View Full Version : Why dont we just make electricity for free?

2nd May 2010, 10:47 PM
It cant be that hard and I'll bet if I had 1 week with an engineer I could do it.

2nd May 2010, 10:50 PM
If you where successful in doing so, you would probably have a car accident or get cancer....or some thing like that.

Don't do it CL...not worth it.

edit to add this link


2nd May 2010, 10:52 PM
It'll likely require lots of experience, effort, and resources to generate a sufficient amount for powering many appliances.

Good luck.

2nd May 2010, 10:57 PM
If you where successful in doing so, you would probably have a car accident or get cancer....or some thing like that.

Don't do it CL...not worth it.
I second that. It is much better and easier to live without food and water, and you can be famous too! No-one who makes free electricity becomes famous!

2nd May 2010, 10:58 PM
It cant be that hard and I'll bet if I had 1 week with an engineer I could do it.

The science would be the easy part. But who's going to get the check every month?

2nd May 2010, 11:00 PM
well, I'm not afraid. I'm sure they would offer a buyout before trying to take me out. All I need is enough money to get me a place like this one.


2nd May 2010, 11:03 PM
I imagine that there would be many companies that could be started up with this to manufacture residential units for every home in America as well as use this idea to set up large industrial power generation plants.

So free may be the wrong word. Someone will make money from this but it would be oil free and nuclear free anyway.

2nd May 2010, 11:07 PM
Because people are making too much f*cking money off it not being free.

*You think Tesla didn't have that shit figured out back in the day?

2nd May 2010, 11:12 PM
Speaking of, didn't all the main folks in the Tesla car (electric) company have an unfortunate accident recently?

*sorry not the main folks, just some of their employees.

The three men killed in the plane crash have now been identified. They were senior electric engineer Doug Bourn, electrical engineer Andrew Ingram and Brian M. Finn, a senior manager of interactive electronics.


**what's really creepy, Edison was called "The Wizard of Menlo Park"

"Until they got right up on the incident, they didn't know what they had," Harold Schapelhouman, chief of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District, said at a news conference down the street from the crash. The bodies of the plane's occupants, covered with yellow blankets, could be seen under a tree near a tangle of metal."

2nd May 2010, 11:12 PM
You guys should see the Government co-op they have setup here in Costa Rica, ICE.

I think they're the main reason CAFTA doesn't work here? There is no toppling them, they just turn the lights out if they don't like the current policy. ;D

Actually they look out for their own here, it's a win-win for the people.

2nd May 2010, 11:21 PM
Speaking of, didn't all the main folks in the Tesla car (electric) company have an unfortunate accident recently?

*sorry not the main folks, just some of their employees.

The three men killed in the plane crash have now been identified. They were senior electric engineer Doug Bourn, electrical engineer Andrew Ingram and Brian M. Finn, a senior manager of interactive electronics.


**what's really creepy, Edison was called "The Wizard of Menlo Park"

"Until they got right up on the incident, they didn't know what they had," Harold Schapelhouman, chief of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District, said at a news conference down the street from the crash. The bodies of the plane's occupants, covered with yellow blankets, could be seen under a tree near a tangle of metal."

OK note to self, no flying anymore.

Saul Mine
2nd May 2010, 11:22 PM
Everything is free. You only have to pay if you want someone to collect it, make it into a usable form, and deliver it to you.

2nd May 2010, 11:24 PM
I want to know more about that inventor that came up with the "sling shot" or whatever it's call for purifying water. And the one that pulls moisture right out of the air to provide drinking water. Why can't we pull electricity right out of the air as well?


2nd May 2010, 11:26 PM
what about the guy that tossed a meathook over the line and got it for free? Fair game no?

2nd May 2010, 11:28 PM
it was nearly done around the turn of the century by tesla

george westinghouse cut off his funds though once he heard the "f" word

2nd May 2010, 11:33 PM
what about the guy that tossed a meathook over the line and got it for free? Fair game no?

Lots of people just reverse their meters and collect a check at the end of the month. Of course you risk time at club fed for doing so.

it was nearly done around the turn of the century by tesla

george westinghouse cut off his funds though once he heard the "f" word

Yea I've seen that video. Sadly I'm not that smart. I should probably do a search on youtube. If I thought of this I'm sure someone else has already as well.

3rd May 2010, 12:05 AM
I've been wanting to build a wind turbine, right now the costs are a little high by my calculations, it is cheaper to pay edison, but I hope, in the future to continue with a cost effective wind energy solution for my compound... and get off the grid.

