View Full Version : Justice scalia a crypto-jew

Large Sarge
1st May 2010, 02:49 PM

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Conservative Catholic" Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Studies Talmud with Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
"Conservative Catholics" and "trads," here's your "guy on the inside:" a Talmud student of the Chabad Lubavitcher and Nasi of the recently formed Sanhedrin of "Israel," Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.

On the Road with Rabbi Steinsaltz: 25 Years of Pre-Dawn Car Trips, Mind-Blowing Encounters, and Inspiring Conversations with a Man of Wisdom
by Arthur Kurzweil

... inspiring tales of the great Rabbi as he gives Talmud classes to Senator Pat Moynihan, Yitzhak Perlman and Justice Antony Scalia, lectures Ministers of the Chinese Government ...


...[Steinsaltz] has studied Talmud with Yitzchak Perlman as well as a group in Washington including the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Justice Antonin Scalia and Sen. Joseph Lieberman ...


[Of] Justice Antonin Scalia, Mr. Steinsaltz said, "There was something very wrong about one of us - we seemed to agree about so many things." A Catholic Supreme Court justice and an Orthodox rabbi and Talmudic authority found much in common.


Scalia's comrade, Nathan Lewin says Scalia believes that Talmudic training gives one a head start in U.S. jurisprudence:

“[Scalia] has commented at times on the fact that he thought that people who had a talmudic training had a head start,” Lewin said of Scalia. ("Number of Orthodox Court Clerks Jumps Thanks to Scalia," (Jennifer Siegel, Forward, Wed. Nov 21, 2007)


The Jewish Week reported that Scalia is fascinated with Talmudic law and is involved in the launch of a Talmudic law institute in Washington D.C. with Nathan Lewin, Alan Dershowitz and Noson Gurary, a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi.

That artcle is archived HERE.

1st May 2010, 04:22 PM
The Jewish Week reported that Scalia is fascinated with Talmudic law and is involved in the launch of a Talmudic law institute in Washington D.C. with Nathan Lewin, Alan Dershowitz and Noson Gurary, a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi.

Says it all...lol.


1st May 2010, 04:51 PM
This is scary.

Most of the derogatory terms in the Talmud are
explained away as just normal racism and compared
to others beliefs of the time.

But they stay away from the fact that the Talmud
is Jewish Law for Jews and that those terms actually
denote your status in law. Less if any rights at all.
Muslims do this too.




save these before they disappear , this is huge

There is no such thing as judeo christianity,
it is an oxymoron.

1st May 2010, 04:55 PM
The Institute of American & Talmudic Law •
25 W. 45th Street, Suite 702. New York, New York 10036
© copyright 2007-8 The Institute of American and Talmudic Law Inc-
Founded by Chabad Lubavitch of Midtown Manhattan 2001

Chabad Lubavitch, biggest racists on the planet.

If I quote their leaders people here will have a fit.

1st May 2010, 04:58 PM
We not only have to cut off the head, but burn the body.

1st May 2010, 05:09 PM
This is scary.

save these before they disappear , this is huge

There is no such thing as judeo christianity,
it is an oxymoron.


From ancient times to the cyberspace age. ::)

This looks like some evil kids cartoon I've pulled out of a box of cereal.

1st May 2010, 05:11 PM
Good forbid the plaintiff is Jewish...lol.

1st May 2010, 05:19 PM
This really is scary. "Conservative" talkers always rant about how the Supreme court is to rule based on the constitution ONLY-- not based on foreign sets of law. Isn't the Talmud a foreign set of laws?

1st May 2010, 05:24 PM

From ancient times to the cyberspace age. ::)

This looks like some evil kids cartoon I've pulled out of a box of cereal.

I posted this on gim then I posted work from
Ted Pike , a great Christian and a fighter for
free speech. He has a story.

Normallly I would never post on the Talmud
on it's own, because it is very disgusting.

The Lubavitch people are very disgusting.
Their own words, they know the media will
ignore them and do.

They make David Duke look like a choir boy.
And he really is compared to them, when
has anyone ever heard Duke advocate violence ?

"WAR ON ROME" ZOHAR, is one of the main themes too.

War on You, it's real, you are all Rome now.

Anyone that doubts the double standards of the courts already
is not awake. Every Western country .

At the age of 13 Jewish boys do the Bar Mitzvah,
basically they have to study courses on the Talmud,
what it means to be Jewish, then only after passing
a test are they passed into "being Jewish", not manhood.

I wanted to pay for one of those tests and material online
to see what they are taught, but they are a few hundred dollars.

They do this while they make sure all of you are oblivious to
important Western History. What did Eustace Mullins have to
say recently ? It is not an accident that key western history has
been turned into dirty words.

Have a look at the Magna Carta .

Bush NeoCons overturned key aspects of it.
What is the Magna Carta ? Read it, applies here strongly.

Phenix Pawn
1st May 2010, 05:25 PM
This really is scary. "Conservative" talkers always rant about how the Supreme court is to rule based on the constitution ONLY-- not based on foreign sets of law. Isn't the Talmud a foreign set of laws?



Awakening 101: "They Live" on Jewtube...see it or be it!

1st May 2010, 05:27 PM
@ RJB, it is far worse than that,
this is why one needs to keep an
open mind. What are people talking
about ? Especially people that claim
to be Christian supporting these
criminals at the top.

I gave references above, no more links,
got to go. Pursue them, google, etc .

1st May 2010, 05:40 PM
I've known the Judeo-Christian part is an paradox. The message of Christianity is that we aren't saved by the law. Western/Christian law was based on natural/common law.

Somethings from this thread just clicked into place. It is the reason why those in authority freely admit that everyday everyone breaks many laws without knowing it. This thread has help to fill in some missing pieces.

@ RJB, it is far worse than that,
this is why one needs to keep an
open mind. What are people talking
about ? Especially people that claim
to be Christian supporting these
criminals at the top.

I gave references above, no more links,
got to go. Pursue them, google, etc .

1st May 2010, 05:44 PM
Ponce is gonna get rich selling those NO USRAEL shirts, signs and flags.


1st May 2010, 05:51 PM
See Martin Luther and his story.

Their greatest friend and supporter turned to their greatest enemy.
A great man that created the German Nation.

Roman Law and Byzantine codification are the basis of
Western Law, and Roman Law has it's own roots too.


Freedom and Liberty are natural conditions of man.
We will always revert to the mean, this reality of the world.

It is only a matter of how much damage is done
in the dark valleys, and some have lasted hundreds
of years.

Check ancient PM's, these images of freedom and justice
are all over them, interchangeable, and used to this day
but corrupted slowly.

Freedom, Justice, Good Order, Peace, mutually inclusive

Down with the dark forces.

This war is very old.

Rant off.

1st May 2010, 06:00 PM
It is the reason why those in authority freely admit that everyday everyone breaks many laws without knowing it.

And also why those in authority have, and now try further to get away with it.