View Full Version : Pineal Gland Activation and Understanding

2nd May 2010, 10:11 AM

2nd May 2010, 10:13 AM
This is it..........


2nd May 2010, 10:15 AM

2nd May 2010, 01:46 PM
thanks for your support spiritual Sepro...

let me link this thread to mine: Vatican Loves Pine Cones, the pineal gland being in the shape of a pince cone


2nd May 2010, 04:22 PM
for anyone who thnks that it is mumbo jumbo... fluoride is even worse that thought

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever


3rd May 2010, 05:48 AM
for anyone who thnks that it is mumbo jumbo... fluoride is even worse that thought

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever


Loved your music thread...........

3rd May 2010, 06:09 AM
In the conspiracy forum, you mean?

3rd May 2010, 08:51 AM
Oh yea thats right

3rd May 2010, 03:34 PM
the brain is involved in some aspects of thinking

What is thinking?

How do we define thinking?

Ill have to think about that

3rd May 2010, 03:46 PM
The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland was called the "third eye" by ancient people. It was thought to have mystical powers. This may be why the French philosopher Descartes decided that the pineal gland was the seat of the human soul, the location of what we call the mind. The pineal does contain a complete map of the visual field of the eyes, and it plays several significant roles in human functioning.

Also called the pineal body or epiphysis cerebri, the pineal gland is important to this discussion for two reasons. First, it is the center for the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is implicated in a wide range of human activities. It regulates daily body rhythms, most notably the day/night cycle (circadian rhythms). Melatonin is released in the dark, during sleep. The recent melatonin craze sweeping through the health conscious community makes claims that the hormone slows the aging process (a defense against free radicals), prevents jet lag, is implicated in seasonal affective disorder, coordinates fertility, and allows for deep restful sleep patterns.

Melatonin is a very ancient hormone that is found throughout the animal kingdom. In reptiles and birds the pineal is close to the skin and needs no interaction with the eye to register day/night cycles (this is where the notion of the 'third eye" comes from). In these animals, the pineal gland is the master clock. In mammals, however, the pineal gland is subordinate to the eye/SCN system. Light severely curtails the production of melatonin.

Melatonin has been shown to inhibit the growth and metastasis of some tumors in experimental animals, and may therefore play a role in cancer inhibition. Removal of the pineal gland and/or reduction in melatonin output have been implicated in the increased incidence of breast cancer in laboratory animals. Patients who have breast cancer have lower levels of melatonin in the blood. The hormone has also been shown to be protective against genetic damage, and it has a stimulatory effect on the immune system.

The anticancer role of melatonin in humans is not established yet, but in a study involving blind women, melatonin production was found to be higher at all times. This finding was associated with the finding that breast cancer in this study was correspondingly lower for these blind women compared to the general population.

The pineal gland has been implicated in a number of disorders including cancer, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy, and Paget's disease. The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases. This decline in melatonin has been suggested to be a trigger for the aging process.

Environmental stresses affect pineal function, impacting overall body alertness, temperature levels, and hormone operation. Stresses that affect pineal function include unusual light and dark rhythms, radiation, magnetic fields, nutritional imbalances, temperature swings, high altitude, and overall daily stress patterns.

Melatonin, if any of these claims turn out to be substantial, is a powerful body chemical, with important implications for human functioning, especially (I would suggest) for blind and visually impaired individuals. If light inhibits melatonin production, then blind individuals lack a mechanism for balancing the melatonin levels in the blood.

Melatonin overload may be related to seasonal affective disorder, the depression some people feel during the overcast, short days of the winter months (when there is minimal sunlight). Are blind individuals more susceptible to depression because of a melatonin imbalance?

I've worked with enough blind children to know that their sleep patterns get all messed up. We usually tell parents that the reason is simply a lack of feedback about when day has set and night is here. We establish a routine for the blind students that replaces the natural rhythm. The role of melatonin may be important for these children. We may be able to help them sleep better and in a more balanced rhythm using medications to counter the excess melatonin in their blood streams. This is not an endorsement of drug therapy, only speculation as to whether its use would be helpful. For further discussion of sleep disorders associated with circadian rhythm interruption see the section on the hypothalamus.

