View Full Version : The Oil Mess - The Takedown Of World Economy?

3rd May 2010, 07:22 PM
12 days into the oil rig 'accident' events continue to evolve and weather is slowing down efforts to contain things, we have two interesting items to report that are not in the MSM yet...OK, three then.

1. We have heard that a supply ship arrived just before the explosions and it was reported to be 'manned by all new people, nobody aboard was from the 'usual supply crew'. This purported industry source continues: there were a total of 14 explosions and these could have been cutting charges. Moreover, the shut off valve below the surface (5000 feet down) on the seabed is not longer controllable. Still, lots of disinfo and speculation scampering around the netosphere. While this is bad, it gets worse.

2. A reader who is an engineer of considerable experience says watch this one evolve carefully because it is destined to continue to grow and he shares this long (but worthy explanation why:

"Heard your mention of the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico this morning, and you (and most everyone else except maybe George Noory) are totally missing the boat on how big and bad of a disaster this is.

First fact, the original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day spilling into the ocean. Now they're saying 200,000 gallons a day. That's over a million gallons of crude oil a week!

I'm engineer with 25 years of experience. I've worked on some big projects with big machines. Maybe that's why this mess is so clear to me. [and is so unclear to the millions without such knowledge]

First, the BP platform was drilling for what they call deep oil. They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. This it right on the edge of what human technology can do. Well, this time they hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the way up to the drilling rig and then caused the rig to explode and sink. Take a moment to grasp the import of that. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it.

When the rig sank it flipped over and landed on top of the drill hole some 5,000 feet under the ocean.

Now they've got a hole in the ocean floor, 5,000 feet down with a wrecked oil drilling rig sitting on top of is spewing 200,000 barrels of oil a day into the ocean. Take a moment and consider that, will you!

First they have to get the oil rig off the hole to get at it in order to try to cap it. Do you know the level of effort it will take to move that wrecked oil rig, sitting under 5,000 feet of water? That operation alone would take years and hundreds of millions to accomplish. Then, how do you cap that hole in the muddy ocean floor? There just is no way. No way.

The only piece of human technology that might address this is a nuclear bomb. I'm not kidding. If they put a nuke down there in the right spot it might seal up the hole. Nothing short of that will work.

If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. Are you starting to get the magnitude of this?

We're so used to our politicians creating false crises to forward their criminal agendas that we aren't recognizing that we're staring straight into possibly the greatest disaster mankind will ever see. Imagine what happens if that oil keeps flowing until it destroys all life in the oceans of this planet. Who knows how big of a reservoir of oil is down there.

Not to mention that the oceans are critical to maintaining the proper oxygen level in the atmosphere for human life.

We're humped. Unless God steps in and fixes this. No human can. You can be sure of that.

3. The third thing to bring attention to is the predictive linguistics discussion of the 'blue flue" in the latest Shape of Things to Come report of what's ahead for the world's oceans. In particular, what strikes me is that while some of the focus is on the possibility of methane hydrate releases later in the year, the spelling in the report is 'flue' (and in upward conveyance, not 'flu' and is sickness per se).

"This [big clue methane related] incident then goes onto cause a [big stink] within TPTB [minion class] {ed note: most notably the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations}. Not only are humans and other life directly impacted by the large [clouds of drifting complex methane housing gas] but the mere [release] of the quantity to be seen causes the TPTB and their [minion class] to go [apeshit] trying to [locate (a believable) scenario] to explain the [blue flue events(s)].

I'll grant you that the methane and oil gurgling out of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) right now is not methane hydrate but rather compressed methane, but around here, that's close enough especially when the 'blue flue' to the surface has been destroyed., Curious how just a little spelling like this can tip us off that we've got something of a serious hit developing.

The latest trajectory map out of NOAA which should be updated over the weekend looks like this....in a word: Grim...

We hear - again from people who are reliable sources, but who we won't name in order to keep them from getting fired, is that there are a couple of parishes (county equivalents) in Louisiana which are preparing evacuation plans because people are being made sick by the smell of the oil and gas being blown onshore.

Looking ahead to Sunday through Tuesday, we'd expect as this grows that there will be emergency operation centers set up and some moving of people to begin, which would then feed in to the Diaspora meta data layer of Cliff's work.

Not to be glum, but you can see most likely how this all starts to tie together?

We will be topping off our 'investment grade diesel reserves and getting our additional solar panels ordered this week, so as to hit the next level of energy independence before the global impacts come into focus over the next month or two.

You may wish to do so, as well...

Terrible way to score a bot hit, but that's how this stuff works, so now we need to deal with it.

