease they are not part of the family.

An exception to this is the prayer of the lost calling out for the first time to the One who grants salvation. Salvation is completely a gift, but requires the agreement of the one being saved. Souls will not be coerced or deceived into a relationship with Messiah. In that sense, a joint prayer is acceptable.

In a nation which is mostly believing christians, a national day of prayer is the least of good efforts.

7th trump
30th April 2010, 12:14 PM
The Constitution is fine and the founders didnt make mistakes drafting it up. Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.
Marxism or socialism and even communism wasnt around when America was founded.

You're right that communism wasn't around when America was founded. However, I'll argue that America was re-founded after the civil war due to the implementation of the Reconstruction amendments as well as the 14th Amendment. One of the reasons for L.B. Bork naming his book "The Red Amendment" is that it was a vehicle to implement communism in America. The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848...plently of time for it to reach America and for its ideas to reach the U.S.

I couldnt agree more Luis. Not many even care or even heard about the revised statutes of 1871 that essentially did away with the Common Law form that the Constitution is based on and replaced it with same Roman civil law the 14th amendment was already implimenting.

30th April 2010, 03:57 PM
Considering that more like 89% of Americans aren't true Christians then we'd be joining in prayer with people who are praying to demons. At least the World Invocation Day is straightforward, praying against Christians.

30th April 2010, 04:21 PM
Considering that more like 89% of Americans aren't true Christians then we'd be joining in prayer with people who are praying to demons. At least the World Invocation Day is straightforward, praying against Christians.

I don't know where you get your number (89%) from, but that seems to match my experience in traveling. Even that is being a little generous. When I visit different church groups and really get to know the people, the sense is more like 10% of the 10% are real.

30th April 2010, 04:49 PM
Considering that more like 89% of Americans aren't true Christians then we'd be joining in prayer with people who are praying to demons. At least the World Invocation Day is straightforward, praying against Christians.

I don't know where you get your number (89%) from, but that seems to match my experience in traveling. Even that is being a little generous. When I visit different church groups and really get to know the people, the sense is more like 10% of the 10% are real.

I made it up. :) I read an article about ND of P stating that America is 89% Christian. I agree 11% is generous but it is hard to tell. I know that 10% of past co-workers and friends, etc, are not really Christians. More like one in a hundred.

30th April 2010, 05:30 PM
Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.

lets look at the causes instead of the consequences.

and why socilism did work out so well in the first place: because the average people think that enforcing altruism is good... now the IMF packages rescue the entire planet.

sorry to rub it in - again. The bottom line is that too much good is evil... what masses need to be taught is that giving must equal recievng.

Giving endlessly doesnt work - takers have comprehended this as they institutonalized a profit based society. The main reason as why sound money cannot win over.

Any system not going along with it, is doomed to fail. Dictatoship/fascism will arise.

7th trump
30th April 2010, 06:11 PM
Its the advent of socialism thats the cancer.

lets look at the causes instead of the consequences.

and why socilism did work out so well in the first place: because the average people think that enforcing altruism is good... now the IMF packages rescue the entire planet.

sorry to rub it in - again. The bottom line is that too much good is evil... what masses need to be taught is that giving must equal recievng.

Giving endlessly doesnt work - takers have comprehended this as they instituted a profit based society. The main reason as why sound money cannot win.

Any system not going along with it, is doomed to fail. Dictatoship/fascism will arise.

See........there your MO............anything to try and justify socialism by coding it......altruism?
Wow.......any trick to push your agenda that satan is above God. Just like any true antiGod socialist/communist would.
You have never looked at the history of Social Security have you?
FDR had to threaten the Supreme Court to get it passed. The Supreme Court looked at SS as an unconstitutional piece of legislature, so FDR threaten the SC that he would stack the SC judges so if it did go to SC thered be enough judges to deem it not worthy to review.
Nobody has any right to take/steal from one to give to another. The People of the United States of America didnt ratify the Constitution allowing the government to impliment Social Security socialism. And the People didnt come up with the idea of taking from one to give to another as an act.
Do you know what an "ACT" of Congress is compared to a "RATIFICATION" to the US Constitution so you can understand that Social Security is by no means to be considered in any way "altruism"?
Who can ratify the Constitution singular?......who?
When you figure that one out you can figure out who writes up and passes Acts?

