View Full Version : oil rig disaster mossad operation

Large Sarge
2nd May 2010, 03:14 AM
This came from peoplenomics.com but you have to be a member to access it. Here is this jist of it:

The Oil Mess

12 days into the oil rig 'accident' events continue to evolve and weather is slowing down efforts to contain things, we have two interesting items to report that are not in the MSM yet...OK, three then.

1. While there are many reports on the 'net that the rig disaster was an attack by a North Korean mini-sub, and other such fanciful things, we have heard that a supply ship arrived just before the explosions and it was reported to be 'manned by all new people, nobody aboard was from the 'usual supply crew'. This purported industry source continues: there were a total of 14 explosions and these could have been cutting charges. Moreover, the shut off valve below the surface (5000 feet down) on the seabed is not longer controllable. Still, lots of disinfo and speculation scampering around the netosphere. While this is bad, it gets worse.

2. A reader who is an engineer of considerable experience says watch this one evolve carefully because it is destined to continue to grow and he shares this long (but worthy explanation why:

"Heard your mention of the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico this morning, and you (and most everyone else except maybe George Noory) are totally missing the boat on how big and bad of a disaster this is.

First fact, the original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day spilling into the ocean. Now they're saying 200,000 gallons a day. That's over a million gallons of crude oil a week!

I'm engineer with 25 years of experience. I've worked on some big projects with big machines. Maybe that's why this mess is so clear to me.

First, the BP platform was drilling for what they call deep oil. They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. This it right on the edge of what human technology can do. Well, this time they hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the way up to the drilling rig and then caused the rig to explode and sink. Take a moment to grasp the import of that. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it.

When the rig sank it flipped over and landed on top of the drill hole some 5,000 feet under the ocean.

Now they've got a hole in the ocean floor, 5,000 feet down with a wrecked oil drilling rig sitting on top of is spewing 200,000 barrels of oil a day into the ocean. Take a moment and consider that, will you!

First they have to get the oil rig off the hole to get at it in order to try to cap it. Do you know the level of effort it will take to move that wrecked oil rig, sitting under 5,000 feet of water? That operation alone would take years and hundreds of millions to accomplish. Then, how do you cap that hole in the muddy ocean floor? There just is no way. No way.

The only piece of human technology that might address this is a nuclear bomb. I'm not kidding. If they put a nuke down there in the right spot it might seal up the hole. Nothing short of that will work.

If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. Are you starting to get the magnitude of this?

We're so used to our politicians creating false crises to forward their criminal agendas that we aren't recognizing that we're staring straight into possibly the greatest disaster mankind will ever see. Imagine what happens if that oil keeps flowing until it destroys all life in the oceans of this planet. Who knows how big of a reservoir of oil is down there.

Not to mention that the oceans are critical to maintaining the proper oxygen level in the atmosphere for human life.

We're humped. Unless God steps in and fixes this. No human can. You can be sure of that.

2nd May 2010, 03:16 AM
What's that story about wormwood and 1/3 of the oceans being destroyed again?

Rev 8:10-11 "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."

*if they roll out a nuke and call it operation Wormwood, my ass is moving into a church.

2nd May 2010, 03:22 AM
I figured they were going to call it a terrorist act so they could get off the hook for paying to fix it and clean it up and maybe make some insurance money in the deal as well. Lessons learned from Larry Silverstein on 9/11.

2nd May 2010, 03:24 AM
This is it, this is TSHTF.

2nd May 2010, 03:27 AM
This should be stickied.

2nd May 2010, 03:40 AM
I knew they were downplaying this in the media. I said that in this thread yesterday:

Link to Article (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/us-orders-blackout-over-north-korean-torpedoing-of-gulf-of-mexico-oil-rig/msg32509/#msg32509)

If they kill the ocean how do we prep for that? How long before plankton die off and air/oxygen percentages drop below survivability. TPTB probably have frikkin oxy generators down in their DUMB holes.


EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent forum page from scrolling to the right. -Gaillo

2nd May 2010, 03:58 AM

2nd May 2010, 04:04 AM
This came from peoplenomics.com but you have to be a member to access it. Here is this jist of it:

The Oil Mess

12 days into the oil rig 'accident' events continue to evolve and weather is slowing down efforts to contain things, we have two interesting items to report that are not in the MSM yet...OK, three then.


We're humped. Unless God steps in and fixes this. No human can. You can be sure of that.

Sarge--Thank you for the post.


2nd May 2010, 04:05 AM
Agreed. This is real news of incredible consequence. Thanks, Sarge.

Large Sarge
2nd May 2010, 04:10 AM
ozone cleans up oil slicks (cheaply, safely (to human and animal)



2nd May 2010, 04:16 AM
I hope you're right.