Impacts at the Pump

If you look at a chart of oil prices, you'll see that although oil was down around $81.30 on Wednesday early in the session, it was up to $86 and change on Friday. This is a pretty heft move: On the order of 5.7% and if it continues, you can bet there will be follow-up at the gas pump.

If you click over to the Triple A fuel gauge report (a site you may wish to bookmark for future reference) you'll see that the price of fuel at the wholesale and crude levels have increased faster than retail so it may not be unreasonable to crank an addition several percent into the family budget for auto expenses over summer. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. There is no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this article and is not endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)


old steel
3rd May 2010, 07:30 PM
I'm convinced this is the year everything changes.

I always wondered how is was going to look as everything fell apart how the catalysts would work together.

Now i can actually see it.

3rd May 2010, 07:52 PM
I'm convinced this is the year everything changes.

I always wondered how is was going to look as everything fell apart how the catalysts would work together.

Now i can actually see it.

You certainly can see things spinning more and more out of control as of lately. Summer hasn't even started yet.

3rd May 2010, 08:22 PM
The first year of the end times for the US........from now on is going to be a brand new game in a brand new stadium where we no longer makes the rules.

You guys had it all and now you lost it all for not having the ball to do something about it while you still had the time to do so.

I can only wished that I was younger and able to do something about it besides having my sign in my front yard (my avatar)

Everyone here should do the same......... if nothing else.

3rd May 2010, 08:51 PM
Did razor post this link yet?

The Gulf oil spill: An American Chernobyl

The disaster is already the worst spill on record in the continental United States. If efforts fail to cap what one observer described as “an undersea oil volcano,” the flow could continue until the entire pool of oil hit by the drill rig is exhausted, making the spill by far the largest in history.

While references are now being made to “Obama’s Katrina,” another comparison is perhaps more telling: Chernobyl. The meltdown of the nuclear reactor in 1985 poisoned a large swath of Ukraine and Belarus and caused an estimated 50,000 deaths. The event showed that, beneath claims of economic prosperity and military strength, the Stalinist regime in the USSR had become petrified and hollow.

Click the link.... :-X


4th May 2010, 05:25 AM
Good read Horn, thanks for sharing.

4th May 2010, 05:31 AM
The MSM apparently isn't trying to scare the people by sensationalizing this event as they usually do. It isn't getting nearly as much play as a normal disaster does.

4th May 2010, 08:37 AM
The MSM apparently isn't trying to scare the people by sensationalizing this event as they usually do. It isn't getting nearly as much play as a normal disaster does.

I've noticed that the magnitude of this spill is being severely under reported by the LSM. (Lame Stream Media.)

4th May 2010, 02:29 PM
The MSM apparently isn't trying to scare the people by sensationalizing this event as they usually do. It isn't getting nearly as much play as a normal disaster does.

The propane & firecrackers an obvious diversion, away from .gov's inability to do anything about it.

4th May 2010, 02:42 PM
The first year of the end times for the US........from now on is going to be a brand new game in a brand new stadium where we no longer makes the rules.

You guys had it all and now you lost it all for not having the ball to do something about it while you still had the time to do so.

I can only wished that I was younger and able to do something about it besides having my sign in my front yard (my avatar)

Everyone here should do the same......... if nothing else.

There is something you can do: donate your massive store of toilet paper to BP. I've done some back-of-envelope calculations and you have enough TP to sop up all the oil spilled in the Gulf, plus 2 weeks more!

4th May 2010, 02:53 PM
The MSM apparently isn't trying to scare the people by sensationalizing this event as they usually do. It isn't getting nearly as much play as a normal disaster does.

The propane & firecrackers an obvious diversion, away from .gov's inability to do anything about it.

How would you, or could you, possibly know if there is a connection between the oil spill and the failed times square bomb attack?

This is an assumption on your part. You cannot bring one shred of evidence to the table linking up these two separate events.

Gold bugs need to realize that a certain amount of paranoia exists in their psyche - - and learn to keep it under controll.

4th May 2010, 03:04 PM
The MSM apparently isn't trying to scare the people by sensationalizing this event as they usually do. It isn't getting nearly as much play as a normal disaster does.

The propane & firecrackers an obvious diversion, away from .gov's inability to do anything about it.

How would you, or could you, possibly know if there is a connection between the oil spill and the failed times square bomb attack?

This is an assumption on your part. You cannot bring one shred of evidence to the table linking up these two separate events.

Gold bugs need to realize that a certain amount of paranoia exists in their psyche - - and learn to keep it under controll.

Widen you lens a little LG, did I say it was created?

