View Full Version : Throwing knives
2nd May 2010, 10:08 PM
So today freespirit and I were at a spot on a river that our friend owns, helping to do some work for a few hours.
Afterwards, I busted out a set of throwing knives and we tossed them around for a couple hours.
I took a few shots.
These first two are freespirits throws, very nice grouping:
Then after I took those pics of his grouping, I decided to take a pic of my own grouping, but of course I was tired out after throwing for a few hours before I thought of it, so it was not nearly as nice.
Here are my pics:
We were throwing from about 18 feet away, gripping by the handle, making two full rotations.
This Kit-Rae throwers are the largest size they come in (Around 10.5 inches), and are balanced perfectly. It was the first time I had used them sice I bought them. I love the way they throw, and I think I might buy some more. Not cheap, but not too expensive. The balance is perfect, and the tips are shaped for massive penetration.
The knot in the tree is about throat level on a 5"10 person, so they'd be in trouble if freespirit was pissed at them.
My throws were hitting about sternum level consistently.
Anyone here into throwing knives?
2nd May 2010, 10:15 PM
thanks for posting those, awoke...the pics turned out great!! and just for the record, my accuracy and consistency were much better after a few pointers from you.. ;D
2nd May 2010, 10:25 PM
This Kit-Rae throwers are the largest size they come in (Around 10.5 inches), and are balanced perfectly. It was the first time I had used them sice I bought them. I love the way they throw, and I think I might buy some more. Not cheap, but not too expensive. The balance is perfect, and the tips are shaped for massive penetration.
Affordable ( for most of us if these are the same model. Thanks Awoke!
2nd May 2010, 10:35 PM
Yeah, but in Canada there is an automatic mark-up for most products for importation fees/custom duties costs. (Especially on Guns, knives, etc)
After tax I spent $66.98 + $12 on shipping.
I could have bought some other knives without the shipping charges being raised, and I would have gotten a better deal that way, but at the time my wife thought I had already spent enough on knives and guns.... lol
(I didn't necessarily agree, but...)
Next time I'll order a larger order to save on the shipping, etc. freespirit is going to want a set of these in the future, as well as another friend who was with us today.
Throwing knives is too much fun!
2nd May 2010, 10:36 PM
thanks for posting those, awoke...the pics turned out great!! and just for the record, my accuracy and consistency were much better after a few pointers from you.. ;D
..and you're welcome, btw!!
3rd May 2010, 03:27 AM
Guys, I hope you do realize that throwing knives is nothing but an old soldier`s game. There has never been a knife thrown in actual combat. As they say, why throw away a perfectly good knife?
3rd May 2010, 07:29 AM
I can pretty much guarantee you would not be saying that bullshit if I was throwing these knives at your face, Razor.
BTW, do some research on mediaeval japanese assassins and then come talk to me.
big country
3rd May 2010, 02:25 PM
Guys, I hope you do realize that throwing knives is nothing but an old soldier`s game. There has never been a knife thrown in actual combat. As they say, why throw away a perfectly good knife?
That is a pretty bold statement. Have any sources to back up a statement like that? I highly doubt you can say "there has NEVER" as that would require you, or anyone else, to have absolute knowledge of ALL combat situations ever in the history of the world. Not just knowledge OF the combat, but knowledge of EVERYTHING that happened during that combat.
3rd May 2010, 03:06 PM
Very cool. Nice job, freespirit!
3rd May 2010, 05:42 PM
I can pretty much guarantee you would not be saying that bullsh*t if I was throwing these knives at your face, Razor.
BTW, do some research on mediaeval japanese assassins and then come talk to me.
Yes, Asians have an array of throwing implements such as stars, disks, knives etc. But the Western armies never had knife-throwing combat units. Today people are not walking with multiple knives to be thrown. Throwing knives is an impressive but totally useless skill. There have been instances when, for example in the battle of Stalingrad, a soldier used a hand-grenade to crack his opponent`s skull with it but it`s not the primary use of grenades.
