View Full Version : Oil Spill cap is in location - will it work?

Low Pan
6th May 2010, 06:48 AM

What are the chances that this will work? Long term effects on the Gulf? Anyone else not suprised that only the AP is there for coverage?

6th May 2010, 07:07 AM
Great link. Glad to see they decided to paint the rust-bucket before deploying too... :sarc:
How many hours did that delay things?

I'll give the odds 1% of it working.

6th May 2010, 07:14 AM
Great link. Glad to see they decided to paint the rust-bucket before deploying too... :sarc:
How many hours did that delay things?

I'll give the odds 1% of it working.

You are very optimistic.

Asked to handicap the odds of success, Bob Fryer, a senior executive vice president for BP's Deep Water Angola, offered up this assessment: "This has never been done before. Typically you would put odds on something that has been done before."

LOL- he KNOWS it won't work. The plan is to collect as much as 85% of the leak- at best. They are allowing for more than a 15% bypass leak. That is not a solution at all. They will still leak millions of gallons with a 100% success. BUT- they will be hauling off oil and the leak will be invisible a mile down.... until Miami beach turns black.

That little tower will be blown out like a feather in the wind.

You heard it here first.

6th May 2010, 07:19 AM
& I really don't think they have the ability to even place it over the well head either.

6th May 2010, 07:27 AM

Low Pan
6th May 2010, 07:36 AM
my fear is that it will sink too far into the ocean floor and make the leak bigger. Then the Gulf is SOL. Looks like we're 2 1/2hrs away from it beng dropped. Yeah, the paint makes it impervious to pressure and oil, j/k, but seriously that's a good question how long did it delay this "attempt" just waiting for the paint to dry?

6th May 2010, 07:39 AM
Read another news article on this were BP is saying that not only may this NOT WORK, but that it could make things way worse. They said it could go from 5000 barrels a day up to 40000 to 60000 barrels a day being leaked. WTF??

6th May 2010, 07:42 AM
I suspect the BP engineers and management are keeping their mouths shut in the face of disaster. Look at this comment by the news reporter-

On Wednesday, good weather allowed 18 flights to drop 150,000 gallons of a chemical meant to break down the oil on the ocean surface, drag it into the water column and prevent it from floating to shore, said Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Blackwell, a spokesman for the oil spill command center in Robert, La.

That comment shows blithering ignorance- or it was a typo. To drag the oil into "the water column"???? WTH?? There is NO water column. Somebidy was using that term for something else and it appears to have been dropped in here randomly. The reporter had no idea it was BS.

I want to know what the chemical dispersant is. It makes the oil invisible under the surface- but deadly to fish and it will travel around Florida just as easily.