2nd May 2010, 04:45 AM
There's more:

....We're humped. Unless God steps in and fixes this. No human can. You can be sure of that.

3. The third thing to bring attention to is the predictive linguistics discussion of the 'blue flue" in the latestShape of Things to Come report of what's ahead for the world's oceans. In particular, what strikes me is that while some of the focus is on the possibility of methane hydrate releases later in the year, the spelling in the report is 'flue' (and in upward conveyance, not 'flu' and is sickness per se).

"This [big clue methane related] incident then goes onto cause a [big stink] within TPTB [minion class] {ed note: most notably the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations}. Not only are humans and other life directly impacted by the large [clouds of drifting complex methane housing gas] but the mere [release] of the quantity to be seen causes the TPTB and their [minion class] to go [apesh*t] trying to [locate (a believable) scenario] to explain the [blue flue events(s)].

I'll grant you that the methane and oil gurgling out of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) right now is not methanehydrate but rather compressed methane, but around here, that's close enough especially when the 'blue flue' to the surface has been destroyed., Curious how just a little spelling like this can tip us off that we've got something of a serious hit developing.

The latest trajectory map out of NOAA which should be updated over the weekend looks like this....in a word: Grim...

We hear - again from people who are reliable sources, but who we won't name in order to keep them from getting fired, is that there are a couple of parishes (county equivalents) in Louisiana which are preparing evacuation plans because people are being made sick by the smell of the oil and gas being blown onshore.

Looking ahead to Sunday through Tuesday, we'd expect as this grows that there will be emergency operation centers set up and some moving of people to begin, which would then feed in to the Diaspora meta data layer of Cliff's work.

Not to be glum, but you can see most likely how this all starts to tie together?

We will be topping off our 'investment grade diesel reserves and getting our additional solar panels ordered this week, so as to hit the next level of energy independence before the global impacts come into focus over the next month or two.

You may wish to do so, as well...

Terrible way to score a bot hit, but that's how this stuff works, so now we need to deal with it.

2nd May 2010, 04:47 AM
First, how does this writer know the rig is on top of the hole? Sketches I have seen show the rig away from the hole.

Next, what kind of engineer thinks a nuke would seal the oil leak? That is like saying I have a leak in my basement with water coming in so I will use dynamite to seal it.

Finally, what is with the mossad crap? The allegations without evidence make this a farce.

Large Sarge
2nd May 2010, 04:53 AM
First, how does this writer know the rig is on top of the hole? Sketches I have seen show the rig away from the hole.

Next, what kind of engineer thinks a nuke would seal the oil leak? That is like saying I have a leak in my basement with water coming in so I will use dynamite to seal it.

Finally, what is with the mossad crap? The allegations without evidence make this a farce.

Whenever a crime occurs, a good investigator asks "cui bono" (who benefits?)?

Obama had already opened up huge tracts for off shore drilling (East Coast of the u.S.)

if U.S. oil production rises, then Middle East demand drops

this causes the need for the U.S. military to be in the middle east, to drop

meaning Israel is all alone in the middle east.

2nd May 2010, 05:00 AM
As far as I have been aware we have had oil wells leaking before without it being a major disaster. Certainly I can appreciate that it will be practical difficulties to cap this one, but I doubt this will be that far reaching as the article leads us to believe. But here they have found a huge oil well at a really deep drill hole. I wonder if this may be abiotic oil? If it is we may have access to enormous reserves of oil with deep drilling technology...

2nd May 2010, 05:10 AM
Besides it looks like the depth of the drilling hole is less than 1000 feet according to SA's map... Further as I recall it from the beginning it said that about 5000 barrells of oil was leaking per day, and that would be the equivalent of 200.000 gallons. It seems like the author is out to sensationalize and twist numbers around to make things look worse than they are...

2nd May 2010, 05:14 AM
As far as I have been aware we have had oil wells leaking before without it being a major disaster. Certainly I can appreciate that it will be practical difficulties to cap this one, but I doubt this will be that far reaching as the article leads us to believe. But here they have found a huge oil well at a really deep drill hole. I wonder if this may be abiotic oil? If it is we may have access to enormous reserves of oil with deep drilling technology...

All the oil is abiotic. The stories about oil coming from plants and dinosaurs are silly. Those oil deposits that had biological infusions are because the oil seaped up to surface areas.... not because biologic remnants turned into the oil. Anyone who thinks once-living things became oil should explain to me how that happens.

This leak will destroy the Gulf water and spread into the Atlantic. It will snuff the real estate market, boating & tourist industry, sea food and many support infrastructures in the southeast.