Do you see the difference that the People didnt ratify the Constitution to impliment Social Security as an amendment?
You are so uneducated its pathetic Singular.
Was it altruism that murdered millions and took all property ownership from the Russian People or forced Marxism?
Where do you see that marxism is to much good that its evil?

Get a grib Singular or you'll most likely lose your very soul to the firey pit where communism/socialism is headed.

30th April 2010, 06:19 PM
Considering that more like 89% of Americans aren't true Christians then we'd be joining in prayer with people who are praying to demons. At least the World Invocation Day is straightforward, praying against Christians.

I don't know where you get your number (89%) from, but that seems to match my experience in traveling. Even that is being a little generous. When I visit different church groups and really get to know the people, the sense is more like 10% of the 10% are real.

Greenbear and Spectrism.

Im curouis now.

Im not sure what you mean exactly....

I know we can recognize them by their fruits ...

and we can know that we ourself's are saved by the spirit living in us.(and changing us)

But we can't know for sure if another person is saved or not...can we?

I found this....tell me what you two think about the answer.

Question: "What is a carnal Christian?"

Answer: Can a true Christian be carnal? In answering this question, let’s first define the term “carnal.” The word “carnal” is translated from the Greek word sarkikos, which literally means “fleshly.” This descriptive word is seen in the context of Christians in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. In this passage, the apostle Paul is addressing the readers as “brethren,” a term he uses almost exclusively to refer to other Christians; he then goes on to describe them as “carnal.” Therefore, we can conclude that Christians can be carnal. The Bible is absolutely clear that no one is sinless (1 John 1:8). Every time we sin, we are acting carnally.

The key thing to understand is that while a Christian can be, for a time, carnal, a true Christian will not remain carnal for a lifetime. Some have abused the idea of a “carnal Christian” by saying that it is possible for people to come to faith in Christ and then proceed to live the rest of their lives in a completely carnal manner, with no evidence of being born again or a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Such a concept is completely unbiblical. James 2 makes it abundantly clear that genuine faith will always result in good works. Ephesians 2:8-10 declares that while we are saved by grace alone through faith alone, that salvation will result in works. Can a Christian, in a time of failure and/or rebellion, appear to be carnal? Yes. Will a true Christian remain carnal? No.

Since eternal security is a fact of Scripture, even the carnal Christian is still saved. Salvation cannot be lost, because salvation is a gift of God that He will not take away (see John 10:28; Romans 8:37-39; 1 John 5:13). Even in 1 Corinthians 3:15, the carnal Christian is assured of salvation: “If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” The question is not whether a person who claims to be a Christian but lives carnally has lost his salvation, but whether that person was truly saved in the first place (1 John 2:19).

Christians who become carnal in their behavior can expect God to lovingly discipline them (Hebrews 12:5-11) so they can be restored to close fellowship with Him and be trained to obey Him. God’s desire in saving us is that we would progressively grow closer to the image of Christ (Romans 12:1-2), becoming increasingly spiritual and decreasingly carnal, a process known as sanctification. Until we are delivered from our sinful flesh, there will be outbreaks of carnality. For a genuine believer in Christ, though, these outbreaks of carnality will be the exception, not the rule.

30th April 2010, 07:28 PM
Greenbear and Spectrism.

Im curouis now.

Im not sure what you mean exactly....

I know we can recognize them by their fruits ...

and we can know that we ourself's are saved by the spirit living in us.(and changing us)

But we can't know for sure if another person is saved or not...can we?

Ever hear the phrase- it takes one to know one?

When I was in the military I could spot another soldier and I could very easily spot a fake. I still can- and I have been out for 25 years.

I have been in church groups and sensed someone carrying the Spirit nearby. And I don't just mean alive in the Spirit- but bleeding the Spirit like water to dry plants. If we could only see what He is doing around us we would be shamed and awed.

Other times I guessed and missed horribly. This is why I test those around me. I want to see what color blood they bleed... and it usually is not a pleasant experience. I know the sinner that is me and how wretched I am. I can apply that same brute honesty to others. God is not impressed with how "holy" we appear to be or how many works we do. He visits those who crucify their own flesh and will meet Him with a humble and honest heart.

As I implied, I meet few with that brutal honesty but there are about 10% who wear the trappings of the family.

Saul Mine
30th April 2010, 07:30 PM
The judge is FOS. The constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." That has nothing to do with making a holiday. Even specifying a holiday for prayer does not respect an establishment of religion.

