View Full Version : Current state of Posts here

2nd May 2010, 05:21 AM
I am getting a little perturbed by the lack of quality posts here. When you people post things, would you mind thinking about what you are endorsing? Do a little research before you offer some new idea or post some wacky email you got. When you put something here, make it clear whether you know anything about it or not... whether this is YOUR idea or you took it from someone else.... where you got the information from.... disclaimers as necessary.

And, not everything is a zionist plot. Maybe we need a zionist subforum as this seems to be a religion of its own. Now, I need to go refill my coffee cup as some zionist must have sneaked into my office and emptied it when I was typing.

2nd May 2010, 05:25 AM
I am getting a little perturbed by the lack of quality posts here.

Feel free to post some quality.

2nd May 2010, 05:40 AM
I think we are so overloaded with BS we are unable to recognize a real disaster as real.

2nd May 2010, 05:47 AM
there's always


2nd May 2010, 06:11 AM
or this: www.mylittlepony.com

2nd May 2010, 06:33 AM
or this: www.mylittlepony.com

Choice discussion there. :D

Saul Mine
2nd May 2010, 07:23 AM
I would be happy if they just don't post any [IMPORTANT!][COLOR =BLUE] crap. If somebody doesn't care enough to clean up their material after they copy and paste, I don't care enough to read it.

gunny highway
2nd May 2010, 07:31 AM
I am getting a little perturbed by the lack of quality posts here. When you people post things, would you mind thinking about what you are endorsing? Do a little research before you offer some new idea or post some wacky email you got. When you put something here, make it clear whether you know anything about it or not... whether this is YOUR idea or you took it from someone else.... where you got the information from.... disclaimers as necessary.

And, not everything is a zionist plot. Maybe we need a zionist subforum as this seems to be a religion of its own. Now, I need to go refill my coffee cup as some zionist must have sneaked into my office and emptied it when I was typing.

thanks for this. i've been thinking the same thing. maybe we were spoiled by the quality of the posters on GIM1. many of them are here now but their voices are being drowned out by the overwhelming din of loudmouths and know-it-alls. often, dicussions are derailed on the first page followed by 10 pages of veiled insults and chest pounding. despite this, there are some great threads and quality, knowledgeable posters here so i'm going to put up with it for the time being and hope that we're just going thru some growing pains.

yes, we do need a zionist subforum. i'm open to debate on zionism as long as long as the knee-jerk response isn't that everything is a zionist conspiracy and i'm an idiot for not buying in.

just my 2 cents... :taunt:

2nd May 2010, 07:37 AM
Agreed, I have found more intellectual content regarding METALS over at itco.

I have not brought any info to the forum because of overall forum participation.

I could compare it to fist fighting in the parking lot with gays and conspiracy nut jobs, while there is a party full of beautiful girls going on inside. ;D

gunny highway
2nd May 2010, 07:42 AM
I could compare it to fist fighting in the parking lot with gays and conspiracy nut jobs, while there is a party full of beautiful girls going on inside. ;D

ROFL! I couldn't have said it any better. [insert beer emoticon here]

2nd May 2010, 07:47 AM

Now, I need to go refill my coffee cup as some zionist must have sneaked into my office and emptied it when I was typing.

That happens to you too. I feel better now, I thought I was the only one it was happening too.



2nd May 2010, 07:50 AM

thanks for this. i've been thinking the same thing. maybe we were spoiled by the quality of the posters on GIM1. many of them are here now but their voices are being drowned out by the overwhelming din of loudmouths and know-it-alls. often, dicussions are derailed on the first page followed by 10 pages of veiled insults and chest pounding. despite this, there are some great threads and quality, knowledgeable posters here so i'm going to put up with it for the time being and hope that we're just going thru some growing pains.

yes, we do need a zionist subforum. i'm open to debate on zionism as long as long as the knee-jerk response isn't that everything is a zionist conspiracy and i'm an idiot for not buying in.

just my 2 cents... :taunt:

I agree 100%


2nd May 2010, 08:45 AM
I feel the same way..........but...........someone ran off Market Neutral, who as far as I am concern, was THE ONLY quality poster here.

I for one "maybe" post what I like and not what I should........I don't know.....if anyone here doesn't like what I post then TELL ME BY NAME AND DON'T HIDE.

About the Zionist.......I will post against them till the day that I die or get kicked out of here and if anyone doesn't like then GO TO HELL AND CALL ME OUT ON IT.

Over to you......who ever you are or want to be....and F**K the Israelis Zionists.

