View Full Version : Gold bug charts

3rd May 2010, 11:10 AM
A good collection of various fiancials compared to gold.


In search of intrinsic value
Guido Romero

In an unchecked fiat monetary system as we have today globally, inflation gradually becomes the ultimate and only goal for the existence of the system itself, hence the state. Fiat money precludes any reference to intrinsic value because if that were not the case, then we could make do with a value based monetary system. Thus fiat money can only exist in an environment of relative values thereby guaranteeing inflation. But inflation is inherently exponential and limited mathematically. Thus towards the end of the inflationary dynamic, financial value runs away from intrinsic value at ever greater speed fostering excess industrial capacity and excessive debt burdens and concentrating profits in fewer and fewer sectors until, towards the end, only the financial sector profits.

Participate to the discussion on my blog at: www.guidoromero.wordpress.com

Charts 100 to 199 serve to give the big picture of the past 30 years

Charts 200 to 299 are medium term weekly charts that can be used for long term buy and hold purposes

Charts 300 to 399 are daily charts that can be used for trading

Charts 400 to 499 are weekly currency charts and currency ETFs
(charts 430 to 450 show how gold looks to foreign investors in their currency. In these charts I make use of currency and gold ETFs to show volume)

Charts 500 to 599 are both long and medium term charts and ETFs of commodities other than gold