Studies do show that partially sighted eyes may still maintain subconscious awareness of light or its absence. For these people, the circadian rhythms established by the pineal gland are intact. For totally blind individuals, with no subconscious feedback to the pineal gland, there may be periods of severe insomnia, or they may fall asleep at unusual times (like during math class).

The second reason for interest in the pineal gland is that it contains magnetic material in birds and other animals. It is a center for navigation. This, of course, is important for blind individuals. If the pineal gland turns out to contain magnetic material in humans (researchers are looking), then it may be involved in navigational processing. Magnetic processing is subtle and may be part of the bodies unconscious navigational system. Mobility specialists are aware of this possibility, but we have yet to use it to train students.

Studies done mostly with birds strongly suggest that the pineal gland is a center for navigation. Scientists believe that the pineal body is a magnetoreceptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. Changing the direction of magnetic fields around the heads of birds alters their ability to orient.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF activity therefore disrupts the bodies circadian rhythms.


In lower vertebrates, the pineal gland has an eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor. The pineal gland may be the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. It is located within the third ventricle. It is large in children, but shrinks at puberty. It appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans it affects circadian rhythms, sleep patterns (melatonin levels increase at night), and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The abundant melatonin levels in children is believed to inhibit sexual development. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.

There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus called the retinohypothalamic tract. It brings information about light and dark cycles to a region of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). From the SCN, nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is therefore a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body.

Retinal research done with hamsters demonstrates another center for melatonin production. Located in the retina, this center implies that the eyes have their own built in circadian timepiece. This retinal system is distinct from the brains body clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles. They also found that they could set and reset the retinal clock even when the SCN was destroyed.

The retinal clock produces (stimulates the production of?) melatonin. Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of this clock in the human eye (and expect to find it). No one yet knows what the separate clock is for or how it relates to the SCN. One thing is clear: there is a melatonin craze right now. People are taking regular doses of the hormone. There is a question whether or not regular doses of melatonin may damage the eye over time. Melatonin could affect the timing of hormone peaks in the eye. High retinal melatonin levels combined with exposure to bright light might cause retinal damage. This is speculation (a caution) at this time.


3rd May 2010, 03:47 PM
Fluoride & Pineal Gland:

Up until the 1990s, no research had ever been conducted to determine the impact of fluoride on the pineal gland - a small gland located between the two hemispheres of the brain that regulates the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.

It is now known - thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England - that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body.

The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in the body - a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) capable of inhibiting enzymes.

The pineal gland also contains hard tissue (hyroxyapatite crystals), and this hard tissue accumulates more fluoride (up to 21,000 ppm) than any other hard tissue in the body (e.g. teeth and bone).

After finding that the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans, Dr. Luke conducted animal experiments to determine if the accumulated fluoride could impact the functioning of the gland - particulalry the gland's regulation of melatonin.

Luke found that animals treated with fluoride had lower levels of circulating melatonin, as reflected by reduced levels of melatonin metabolites in the animals' urine. This reduced level of circulating melatonin was accompanied - as might be expected - by an earlier onset of puberty in the fluoride-treated female animals.

Luke summarized her human and animal findings as follows:

"In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation."


3rd May 2010, 03:53 PM
As human beings continue to evolve, further out of matter, on the journey
from spirit to matter... back to spirit, the pineal gland will continue to rise
from its state of age - long dormancy, bringing back to humanity... astral
capacities and spiritual abilities.

At certain brain wave frequencies, a sense of "ego boundary" vanishes. In the
"theta" state, we are resting deeply and still conscious, at the threshold of
drifting away from or back into conscious awareness. As the brain enters
deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our
'third eye' is active, and separation becomes natural.