2nd May 2010, 09:04 AM
I know I have never been much of a contributor to these forums.
But I really liked hanging around GIM1. Learning, waking up and trowing my worthless 2 cents in here and there.
And when GSUS started it seemed like it was gonna be a cool place to hang out.
I still don't have a lot to add, even to this thread.
I know I need to to try a little harder to put up...or shut up.

But knowing is the 1st step.....right?

The racism and the hate bother me...But I know that is my problem.
I think, If I can't change...I will probably just fade away...I sure no one will even notice....lol

I hope this Forum continues to grow. In content and in members.

2nd May 2010, 09:05 AM
I feel the same way..........but...........someone ran off Market Neutral, who as far as I am concern, was THE ONLY quality poster here.

I for one "maybe" post what I like and not what I should........I don't know.....if anyone here doesn't like what I post then TELL ME BY NAME AND DON'T HIDE.

About the Zionist.......I will post against them till the day that I die or get kicked out of here and if anyone doesn't like then GO TO HELL AND CALL ME OUT ON IT.

Over to you......who ever you are or want to be....and F**K the Israelis Zionists.

Ponce I dont think its directed at you personally, but im in somewhat of agreement, perhaps a NWO sub forum would be good. No one is disputing your right to post anti-israel posts, I think what OP means is when there is a post It often devolves into Zionist conspiracy. I fully understand many of you here rabidly hate Israel and thats fine. but they arent the cause of every single thing that goes wacko in the world. people are inherently screwed up and many downright evil, without zionist influences.

2nd May 2010, 09:08 AM
There is a difference between being a "racist" and fighting evil........the Zionist is a political party and not a race OR a religion........but only evil people.

2nd May 2010, 09:12 AM
There is a difference between being a "racist" and fighting evil........the Zionist is a political party and not a race OR a religion........but only evil people.

Thanks Ponce...Good point......I will try to remember that.

2nd May 2010, 09:19 AM
There seems to be a lack of civility here, too much gossip about other members, personal attacks instead of reasoning.
I see little value in discussing who is a "shill" or a "troll". Heck, anyone who disagrees with me is a shill and a troll, nothing to discuss. I can argue my points based on the logic and merits of my position.
Certainly there are some world government salesmen that hang around here, but calling them shills and trolls accomplishes little.

I disagree that we need any more subforums. Subforums are a form of censorship.

It speaks poorly of us that a lack of censorship equates to a lack of civility.

Let's try to keep censorship down and civility up.

2nd May 2010, 09:20 AM
yes, we do need a zionist subforum. i'm open to debate on zionism as long as long as the knee-jerk response isn't that everything is a zionist conspiracy and i'm an idiot for not buying in.

Zionism is a facade for the Rothschild fractional reserve fiat money global usury empire (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940). Zionism is also the driving & steering force behind the NWO conspiracy.

Zionism is thus the elephant in the room at a gold/silver/honest-money site; it pervades nearly every other topic which predictably arises here, and it can't be shoe-horned neatly into a separate subforum.

2nd May 2010, 09:26 AM
I feel the same way..........but...........someone ran off Market Neutral, who as far as I am concern, was THE ONLY quality poster here.

I for one "maybe" post what I like and not what I should........I don't know.....if anyone here doesn't like what I post then TELL ME BY NAME AND DON'T HIDE.

About the Zionist.......I will post against them till the day that I die or get kicked out of here and if anyone doesn't like then GO TO HELL AND CALL ME OUT ON IT.

Over to you......who ever you are or want to be....and F**K the Israelis Zionists.

Hey Ponce

For what it is worth

I am happy that you are here. I was not happy they sh*t-canned you at GIM.

As far as I am concerned YOU are one of the people who bring a lot of REAL to the forum.

I'm calling you out---I THINK YOU ARE OK.


General of Darkness
2nd May 2010, 09:35 AM
People are frustrated with current events and where this country and the world is headed. GS is about freedom of speech. I know I can be an ahole at times, but I think it's because of a feeling of being powerless to stop things that are not in my interests and this nations interests. That's all I have to say.

2nd May 2010, 09:35 AM

Civility is a good thing...
I think it will make this place more attractive to newcomers

But I realize too, that folks need to vent.

So Of course I don't know the answer.

2nd May 2010, 09:42 AM
Thank you for your words Mr. Chicken...........

By the way.........there are two of "them" here pretending to be one of "us", the way that they type is the way that they think and talk and they have been brainwashed so much that they cannot help but to type as they think.

How did I learned this??? simple, I visit and observe "their" sites and have learned how they talk........know the enemy before fighting them.

I will not give out their names for two reasons.......1= I don't want to loose them and 2= I want to see how far they are willing to go, to me they are fun.

