View Full Version : Lost 1/3 of my 7 years food supply..........

2nd May 2010, 01:04 PM
I still don't know how the water got in there......at this time I am pumping the water out and then see what is going on, I believe that some of it will be saved because they are in plastic containers.........will be working on it for the rest of the day.

Am I mad about it? hahahahahah hell no, is only part of what makes life interesting.

2nd May 2010, 01:07 PM
Bummer Ponce.
Take it easy and don't do too much ....I wish I could give you a hand.

Do you have someone to help ya?

2nd May 2010, 01:08 PM
So you are hiding them in the swimming pool?

2nd May 2010, 01:22 PM
Let me guess...

You live in Nashville.... :P ;D

2nd May 2010, 01:31 PM
Sounds like a basement accident.

Bummer, those are often very unexpected. Best of luck.

2nd May 2010, 01:32 PM
At least it wasn't the Charmin!!

2nd May 2010, 01:48 PM
I still don't know how the water got in there......at this time I am pumping the water out and then see what is going on, I believe that some of it will be saved because they are in plastic containers.........will be working on it for the rest of the day.

Am I mad about it? hahahahahah hell no, is only part of what makes life interesting.

Now there is a great attitude.

If I can help, with pumps, equipment or labor---Let me know.

I'm not that far from you!


2nd May 2010, 02:11 PM
I still don't know how the water got in there......at this time I am pumping the water out and then see what is going on, I believe that some of it will be saved because they are in plastic containers.........will be working on it for the rest of the day.

Am I mad about it? hahahahahah hell no, is only part of what makes life interesting.

i used to have some sealed Klystron drums, with removable lids, military, about half the size of an oil drum.

if you can find containers like that at a surplus military or electronics place, they are very waterproof.

when i saw the thread title i thought it was going to be about animals eating your stash. i had a VERY vigorous squirrel eat all of my food & tree seeds, along with about a pint of soap, and it even ate part of a USB hard drive.

2nd May 2010, 02:25 PM
Well, bad news and good news...........the worse thing that could happen to a Cuban is to lose his rice........750 lbs gone, still have the 350 lbs under the bed, no mice or roaches in the house.......is safe........going tomorrow for at least 250 lbs of rice........more later on.

I will become the best friends of the birds around here, food for them what with all that wet rice for the next two or three years.

Good news? two pails of laundry detergent, ten gallons of cooking oil and a two gallons of dish detergent, nothing but bubbles all over the place, couple of other items..........the good thing is that everything was inside of individual plastic bags for ........just in case, which as you know is my plan behind the plan.

Only lost around $500.00 of food.........very lucky.

My CHARMIN?............uffffffffff only then would I be ANGRYYYYYYYYYY.

2nd May 2010, 02:29 PM
Did you figure out the source of the water?

2nd May 2010, 02:41 PM
The wall itself...........to much bubbles to clearly see it and in a couple of hours I have to check and see what else is gone...........everything is going above ground now......fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, no way Jose.

2nd May 2010, 02:54 PM
You didnt lose your food supply, you just gained a few years worth of water supplies ;D

2nd May 2010, 03:37 PM
Ponce, in case you don't know, when you buy rice make sure it's not "enriched".

There is a law which allows MSG to be added to food with the only labeling being "enriched".

I think our rulers are trying to "enrich" the goyim.

2nd May 2010, 03:47 PM
Well, if is good enough for the Chinese it is then good enough for me.........

Put out some rice a while ago and when I went back there were five birds eating and three more looking down from the trees.........unlucky Ponce = lucky birds... I don't mind having that kind of bad luck....Yin Yan.

2nd May 2010, 04:03 PM
Well, if is good enough for the Chinese it is then good enough for me.........

Put out some rice a while ago and when I went back there were five birds eating and three more looking down from the trees.........unlucky Ponce = lucky birds... I don't mind having that kind of bad luck....Yin Yan.

get some big birds like chicken, lucky chickens = lucky Ponce

2nd May 2010, 04:17 PM
All that would happen is that I would have fat chikens running around as pets hahahahahaha, I know myself better than anyone else.

Back in Cuba the cook twisted the neck of this one chicken to kill it and the chicken took off running and was gone, came back a couple of days later with head backwards and we keep it as a pet........lived for many years.

Also had a dog that was born with only three legs......the damn thing could run faster than me and I was in the track team.

2nd May 2010, 05:46 PM
Luckily the grocery store by my house is storing all my dry goods, I'm just going swing by the day before the collapse and load up the truck.

2nd May 2010, 05:54 PM
Flag? unless the civilians don't get to it first.........

"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

2nd May 2010, 06:35 PM
All that would happen is that I would have fat chikens running around as pets hahahahahaha, I know myself better than anyone else.

Back in Cuba the cook twisted the neck of this one chicken to kill it and the chicken took off running and was gone, came back a couple of days later with head backwards and we keep it as a pet........lived for many years.

Also had a dog that was born with only three legs......the damn thing could run faster than me and I was in the track team.

Great stories, Ponce. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but your positive attitude in the face of losing a large amount of your preps is very revealing to the type of person you are. Let us know if you need any help or anything else, you've got a lot of people here willing and ready to help if you need it.

2nd May 2010, 07:05 PM
Thanks gang.........the foam is gone and when the place is dry I will re plaster the whole place...........but..........no more for food........hummmmmmmm my as well make it into a swimming pool.

Now then, where did I leave my Winnie The Poo life vest.........

2nd May 2010, 07:16 PM
Now then, where did I leave my Winnie The Poo life vest.........

A Winnie the Pooh life vest----wow

I've got a Theodore Tugboat vest myself.


2nd May 2010, 07:41 PM
I was going to buy that one but is made only for super fat guys......like 350 lbs hahahahahaahhaah.

2nd May 2010, 08:21 PM
I was going to buy that one but is made only for super fat guys......like 350 lbs hahahahahaahhaah.

Thanks a bunch!



2nd May 2010, 08:45 PM
Thanks a bunch or thanks a "lunch" hahahahahaha :oo-->

2nd May 2010, 08:47 PM
Lost 1/3 of my 7 years food supply..........

Shit, that's a lot of toilet paper! HAHA!

2nd May 2010, 09:31 PM
That's why all the tp........to go with the seven years of food :oo-->

I just came back from taking an inventory.......only about ten percent was lost, not to bad..........only feel sorry for the lost rice :boohoo