3rd May 2010, 12:32 AM

I am me, I am free
3rd May 2010, 06:03 AM
JP Morgan: "Can't make any money selling antennas...no, no one is going to milk that cow for free"

Tesla makes his pitch to JP Morgan -


Saul Mine
3rd May 2010, 06:07 AM
http://www.cheniere.org/misc/index.html The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG) about half way down

Publico Pro Se
3rd May 2010, 06:37 AM
Cigarlover, if you do invent a self-contained energy unit I'll lead the charge to have a headstone over your grave with the words, "I Died Because I Invented Free Electricity."

Now if your unit is merely replacing a nuclear or coal power plant who's going to fix all those power lines after an ice storm?

3rd May 2010, 07:27 AM
There's lots of ways to get free electricity. They're already invented.

The problem is that electricity is already very cheap.
We complain a lot but for the amount it does, it's practically free.
If it was totally free I could save an amazing $30 a month! Or I could just skip having a fancy dinner once in a while...

Where I live you can buy solar panels or wind turbines and sell the power into the grid... the only problem is that it's only profitable because the gov pays 6-10x the going rate for regular electricity for your solar or wind electricity. So the taxpayer in on the hook for making up the difference between the 5 cent coal-generated power and the 50 cent solar power.

Oil is also incredibly cheap.
I realized many years ago that even if there was invented a car that didn't need gas (say it just ran by solar power) and that car cost 30k new, it would still be well over a decade before I saw any savings as compared to running around in my old 4x4 truck. And that's assuming equal insurance and maintenance costs (in the real world the increase in those would likely total more than I spend on gas anyway.)

All practical arguments aside I realize free energy could change the world... I don't think it would be a positive change, however. Remember back in the days of the 486 computer... it was 33 megahertz, 16 megs of ram, maybe 200 mb hard drive. Remember how fast your applications ran? Remember how fast windows (or dos) booted? Now you have something with 4 cores each running at 3000 megahertz (so about 350x the processing power), 500x as much memory, 10,000x as much hard drive space... and do your applications run any faster? Does your computer boot any faster? How much more do you get done with today's computer? I bet it's not 350 times as much. I know the newest MS Word doesn't have 500x as much functionality as the old one. In two years there will be applications released that will make the computer of today feel too slow. That's been the way since the start.

I think that whatever energy we generate will always end up used, mostly wasted. Think of how much junk every single person has already. How much shit they have plugged into the wall. How much crap they don't need. As long as people have the means they will consume all they can. Give people more than they need and they'll find a way to use it up and demand even more. Give someone a bigger house and they have to go shopping for more crap to fill it with... as humans we just can't see to allow for excess capacity, we have to use it.

3rd May 2010, 07:28 AM
I have been working on it since 1962 when the idea came to me while stationed in Alaska........only need one item to do it.......an item that up till now it has prov en elusive because is not supposed to exist.........I say "bull", if you think of something is only because it is there.

If I were to ever find it then the same would go in utube right away for the world to use for free.

First post of the day.........good morning to one and all.

3rd May 2010, 11:00 PM
Everything is free. You only have to pay if you want someone to collect it, make it into a usable form, and deliver it to you.

This is obviously an excellent point.

Its the delivery that costs a lot.

3rd May 2010, 11:12 PM
Everything is free. You only have to pay if you want someone to collect it, make it into a usable form, and deliver it to you.

This is obviously an excellent point.

Its the delivery that costs a lot.

Except for taxes, those are imposed upon delivery.

3rd May 2010, 11:15 PM
oh yeah the taxes don't help

3rd May 2010, 11:40 PM

here, you can use my idea, but if you get rich off of it, just remember me and buy my house for me or something. I honestly dont know if someone already thought of this, but I am sure it would work, and if I could afford to live by the ocean, and had 50,000 dollars or so, I would have something like this set up to pay for my electricity and probably my neighbors. I thought of it while watching a 50 ton barge gently rising and falling 1.5 feet plus and minus on the waves as if it was weightless. its not drawn to scale obviously. the barge is attached to (and runs) a piston that pumps water up to a tank about 30 feet higher than sea level. less height (head) is necessary if the piston is larger or more pistons pump a larger volume of water. (one inch pipe with 30 feet of head will power your house easily.) the water flows out the tank and spins a water turbine that spins a shaft and generates electricty. good luck with the assassins.

4th May 2010, 12:08 AM

4th May 2010, 12:09 AM



Saul Mine
4th May 2010, 01:25 AM
I have been working on it since 1962 when the idea came to me while stationed in Alaska........only need one item to do it.......an item that up till now it has prov en elusive because is not supposed to exist.........I say "bull", if you think of something is only because it is there.

If I were to ever find it then the same would go in utube right away for the world to use for free.

First post of the day.........good morning to one and all.

That's nice. Why don't you post what you already have and maybe someone else can invent what you need. They call that "crowd sourcing".

4th May 2010, 04:39 AM
Well here's my idea for those that may be interested.

