View Full Version : Giving the "hand that rocks the cradle" topic its own thread.

3rd May 2010, 09:04 PM
I talked with some of the other old posters from GIM, Magnes was the main one, while I was trying to think through every evil that had come from women's lib. No offense to the ladies, just bear with me.

They convinced women that being a home maker was slavery and that they should get out and be independent. Breaking the nuclear family killed us. The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. They convinced women to give up this power and honor. Traded for slave wage jobs, cigarettes and the right to vote.

Women in the workforce means the kids go to the state for education/indoctrination and probably strangers for baby-sitting. This means no time to pass down family values and building the bonds necessary to be a tight knit family. The state will tell your kids what to think.

Mom has the right to vote, and women are emotional voters that want to help people, even if there is no funding to do it with. The push of socialism/welfare begins.

Mom is working, she has no time to prepare nutritious meals for her family. Thus begins the McDonaldization of the planet. My way, right away.

I speculated the money supposedly spent on going to the moon was used to develop the microwave oven to help keep mom out of the kitchen. Think of the poisons pumped into processed foods.

More workers (because mom's out there) means lower wages. More income means more taxes to feed the hungry beast = more consumers = higher prices.

Mom and dad both work helps fuel the housing bubble and promotes consumerism. Mom and dad both working means fewer kids.

And women's lib thinks they gave women something? They stripped them of everything as the matriarch.

*There is no wonder that the masses are fat, ignorant and apathetic as a herd of cows. The only wonder is we're not worse off than we are.

**throw in that mix that the kids want to get away from their evil parents (what the school has taught them) to be on their own to become the next wave of little consumers..., so there is little chance you'll have 2 or 3 generations under the same roof for long. NO chance for grandma and grandpa to pass on their life's wisdom to these kids.

3rd May 2010, 09:06 PM
Stealing a post from a similar topic on a different forum. No not that one. None of the stuff at the link is mine. I was banned at GLP a long time ago for daring to speak ill of the tribe.


So true.

I see white women putting all their children in day care and going to work for their nasty task masters.

I see hispanic women staying at home and raising their children.

I see black women staying at home and with all their children.

I see asian women staying at home with their children and waiting until their children are either in their late teen years or early twenties and THEN getting a job in the system.

WHat is wrong with this picture???

If one were to go and visit a day care, any day care in America,....the majority of the children in that day care are WHITE!!!!!!

3rd May 2010, 09:07 PM

3rd May 2010, 09:12 PM

I imagine that the Mods will soon move this thread to the Gentlemen's Forum Section...lol.


3rd May 2010, 09:21 PM
I hope not. It's not a misogynistic attack, I love women.

3rd May 2010, 09:36 PM
As bizarre irony, white career women avoid marriage or pregnancies to compete in the job market while paying tax money for welfare support of high-birth-rate non-whites. The demographic math is plainly undeniable: after several generations of exponential growth, even with zero-immigration (this itself unrealistic), non-whites and their alien cultures will become the overwhelming majority in America.


3rd May 2010, 09:40 PM
As bizarre irony, white career women avoid marriage or pregnancies to compete in the job market while paying tax money for welfare support of high-birth-rate non-whites. The demographic math is plainly undeniable: after several generations of exponential growth, even with zero-immigration (this itself unrealistic), non-whites and their alien cultures will become the overwhelming majority in America.




Grand Master Melon
3rd May 2010, 11:11 PM
It is what someone wants it to be. It's all about priorities. I work nights, tend to the children during the day so that I don't have to have some schmuck that gets 7 bucks an hour take care of my kids. I sleep very little and the reward is knowing that I take care of my kids and I teach my kids though one is in public school. I'm there before school to let my presence be known, I'm there at meeting to give my input and I'm there after school to discuss what may have been taught during the day. When I go off to work then the wife does the same thing except she gets more sleep. I can't afford to have my wife stay at home and I don't know that she would want to but our situation now works.

4th May 2010, 02:35 AM
Quiet Weapons For Silent Wars comes true!

Do people ever wonder who funded the likes of Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Susan Faludi and other key feminists? And what tribe to they all belong to?