Two years ago the spike in oil prices are what popped the real estate bubble. This event will pop the financial bubble. And we have not even seen the beginning of the other things that are about to happen.

2nd May 2010, 09:35 AM
Wildcard?........thanks for the video and yes they do have the machines to created oxygen (at the end of the film) and water plus food for a very long time.....the ship in storage was one of the pieces of evidence for long term survival...will chase down the serial number of the same.

I even saw the little brunette with the short skirt meant for the officers..... and the living spaces for officers and the top of coat and ties and the other space for the lower class.

While looking at the film I saw the earth boring machine and came up with an idea for another one that would required half the power, or less, to make it work.

2nd May 2010, 10:28 AM
Go to this site for discussion of the incident by the professionals (20 pages):


One snip (one blow out valve of several on the well head):
"Internal records show that Cameron built the BOP and delivered it to Transocean. Before the BOP was put into service, it was reportedly altered by Transocean with no modification approval or notes. The BOP was then installed, and the modifications are assumed to have prevented the part from operating properly.These modifications were discovered by remote operated vehicles, whose pictures transmitted to engineers trying to establish why the BPO didn't activate, showed the part had been altered."

2nd May 2010, 10:33 AM
I have to step in and ask a very simple question:

Are we to believe that in the history of planet earth, no natural oil leaks have ever occurred into the earths oceans? That seems a bit silly. The earth is roughly 2/3 water and incredibly old in time.

Im not saying this man made leak isnt really bad, im just keeping this in perspective, while the fear tends to get a little rampant.

2nd May 2010, 10:46 AM
Im not saying this man made leak isnt really bad, im just keeping this in perspective, while the fear tends to get a little rampant.

My question is don't these leaks typically seal themselves off in a certain amount of time?

And yes a couple well placed explosives (not necessarily nukes) could slow it down until then, no?

Regardless, I wouldn't want to be a Gulf coast city that was in the path of this thing.

2nd May 2010, 11:04 AM
Whenever a crime occurs, a good investigator asks "cui bono" (who benefits?)?

Obama had already opened up huge tracts for off shore drilling (East Coast of the u.S.)

if U.S. oil production rises, then Middle East demand drops

this causes the need for the U.S. military to be in the middle east, to drop

meaning Israel is all alone in the middle east.

Good summary, LS.

NOAA has some maps

Link to Article (http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/topic_subtopic_entry.php?RECORD_KEY(entry_subtopic _topic)=entry_id,subtopic_id,topic_id&entry_id(entry_subtopic_topic)=809&subtopic_id(entry_subtopic_topic)=2&topic_id(entry_subtopic_topic)=1)

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent forum page from scrolling to the right. -Gaillo

7th trump
2nd May 2010, 11:51 AM
As far as I have been aware we have had oil wells leaking before without it being a major disaster. Certainly I can appreciate that it will be practical difficulties to cap this one, but I doubt this will be that far reaching as the article leads us to believe. But here they have found a huge oil well at a really deep drill hole. I wonder if this may be abiotic oil? If it is we may have access to enormous reserves of oil with deep drilling technology...

All the oil is abiotic. The stories about oil coming from plants and dinosaurs are silly. Those oil deposits that had biological infusions are because the oil seaped up to surface areas.... not because biologic remnants turned into the oil. Anyone who thinks once-living things became oil should explain to me how that happens.

This leak will destroy the Gulf water and spread into the Atlantic. It will snuff the real estate market, boating & tourist industry, sea food and many support infrastructures in the southeast.

Two years ago the spike in oil prices are what popped the real estate bubble. This event will pop the financial bubble. And we have not even seen the beginning of the other things that are about to happen.

Exactly in reference to the abiotics about oil!
The USSR has recently claimed to recreate crude oil because they understand its not from living matter but from deep deep down inside the earth as some sort of byproduct of the reaction of temp and pressure on certain elements which they will not disclose.
A lot like carbon deposits turn to diamonds under extreme heat and pressure. Maybe oil is a byproduct of say a liquid gas of molten lava deep deep down in the earth.
Anyway there are reports that known dry wells are starting to slowly replenish themselves faster than it is estimated oil is coming from surrounding saturated bedrock.

2nd May 2010, 12:20 PM
First, how does this writer know the rig is on top of the hole? Sketches I have seen show the rig away from the hole.

Next, what kind of engineer thinks a nuke would seal the oil leak? That is like saying I have a leak in my basement with water coming in so I will use dynamite to seal it.

Finally, what is with the mossad crap? The allegations without evidence make this a farce.

Whenever a crime occurs, a good investigator asks "cui bono" (who benefits?)?