Many native traditions and mystical practices, refer to the ability of 'seeing,'
or being aware of energy fields, at higher levels. This abstract awareness, is
much more subjective and does not involve the normal level of mundane consciousness, which is mostly concerned with self - identity. This 'seeing' refers
to the sight of the 'third eye'.

Consciousness is raised, from an emotional nature, into an illumined
Awareness, when the pineal gland is lifted from dormancy. If the pineal
gland is not yet fully developed, it will be in the course of evolution. When
our sense of ego and personality are set aside and we keep our mental energy
intact, we can become "conscious" of the non-physical, our inner self, the
subconscious, through different practices to activate the 'light in the head.


3rd May 2010, 04:09 PM
Fall from Grace
Nothing could be more natural than the state of Wu Chi, nothingness, or divine grace. And yet, the
realization of Wu Chi is clouded by obscurations and confusions. Consciousness streams into every body,
but only a few can see the light. Why is this so?
An essential function of the “upper brain”, the Upper Tan Tien, is to manifest the esoteric and divine
realizations of consciousness into our humanly bodies. Chi spirals through the Crown and the Third Eye
into the pineal and pituitary glands, sustaining existence and nourishing the spirit. Infants and children
bask in the glow and the power of the Chi Field streaming into, and interacting with, their bodies. The
psyche is vibrant and alive and the energy bodies communicate in non-physical dimensions.
As we grow older, however, the internal realities begin to fade and the external world begins to predominate
our existence. By puberty, the pineal gland has ossified into a calcified strand of tissue. Our
minds project outwardly, and the demands of existence (work, family, daily living, etc.) preoccupy our
awareness. Our emotions (fears, angers, resentments and all kinds of distractions to make ends meet)
reflect this outward movement of the psyche.
Fear is the oldest negative emotion. It is felt by all animals, and is even stronger among humans since
they have so little power to protect themselves, especially the newborn. The longer history required for
organic development makes fear the basis of the entire civilization process: to protect ourselves and
achieve our highest potential. Fear is closely connected to the kidney Chi (via the adrenal glands), and
when the kidney Chi is diminished, the brain slowly begins to pull back and disengage from the fantastic
worlds of the Divine. The upper brain becomes the observing brain, dedicated to the worldly tasks of
sending, receiving and processing sensory signals related to daily living.
Inhibiting the Divine
The transition from an internally focused awareness of the Divine, the natural state of infancy, to an
externally focused awareness of the adult World, requires significant shifts in the chemistry of the brain.
The tissues and molecules which normally manifest the consciousness of Wu Chi must be “turned off” or
inhibited. Chemically, the inhibitors are enzymes such as MAO (monoamine oxidase) which rapidly
convert seratonin into inactive by-products, thus disabling the synthesis of the spirit molecules. The
enzyme MAO breaks down seratonin before it can be converted into melatonin, 5-MeO-DMT and DMT
(Fig. 20).

Our usual perception of the world in waking consciousness is, in fact, a state of waking ignorance.
The brain must inhibit our true nature and divine connections to survive in the physical world. In everyday
life, we see everything back to front, as it were. We perceive the primary actions of the brain as providing
us with sensibility and cognitive awareness. In fact, the brain’s mechanism is to filter and shut off the flow
of divine consciousness, making possible survival on Earth, but obscuring all transcendental realities.
Dark Room meditations remove the obscurations. The inhibitory functions of the brain are lifted, and we
revel in the experience of Oneness, Wu Chi, the Original Source.
Reawakening – Spirit Molecules
Waking consciousness satisfies the demands of physical existence, but severs the connection from the
Divine. Thus, each night we must disconnect from the outer world and reconnect with our divine source,
thereby sustaining life and nourishing the soul. In adult life, the experience of Wu Chi is relegated to the
unconscious domains of deep sleep and the supernatural worlds of dream. In Taoist Inner Alchemy, we
reawaken the soul to the Immortal Tao, the Wu Chi, the Original Source, and bring back the Divine into our
conscious awareness.
Chemically, the reconnection to the Divine occurs by inhibiting the enzymatic actions of MAO and
INMT, so that seratonin can convert into melatonin and melatonin into the spirit molecules 5-MeO-DMT (5-
methoxy-dimethyltryptamine) and DMT (dimethyltryptamine) (Fig. 21). The enzymes are inhibited by substances
secreted in the pineal gland, such as harmaline and pinoline. The “spirit molecules” allow us to
reconnect to divine consciousness. They cause “color imagery, out of body experiences, lucid dreams,
visions of beings and/or animals, mystical states, subjective “other realities” and experiences of “being
somewhere else.” These states are the language of dream.
Fig. 21. Tryptamine Synthesis