I can pretty much guarantee that if you were in a real combat situation and had a knife in your hand, your common sense would prevent you from throwing it.
big country
3rd May 2010, 06:44 PM
So razor, you're suggesting that because we're in the west, we have to fight like a western army? If there are examples of knives being thrown as weapons then you pretty much proved our point. You can't say THEY WERE NEVER USED IN ACTUAL COMBAT when you say that Asians have used "throwing implements" and include knives in your list.
Are you suggesting that Asian usage doesn't qualify as combat, or that combat only classifies as an army fighting an army, not in an "assassination" type situation?
We aren't always going to find ourselves in a "combat" situation. Survival means having the ability to adapt to any surrounding you find yourself in, who knows if that environment is going to have to test your ability to throw a knife?
3rd May 2010, 07:09 PM
I`ve been carrying, collecting and making knives since I was a little boy. I`ve been on bladeforums for 10 years. I`m interested in all aspects related to cutlery. Killing with a knife is precise surgical work as there are very few spots on the human body that are lethal targets. Hitting those tragets by throwing a knife is a lottery. We only have 24 hrs in each day and I sincerely believe throwing knives to be a waste of time. Throwing knives is a flashy, useless skill glorified in action movies. Also, all movies show knife-fighting performed in the most idiotic way with the bad guy always armed with a knife and leading with the knife hand so the good guy can disarm him. This applies to movies in every country because TPTB everywhere don`t want their subjects to learn the simple realities of knife combat that allow a knife-armed person to win in every situation except that of a gun-armed opponent.
big country
3rd May 2010, 07:30 PM
Alright I agree with you, I never disagreed with the point that it was mostly a useless skill, I just disagreed with you on the point where you said that it has NEVER been done.
There are always situations you find yourself in where a skill can come in handy, maybe throwing knives will be flashy, impress a woman and get you laid :) Not a waste of time there I'd say.
as for combat I agree though, mostly a waste, I just don't like it when people say something has NEVER been done as if they're some all knowing god or something. Pet peeve I suppose.
3rd May 2010, 07:39 PM
What I meant by never been done is that throwing knives has never been relied upon as a tactic even before the invention of gunpowder. No troops went into combat planning to throw knives at their enemies (except those throwing boomerangs maybe).
As for throwing knives getting one laid...I suppose throwing a knife sucessfully does have fallic connotations:)
3rd May 2010, 07:44 PM
This Kit-Rae throwers are the largest size they come in (Around 10.5 inches), and are balanced perfectly. It was the first time I had used them sice I bought them. I love the way they throw, and I think I might buy some more. Not cheap, but not too expensive. The balance is perfect, and the tips are shaped for massive penetration.
Affordable ( for most of us if these are the same model. Thanks Awoke!
These are made from cheap stainless steel which is bound to bend or break. Real throwing knives have to be made from carbon spring steel such as 5160,1050 etc. Get some Cold Steel throwing knives, very affordable and made from real steel.
4th May 2010, 06:17 AM
I am some kind of expert myself, Occam.
I have been into multiple forms of martial arts my entire life, up until the last 5 years or so. I was an instructor as well, for over 12 years. Anyways, that doesn't matter, because I shouldn't need to validate sound logic to a stalinist jew.
I'm familiar with metallurgy, and what it takes to make a good blade. You're either too stupid to understand the simplicity, or just trolling to be a douche, but either way, those knives would easily bury themselves at least 4 inches into your chest cavity if you were hit with them.
They don't need to be hardened to RC60/40, or made from old plowshares to puncture your lung.
Keep trolling.
is it RC60 or RC40? RC60 is way too brittle for a thrower, Rc 40 would be good. Plowshares are 1050, good steel for the purpose. Puncture MY lung, throw a knife at MY face?? What is it with you, martial arts instructor? Didn`t they teach you manners as the 1st thing in any decent martial arts class? Have you seen real killers with bodies on their conscience? Real man`s men? They don`t ooze aggression and they are extremely polite. Only complete losers talk like you.
4th May 2010, 07:10 AM
Guys, I hope you do realize that throwing knives is nothing but an old soldier`s game. There has never been a knife thrown in actual combat. As they say, why throw away a perfectly good knife?