Obama had already opened up huge tracts for off shore drilling (East Coast of the u.S.)

if U.S. oil production rises, then Middle East demand drops

this causes the need for the U.S. military to be in the middle east, to drop

meaning Israel is all alone in the middle east.

A good investigator does not try to convict on motive alone. That is less than 30% of the case. Many can have the same motive. By your reasoning, this was committed by Hugo Chavez, Castro, Kim Il nutcake in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Charles Manson, Cass Sunstein, George Bush and half the liberal wingnuts of California.

Piecing together one possible reason to another is stretching beyond all probability with not evidence of proximity, ability or culpability.

2nd May 2010, 12:23 PM
Who else has a full set of keys to the kingdom, Spectro?

There was a boat full of new crew showing up that day.

Mossad has been picked off once already this year using British passports to do their deeds.

Do the math.

If the results of this obvious attack are more than were predicated (by accident) there's gonna be a shit storm brewing.

2nd May 2010, 12:29 PM
Who else has a full set of keys to the kingdom, Spectro?

There was a boat full of new crew showing up that day.

Mossad has been picked off once already this year using British passports to do their deeds.

Do the math.

That is funny. Do the math. LOL... ok.

New crew... and?


new crew + _________ + everything is Mossad = Mossad operation

OK... got it

Large Sarge
2nd May 2010, 12:31 PM

thats how they do most of these things

they have them all over the planet

2nd May 2010, 12:35 PM
new crew + mossad fake international passports and getting away with it + everything is Mossad = Mossad operation

2nd May 2010, 12:50 PM
At this point we don't know if this was Mossad, or any other possible interest or just simply an accident... But North America will be more reliant on middle east oil in the near future, it is safe to assume that oil price will go up, and for the real estate and fishing industry in affected areas to take a plunge. Food prices will go up with oil prices... If it was an attack I think Mossad would be high up on the list of suspects...

2nd May 2010, 12:57 PM
If it was an attack I think Mossad would be high up on the list of suspects...

We've been suspecting for years, we need witch hunts.

Or at least sanctions.

Who else is allowed to step all over a sovereign nation's security passport system?

2nd May 2010, 01:10 PM
First, how does this writer know the rig is on top of the hole? Sketches I have seen show the rig away from the hole.

Next, what kind of engineer thinks a nuke would seal the oil leak? That is like saying I have a leak in my basement with water coming in so I will use dynamite to seal it.

Finally, what is with the mossad crap? The allegations without evidence make this a farce.

And, is it certain that is is 200,000 barrels/day rather than only 5,000/day? That's a difference of 40:1

2nd May 2010, 01:15 PM
Finally, what is with the mossad crap? The allegations without evidence make this a farce.

All the criminals at the top, the mafia, are connected
and have a strong history of doing things like this.
What do you think the wars are about, they are about
many things, but they make sure the birds are lined up.
More reason for them to make a move if more benefits.

They have scams all over the world to prevent drilling.

They kill people to protect their monopolies a source
of all the corruption.

They are the FED R too.

Exact same post I would make here.

who benefits from the oil rig explosion??? (cui bono)

2nd May 2010, 01:24 PM
First, how does this writer know the rig is on top of the hole? Sketches I have seen show the rig away from the hole.

Next, what kind of engineer thinks a nuke would seal the oil leak? That is like saying I have a leak in my basement with water coming in so I will use dynamite to seal it.

Finally, what is with the mossad crap? The allegations without evidence make this a farce.

And, is it certain that is is 200,000 barrels/day rather than only 5,000/day? That's a difference of 40:1

210,000 GALLONS = 5,000 BARRELS.

2nd May 2010, 01:33 PM
The person who wrote the original post cannot even keep the facts straight, conflaging 200,000 gallons with 200,000 barrels a few paragraphs later. And I expect his speculation to be even more flawed, as example that the rig fell straight down and hit the 'bulls eye' when it sunk.

2nd May 2010, 01:35 PM
210,000 GALLONS = 5,000 BARRELS.

Thank you for pointing that out

2nd May 2010, 01:50 PM
210,000 GALLONS = 5,000 BARRELS.

Thank you for pointing that out

You're welcome. It threw me off too when I first read it, until I read it closer...


old steel
2nd May 2010, 01:51 PM
That BOP by regulation is supposed to be checked everyday to make sure it is working properly. More than a few drilling rigs don't check it everyday because it means shutting down the rig for 15 minutes to do so and that is 15 minutes of time that the rig could be drilling and we know everything is run on the buck.

In this case it would probably take more than 15 minutes of shut down time due to the location.

2nd May 2010, 03:06 PM
"James" - who was on the oil rig that blew in the Gulf - calls the Mark Levin Show and explains what occurred.