In the Dark Room experience, the “spirit molecules” pinoline, 5-MeO-DMT and DMT alter the receiving
qualities of the brain. The brain “tunes in” to invisible worlds and parallel universes, like a television tuning
in to different channels. Mystical and near-death, out-of-body experiences reflect dynamic equilibria between
“channels” in which we experience the essential energy that courses through the receiver15.
When you reach the ‘DMT state’ you begin to function consciously from the various psychic centers or
chakras. The bodily processes of ‘Healing Love’ combine the human states of true compassion and sexual
arousal to create a new chemistry and a new vibration within the body. This ‘special’ vibration occurs at a
frequency of 8Hz. ‘As in the macrocosm, so it is in the microcosm’; hence if we make love, then all the cells
and DNA actually make love as well. The DNA crosses over, like two serpents intertwined in an erotic
embrace. You need the orgasmic vibration to arouse this crossover process which leads to the ‘two giving
birth to three’; the conception of new cells. The two vital states are compassion and arousal leading to
orgasm. Both are inextricably linked to love.
Immortal Body
Rick Strassman, based on several years of intensive medical research, proposes that the release of
DMT from the pineal gland at 49 days after conception marks the entrance of the spirit into the fetus. This
49-day prenatal period corresponds to the first signs of fetal pineal tissue, the differentiation of the gonads
into male and female, and the time between the death of an individual and its soul’s next rebirth according to
the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. He suggests that the individual’s life-force enters the body through the
pineal gland and leaves it through the pineal gland at death (see “DMT, The Spirit Molecule”, by Strassman,
and16. The infant’s brain is flooded with 5-MeO-DMT, secreted from the pineal gland and the brain is 40%
more active and open.

Benefits of Dark Room Experience

The Dark Room meditations will influence each person uniquely, depending on their maturity and stage of spiritual development. However, most people, even beginners, will receive great benefits, which
may include:

1. Relaxation. This is one of the foundations for all other work. During the first days of the retreat, catching up on sleep, allowing the eyes to recuperate from the over-stimulation of our visual world, releasing the grip of mental concerns, plans, and a agendas and simply letting the energies settle creates the best vacation you may ever have.

2. Once relaxed and feeling at home in the dark, the Inner Lights may appear as well as possible images of space teachers, deities, colors, and shapes. Imbalances in one’s energies can manifest as dull colors.

3. Over time, as one becomes more open, balanced and awake, images clear as day may appear, not inside the mind’s eye but outside in the space of the retreat.

4. Advanced practitioners may experience some of the following: Dreams and sleep become more lucid. A state of continuous consciousness arises in which there is no break in conscious awareness; meditation can continue during sleeping and non-sleeping hours.

5. The Taoist Secret of Love and the Healing Love become very active, so that working with sexual energies and engaging in creative work become easier and more powerful.

6. Dreams will often take the form of teachings or participation in great mythological stories.
The Dark Room enables the body and mind to undergo a series of profound transformations. The ‘states of consciousness’ appear correlated with the organic synthesis and accumulation of psychedelic chemicals in the brain, especially melatonin (Days 1 to 3), pinoline (Days 3 to 5), 5-MeO-DMT (Days 6 to8), and DMT (Days 9 to 12). The pharmacology of these states is as follows.