Who put this twit on the bench when he can't understand such a simple distinction?

30th April 2010, 07:36 PM
thanks saul...i agree...

the ACLJ is gonna fight this decision to the end.

The ACLJ is an organization dedicated to the defense of constitutional liberties secured by law.


30th April 2010, 07:45 PM
See........there your MO............anything to try and justify socialism by coding it......altruism?
sorry it ia a mayor tenet of socialism , people feel gulty of having a good life and sgree with wealth redistrtibion - enforcing altruism has conseuquences...

altruisn isnt bad per se when helping out his neighbor... a person in the need whom he knows directly... otherwise it is unworkable

Altruism has its boundaries, all it takes is to be aware of it. Education.

an overdosis of good leads to evil
an overdosis of evil leads to good

duality princiles... nothing os neither entirely good nor evil

to avoid extreme consequences comes down to make sure that too much good/evil never crosses the fine line, all of which can be addressed when giving equals recieving A profit based society is not viable in the long run becaiuse of that One always end up with more takers/givers on one side of the spectrum.

the proof? the western world is the BIGGEST donor..

7th trump
30th April 2010, 08:52 PM
See........there your MO............anything to try and justify socialism by coding it......altruism?
sorry it ia a mayor tenet of socialism , people feel gulty of having a good life and sgree with wealth redistrtibion - enforcing altruism has conseuquences...
(I've never ever heard of any hard working person ever claim they feel guilty of working towards a good life ever. It even makes them feel even better when they share it with others who appreciate the effort. Thats not socialism......thats love. Whats socialism is when one feels another should give for anothers selfishness and laziness. The two are at opposite ends. You cannot mix oil with water............not even in betweendto they mix. One taints the other.......there is no inbetween of coexistence.)

altruisn isnt bad per se when helping out his neighbor... a person in the need whom he knows directly... otherwise it is unworkable

Altruism has its boundaries, all it takes is to be aware of it. Education.

an overdosis of good leads to evil
(how can anything good ever lead to anything evil? its an impossibility)
an overdosis of evil leads to good
( how does usery ever lead to anything good? and again an impossibility. How does too much murder lead to righteousness? How does too much usery lead to righteousness?
You are trying to fit square pegs into round holes.............doesnt fit except in a murderous marxist mind)

duality princiles... nothing os neither entirely good nor evil
(Really, so God is a God of evil?)

to avoid extreme consequences comes down to make sure that too much good/evil never crosses the fine line, all of which can be addressed when giving equals recieving A profit based society is not viable in the long run becaiuse of that One always end up with more takers/givers on one side of the spectrum.

1st May 2010, 05:53 AM
God's principles ate about harmony, and respecting balance, all the universe works like that.

Nature inerrupts harmony as well when there is a flood, earhquake, tornado, etc... what it means here is that Nature too struggles to remain balanced constantly,

(I've never ever heard of any hard working person ever claim they feel guilty of working towards a good life ever. It even makes them feel even better when they share it with others who appreciate the effort. Thats not socialism..

That is what I say more or less when altruism helps directly neighbors and relatives in the need. Altruism iis encouraged.

But you have to look a the BIG picture, charities and big government programs are successful because people consent to wealth redistribution, feel right about taxation because they think their $$ will be used rightfukky to help out others,i f they accept that its because they UNCONSOUSLY feel kinda guilty to earn more, that life is unfair to so many out there... that is the psychology behind nternational socialsm. They show you images of people sufferring and poor... all of wich coerces compassion. Coercing compassion = making people feel guily

In the meantime, they help evil prosper. Try to explain this to them and you will be seen as UNcharitable and selfish. They would easily brand you as a person with no heart. This accusation comes from unconscious guilt. That's the trouble with enforced altruism. It is a double edged sword.

(how can anything good ever lead to anything evil? its an impossibility)
look at international socialism and all the charities coercing money out of people. Welfare government programs. It has disastrous effects. That is why people dont see the anything wrong with the money printing press..

how does usery ever lead to anything good? and again an impossibility. How does too much murder lead to righteousness? How does too much usery lead to righteousness?You are trying to fit square pegs into round holes.............doesnt fit except in a murderous marxist mind)
because people eventually wake up, understand the evil perpetrated and react to it when they are too squeezed. Then a revolution becomes necessary. Unfortunately the cycle of too much evil repeats itself because masses dont grasp the psychology, enforced good intentions is the core issue..