Part 1 of Mark's interview:


not sure where part 2 is yet.

Low Pan
2nd May 2010, 03:29 PM
I knew they were downplaying this in the media. I said that in this thread yesterday:

Link to Article (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/us-orders-blackout-over-north-korean-torpedoing-of-gulf-of-mexico-oil-rig/msg32509/#msg32509)

If they kill the ocean how do we prep for that? How long before plankton die off and air/oxygen percentages drop below survivability. TPTB probably have frikkin oxy generators down in their DUMB holes.

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent forum page from scrolling to the right. -Gaillo

interesting vid WC, h/e, the plates on the cars @ the entrance of the tunnel (about 3:39 into the clip) have British style plates. That complex appears overseas. But I woudnt be suprised if they have them in the US too.

2nd May 2010, 03:46 PM
Here is another link that explains what may have happened:


I really need to get some work done but this has me tied up.

2nd May 2010, 03:47 PM
...everything is Mossad = Mossad operation

OK... got it




2nd May 2010, 06:08 PM
Here is another link that explains what may have happened:


I really need to get some work done but this has me tied up.

All the replies from those oilmen seem pretty clueless as well.

How can a gas failure due to natural causes at 5000 ft. reach that far up without plenty of warning is the main question.

Thanks for the link, also it mentions that the rig did not fall on the well head.

2nd May 2010, 06:47 PM
the media filters this - you know who they answer to :'(

mossad, or not mossad: may be the wrong qeustion. they spin it to their ends. does not matter who knocked out that well.

2nd May 2010, 08:16 PM
This was an accident, pure and simple. Amazing how the internet takes an accident and turns it into a conspiracy theory within days.

2nd May 2010, 08:24 PM
Conspiracy or not, it's still pumping a life threatening amount of oil into the ocean.

And as I said, the conspiracy theories could come from the top anyhow. If it's an accident they're on the hook for billions. If it's terrists, then the US people should (would have to) help shoulder the burden and save BP. As well as having the insurance pay off double for a terrist attack.


2nd May 2010, 08:34 PM
This was an accident, pure and simple. Amazing how the internet takes an accident and turns it into a conspiracy theory within days.

Did you read those oilmen's comments?

And what of the government sending SWAT in?

Shutting down all other rigs?


2nd May 2010, 10:26 PM
I did read the comments and they were also wondering why they were shutting all the rigs down. Doesnt make any sense if I am reading the rest of the info correctly. It was an accident. A large amount of gas came up through the pipe and settled on and around the platform. This gas is apparently colorless and odorless and could have been ignited by anything.

Now it wont surprise me to hear that the Gov is trying to make this into a terrorist thing. Higher oil prices mean more profits for the oil companies and more tax revenues for the gov.

Have you noticed with all these higher prices they blame demand or the shutting down of certain refineries yet there is never a shortage of gas or oil anywhere?

Anyway, if you listen to the audio and read all the comments of those in the know then you can see this was just an accident. If it were torpedoes there would be oil spurting out all over the place.

Some of the latest comments that some of you may not have seen.

I am afraid that the blame can not be laid at the door of anybody except the operator. A torpedo into the rig would have caused a rig failure but not the underbalance blow-out. It is the blow-out, the feed of hydrocarbons from the reservoir, that caused and continues to cause ongoing problem. This underbalance could not have been caused by a torpedo.
The perpetuator of this hoax is sick.

There is an hoax afoot started by David Booth, a well known internet hoax initiator who goes by the name of Sorcha Faal which lays out the N Korean theory you described. It is BOGUS. Elsewhere on this site is an excellent radio interview by a survivor of the tragedy who explains exactly what happened on the rig.

2nd May 2010, 10:34 PM
Of course the torpedo thing was just silly, but Haliburton's involvement & the timing of the whole thing are more than sinister, like LS mentioned.

The meme will be "Sorry we tried to get you more U.S. based oil, but look at what it did to us."

And who could blame the internet for hatching up stuff about torpedos when they're sending in SWAT?

The whole thing is Fubar which probably hides something, and the results look to be devastating, this is the worst part.

2nd May 2010, 10:44 PM
I agree with ya there Horn. Losing one life is bad but losing 11 is tragic. The loss to the ocean is something that we will not recover in our lifetimes.

In regards to the SWAT teams, from what I read or heard in the audio the oil company has their owns swat teams as well. What these teams are are experts in the Oil drilling field and are brought in to troubleshoot problems like this and also to cap wells.

It was unclear from either reading or the audio what the government swat teams were. Police or paramilitary or oil related swat teams.