‘Melatonin Stage’ (Day 1 to 3)

Complete isolation from external light causes the pineal gland to flood the brain with the neurotransmitter melatonin (average 2 to 5 mg/day), manifesting initially as the need for sleep and rest. The eyes
recuperate from the over-stimulation of the visual world, releasing the grip of mental concerns, plans agendas, and letting the energies settle. Melatonin is essential for maintaining the hibernation state, which facilitates the emergence of spiritual consciousness. The person retains a child-like biological condition where melatonin is conserved and recycled, not wasted in biological continuation. When this substance works together with the yellow marrow in the bone, the reddish firing reaction will activate a gentle interaction between the sacred water and the light. The sacred waters are the inner fluids that are responsible for
producing bone marrow and other bodily fluids. The waters run not only in the in the center of the bones, but also in the spinal connections between the Crown and Perineum Points.

‘Pinoline Stage’ (Day 3 to 5)

After about three days, when melatonin concentrations reaches sufficient levels (15 to 20 mg) the body then begins to produce the superconductor pinoline, whereby a greater fluidity of thought and healing of the body starts to occur. Pinoline induces cell replication (mitosis) and intercalates with DNA molecules. The ‘pinoline stage’ is normally activated only in the womb, in lucid dreaming, or in near death experiences.
Within this state we can metaprogram the brain to the Unity of Self, heightening awareness of the pathways with which we filter reality. At this stage, the nervous system becomes aware of itself. We become aware of the hologram of the external world that we create constantly in our head24.

When the pinoline is triggered you activate your clairsentient and clairaudient powers. You may see light and visions, hear music, and gain phenomenal insight. A decoding of the DNA then begins to take place. Cosmic particles are attracted to us and decoded in the form of sound, light, knowledge and realization. The particles, which have the same cell structures as humans (and from which the Tao believes you evolved), are attracted to you magnetically. The body has approximately six trillion cells, which correspond to the universe ‘without’. Each of these cells can be seen as a computer with unlimited power and potential.
Each cell can become a super conductor, able to receive information from space. You are able to decode this universal information carried from outer space, which may be as old as nothingness itself. When you enter this primordial state or force you are reunited with the true self and divinity within. You literally ‘conduct’ the universal energy. You may see into the past and future, understand the true meaning of existence, and begin to understand the order of things. You return to the womb, the cocoon of our material structure and Nature’s original Dark Room.

‘5-MeO-DMT Stage’ (Day 6 to 8)

At this stage the pineal gland starts to produce the neuro-hormone 5-MeO-DMT (aka ‘akashon’). This
psychoactive tryptamine is highly luminescent and also extremely phosphorescent due to the amount of
phosphene that it transmits onto the visual cortex. 5-MeO-DMT switches on 40% more of the cerebral
cortex and awakens the nervous system to become aware of itself; ‘beingness’ results. Hence, the possibility
of metaprogramming the nervous system’s bio-computer - activating healing and conflict message assortment
of the nervous system. 5-MeO-DMT is the empathogenic neurotransmitter that expands the emotional
body between ‘infinity and zero’. It gives rise to telepathy in the emotional and intuitive bodies. It
engages the awakening of the ‘Flower of Life’, the spine, which begins to glow in a state of beingness and
5-Meo-DMT discharges the darkness from the darkroom. A bright light is activated and one experiences
a born-again mentality. This Great White Light, the manifestation of the astral body, enables the self
to project externally. At this point, some degree of ‘N-Methyl-D-Aspartare Inhibition’ (NMDA-I) usually
occurs. This is a ‘soft form’ of the slowing of the glutamate input signals into the cells. This makes it easier
for the nervous system to cause electrons to stop flowing within the cells, allowing for profound meditative
trance states. 5-MeO-DMT intercalates with messenger RNA. One can see in 3 dimensional Holon pictures,
as the thoughts behind language.
“Techniques taught in the Dark Room enable one to read and go beyond the matrix, by unifying all
directions, and externalize the soul computer so that one can start to interact with ones own genetic code
of the Tree of Life. In this intensive process 5-MeO-DMT activates the entire spine, the Tree of Life. The
spine is activated and reprogrammed and you can start to process the illusion of the dream from its binary
code into the unified translated Self: the Unity Self. Through 14 days of total light isolation your consciousness
can be expanded to the wider range of wave emanations and transduce the core hologram of reality
that is coherently programming ones nervous system to the Unity Self25.”
Many exercises will be practiced during this period: compacting Chi, consciousness and awareness
into the nervous system, working with the Silent Self and anchoring the Immortal Body.
The 5-MeO-DMT prepares the nervous system, through its empathetic state of being and self
awareness of the nervous system, for the DMT or dimethyltryptamine production of the pineal gland, in
psychoactive milligram doses.