Thousands of years of the nuclear family tradition destroyed.

Working women also means more tax revenue for the state, adding fresh capital to the fiat fractional reserve compound interest ponzibomb.

4th May 2010, 06:13 AM
It is what someone wants it to be. It's all about priorities. I work nights, tend to the children during the day so that I don't have to have some schmuck that gets 7 bucks an hour take care of my kids. I sleep very little and the reward is knowing that I take care of my kids and I teach my kids though one is in public school. I'm there before school to let my presence be known, I'm there at meeting to give my input and I'm there after school to discuss what may have been taught during the day. When I go off to work then the wife does the same thing except she gets more sleep. I can't afford to have my wife stay at home and I don't know that she would want to but our situation now works.

From here your priorities seem a lot more RIGHT ON than most.

Two thumbs up!

You are earning it.


4th May 2010, 06:24 AM
“Jewish women have played key roles
in building and advancing the modern
American women’s movement.”

Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution

4th May 2010, 06:39 AM
Everyone has a choice. No one is forcing women to work and smoke cigarettes instead of raising kids and cooking.

As for voting... well I don't believe a lot of men should be voting either.

Also microwave heating technology was around long before we were sending things to the moon.

4th May 2010, 06:46 AM
They didn't start mass producing home models til the late 60s.

4th May 2010, 06:46 AM
You know what, wildcard, I absolutely agree with you on this topic, and I am not offended one bit. I have often cursed the women of generations before me who decided they wanted to be like men. It's not bad enough to have the labor of childbirth, the women wanted to labor in the fields too? What were they thinking? I could be home cooking and cleaning all day instead of working all day AND cooking AND cleaning? Damn. I've been robbed.

Don't think that women were the only ones that were fooled, though. Men played a part in this downward spiral, too. Greed had a hand in this equation. Everyone wanted the better house, bigger car, nicer vacation, and they still do. Couples will happily ship their kids off to day care at 6 weeks so that both mom and dad can work to pay for all of the stuff they just absolutely must have in order to impress the neighbors. This is not just hyperbole. This is real, and it's been going on long before I've been on this planet.

I am sure there were men who did not uphold their role as the leader of the household very well, either. Abuse, adultery, baby factory-making, overly controlling . . . actions like these of the husbands helped women to yearn for more control of their own lives. Granted, the media and really stirred the pot there. But you can't tell me that some men did not abuse the power that they once had.

I completely agree with you in terms of the results womens' liberation and the split up of the family. I just wish you wouldn't blame the women only. It was a joint failure.

4th May 2010, 06:50 AM
Oh I have no doubt the men played their part as well. Everyone fell into the trap.

*or should I say ran gladly kicking and giggling with glee into the trap.

4th May 2010, 06:57 AM
You know what, wildcard, I absolutely agree with you on this topic, and I am not offended one bit. I have often cursed the women of generations before me who decided they wanted to be like men. It's not bad enough to have the labor of childbirth, the women wanted to labor in the fields too? What were they thinking? I could be home cooking and cleaning all day instead of working all day AND cooking AND cleaning? Damn. I've been robbed.

Don't think that women were the only ones that were fooled, though. Men played a part in this downward spiral, too. Greed had a hand in this equation. Everyone wanted the better house, bigger car, nicer vacation, and they still do. Couples will happily ship their kids off to day care at 6 weeks so that both mom and dad can work to pay for all of the stuff they just absolutely must have in order to impress the neighbors. This is not just hyperbole. This is real, and it's been going on long before I've been on this planet.

I am sure there were men who did not uphold their role as the leader of the household very well, either. Abuse, adultery, baby factory-making, overly controlling . . . actions like these of the husbands helped women to yearn for more control of their own lives. Granted, the media and really stirred the pot there. But you can't tell me that some men did not abuse the power that they once had.

I completely agree with you in terms of the results womens' liberation and the split up of the family. I just wish you wouldn't blame the women only. It was a joint failure.