2nd May 2010, 10:45 PM
Also the one guy said because they were drilling so deep that they would have had ample time with bells and whistles going off everywhere to alleviate or remedy the situation, or at least not blow the place up.

Either serious negligence or foul play, that is my opinion.

But opinions are like assholes, and a Gulf full of oil is starting to make me rant & wanna keep my smite count down.

:soap :boom

2nd May 2010, 10:51 PM
True about the negligence. Although it does seem like they were in the process of or getting ready to decouple and go drilling elsewhere which is the reason they stated that the controls may not have been manned as well as they should have. This well wasnt even set to be put into production according to them. It was drilled and was getting sealed and they were going to figure out how to exploit the oil at a later date.

Fork the smites LOL. :oo-->

2nd May 2010, 10:56 PM
Today NOAA restricted fishing in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico threatened the BP oil spill - from the mouth of the Mississippi to Pensacola Bay (***click here for map***). The closure, which will be in effect for at least 10 days, is to protect consumers and the seafood industry. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke said, “We stand with America's fisherman, their families and businesses in impacted coastal communities during this very challenging time. Fishing is vital to our economy and our quality of life and we will work tirelessly protect to it". NOAA is part of the Department of Commerce. Support came from Harlon Pearce, Chairman, Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board and Ewell Smith, Executive Director, Louisiana Seafood Board who said, “We Support NOAA’s precautionary closure of the affected area so that the American consumer has confidence that the seafood they eat is safe. It is also very important to underscore the fact that this closure is only the affected area of the Gulf of Mexico, not the entire Gulf. The state waters of Louisiana West of the Mississippi River are still open and the seafood coming from that area is safe.” Further details can be found here:


Yeah I'm just burnin up over the f'ed up state of things.

2nd May 2010, 11:07 PM
Might be a good time to go stake my claim in the deep waters off the coast of Chile. They have crabs similar to Alaskas.

I'm sure we all see that with this spill will come a complete closure of the fishing industry down there. I'm not so sure I would want to eat anything out of the gulf for the rest of my lifetime anyway. I have no idea whats in those dispersants they are using but it cant be good if its strong enough to break up oil.

2nd May 2010, 11:39 PM
Chernobyl means wormwood in Russian.

2nd May 2010, 11:53 PM
This thing could mean terminal shock for the economies of those gulf states.

2nd May 2010, 11:59 PM
Obviously it wasn't the mossad if it didn't fall into its own footprint. :P

I wonder if they could cauterize the hole with a small nuke..., probably risk blowing the thing wide open and sealing our fate.

3rd May 2010, 12:07 AM
‘American Chernobyl’

About 6.2 million cubic feet of gas production was halted May 1 as environmental and safety concerns stopped operations at two offshore platforms and prompted one to be evacuated. That’s less than a 10th of 1 percent of U.S. output.

“This is an American Chernobyl,” said Louie Miller, 55, senior representative for the Sierra Club in Mississippi, referring to the explosion at a Ukrainian nuclear reactor in 1986 that killed 56 people, destroyed wildlife and contaminated waterways. Oil “may not be radioactive, but it’s toxic.”

The NOAA yesterday closed commercial and recreational fishing in parts of the Gulf affected by the spill for a minimum of 10 days, effective immediately. The agency said in a statement that it’s working with state governors to evaluate the need to declare fisheries a disaster to get federal aid to fishermen in the area.

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals advised residents not to swim or fish in affected waters and to prevent young children, pregnant women and pets from entering contaminated areas.


3rd May 2010, 12:09 AM
Obviously it wasn't the mossad if it didn't fall into its own footprint. :P

I wonder if they could cauterize the hole with a small nuke..., probably risk blowing the thing wide open and sealing our fate.

Said they're trying to shoot chemical sealants into the area, and also place a dome over it. :conf:

3rd May 2010, 12:15 AM

3rd May 2010, 12:17 AM
We need the world's largest rivet gun.


3rd May 2010, 12:24 AM
Yeah, you know when your breaking the fix-a-leak sealant out yur pretty much fucked for the time being.

3rd May 2010, 12:47 AM
I wonder what this all will do to Pd price...

3rd May 2010, 01:16 AM
Let's save this one for future reference:


Obama: BP liable for oil cleanup bill
Sun, 02 May 2010 22:07:17 GMT

US President Barack Obama says the British Petroleum is responsible for the cost of the clean-up of an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

"BP is responsible for this leak," said Obama. "BP will be paying the bill." He made the remarks during a visit to Louisiana on Wednesday. He emphasized that the slick is a "potentially unprecedented" environmental disaster.

However, Obama rejected accusations that his administration was slow in responding to the crisis.

