View Full Version : Analysts say Obama should go to Israel to........."kiss ass"= Ponce

1st May 2010, 07:23 AM
The masters are calling their slave to give him new marching orders.

Analysts say Obama should go to Israel to resuscitate peace process

Steven Stanek, Foreign Correspondent

Last Updated: May 01. 2010 12:40AM UAE / April 30. 2010 8:40PM GMT WASHINGTON // With direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians on hold and US-Israeli relations hitting a prolonged rough patch, a growing chorus of commentators, foreign policy analysts and former government officials are calling for a dramatic step to resuscitate the peace process: a presidential trip to Israel.

Not only would such a visit become a potent symbol of Barack Obama’s commitment to moving the peace process forward, they say, it also would give Mr Obama the chance to speak directly to Israelis, clarify his positions and build support among a public that has been sceptical of his engagement with the Muslim world.

Daniel Brumberg, acting director of the Muslim World Initiative at the US Institute of Peace, has pitched the idea as a parallel “Jewish world engagement”, which, if received well by Israelis, could increase pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to broaden his governing coalition and bring his policies in line with those of the United States.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security adviser under Jimmy Carter, and Stephen Solarz, a former New York congressman, urged Mr Obama in a recent opinion article to deliver a speech in the Old City of Jerusalem similar to the one he delivered to the Muslim world in Cairo.

“Only a bold and dramatic gesture in a historically significant setting can generate the political and psychological momentum needed for a major breakthrough,” the two men wrote in the Washington Post, encouraging Mr Obama to make the visit with a delegation of Arab leaders and representatives of the “Quartet” of Middle East peacemakers: the US, EU, United Nations and Russia.

1st May 2010, 09:23 AM
“Only a bold and dramatic gesture in a historically significant setting can generate the political and psychological momentum needed for a major breakthrough,”

Oh I agree. One tactic that parents sometimes employ when children are naughty is to withhold their allowance. The old carrot and stick approach. I wonder if Obama can be so bold and dramatic.

1st May 2010, 10:08 AM
Well, no. American politicans are beholden upon Zionist campaign $$$$ for selection funding.

Here is another 20.5 million for "David's Sling"

U.S.-Israel Cooperative Program
Increases funding for the U.S.-Israel Cooperative short-range missile program, known as “David’s Sling,” by $20.5 million, in order to provide Israel with the enhanced ability to defense itself against potential threats. - - page 24