Harmony finds itsel in equal giving and recieving. How hard is it to grasp this. A profit based society has always led to wars over resources, if history is any indication. If one wishes to fix this with real solutions thats the way to look at it.

How does it come that the IMF packages are today the norm, and that bailing out busines to big to fail tolerated by the masses? Because the powers that be convince them that it is for their own good. Thats the tyranny of good intentions. Governments have always used the same tactics for about millennia. Because people never seem to get is, global socialism is about to take over. .

Getting rid of socislism-marxism-globalism will require that people understand the Laws Of Balance first. In biology when cells dont cooperate equally according to their functions' assignment anymore will cause illnesses ... when a star dies its because hydrogen can no longer be produced due to an unbalanced atomic interaction... .same for societies.

spirituality, philosophy, sciences and economics will have to merge at some point for the betterment of Mankind.

7th trump
1st May 2010, 09:09 AM
God's principles ate about harmony, and respecting balance, all the universe works like that.

Nature inerrupts harmony as well when there is a flood, earhquake, tornado, etc... what it means here is that Nature too struggles to remain balanced constantly,

(I've never ever heard of any hard working person ever claim they feel guilty of working towards a good life ever. It even makes them feel even better when they share it with others who appreciate the effort. Thats not socialism..

That is what I say more or less when altruism helps directly neighbors and elatives in the need. Altruism iis encouraged.

But you have to look a the BIG picture, charities and big government programs (Theres your problem. Charities are not big government and the two should be look at the same. Big government never works and never has.)are successful (big government taking away from one to give to greedy and lazy is not successful)because people consent to wealth redistribution (charities are not wealth redistrubution), feel right (Feel right????? havent looked at the news lately with all the tea parties going around?) about taxation because they think their $$ will be used rightfukky to help out others (everybody knows the lazy do not deserve what is not theirs. I've never met anyone who works say they feel they should work even harder give away to someone who is not willing to help themselves. God doesnt even help those who will not help themselves!), f they accept that its because they UNCONSOUSLY feel kinda guilty to earn more (Huh?????????? that makes no sense at all) , that life is unfair to so many out there (I've never ever heard of anyone who's worked hard and thought they ... that is the psychology behind nternational socialsm(no .....if you want to look at international the psychology of socialism study the lazy, greedy traits of stalin, lennin and carl marx). They show you images of people sufferring and poor... all of wich coerces compassion. Coercing compassion = making people feel guily (You just described what they call "manipulation" (a form of lying)and if the lazy prefer to be lazy let them, its their choice. They still have no right to take from one to give to another).

In the meantime, they help evil prosper (no, people who give freely do not let evil prosper. Those like you that spread socialism at gun point let evil prosper).Try to explain this to them and you will be seen as UNcharitable and selfish. (That doesnt bother me. I consider the source. I'm not to enable laziness nor wickedness. Theres a passage that God addresses to his children about being lazy. He says not to be an enabler.............dont feed them! They will eventually get to feed themselves) They would easily brand you as a person with no heart. (Again so what. I will not enable the wicked and lazy) This accusation comes from unconscious guilt. (Coming from a mentally disturbed socialist like you you are gonna stand there and be a doctor now......chuckle chuckle chuckle.....)That's the trouble with enforced altruism. It is a double edged sword. ( Nope, the double edged sword is the truth.........not a psycopath socialist opinion.)

(how can anything good ever lead to anything evil? its an impossibility)
look at international socialism and all the charities coercing money out of people. (socialism forces money from people not charities) Welfare government programs. It has disastrous effects. (yep they do have disastrious effects and there you are promoting it and defending it) That is why people dont see the anything wrong with the money printing press.. (huh????????????)

how does usery ever lead to anything good? and again an impossibility. How does too much murder lead to righteousness? How does too much usery lead to righteousness?You are trying to fit square pegs into round holes.............doesnt fit except in a murderous marxist mind)
because people eventually wake up, understand the evil perpetrated and react to it when they are too squeezed. Then a revolution becomes necessary.(just like a bolshevic revolution with the disastrious effect it had on now millions of murdered people) Unfortunately the cycle of too much evil repeats itself because masses dont grasp the psychology, enforced good intentions is the core issue..(so why are you defending socialism)

Harmony finds itsel in equal giving and recieving. How hard is it to grasp this. A profit based society has always led to wars over resources, if history is any indication. If one wishes to fix this with real solutions thats the way to look at it.
(greed is the problem and greed is the heart of socialism)

How does it come that the IMF packages are today the norm, and that bailing out busines to big to fail tolerated by the masses? Because the powers that be convince them that it is for their own good. Thats the tyranny of good intentions. Governments have always used the same tactics for about millennia. Because people never seem to get is, global socialism is about to take over. . (so why are you promoting and defending socialism instead of the Laws of God that forbids such action?)