The US president promised his team will spare no effort to contain the slick. The disaster emerged as a result of two oil-rig explosions off the coast of Louisiana.

Oil slick has already reached the Gulf of Mexico coasts of southern US states. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida have already declared states of emergency.

3rd May 2010, 01:19 AM
We need the world's largest rivet gun.


Water pressure at that depth will keep it in place...lol.


3rd May 2010, 01:47 AM
I think they need that machine that sucks up water and oil and separates it. Water back out to sea and oil into a container.

3rd May 2010, 02:59 AM
Good pics.


3rd May 2010, 09:25 AM
This Gulf oil well blow out is not new. The previous Gulf oil well blowout was Ixtoc I. This blowout in 1979 took 295 days to stop. Tho oil release was estimated at 10,000-30,000 barrels per day and a total of 140 million gallons (3.3 million barrels). Mexico rejected US requests to be compensated for cleanup costs along the Texas coast.

Link to Article (http://ddimick.typepad.com/dennis_dimicks_blog/2010/05/ixtoc-1-spill-1979-gulf-of-mexico-oil-well-blowout-lasted-295-days-in-bay-of-campeche-via-cedrefrance.html)




We survived Ixtoc I.

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent forum page scrolling to the right. -Gaillo

3rd May 2010, 01:48 PM
Thanks for that Quixote2. In the mid 80's, here on the east coast of Florida, everyone who lived near the beach had mineral spirits in their back yard. We never came home from the beach without a quarter-sized spot of tar on our feet, or worse. I haven't seen any beach tar in 10 years at least. I have always wondered what caused that in the 80's. Perhaps the Ixtoc?

3rd May 2010, 04:58 PM
Don't know K-os, but I went to Tulum on the Yucatan in the early 80's with my college girlfriend and I remember snorkeling and seeing oil tar all over the place. I think that it was from the same spill. Only humans will sh*t in their nest.

3rd May 2010, 05:47 PM
Looks like they should light that stuff up. Ixtoc I said it burned aprox. 1/2 to 2/3rds off thru burning.

3rd May 2010, 05:49 PM
The Western addiction to comfort is bound to end in a disaster. Think of billions of plastic shopping bags and beverage bottles made from oil, take a look:


In USSR people used their own regular bags to buy groceries and every beverage was sold in recyclable glass bottles.

3rd May 2010, 06:22 PM
Including vodka bottle with non-resealable caps! the bags were probably made from babushka's bladder and tendon sinew from a yak.

3rd May 2010, 06:30 PM
Naw, the Red Army was very compassionate, look at this vintage photo of a Soviet tank crew nursing a newborn . Sorry Occam, im in one of my moods!,lol

3rd May 2010, 06:50 PM
That`s a bottle of wine they are feeding to a pig...where did you find this?

4th May 2010, 01:18 AM
The Western addiction to comfort is bound to end in a disaster. Think of billions of plastic shopping bags and beverage bottles made from oil, take a look:


In USSR people used their own regular bags to buy groceries and every beverage was sold in recyclable glass bottles.


Declaring War On The Universe?
By Jim Kirwan

It is one thing to declare war upon poor or struggling nations to improve the bottom-lines of the Plutocracy that runs the world at the moment: But it is something else entirely to attack the DNA of the this tiny blue planet at its molten core; especially when such a death blow cannot then be stopped by the puny efforts of those that chose to attack the very forces of nature that give all of us the lives we are trying to live today.

What has happened in the Gulf of Mexico is about to open a direct link to the molten core of the planet that we may not be able to control; much as the fallen being above, having become paralyzed by his obsession with the weight of his excessive dreams, now finds himself starring down into the unknown abyss of his own creation-the world may soon find itself nearly powerless before the primeval forces that we have allowed BP to disturb in the unholy name of private-profits over the survivability of this planet.

The population of the world has been at war nature for thousands of years without realizing what that means in literal terms to the survival of the planet. Most people have no idea that there is a sacred-DNA in nature that "IF' shattered will end life on this planet. That DNA is critical to everything that lives and it is what unites every action and reaction around the world, regardless of the actions of people or policies anywhere, which keeps 'life itself' in-balance. We have just allowed a thoroughly corrupt oil-company and their investors to put us all in jeopardy for an excess of greed that should have been prevented long before this deep-water drilling operation, in the Gulf of Mexico, was allowed to proceed.

Before any people can really begin to live 'authentic lives' certain realities must be accepted so that any real future can exist. This begins with nature's DNA that requires balances throughout life that have to be dealt with in order for life-anywhere to be renewable in order to continue. When the world embraced "disposable everything" that practice created a massive imbalance that is far too expensive to ever be used for anything as totally unnecessary as consumer-products; because we have not provided for what becomes of the waste thereby created. This includes everything from safety-razors to nuclear waste; from plastics through disposable-diapers. There are other products that could have been used that would not have created non-biodegradable wastes; but then the profits would have been smaller hence the "commercial-priority" that trumped the survivability of the 93.5% of the planet that does not live in the USA.