WOW...just WOW...great insight kos... remember folks it was gloria STEINEM who convinced us that women were oppressed and needed liberation....NOW? gloria has returned home and is happily doing the dishes for her husband, and the american wifes are off to work, AND, when they come home ,they have all the other work they used to do BEFORE the jewess " liberated them"

4th May 2010, 07:18 AM
You know what, wildcard, I absolutely agree with you on this topic, and I am not offended one bit. I have often cursed the women of generations before me who decided they wanted to be like men. It's not bad enough to have the labor of childbirth, the women wanted to labor in the fields too? What were they thinking? I could be home cooking and cleaning all day instead of working all day AND cooking AND cleaning? Damn. I've been robbed.

Don't think that women were the only ones that were fooled, though. Men played a part in this downward spiral, too. Greed had a hand in this equation. Everyone wanted the better house, bigger car, nicer vacation, and they still do. Couples will happily ship their kids off to day care at 6 weeks so that both mom and dad can work to pay for all of the stuff they just absolutely must have in order to impress the neighbors. This is not just hyperbole. This is real, and it's been going on long before I've been on this planet.

I am sure there were men who did not uphold their role as the leader of the household very well, either. Abuse, adultery, baby factory-making, overly controlling . . . actions like these of the husbands helped women to yearn for more control of their own lives. Granted, the media and really stirred the pot there. But you can't tell me that some men did not abuse the power that they once had.

I completely agree with you in terms of the results womens' liberation and the split up of the family. I just wish you wouldn't blame the women only. It was a joint failure.


Nah. Men tried to stop it.

Back in the early 70's men never knew what hit them. Their womenfolk gleefully threw them under the bus and claimed Affirmative Action. Only now do older childless women see how they outsmarted themselves and claim co-victimhood...lol.


4th May 2010, 07:58 AM
It was a joint failure.

So true...i blame my pop just as much as my mom for this one.

4th May 2010, 08:07 AM

Yeah...the kids were usually raised by the mom and the child-support-payer was the villain...lol.


4th May 2010, 08:19 AM
Never had kids and never wanted them.........they suck your blood faster than a vampire.....or as some calls them "a wife" ;D

First post of the day........good morning to one and all.

4th May 2010, 10:18 AM
Great post K-os. You too Wildcard.

The problem with feminism, while it may have started with equality in mind, it quickly morphed into a system not of equality, but of taking all they could get.

This bread an entitlement mentality that is just not obtainable.

To many feminists want it all, excuse me "deserve" it all....but when reality sinks in, they feel miserably cheated later in life because biologically, the clock will stop ticking and they can't have children.

I really feel bad for women these days, because feminism has really held a lot of them down in life.

It's really apparant for any single guy who's in his 30's and up. There's tons of women out there, that have fallen into this trap and secured solid careers, consumed everything to the max, who are now so deep in debt and alone because of it, they are just miserable. Women are the top 75% of consumers, almost all commercials and marketing is towards them.

Men have always been taught to be accountable for our actions, we blame ourselves, pick ourselves back up and tackle the challenges before us.

Women, have been taught to blame others for their lot in life. Of course this doesn't apply to all women, but a large percentage of them. I have never met a self-proclaimed feminist who was a happy person.

4th May 2010, 10:39 AM
I have never met a self-proclaimed feminist who was a happy person.
Amen to that! You should have seen what I went through after I got married and my wife <gasp> stayed at home while I worked. All sorts of people, including family members, ridiculed us for our decision. The "feminist" friends of my wife were some of the worst. Fast forward 10 years, we have 3 beautiful children that are raised by their mother and I can support them on my job. Many of those people that gave us crap are now married with kids of their own. But guess what? They are stuck working while they toss their kids in day care because of all of their "bills." They constantly tell my wife how lucky she is and how they wished they could be at home all day. These were the same people giving us so much shit 10 years ago.

As for the feminist friends of hers. They are still single and frickin' MISERABLE!

4th May 2010, 10:49 AM
I have never met a self-proclaimed feminist who was a happy person.

I have, but she was hot. Some will latch onto the philosophy because they want to bitch about men because for whatever reason men aren't nice to them. Same principle as calling a girl a lesbo if she dumps you.

The fundamental problem is that people need to be told their roles to feel comfortable.