No, what I said is "they" (all) are diverting themselves with some idiot guy who has firecrackers & propane in his trunk.

4th May 2010, 03:28 PM
The MSM apparently isn't trying to scare the people by sensationalizing this event as they usually do. It isn't getting nearly as much play as a normal disaster does.

I've noticed that the magnitude of this spill is being severely under reported by the LSM. (Lame Stream Media.)

i believe this incident, if BP is properly held responsible, will bankrupt BP. i think they're the second largest oil company in the world.

that's not good for their creditors, banks like HSBC, that are already in pretend mode because of credit derivatives.

i think if this were accurately reported the stock markets would completely tank - before the US elections.

4th May 2010, 03:38 PM
Sorry guys but the toll will be more than in the economy but also in human lives, I am looking beyond.

4th May 2010, 03:40 PM
Legally BP is limited to what 99 million cleanup (Billion?) passed by law recently regarding this type of stuff. Of course they are saying they will pay for damages.

I've noticed that the magnitude of this spill is being severely under reported by the LSM. (Lame Stream Media.)

i believe this incident, if BP is properly held responsible, will bankrupt BP. i think they're the second largest oil company in the world.

that's not good for their creditors, banks like HSBC, that are already in pretend mode because of credit derivatives.

i think if this were accurately reported the stock markets would completely tank - before the US elections.

4th May 2010, 05:39 PM
Gold bugs need to realize that a certain amount of paranoia exists in their psyche - - and learn to keep it under controll.

So true. I have a former co-worker of mine (who is also a gold bug) that says "Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me."

4th May 2010, 07:19 PM
So it's not possible to put multiple containment rings around the area and suck up the oil as it surfaces?

The entire worlds oceans are going to get polluted and die off?

Sounds to me like oil prices would go down as there's soon going to be a glut of it sitting around in tankers, barrels etc...

4th May 2010, 08:17 PM
Gold bugs need to realize that a certain amount of paranoia exists in their psyche - - and learn to keep it under controll.

So true. I have a former co-worker of mine (who is also a gold bug) that says "Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me."


4th May 2010, 09:02 PM
I haven't really been following this disaster. [I don't watch TV]

WTF is going on? Is it time to prep for Energy SHTF?

For example:

* Buy the SHTF diesel truck (bug-out vehicle) with the 100 gallon tank in bed
* Get a huge propane tank and fill it up for heating and cooking
* Get a wood-burning stove
* Etc.?

4th May 2010, 09:06 PM
Mr. Man...........all of the above.

4th May 2010, 09:17 PM
Mr. Man...........all of the above.

I was just thinking that if "THEY" did this and are going to make a
HUGE energy crisis out of it people ARE going to die like you said
because of lack of food, heat, etc., etc.

Plus the Healthcare bill (skyrocketing insurance premiums, healthcare rationing, etc.)

And in a couple years the DOLLAR HYPERINFLATING.

The "perfect" SHTF scenario...

People, THIS could be the BEGINNING OF SHTF RIGHT NOW!!!

Is that what is going on here Ponce? :o

Or am I blowing this way out of proportion / being too paranoid?

I need a drink...

4th May 2010, 09:33 PM

Reading "The Spill" thread over at KITCO Forum now.


"TideFighter" gives first hand reporting of what's going on in the gulf state he's in.

They're SCREWED down there. :o

* Economy is dying
* Fishing industry GONE
* Beach rentals not being rented
* Massive mortgage defaults are in the works
* Lending halted
* Oil will be in water table at least 10 miles inland

4th May 2010, 09:35 PM
Gold bugs need to realize that a certain amount of paranoia exists in their psyche - - and learn to keep it under controll.

Control is spelled with one L, even though it may not soon. And it's only called "paranoia" if you're wrong.

4th May 2010, 09:36 PM
The only thing to worry about is food and water.......anything else is only extra baggage.

4th May 2010, 09:53 PM
Oil Spill: Here's The Inside Scoop

Pictures of the Horizon Explosion

5th May 2010, 02:00 AM
This is just peachy. We have a mini-iceage coming and the best places to weather it out are getting all crudded up. Again.

5th May 2010, 05:29 AM

5th May 2010, 05:33 AM
Can you give a brief description EE? I'm at work and can't view videos.

5th May 2010, 05:35 AM
Can you give a brief description EE? I'm at work and can't view videos.

More of the same...the dog and pony show

5th May 2010, 06:02 AM
They're SCREWED down there. :o

* Economy is dying
* Fishing industry GONE
* Beach rentals not being rented
* Massive mortgage defaults are in the works
* Lending halted
* Oil will be in water table at least 10 miles inland

and that's before this year's hurricane season.