I'm sure the Celts threw all sorts of things..., axes, hammers, swords... I'm sure a dagger or two probably made it in there too.
Festina Lente
5th May 2010, 01:15 AM
There are always situations you find yourself in where a skill can come in handy, maybe throwing knives will be flashy, impress a woman and get you laid :) Not a waste of time there I'd say.
She would probably be impressed:
5th May 2010, 10:44 PM
all i can say is...if someone's standing out of reach, and tries to pull a gun, knife, bat, tazer, whatever with the intent to harm me, i take comfort in the fact that i can put one of those throwing knives ( that is, a knife designed for THROWING) right in his heart, or throat, or groin from over ten feet away...may not win the day, but certainly gives me time to either close the gap, or escape/evade...
besides, i'm not throwing away a perfectly good knife...i'm temporarily storing it in you're adam's apple...i can very easily retrieve it while you're still grasping for whatever it was you were gonna come at me with...then i'll take that, too.
5th May 2010, 11:04 PM
all i can say is...if someone's standing out of reach, and tries to pull a gun, knife, bat, tazer, whatever with the intent to harm me, i take comfort in the fact that i can put one of those throwing knives ( that is, a knife designed for THROWING) right in his heart, or throat, or groin from over ten feet away...may not win the day, but certainly gives me time to either close the gap, or escape/evade...
besides, i'm not throwing away a perfectly good knife...i'm temporarily storing it in you're adam's apple...i can very easily retrieve it while you're still grasping for whatever it was you were gonna come at me with...then i'll take that, too.
Really? You would go against a gunman with some mall-ninja 420 stainless steel throwers? Tazers? You mean cops should start worrying about throwing knives?
Real fights don`t look like this:
5th May 2010, 11:07 PM
Antonio, there you go again. The last time you came close to being in a fight was a shoving match with an old woman over the last bagel at the deli counter. ::)
jew throwing weapons:
5th May 2010, 11:14 PM
Here I`ll finally reveal my rabid Zionist identity:
5th May 2010, 11:18 PM
5th May 2010, 11:26 PM
Are you up for 50 krugs to bet on my smack piano recital?
5th May 2010, 11:33 PM
To what are you referring? Certainly not something that is off limits? :P
Bagel man.
Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.
*run bagel man, run!
5th May 2010, 11:44 PM
To what are you referring? Certainly not something that is off limits? :P
Bagel man.
Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.
*run bagel man, run!
The bet was offered not in the thunderdome. Put your money where your mouth is, cowboy.
Money talks and bullshit walks.
5th May 2010, 11:47 PM
ROFL, I wouldn't give some jew addict 50 cents to bang on a piano. :lol
6th May 2010, 01:40 AM
ROFL, I wouldn't give some jew addict 50 cents to bang on a piano. :lol
Have you noticed that USA has Black jokes, Jewish jokes, Polish jokes,Irish jokes,Asian jokes etc but NO Russian jokes?
You said, you wild,wild man, that Antonio shoots dope about as much as he plays piano,which is never.
And now you are backpedaling out of easy 50 krugs for yourself. Wildcard sounds like a betting man.
Whaddaya say, cowboy?
Every jewboy, every bagel-breath, jew, joo,sheenie,the dreaded k-word etc will cost anyone saying these things here their reputation as tough guys.
Wannabe-tough-guy-joofighter-keyboard commandos are a strange lot.
If you want to study a perfect specimen of those , look at Ben Shockeley aka Philo Peddoe.
He gets swapped like an annoying insect every damn day and keeps coming back for more.
What drives these creatures? Is it masochism?
It sure ain`t "antisemitism" because real "antisemites" are perfect gentlemen and scholars
(I use quotation marks when I say "antisemitism" because it`s a meaningless word used by the ZOG as a weapon against racially-aware people but I still use it for the lack of shorter word to describe them).
6th May 2010, 06:26 AM
No, you came in here talking trash about what Awoke posted, but with joo chutzpah you think someone cares about wtf you do enough to make change for a dollar to see it. Put up or shut up. :oo-->
*oh yeah, BAGEL MAN!
big country
6th May 2010, 06:56 AM
wow, this is going to end up in the THUNDERDOME again!
