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5th May 2010, 09:19 AM
Couple Arrested At U.S. Border For Asking Questions

Immigration official demands to know what shops Canadian man and his wife plan to visit

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In another perfect illustration of why the U.S. tourist industry is in free fall, audio has emerged of a Canadian couple who were interrogated and arrested by immigration officials after they dared to inquire as to why they were being asked such pointless and invasive questions.

Attempting to enter the U.S. at the Niagara Falls border, the couple were asked where they were going, to which they responded the Niagara Falls shopping mall. When the immigration official bizarrely demanded to know what shops they were planning to visit, the situation quickly worsened.

After daring to ask why they were being bombarded with such ridiculous questions, they were told to exit their car and are taken inside for further interrogation by another official. When the Canadian man rhetorically asks, “what are you gonna do, shoot me” the officials claim he is threatening them before he is arrested.

Officials claim the man “assaulted” them because he backed away for a moment when being arrested. The officials claim that their victims are required to submit to whatever order they give no matter how ridiculous.


To underscore the ludicrous justifications officials use for harassing people, the officer claims he personally stops three terrorists a day entering the United States from Canada. One wonders whether he characterizes a “terrorist” as someone who doesn’t instantly obey his every inane command.

Despite his pleas, the man and his wife are thrown in jail, at which point the audio ends.

Let us not forget that the United States does not stand alone in employing semi-retarded jackbooted goons who specialize in harassing innocent people to enforce security at its borders.

Before arriving in Ottawa to cover the 2006 Bilderberg conference, Alex Jones and his team were detained for 15 hours and put through a nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrest by Canadian immigration officials. Customs openly told Jones as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks.

Watch the video below which contains the covertly recorded audio of the Canadian couple being harassed and arrested.

5th May 2010, 09:27 AM
linky pinky?

5th May 2010, 09:28 AM
Story and

interesting audio


http://www.prisonplanet.com/couple-arrested-at-u-s-border-for-asking-questions.html (http://www.prisonplanet.com/couple-arrested-at-u-s-border-for-asking-questions.html)

5th May 2010, 09:30 AM
Horn ......... that was all the article.

5th May 2010, 11:54 AM
I want to know who recorded and released the audio?...???

Saul Mine
5th May 2010, 03:34 PM
Here's another story. (http://www.boingboing.net/2010/04/26/peter-watts-wont-go.html) Read the "Previously" links to get the full story.

20th April 2011, 12:52 PM
Same system, both ways. Opportunity to treat and train the public like Nazi packed boxcars... is baked into the system.

Seniors' casino day-trip turns into nightmare at Abbotsford border crossing (http://www.vancouversun.com/travel/Seniors+casino+trip+turns+into+nightmare+Abbotsfor d+border+crossing/4649118/story.html)

A group of Chilliwack senior citizens say they were held hostage for nearly two hours as they returned to Canada after a casino day trip in Washington.

The time the busload of seniors -- many of whom were in their 70s and 80s -- spent in a coach with no air circulation led to the hospitalization of an 85-year-old woman.

"[Border officials] just abandoned the bus," Chilliwack resident Rodney Philippson told the Times. "They just wouldn't come out."

The episode began when the 52 seniors crossed into Washington State at Sumas Thursday morning for a day trip to the Silver Reef Casino on the Lummi Reservation.

After a few hours at the casino, the bus headed back for Canada and arrived at the border crossing at 5:22 p.m., according to Philippson. At the border, the driver shut off the bus and went inside to the office. Hilda Walker of Chilliwack was the hostess on the bus trip and she brought the seniors' declarations into the customs office.

That wasn't good enough and customs officials wanted to see passports. But instead of getting out of the bus, filing through the customs building to show passports, the seniors were ordered to put all their passports in a plastic bag, which was brought to border officials.

Because the bus was shut off - something the driver said was a requirement of border officials - air was not circulating and some on the bus say they were threatened with arrest if they got off.

"We were literally held hostage there and we couldn't do a thing," Philippson said.

Because of the distress building among those on the bus, Chilliwack resident Gerald Cairns finally called 911 but was told by the dispatcher that Abbotsford police could not help unless there was a criminal matter.

"Everybody was just afraid and intimidated," Cairns told the Chilliwack Times. "We know they have the jurisdiction and everything but with limits."

After close to an hour on the bus, one woman nearly collapsed and was brought outside the bus. Someone called 911 again and two ambulances and a fire truck were dispatched from Abbotsford.

A spokesperson for the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) told the Times that the bus driver was mistaken in his belief that the bus had to be turned off, but Walker said this has always been the policy as far as she knew.

CBSA spokesperson Faith St. John said the border was busy at the time and the entire time the seniors were stopped was a little more than 90 minutes, which included processing the travellers and dealing with the medical emergency.

"As a result of this incident, we are reviewing our internal procedures in order to eliminate the factors that contributed to the delay," St. John said in an email statement. "We make every effort to ensure that travellers do not face unnecessary delays at our border, while protecting the safety and security of Canadians."

