View Full Version : Over 40 cold, allergy meds for children recalled

1st May 2010, 05:13 AM
McNeil recalls children's over-the-counter liquid cold, allergy meds that don't meet standards

WASHINGTON - More than 40 over-the-counter infant's and children's liquid medications are being recalled in the United States and 11 other countries because they don't meet quality standards.

McNeil Consumer Healthcare issued the recall for children's versions of Tylenol, Tylenol Plus, Motrin, Zyrtec and Benadryl after consulting with the Food and Drug Administration.

The company is recalling the products because some did not meet required quality standards, the company said in a statement Friday. Some of the products recalled may have a higher concentration of active ingredient than is specified on the bottle. Others may contain particles, while still others may contain inactive ingredients that do not meet internal testing requirements.

The company is advising consumers to stop giving the products to their children as a precautionary measure. The recall was not undertaken because of any adverse effects, the company said.

The medicines were made and distributed in the United States, and exported to Canada, the Dominican Republic, Dubai, Fiji, Guam, Guatemala, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago and Kuwait.

Details, including NDC numbers, are available by telephone at 1-888-222-6036 or on the Web at http://www.mcneilproductrecall.com.

http://www.startribune.com/business/92562799.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O:DW3ckUiD 3aPc:_Yyc:aUUF

1st May 2010, 05:54 AM
It's disturbing that 40 over-the counter children's cold/allergy medications exist.

12th May 2010, 07:53 AM
Fibers Found In Cough Syrup

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Cough syrup sold at AAFES stores in Colorado was briefly pulled from the shelves last week after a consumer complained about what he found inside the over-the-counter medication.

Ken Klay showed NEWSCHANNEL 13 the tiny fibers he found in Tussin DM, a cough syrup, he said he bought at the Shoppette on Ft. Carson. “You can see them floating around in there,” said Klay.

He provided NEWSCHANNEL 13 two bottles, one he opened, and another that still had the tamper-proof wrapping on the bottle. In both bottles, you can see what appears to be tiny fibers floating around the red syrup.

“They’re about the size of human hair and some of them look like plastic shavings,” said Klay. He said he thinks the shavings are from when the bottle was manufactured and the bottle wasn’t cleaned out properly.

Klay said he took a dose of the medication more then a week ago while he was ill and it’s how he discovered the fibers in the product. “When I went to drink that down, it was like hair water. My mouth was full of fibers and I spit it out,” said Klay.

At first, he said he though it was just something in the dosage cup he got with Tussin DM. When he went to the Shoppette the next day to buy a new bottle, he noticed the same fibers in the new bottle as well.

“I contacted the company, Aaron Industries,” said Klay. He said he also called AAFES to report the problem.

A spokesperson for AAFES in Dallas, Texas confirms Klay’s statement and also acknowledges the product was pulled from store shelves for one day as it investigated.

The product was put back on store shelves on May 7 after the maker of Tussin DM found nothing wrong with the product.

Klay said he is still upset and questions why the company never asked for samples of the products on the shelves of the store.

“Those are our soldiers, you got to take care of them. These people have families and children they give this stuff to,” said Klay.

Aaron Industries did send Klay a letter, dated May 3, about his concerns.

It states the company examined its batch records and didn’t see any abnormalities that could impact the quality of the product.

“We also examined our temperature records for Aaron Industries’ West Coast distribution center during the period in which the product was stored, from 12/03/2009 to 2/25/2010. All temperatures were maintained within the required ambient storage range of 59 – 86 degrees Fahrenheit.”

The letter also states, “ the unknown solids that you observed in the Tussin DM may be related to the product being exposed to unusually low temperatures during transportation or storage. However we conclude that the quality of the product was not compromised during the manufacturing and storage of this product while at Aaron Industries.”

NEWSCHANNEL 13 has contacted the Food and Drug Administration to examine the unopened bottle Klay provided the station. NEWSCHANNEL 13 will keep you posted on the outcome.

Tussin DM is sold at AAFES stores in Colorado Springs with an expiration date of November 2011 and lot number 43118. It has not been recalled and is safe to consumer according to the company.

AAFES Response to NEWSCHANNEL 13 story:

From the Cadet bookstore at the Air Force Academy to BXs and PXs at Peterson AFB and Ft. Carson, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service is playing an active role in the readiness of Soldiers and Airmen throughout Colorado Springs.

“It is the dual enduring mission of AAFES to provide quality merchandise and services to its customers at competitively low prices and to generate earnings which provide a dividend to support morale, welfare and recreation programs,” said AAFES’ Chief of Staff Col. Virgil Williams. “Doing this requires that this command’s Quality Assurance Program be one of the best in the retail industry.”

A team of more than 25 military and civilian personnel around the world provide troops, and their Families, with the highest level of customer protection through a combination of five broad programs: Inspection, Supplier Quality Assistance, Product Testing and Analysis, Social Responsibility and Food and Drug Safety. As a result, AAFES’ team of technicians, veterinarians, inspectors and even a graduate gemologist have visibility of products from assembly line to check out.

“In addition to our HQs lab, our staff performs inspections at the suppliers’ facility and at AAFES distribution centers,” said Williams. “We work with AAFES buyers on consumer panel use tests and even communicate directly with customers to see if we can duplicate reported failures. Ultimately, we verify almost everything AAFES sells.”

The QA Veterinarian Section, for example is staffed by two military personnel experts in their field. One Army officer and one enlisted Airman oversee matters of public health/consumer protection related to food safety and quality, over-the-counter nonprescription drugs and health and beauty care products. They maintain close relations with the Food and Drug Administration, United States Department of Agriculture and other federal, state and military agencies to ensure consumer protection, food quality and product safety.

The AAFES Quality Assurance team defines quality in terms of “fitness for use;” i.e., if an item is not fit for intended use, then it is not a quality item.

Once merchandise in AAFES’ stock assortment is identified as unsafe, the Quality Assurance team immediately issues a recall or alert in conjunction with federal agencies. All product recalls and alerts relevant to AAFES are posted and archived online at http://www.aafes.com/pa/news/QA_Recalls.htm.

“Whether its cough syrup or a camera, we have the people and processes in place to ensure we are delivering the exchange benefit to the Colorado Springs area in the safest manner possible,” said Williams. “Frankly, whether a Cadet, Soldier or Airman is in Colorado Springs or Kandahar, AAFES is committed to delivering the highest possible level of consumer protection for the full-range of merchandise offered.”


video at link too