2nd May 2010, 09:50 AM
Onward and upward!

There is another that got thrown off GIM after you did. He and I got into it a little bit over there before he was gone. Only a little and nothing flaming. He was more right than I was. His views are fairly similar to yours.

He has less than 60 posts so far. A damned good addittion.


2nd May 2010, 09:53 AM
Maybe we need a zionist subforum as this seems to be a religion of its own.

Maybe Percival can instead help us goyim join these Racist Hater Forums (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&gbv=2&q=jewish+forums&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=) instead of threatening GSUS administration with a lawsuit. Every time I ask to join them they call me "goyim" and say I am not chosen by God like them.

Can you help us goyim Percival eliminate "hate" on the internet?

willie pete
2nd May 2010, 09:53 AM
"the Zionist is a political party and not a race OR a religion........but only evil people." True Generalissimo Ponce, but sometimes it's hard to tell them apart

General of Darkness
2nd May 2010, 10:04 AM


2nd May 2010, 10:06 AM
It speaks poorly of us that a lack of censorship equates to a lack of civility.

Let's try to keep censorship down and civility up.

Brilliantly put, Hoarder, so perfectly succinct. If I could have applauded you louder, I would. This is exactly how I feel. Let's behave like civilized adults, and we can all contribute, learn, teach, and enjoy it longer.

2nd May 2010, 10:14 AM

thanks GD I needed that

2nd May 2010, 10:16 AM
And, not everything is a zionist plot.

that's true. Merchant of Venice was not Shakespeare's only play. And it did have a plot.

2nd May 2010, 10:20 AM
I would post more copy and paste material if this forum's crappy software would include figures within the block of text I copied. I like material that includes charts to improve understanding. I am not going to copy several figures to my hard disk and then insert them in the text with multiple "insert images" from my hard disk.

Improve the software and get more postings.

2nd May 2010, 10:31 AM
I am getting a little perturbed by the lack of quality posts here. When you people post things, would you mind thinking about what you are endorsing? Do a little research before you offer some new idea or post some wacky email you got. When you put something here, make it clear whether you know anything about it or not... whether this is YOUR idea or you took it from someone else.... where you got the information from.... disclaimers as necessary.

And, not everything is a zionist plot. Maybe we need a zionist subforum as this seems to be a religion of its own. Now, I need to go refill my coffee cup as some zionist must have sneaked into my office and emptied it when I was typing.

Spectrism, thanks so much for saying what I have often thought. I came here to learn about gold, silver, the economy, surviving TSHTF, and the role our government & CEOs have played in destroying our nation's future. It's frustrating to have to wade through so much garbage to get to the core issues. I'm to the point that I seriously believe there are several posters here who don't have any interest in those issues, they simply come here to spew hate and spread insane conspiracy theories. As a result, I'm finding that I come to GSUS less and less often. When I do come here, I hit the "show new posts" link at the top of the page and then scan each thread's name. Just for the record, I read every single thread that contains one or more of the following words:

gold, silver, coins, bullion, dow, stocks, inflation, deflation, USD, ANY bank's name, Ron Paul, ANY economist's name (Sinclair, Celente, etc.), survival, stockpile, barter, WTSHTF, collapse, etc.

I do NOT read any thread that contains the word/words Jew (or any alternate spellings), Israel, Zionism, Palastinian, Mossad, Protocols, Illuminate, Rothschild, religion (of any sort), GIM(1), any other member's name (calling out), Skyvike, G-Khan, Scorpio, racist, shill, troll, feminist (or feminazi). I've found that ALL of those threads are nothing but garbage and hate being vomited up by fools and imbeciles.

It's a damned shame, because there COULD be some valuable insight even in threads dealing with these topics, but the manner of presentation is so offensive that I choose to ignore those threads rather than risk feeling like I've been contaminated by someone else's bile or insanities.

Unfortunately, I'm finding fewer and fewer threads that are worth reading here. Consequently, I'm spending more of my time browsing other forums.

2nd May 2010, 10:43 AM
RobinsNest - very good, you have described my thoughts and actions.

2nd May 2010, 10:51 AM
Mr. Pete.........once you know who and why they are it is very easy to read them and to differentiate them as you would with blacks, Mexican, Indians, Chinese and many others...........and to those of you who only wants to hear about silver or gold.............................................. ......remember who is controlling the price, that's all that you need to know.

How to find a Cuban?........listen as to how fast they talk, even I for one many times don't understand what they are saying.