Getting rid of socislism-marxism-globalism will require that people understand the Laws Of Balance first. (no getting rid of global socialism-marxism would be to obey Gods Commandments and Laws) In biology when cells dont cooperate equally according to their functions' assignment anymore will cause illnesses ... when a star dies its because hydrogen can no longer be produced due to an unbalanced atomic interaction... .same for societies. ( a real bad analogy to compare apples to oranges)

spirituality, philosophy, sciences and economics will have to merge at some point for the betterment of Mankind. (more of your unbased opinion)

1st May 2010, 09:38 AM
But you have to look a the BIG picture, charities and big government programs (Theres your problem. Charities are not big government and the two should be look at the same. Big government never works and never has.)are successful (big government taking away from one to give to greedy and lazy is not successful)because people consent to wealth redistribution (charities are not wealth redistrubution), feel right (Feel right?Huh?? havent looked at the news lately with all the tea parties going around?) about taxation because they think their $$ will be used rightfukky to help out others (everybody knows the lazy do not deserve what is not theirs. I've never met anyone who works say they feel they should work even harder give away to someone who is not willing to help themselves. God doesnt even help those who will not help themselves!), f they accept that its

I can see that you wont dare address the dual nature of altruism... that is your problem. Things will bet worse before they get better - and indviduals have to understand that enforcing good intentions ends up like an S&m GAME... in which the victim is consenting to be hurt.

It is like people here who see me as a satan worhiper but still continue to pay their taxes... it is not oing to end well.

1st May 2010, 09:51 AM
It is like people here who see me as a satan worshiper...


Don't be so hard on yourself Goldissima...lol.


7th trump
1st May 2010, 10:45 AM
But you have to look a the BIG picture, charities and big government programs (Theres your problem. Charities are not big government and the two should be look at the same. Big government never works and never has.)are successful (big government taking away from one to give to greedy and lazy is not successful)because people consent to wealth redistribution (charities are not wealth redistrubution), feel right (Feel right?Huh?? havent looked at the news lately with all the tea parties going around?) about taxation because they think their $$ will be used rightfukky to help out others (everybody knows the lazy do not deserve what is not theirs. I've never met anyone who works say they feel they should work even harder give away to someone who is not willing to help themselves. God doesnt even help those who will not help themselves!), f they accept that its

I can see that you wont dare address the dual nature of altruism... that is you problem. Things will bet worse before they get better - and indviduals understand that enforcing good intention ends up like an S&m GAME... in which the victim is consenting to be hurt.

It is like people here who see me as a satan worhippers but still continue to pay their taxes... it is not oing to end well.

Charities is not socialism. Charity is a gift, not theft like that of socialism. The two are on different platues on the opposite spectrum.
Noboby is forcing anybody to give to charity where as socialism is. A dare of what? Theres a big difference so no I will not address any dualarity because none exists. Socialism didnt come to being because people were giving in excess charity.
Socialism came about because of tyrantical murders like carl marx and joseph lennin who are power greedy kenites.
Their socialistic ideals could not and does not survive unless forced upon a people to support the top that feeds from the bottom. The top does not and cannot support the top in a greedy socialist society. Greed never satisfies greed and is the opposite of charity.
Theres nothing to daringly address.

7th trump
3rd May 2010, 06:46 AM
Just wanted to paste this, little, but true story about socialism and why it never works.

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had
never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one
would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor
then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan.
All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade
so no one would fail and no one would receive an A."

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The
students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little
were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied
little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they
wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was
a D! No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. The scores never
increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings
and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their
great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also
ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is
great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or
want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.
We can argue over and over again but this story can be related in just about any scenario including this thread.

4th November 2018, 09:12 AM
WASHINGTON (RNS) A federal district judge in Wisconsin has ruled that the 1988 law creating the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.

"It goes beyond mere 'acknowledgement' of religion because its sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function in this context," U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled Thursday (April 15).