To keep the nightmare going; the Plutocracy created "exceptionalism" the art of granting waivers to the largest polluters for those most serious of practices that truly threatened our entire way of life-such as the ability to drill for oil so deep in the ocean as to be beyond the means of those that drilled the wells, to ever control the universal-actions they have now set in motion. That vast series of exceptions to the laws necessary for human survival has become the knife which has killed our chances to have a viable world. This is being clearly illustrated throughout the events now unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico just off the Louisiana coastal-shore.

Here is brief summary from an engineer who works with these problems:

"First fact, the original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day spilling into the ocean. Now they're saying 200,000 gallons a day. That's over a million gallons of crude oil a week!

I'm engineer with 25 years of experience. I've worked on some big projects with big machines. Maybe that's why this mess is so clear to me. [And is so unclear to the millions without such knowledge]

First, the BP platform was drilling for what they call deep oil. They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. This it right on the edge of what human technology can do. Well, this time they hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the way up to the drilling rig and then caused the rig to explode and sink. Take a moment to grasp the import of that. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it.

When the rig sank it flipped over and landed on top of the drill hole some 5,000 feet under the ocean.

Now they've got a hole in the ocean floor, 5,000 feet down with a wrecked oil drilling rig sitting on top of is spewing 200,000 barrels of oil a day into the ocean. Take a moment and consider that, will you!

First they have to get the oil rig off the hole to get at it in order to try to cap it. Do you know the level of effort it will take to move that wrecked oil rig, sitting under 5,000 feet of water? That operation alone would take years and hundreds of millions to accomplish. Then, how do you cap that hole in the muddy ocean floor? There just is no way. No way.

The only piece of human technology that might address this is a nuclear bomb. I'm not kidding. If they put a nuke down there in the right spot it might seal up the hole. Nothing short of that will work.

If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. Are you starting to get the magnitude of this?"

What will also rise from the molten core of the planet will be the hubris and the greed that will continue to fracture everything in present time. This will turn the natural realizations of everyday life, brought to us by nature, into the near total dissolution of the resulting imbalance that will bring nothing but endings. Nature has created what we have enjoyed through hundreds of generations that have built human lives over centuries of cooperation with nature. It is this very fragile yet totally integrated 'civilization' that is what is now being destroyed by the criminal-practice of exceptionalism which motivates these Outlaws to expand their ever-stronger strangleholds upon the rest of us on this tiny blue planet.

When natural realities are ignored or held-hostage to favor illicit profits over the survival of the universal balances; for something as temporary and proprietary as the illicit-private-profits of the few, over the absolute necessity of global continuity for the entire planet: Then the world must act to end this practice. Basic services such as water, fuel and food are too important to everyone to ever be left to the whims of privatized-business ventures and their twisted designs to enslave the human race.

The balance in this world is being threatened yet again, by the same criminals, that have already stolen almost everything we thought was ours, since we entered this New Criminal Millennium that began with the Bushwhacker, whose owners have now declared that "we shall remain in unending war for the next 80 years." The mouthpiece is now Obamanation who still can't succeed in even closing Guantanamo' yet he now assures us all that "BP will pay!" That's bullshit and everyone knows it. For starters BP ought to be charged a minimum of the trillion dollars which this will cost in the end; even though it will probably be unstoppable. Given that: "If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife."

I say this because the contamination of the oceans that has begun in the Gulf of Mexico will spread directly into the Gulf Stream which will be carried around the world so that the longer this continues the greater will be the global pollution of the world's water supply-which can only barely begin with a Trillion dollars worth of real damage. This expanding flood of pressurized oil will only increase until something massive is done to close this criminally-created wound in the earth's crust. The "action," whatever that turns out to be will no doubt also bring on its own side-effects, especially if that something turns out to be a nuke or something worse!



A Beautiful Butterfly Bolted to a Bullet http://www.kirwanesque.com/politics/articles/2003/art4.htm

5th May 2010, 10:50 PM
No joke: Goldman Sachs shorted Gulf of Mexico


If you were going to sabotage a drilling team, all you would have to do is load a lighter mud in the mix as they pulled a drill pipe. .... There are lots of ways to have this happen either accidentally or deliberately. Goldman teams are great on statistical stuff sort of like the odds of rolling dice. They might just have figured stats for probability of a failure.?? Of course we could surmise other reasons are possible.