"Please tell me how to live my life, I can't deal with confusion."
"Well you get married and stay at home and cook meals and raise kids."

5 years later...

"This life is unsatisfying in so many ways, it's not fair I was forced by society to live this way."
"Ok well be single and have a stressful career and watch 'Sex in the City' and wear business suits."

5 years later...

"This is terrible the feminist movement convinced me to give up family and sometimes I just want to be a girl."

No one passed any laws saying women had to live any particular way, they just wanted a role to be given to them. Here's your path, follow it and you'll be happy. Guys do the same thing. People in general should just find their own way to be satisfied, not rely on the media and role models to tell them what is right for them.

4th May 2010, 02:38 PM
Wildcard, you trying to get me in trouble with the girls. ;D

I never said all of that but did say lots about kids, family,
indoctrination, it is nothing new, we know that here.

Spoke about family breakdown in general.

And very busy families, 2 income earners that
cannot keep up, new generations have been
robbed and do not even know it, Peter Schiff
discusses this, how well off the average middle
class family was as a one income earner.

So now women are free to work for the same
and even less, listen to Peter Schiff on this.

I said many times they are coming for your
kids, they have a history of this, communist
countries and other creations of theirs,
they are more open about it now,
look at the filth in the Obama admin,
Mom's are too busy working, trust
gov, trust schools,
This is nutz! (http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2009/12/breaking-obamas-safe-schools-czar-is-promoting-porn-in-the-classroom-kevin-jennings-and-the-glsen-reading-list/)
Nutz 2 ! (http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2009/12/breaking-obama%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Csafe-schools-czar%E2%80%9D-is-promoting-porn-in-the-classroom%E2%80%93-kevin-jennings-and-the-glsen-reading-list-part-ii/)

Birth rates are down too, big time, why ?
They made it tuff to raise a family and keep
up with the Jone's, materialism.

The trade policies contributed as well,
real wages and buying power down,
all of this was planned IMO .

Add, causing stress to families too on purpose,
even homework is designed to do this some say.
In Finland there is no homework, #1 students.

The connections and purposes of everything
really scare me, the social engineering is real.

Aaron Russo discusses family engineering, Freedom to Facism
producer. Near the end of an important interview.

MUST SEE, save on your hard drive,
should be right clip, women discussed at the end,
this is part of a longer interview, Russo's speaks
before he dies on important issues.

more here


4th May 2010, 03:02 PM
There is no wonder that the masses are fat, ignorant and apathetic as a herd of cows. The only wonder is we're not worse off than we are.

I think that was the key goal in the end.

People work harder and they are stressed to the max.
People are less happy, but somehow manage.

I don't even think society values children as before.

If you told people in the 1950's about today they
would not believe you, what would they do, they
fought a war for less, it is war on you , slowly ?

4th May 2010, 03:22 PM
I have never met a self-proclaimed feminist who was a happy person.

Feminist + Narcissist = Hell on Earth.

Stevenson and Wolfers found that American women – of all social classes, ages and whether they worked, stayed home, had kids or did not – had seen a decline in happiness since the early 70s. Thirty years ago, women reported higher rates of subjective wellbeing than men in the US. This advantage has been entirely eroded, and in many instances it is now men who are happier than women. So how did women manage to end up, after a generation of advances in gender equality, less happy typically than their mothers at their age?

The narcissism of consumer society has left women unhappier than ever

The ego epidemic: How more and more of us women
have an inflated sense of our own fabulousness

4th May 2010, 06:56 PM

Aaron Russo discusses family engineering, Freedom to Facism
producer. Near the end of an important interview.

MUST SEE, save on your hard drive,
should be right clip, women discussed at the end,
this is part of a longer interview, Russo's speaks
before he dies on important issues.

more here


I agree; this is MUST see. The comment on women's lib starts shortly after 9:00. If you haven't seen the entire interview (it's about 90 minutes), look for it on the internet. The candor about "the way things really work" is remarkable.

5th May 2010, 06:32 AM
didnt Russo, get a convient case of fast acting cancer shortly after this candid (and excellent) interview??