Large Sarge
2nd May 2010, 10:55 AM
the folks who have been around for awhile, some of whom are members here, have learned (over time) that the zionists/rothschilds largely control the planet, it is rather frightening to think of all the tentacles they own/control

so when we post those topics, it is not a "blind hate message" folks.

I try to be very civil, as Hoarder points out, I entertain other ideas, it helps me to learn.

but in all my years, i have never found a group higher than the zionists (rothschilds, warburgs, honigs, Bronfmans, etc)

some people claim there are little green aliens controlling the zionists, I can neither prove nor disprove that, I just go with what I can prove.

2nd May 2010, 11:01 AM
Right on Sarge.........I for one don't "hate them" I am beyond that, to me they are now like a mosquito that when it bites me I simply squash them and keep on walking.

2nd May 2010, 11:08 AM
Yeah freedom of speech is fine, but how do we handle all those things we don't want to read... :sarcasm:... I like this place... Is it perfect for my taste? Hell no, but I still prefer it to having people banned for things I may disagree with... I am certain that the world is controlled by a few people in power, that do use Zionism for getting controll of us. Most of us have been trained to look away whenever anyone starts critisizing Jews, illumInati, Rothschilds, holocaust, some of us have gotten over that training. I think in the end most of us irrespective if we are Jews Muslims Christians Zoroastrians Hindus Buddhists Atheists or Animists will be shafted by TPTB.

Anything that can contribute to our understanding is IMO a welcome contribution, and if you can't handle the heat, then go somewhere else, where you are more comfortable with your beliefs...

Phenix Pawn
2nd May 2010, 11:15 AM
Laughed out Loud.

"But he brews the trouble, not me!"

"I guess you can kick me out, Mr. Mighty admin." stated Mr. Fish.

"But, I ain't headed to GIMe2?"

"So for the moment, it looks like my faith lies in Geez-us!"

"Just as long as I don't have to listen to the [Ass vs. Elephant] sheep ranting, I can withstand the local IQ drop of 10-15 points. PROGRESS sometimes SUX."

Mr. Fish has stated in the past, "Just stay asleep, as it is comfortable their, no hassle."

2nd May 2010, 11:24 AM
But I realize too, that folks need to vent.

Venting adds nothing to a forum. If they need to vent they should take their teevee outside and shoot it full of holes. Then after they calm down they can come here and post something relevant and logical.

Emotions only discredit peoples point of view.

2nd May 2010, 11:33 AM
Good point hoarder! Venting personal problems/angers don't add anything to the discussion. Shoot the TV instead!

2nd May 2010, 11:51 AM
yes, we do need a zionist subforum. i'm open to debate on zionism as long as long as the knee-jerk response isn't that everything is a zionist conspiracy and i'm an idiot for not buying in.

Zionism is a facade for the Rothschild fractional reserve fiat money global usury empire (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940). Zionism is also the driving & steering force behind the NWO conspiracy.

Zionism is thus the elephant in the room at a gold/silver/honest-money site; it pervades nearly every other topic which predictably arises here, and it can't be shoe-horned neatly into a separate subforum.

Yes, I tend to think it is becoming so obvious that many posters would rather run to deny, than to post.

As my smite total suggests. ;D

And, chill out Spectro-critic, if you got something to say then say it.

Show me quality.

2nd May 2010, 12:13 PM
But I realize too, that folks need to vent.

Venting adds nothing to a forum. If they need to vent they should take their teevee outside and shoot it full of holes. Then after they calm down they can come here and post something relevant and logical.

Emotions only discredit peoples point of view.

Isn't that the truth!


2nd May 2010, 12:15 PM
yes, we do need a zionist subforum. i'm open to debate on zionism as long as long as the knee-jerk response isn't that everything is a zionist conspiracy and i'm an idiot for not buying in.

Zionism is a facade for the Rothschild fractional reserve fiat money global usury empire (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940). Zionism is also the driving & steering force behind the NWO conspiracy.

Zionism is thus the elephant in the room at a gold/silver/honest-money site; it pervades nearly every other topic which predictably arises here, and it can't be shoe-horned neatly into a separate subforum.

Yes Zionism is the main driving force behind the FIAT money system.Yes they are trying to destroy Western civilization. BUT do we need to be reminded of that every single thread? a note about subforums as well, they ARE needed for certain subjects for easier navigation. ever look at GLP? no subforums, just a mish mash of crap with a few good posts hidden in the pile of rubbish. they "pins" whereas the Mods pop one at the top of the list. it sucks! do we want every visitor here to think its Stormfront2? I personally think one can be anti-zionist without being pro-Palestine, why do we have these play by play posts of the Intifada? Isnt that a form of political spam or being a Muslim shill? I dont really think anyone here is a Muslim shill, but you get my meaning. Hate on the Zionists if you want, but left unchecked, any single topic that dominates a forum will eventually cause it to shrink, not grow.