‘DMT Stage’ (Day 9 to 12)

When DMT levels reach more than 25 mg, one’s experience can become very visual. DMT is the visual third eye neurotransmitter. It enables the energy body and spirit to journey into hyperspace, beyond third dimensional realms of time and space. It is intensely energizing. “After some 10-12 days one starts to see in infra red, and ultra violet, one can actually run across the room and touch a person, by seeing their heat patterns. The Holon Images exteriorize and one is walking in a Virtual Reality, which appears to be the DNA language macro uploaded, and interactive.”
When you reach the ‘DMT state’ you begin to function consciously from the various psychic centers or chakras. The bodily processes of ‘Healing Love’ are then combined with those of the Dark Room. The human states of true compassion and sexual arousal create a new chemistry and a new vibration within the body. This ‘special’ vibration occurs at a frequency of 8Hz. ‘As in the macrocosm, so it is in the microcosm’; hence if we make love, then all the cells and DNA actually make love as well. The DNA crosses over, like two serpents intertwining in an erotic embrace. You need the orgasmic vibration to arouse this crossover process which leads to the ‘two giving birth to three’; the conception of new cells. The two vital states are compassion and arousal leading to orgasm. Both are inextricably linked to love. When this ‘love-vibration’ reaches the pineal gland a new hormone is produced, which in turn creates whole body conductivity. Only when you feel the waves of orgasmic vibration and unconditional love for the self and others can the process be activated and the essence of the darkroom is magnified. At this stage of the Dark Room Retreat, the required amount of sleep tends to diminish dramatically.


3rd May 2010, 04:16 PM
The pineal gland, located in the centre of the brain, is about a quarter of an inch in size, reddish-gray, and weighs about one-tenth of a gram. Unlike other parts of the brain which come in pairs, the pineal gland is singular. Its location in the center of the brain and presence in other species indicates it is an older part of humanity's evolutionary brain system.
The pineal gland is present in all lower vertebrae. In other species, like birds, reptiles and frogs, the pineal gland is called the parietal eye or "third-eye" as its functions closely resemble that of an actual eye. In these other species, the pineal gland has components of an actual eye, with a cornea, rod and cone. It is considered to be the vestige of a functional sense organ of early primitive vertebrates.

Directly affected by the light taken in through the eyes, the pineal regulates sleep, menstrual cycles, mating seasons, hibernation, seasonal flight patterns and many other "instinctual" behaviors.*1

Tryptamine trippiness

Psychedelic researcher Dr Rick Strassman has explained how the pineal gland "is quite active in synthesizing compounds related to serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in the brain. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers allowing communication among individual nerve cells. Most typical psychedelic drugs, such as LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, and DMT are active in brain sites which are also affected by serotonin. In addition, most of these drugs are similar in their chemical structure to serotonin."*2

Strassman states that most of the above substances belong to the "tryptamine" class of drugs, and proposed that the pineal gland produces "one or two endogenous tryptamines found in human blood and cerebrospinal fluid. This latter fluid continually bathes the brain, and compounds found in it most likely affect brain function."*2

