View Full Version : Your country is under jewish-khazarian cabal if...

5th May 2010, 05:52 AM
There's a lot of confusion right now amongst people who think America is free, and are surprised that "a lot of bad things happened to us lately". I got news for you, polly. America isn't free, it wasn't free for the last 25 or more years. To prove that, let's play a little game. SO...

Your country is under jewish-khazarian cabal if:

- you press and most TV stations are owned by jews

- every second member of your government is jewish-khazarian

- MOST members of your government pledged to love and support a foreign state (Israel)

- over 50% of your lawyers are jewish-khazarian

- most of your top bankers are jewish-khazarian

- your educational system undergoes strange transformations, allegedly "for the good", but every time a change is made it turns out worse (just like they originally intended)

- majority of the "exerts" and "analysts" on tv are jewish-khazarian

- your presidents used to bang normal beautiful broads (Kennedy and merilyn monroe), but now they are settled for ugly jewish ones (Clinton and linda tripp, monica lewinsky).

- you only have one real politician you are left to turn to (ron paul), the rest of your government seem to be not yours anymore. yes, that's a sign that it is not your government anymore, and that one politician who's left is there to be a decoy (even if unknowingly).

- your army is fighting abroad in wars that are not yours to fight (arab-israel conflicts, non-existent "terrorsts"), when you have foreign private armies built and trained on your soil (blackwater/xe)

5th May 2010, 05:55 AM
Excellent summary - it certainly is appropos and has the clarion ring of truth.

5th May 2010, 06:04 AM
- you only have one real politician you are left to turn to (ron paul), the rest of your government seem to be not yours anymore. yes, that's a sign that it is not your government anymore, and that one politician who's left is there to be a decoy (even if unknowingly).

what about Cynthia McKinney ?

she's stood up to TPTB as much as Ron Paul. of course, she also demonstrated what happens when you tell a small amount of 9-11 truth.

i hope she gets back in office.

5th May 2010, 06:14 AM
gunDriller, if you can't master 2 or 3 out of how many there are Senators and Congressment...this is just as bad as 1. or none.

mamboni, thanks, you can substitute Soviet Union there while it was ran by jews-khazars, and most of it will be true. so that's 2 for 2 :)

5th May 2010, 06:58 AM
This sounds exactly right.
Add when many/most judges are members of the tribe.

I think Alex Linder did a study on the number of law school professors who are tribesmen and
found the numbers totally un-proportional to the population.
These are the people who influence the law.

Also, Israel is the only nation that, by law, it is illegal to boycott against.

"Special Relationship"... no kidding there.

5th May 2010, 07:05 AM
Based on this scenario, Sarah Palin is out.

5th May 2010, 09:16 AM
Based on this scenario, Sarah Palin is out.


5th May 2010, 10:14 AM
book, he meant she would have to sleep with jewish broads too then...which I don't think is out of the question ;)

5th May 2010, 10:41 AM
I only have to see what the US is doing in order to know that the Zionists controls them..........when will most of Americans open their eyes? how many more of us must be sacrificed to the God of war for them?

5th May 2010, 11:01 AM
Palin is jewish.

*ok maybe she's not jewish, but the traitorous whore may as well be part of the tribe.

5th May 2010, 11:33 AM
Palin is jewish.

*ok maybe she's not jewish, but the traitorous whore may as well be part of the tribe.

She may not be *jewish*, but she IS a zionist...

And "you don't have to be a jew to be a zionist"..... just ask Joe.


old steel
5th May 2010, 11:47 AM
I only have to see what the US is doing in order to know that the Zionists controls them..........when will most of Americans open their eyes? how many more of us must be sacrificed to the God of war for them?