We all know you can take a magnifying glass and concentrate the heat to the point that you can burn things. Why not heat water into steam with a large glass and run a turbine with it? Something inexpensive so you can make them for individual houses, same as a solar panel.

4th May 2010, 05:14 AM
To be at all efficient you'd need a steam turbine.

I thought of using steam before because it's very easy to heat things. I would have burned garbage to create the heat. The turbine isn't cheap though, and would need to be maintained.

It comes down to, are you further ahead building this thing and keeping it running, or just paying your rather low power bill every month?

In my opinion electricity is still way too cheap to bother generating yourself unless you are doing on principle to go off-grid. Not that many people are going off grid so the market for people to build and sell various generating devices to is very limited. It's mostly downside for the average Joe as he will have a large initial investment, possibly higher monthly costs, and more work.

If Joe gets $15 an hour then he's only working 2 or 3 hours a month to pay his power bill. How much time would he spending keeping his alternative energy system running? He's better off just putting in a couple hours overtime once a month.

4th May 2010, 05:26 AM
I know, stick a siphon hose in the Gulf and suck up all the free oil you want.

If you need light to read by just grab one of those Seagulls lying around, tie it to a stick and light er up. :oo-->

4th May 2010, 10:11 AM
If you cant put a meter on it then "they" are not interested.

4th May 2010, 11:05 AM
You can't really buy a steam turbine, but you could make one of these. (A Tesla invention.)


4th May 2010, 10:46 PM
CigarLover are you not just basically talking about using a Stirling Engine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling_engine) to generate your electrical needs?


5th May 2010, 03:17 AM
Ive got a big, beefy blower motor laying around. Think i can attach some fins to it and make a small wind turbine!

;) ;D

5th May 2010, 03:44 AM
CigarLover are you not just basically talking about using a Stirling Engine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling_engine) to generate your electrical needs?


Never heard of it before but it looks interesting. I would like to go off grid next year so I'm looking at all options.

5th May 2010, 10:34 AM

World's largest geothermal turbine in NZ

WELLINGTON, May 5 (Xinhua) -- The largest geothermal turbine in the world has been constructed just north of Taupo at a new power station which runs renewable energy.

The power station has diminished the threat of power cuts, especially at a time when New Zealand is facing a dry winter.

The energy stripped out of the geothermal turbine will power around 140,000 homes.

That is about 3 percent of all the power the country needs.

But the new turbine is unlikely to bring down power prices.

"These things don't come cheaply. This cost about 430 million NZ dollars (309 million U.S. dollars) to build and to keep doing that, we need to generate the revenue to pay for it," said Heffernan, Mighty River Power spokesman Doug Heffernan.

The state owned enterprise is already seeking resource consents for another power station just up the road.

Levi Philos
6th May 2010, 10:07 AM
A message from several years ago regarding geothermal energy potential.

Did some looking online for material that would validate what I was told by email several years ago but really didn't find anything.

This fellow who claimed to have working knowledge said when the COP of heat pumps became greater than 3, and he claimed a lot of it is now 5, self running heat pumps became possible.

He would not say because he is working on this stuff but he hinted at gases used in the refrigeration cycle not the usual Dupont products. Maybe some older stuff like ammonia or propane with different liquefying temperature curves...

Don't even need to go deep, just some trenches in the yard like currently used for ground source heat pumps.

This guy went on to state that not only are ground source heat pumps possible that can be self-running, but excess energy is available to power a generator for electrical power as well.

Sounded like a very solvable engineering and manufacturing problem...

For a model that looks something like the Bearden MEG unit, study the Marks Torroid: http://www.overunity.com/index.php/board,49.0.html

This unit runs overunity but overheats at present.

Hatha Sunahara
6th May 2010, 10:29 AM
Nicola Tesla pulled energy out of the 'ether' for free:


Try to find out how he did it, and you will have reached your goal.


6th May 2010, 11:16 AM
There's always a potential difference between any two points in the atmosphere and/or ground. You can pull energy out of that. If you want enough to do anything you have to go big though. And again, electricity is so cheap as it is, why start building towers and such?

There are plenty of ways to spend a lot of money making 'free' electricity. If you want to blow half a million bucks in order to have plenty of free electricity powering your house I can give you lots of tips and even introduce you to a guy that's done it.

If a durable 10kw steam turbine was commercially available for a few hundred bucks, I think it would start to become practical to build a backyard generator. Without that it doesn't make sense from a purely financial perspective.

Levi Philos
6th May 2010, 11:59 AM
Other options; top 100: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Congress:Top_100_Technologies_--_RD

Best exotic possibilities: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Best_Exotic_Clean_Energy_Technologies

Suppression directory: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Suppression