Strassman also explains how "psychedelic drugs, meditational states, spontaneous near-death experiences and other phenomena which may induce stereotypic death/rebirth and paradisal/hellish states act via the pineal gland."*3

Lyttle points to the universal mystic vision of God as an all-consuming white light, and postulates that on a physiological level, this experience is produced from chemical reactions in the pineal gland which is extremely light sensitive. "Light, the eyes and the 'third eye' or pineal gland form a triad which directly controls and regulates normal or altered consciousness and many bodily functions? these three factors are also directly related to, or implicated in, mystical states and the 'psychedelic' experience."*4

Visions of white light are not only associated with mysticism and psychedelic explorations, but are also a prevalent image recorded by those who experience the near-death state. A reason for this recurring theme in near-death states may be found with Dr Strassman, who suggests that after death, as the pineal gland shuts down, some of the chemical present in it may turn into "psychedelic" drugs!

According to Dr Strassman, the pineal gland may not only play an important role in death, but also in birth, possibly even in rebirth...

The pineal gland first becomes visible in the human fetus at the same time as does the clear differentiation of the fetus into female or male gender. The time for both of these events is 49 days, the period of time that, according to several Buddhist texts, the life force of a deceased individual coalesces around its next corporeal existence. If the life force does indeed enter through the pineal, the manifestation of this coming and going would be the release of psychedelic tryptamines, which would mediate the visionary experiences associated with near-death, and near-birth states.*2

Spiritual traditions

Certain initiatory cults, such as Tantrism, Kundalini and Gnosticism, acknowledged the role of the pineal gland in the spiritual process. The spiritual/instinctual life force was seen as a serpent, due to its physical structure extending from the genitals, through the spine and up into its single all-seeing eye in the pineal gland.

These spiritual systems focussed around the raising of this primordial serpentine energy, based in the genitals and at the core of the pro-creative process. Through certain yogic practices this energy can be reversed and forced to travel up the spine into the brain, where it is reputed to cause "enlightenment".

In the Kundalini system, which has seven distinct energy centers, the pineal gland has been variously identified with the "Ajnes Chakra" and alternatively the "Sahasrara Chakra". Both pre-Christian Mithraic and second century Gnostic texts also distinctly refer to the pineal gland in relation to seven distinct energy centers and this serpentine energy.

Not surprisingly, a common experience of those who have successfully raised their kundalini is the vision of all-consuming white light. More importantly, the devotee who successfully raises the kundalini experiences a radical switch in consciousness, obliterating the sense of individuation, and enters Nirvana.

Another potential reference to this curious little gland may occur at the end of the New Testament book of Revelation, where we find that the elect will know God intimately, "his name will be in their foreheads," which is where the pineal deeply lies. Noting the gland's strong connection with light, the rest of the passage is interesting: "There will be no more night; they will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light."*5

Likewise in the Qabalistic tradition, the primordial archetypical man, Adam Kadmon, shines forth with a light from his forehead that was rich in complex patterns and linguistic symbols. Similar imagery occurs in the Persian tradition of the light-like sacred fluid, the "vivifying and spermatic" xvarenah. "Ahura Mazda is preeminently the possessor of xvarenah, but this 'flame' also springs from the forehead of Mithra and like a solar light emanates from the heads of sovereigns."*7

This mind-light from the forehead is also identical with the Eye of Shiva, which when opened in the individual burns away the concept of ego-bound consciousness, and when opened collectively has the potential to burn away the ties and fetters of the Old World Order.

Perhaps if enough modern psychonauts achieve the pineal experience we can push this new frame of mind onto the rest of ego-bound humanity. Here at the turning of the millennia, in the apocalyptic year of 1999, never has the potential for the state of mind which has been the goal of yogic sages, and psychedelic voyagers alike been so possible to attain for humanity as a whole.


7th October 2010, 08:31 PM

8th October 2010, 06:47 PM
Where's my bottle of melatonin? :D