She added that the shift superintendent did get on the bus to apologize for the delay.

"We again extend our apologies to those passengers for the unnecessary delay to their return to Canada."

In 10 years of working as a hostess on these bus trips, Walker said she had never had such a negative experience at the border.

"They have been rude; the Canadians have been known to not be the best," she said.

"We were threatened that if we got out of the bus for fresh air that we would be arrested and handcuffed," Philippson said. "We were not terrorists, we were senior citizens returning to Canada after a fun day at the casino in Washington."

mick silver
20th April 2011, 01:02 PM
anyone for a game of lock down come to mind ... on the mexican border anyone can jump the fence and come in , but dam them Canadians coming here

20th April 2011, 01:04 PM
..put these a-holes on the SOUTHERN border!

20th April 2011, 02:27 PM
What a bunch of arrogant pricks. I like how the one guy says they catch 3 terrorists a day at the border crossing, total BS.

20th April 2011, 02:38 PM
What a bunch of arrogant pricks. I like how the one guy says they catch 3 terrorists a day at the border crossing, total BS.

you mean these guys?


20th April 2011, 02:47 PM
I don't know about the outfit but the boots are out of order, it waesn't till th 1870's that shoes were made for the right foot and the left foot, as this guys are wearing.........their outfits are older than the 1870's.

20th April 2011, 03:42 PM
I don't know about the outfit but the boots are out of order, it waesn't till th 1870's that shoes were made for the right foot and the left foot, as this guys are wearing.........their outfits are older than the 1870's.

You're older than I thought, Ponce.

20th April 2011, 04:02 PM
I sure feel safer. We almost had a couple of mall shoppers sneak into the country. That was close. Thre cheers for our brave border patrol heros who saved us!

20th April 2011, 04:11 PM
I sure feel safer. We almost had a couple of mall shoppers sneak into the country.

Economic refugees of the richer sort:

CTV: Canucks slow to bargain hunt: experts (http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110417/us-canada-price-gap-110417/20110417/?hub=CalgaryHome)

[April 17, 2011] David Soberman, a marketing professor at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, said Canadians may get angry about paying more than U.S. shoppers, but anger only gets you so far if you don't change your shopping habits.

"Shopping seems to be a very big part of what goes on in the U.S. People go down to Florida, to Georgia to the southern U.S. and one of the activities that you do there are tours going to outlet malls," Soberman said.

"I'm not going to make a value judgment on whether or not that is good or bad or if that is a way to fulfil your life and a good way to spend your time, but if you're wondering why prices are lower it might be part of the explanation."

The loonie, which closed down 0.03 of a cent to 104.16 cents U.S. on Friday, sits about 30 per cent higher than it was two years ago.

Cross-border shopping is itself something of an industry in Canada, where bus lines take shoppers on excursions to U.S. shopping centers. But business is "down, really down," according to one Toronto-area bus line, because penny-conscious shoppers are these days more likely to carpool.

"Two or three years ago we had buses full of people, you couldn't get on a bus," said a spokeperson for Sandy's Bus Lines, which takes shoppers to nearby Buffalo, NY and other locations.

20th April 2011, 07:04 PM
I sure feel safer. We almost had a couple of mall shoppers sneak into the country. That was close. Thre cheers for our brave border patrol heros who saved us!

It's kind of funny but not really. Think, the economy is in the shitter and the border guards are doing everything they can to harass Canadians that want to shop in the US and stimulate the economy. Think that guy will go to the US ever again?, doubtful. Same with flying, I will be avoiding any flights that have stop overs in the US, no way am I going to let them rape-a-scan me and I don't want to end up with legal trouble. so next time I go to Mexico or wherever will be flying direct, even if it is way more $$.

20th April 2011, 08:48 PM
What it comes down to is, Canadian border equals "white poeple" which means "letting you white folks in doesn't help us achieve our goals", while Mexican border equals "brown people" which means "come on in and destroy the white people, thank you". It is all part of a plan by "the powers that be" to destroy those people still left with an IQ high enough to still see what's going on and be a threat to their plans.

20th April 2011, 09:05 PM
I don't know about the outfit but the boots are out of order, it waesn't till th 1870's that shoes were made for the right foot and the left foot, as this guys are wearing.........their outfits are older than the 1870's.

You're older than I thought, Ponce.

Well, back in Cuba I arrested a wanted military Coronel because he was wearing his military shoes, had a hair cut and was also wearing his military belt, he was trying to get away in civies......attention to details is what could save your life in what is to come.......I am very carefull whenever I drive home and always look at the freezer inside of the house to see if the twenty dollar bill is still there before I open the door........when ever I leave for the day I always polish the door knobs and leave a few thing around that they have to touch but cannot carry away and that way if I am ever hit there will be fingerprints left behing, I hope, besides by monitor recorder.

silver solution
20th April 2011, 09:58 PM
Canada has given me big time crap before and would not let one friend of mine in.