View Full Version : For the "old" ones.......When Love Was.......

4th May 2010, 08:47 PM
Remember the first time that you saw her and how your body did a flip-flop?, how scared you were of talking to her and how somehow in your heart you knew that she was the one?

The first time that you touch her (besides shaking her hand) it was either to help her out of the car or to cross the street and when walking on the sidewalk you would take the outside or when you traveled somewhere you would take the closer bed to the door?

And the first kiss, oh yes, that first kiss that told you all that you needed to know that you also were the one for her.......sweet, hot, tasty.....a preview of things to come.

Holding her hand in the car and that secret squeeze that you would give each other in public where no words were needed...........and that look that needed no interpretation.

And when you danced with her everything around you disappeared and it was just the music you and her........and the heat of her body in your arms, the way that she smelled.

How about the secret word that you would use when ever it was time to go to bed and make love?........but......making love could be at anytime and anywhere.

Where I was once a king I am now a pupper but in my mind I will always be a king.....because she made me so.

So, next time that you look at your wife and no matter how busy you are remember what it was like, buy her some flowers (she will think that you feel guilty about something), surprised her by taking her out to dinner......close your comp and sit with her and simply hold her hand.......and remember the first time.

4th May 2010, 09:00 PM
Very, very touching.

1970 Silver Art
4th May 2010, 09:17 PM
I guess I am not old enough to know what love really is. I will probably go through my whole lifetime without knowing what true love is when it comes to women. I am just way too cynical to love a woman but that is just me.