What is the record? How many times has the same thread gone to the thunderdome?
6th May 2010, 07:10 PM
Really? You would go against a gunman with some mall-ninja 420 stainless steel throwers? Tazers? You mean cops should start worrying about throwing knives?
Real fights don`t look like this:
for me, it's not about "going against"'s about being able to protect myself from harm, should it come my way...i'm not the type to go looking for a fight, but don't kid yourself, if someone means to harm me, they better pack a lunch, cause it's gonna be a long day...
i think being prepared for multiple contingencies not only gives one some peace of mind, but also makes for a difficult target for up-close attacks, and all you have to do is listen to the news any given day to see just how frequently these things happen.
two thoughts come to mind..."walk softly, and carry a big stick." and... "be prepared."
6th May 2010, 10:34 PM
..."walk softly, and carry a big stick."
Couldn`t agree more.
PS. In order to become reliably good at throwing knives one needs to practice all the time. Yet, the chance to use this skill is very remote. I`m talking about time management. That is why I`m against spending time on this. I did this when I was about 8-10 but stopped after that age.
7th May 2010, 12:14 AM
never hurts to brush up on an old skill...and as for time management, i can spend a half hour, twice a week throwing @ targets in the back yard while grillin steaks on the bbq...can't just whip out a 30-30 and start dumping rounds in the same environment...the neighbors wouldn't approve, i'm sure...
you agreed with the statement "walk softly and carry a big stick", but you didn't make mention of "be prepared" that to say you would carry around something you wouldn't practice with? to me, it would seem the two go hand in hand...
nevertheless, at the end of the day, we had more fun than we would have had without them, and were pleased with the performance of the knives, and the throwers. and as i've mentioned before, the peace of mind is a good thing to have...
7th May 2010, 12:18 AM
In order to get to the point where your knife-throwing skills are so reliable that you`ll be able to throw one accurately in a REAL fight (where sometimes others have to pry open fingers of the person who`s just been in one in order to extract a weapon from his hand because of the incredible stress which causes the muscles to cramp like a vise), one must practice throwing for hrs every day for his entire life.
I`ll tell you a little-known unpleasant fact. 90% of soldiers sh*t their pants during their 1st combat (obviously nobody wants to publicize this fact). Close to 100% hitmen throw up after their 1st kill.
Real fights reduce motor skills to the most basic level.
Analyze everything you know and question yourself honestly if any info that you think you know actually has been planted in your head by movies. You`ll be surprised how much of what we think we know comes from the media. You can rest assured all of it is lies.
15th May 2010, 10:09 AM
I have to agree with Razor here. It would be pretty hard to hit a moving target with the point of a rotating knife. I've practiced enough knife throwing to realize this, and why throw away a good knife? Most people don't carry multiple knives with them anyways.
It's fun to practice, but not really something for real combat unless you can judge by eye where to stand when throwing at an object at a glance within seconds...
15th May 2010, 12:02 PM
Guys, I hope you do realize that throwing knives is nothing but an old soldier`s game. There has never been a knife thrown in actual combat. As they say, why throw away a perfectly good knife?
maybe a " frisbee with a bite " ?
i have about 20 old rusty radial saw blades i've bought from yard sales etc
15th May 2010, 12:47 PM
Classic ;D
15th May 2010, 03:45 PM
Personally, I would carry a boot knife over a thrower.....let them come in nice and close, you know, so you can throw it without letting it go...haha...fucemup good.
21st May 2010, 07:18 PM
good point, bully...but what if i carry a thrower in my boot? would that be a boot knife or a thrower, or would it count as both? lol
...and...TPTB, that is one of the coolest youtube videos i've seen!! hilarious!! ;D
23rd May 2010, 09:57 AM
good point, bully...but what if i carry a thrower in my boot? would that be a boot knife or a thrower, or would it count as both? lol
...and...TPTB, that is one of the coolest youtube videos i've seen!! hilarious!! ;D
What if you just threw the boot?
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