2nd May 2010, 12:58 PM
Thanks all for the replies. This is not about freedom of speech. It is not about silencing or side-channelling important issues. It IS about each of us contributing valuable content with minimal BS, silly conjecture, false sensationalism and threads overrun by goofy suppositions. When I say you are goofy, either I am wrong and deserve your smite or you posted something silly. I make my fair share of mistakes and realize that we are all working with limited knowledge. This is why we seek facts.

Some of you agree that we are spending less time here because of such issues. I have a few other sites I like to visit because of the serious content I find there.

I am saying these things because we had best wake up. If we want this site to remain strong, we gotta knock off the crap and work at keeping our own quality levels up. Let's not turn away quality posters. They won't advertise that they are going... they will just stop showing up.

2nd May 2010, 01:00 PM
As far as I am concern ........... those who want a Zionism "sub-forum" are only trying to hide it from general view.

2nd May 2010, 01:13 PM
As far as I am concern ........... those who want a Zionism "sub-forum" are only trying to hide it from general view.

well Ponce despite your "Legendary" status, your voice doesnt count anymore than anyone elses.Just because someone doesnt want to read through 20 "I hate Israel" posts to get to the marketing of commodities isnt censorship, or is ok to start posting religious spam in the GD forum too now?

BTW at the time i wrote this post there are at least 8 anti-Israel/Zionist topic posts ON THE FRONT PAGE,not counting the threads that will be added to them. nothing else newsworthy?

2nd May 2010, 01:16 PM
I am getting a little perturbed by the lack of quality posts here.



2nd May 2010, 02:37 PM
From Biker45 = well Ponce despite your "Legendary" status

Me legendary? if I am "legendary" is only because you think of me that way and not because I feel that I am.

We created our own gods and saints and build statues to them, put them on a pedestal and then prey to them.

I sure as hell hope that you are not praying to me Mr. 45 hahahahahahahah.

Love you brother and I know what you mean.

2nd May 2010, 02:45 PM
From Biker45 = well Ponce despite your "Legendary" status

Me legendary? if I am "legendary" is only because you think of me that way and not because I feel that I am.

We created our own gods and saints and build statues to them, put them on a pedestal and then prey to them.

I sure as hell hope that you are not praying to me Mr. 45 hahahahahahahah.

Love you brother and I know what you mean.

Damn, i have to take your figure off the wall now and put the Madonna back up? WTF!

2nd May 2010, 04:24 PM
Did you say MADONNA?........nawwwwwwwww mine looks better up there hahaahahahaahha.

2nd May 2010, 06:30 PM
Did you say MADONNA?........nawwwwwwwww mine looks better up there hahaahahahaahha.

LOL THE MADONNA! as in Mary!, not the eyetye tramp so-called musician that abandoned Catholicism for some fringe Yiddish denomination!

2nd May 2010, 07:00 PM
Did you say MADONNA?........nawwwwwwwww mine looks better up there hahaahahahaahha.

LOL THE MADONNA! as in Mary!, not the eyetye tramp so-called musician that abandoned Catholicism for some fringe Yiddish denomination!

Yes, Holy Mary, NOT THE really bad ENTERTAINER!


2nd May 2010, 07:01 PM

2nd May 2010, 07:44 PM
Ken? you posted at 1:55 PM, where the hell are you? :conf:

Ponce <---------big eyes notices everything.

2nd May 2010, 07:53 PM
And, not everything is a zionist plot. Maybe we need a zionist subforum as this seems to be a religion of its own. Now, I need to go refill my coffee cup as some zionist must have sneaked into my office and emptied it when I was typing.

Not everything is a zionist plot, but certainly everything is touched by the zionist plot.

2nd May 2010, 07:54 PM
Same old, same old.



2nd May 2010, 11:26 PM
Ken? you posted at 1:55 PM, where the hell are you? :conf:

Ponce <---------big eyes notices everything.

Sorry, I was eating dinner and watching a movie with my wife.

I don't know what you mean ponce.

Ive been right here at home in the foothills of central Ca.

I posted at at 07:01:55 PM

3rd May 2010, 12:02 AM
Sorry about that I was reading the time riding piggy back on the other post....... heyyyyyyyy I didn't say that I was God......only God in training hahaahaahaha, I still makes a mistake once every trillion years.

OK guys, nite nite...........last post of the day.