View Full Version : Silver not tagging along for the ride?
6th May 2010, 09:18 AM
6th May 2010, 10:14 AM
yeah...silver really is a dog isn't it?
I hate to say it, But I am starting to lose faith in silver
I shoulda bought more gold instead....shoulda, woulda, coulda.
6th May 2010, 11:27 AM
Wow, now silver is plunging straight down. Yayyyy. :conf:
6th May 2010, 11:33 AM
Wow, now silver is plunging straight down. Yayyyy. :conf:
Too funny. Gold passes $1200 and Silver cannot even recover to that old $20 irrational exuberance level.
You guys need the Hunt Brothers.
Ha Ha.
6th May 2010, 11:42 AM
Silver and gold bugs alike should be very pleased with the response of the metals market today, regardless of silvers lagging results. The reason being that you are seeing various signs of fear and deleveraging.....usd up .60, dow down 200, oil down over 2 bucks, yet the overwhelming message being sent is that gold is a safe haven. This realization will eventually spill over to silver, as it is historically so much undervalued as opposed to gold. Astute investors will eventually exploit that fact.
6th May 2010, 11:55 AM
Gold is chugging straight up again..., dammit silver get up...GET UP.
6th May 2010, 12:38 PM
It's a gold only rise today. The other metals are sucking. Something must be going on specific to gold.
6th May 2010, 12:42 PM
It's a gold only rise today. The other metals are sucking. Something must be going on specific to gold.
economic collapse. 8)
6th May 2010, 12:45 PM
OH! Silver is making a last minute come back!
6th May 2010, 01:25 PM
It's a gold only rise today. The other metals are sucking. Something must be going on specific to gold.
economic collapse. 8)
[fiat] Monetary failure.
6th May 2010, 01:39 PM
I'm beginning to think that silver's day will never come, unless the whole keynesian monetary mess can not be maintained, and I don't mean an ever gradual devaluation of fiat currencies, I mean if you can't get a quote that anywhere near matches silver's valuation in hand to hand trades.
6th May 2010, 02:11 PM
I'm beginning to think that silver's day will never come, unless the whole keynesian monetary mess can not be maintained, and I don't mean an ever gradual devaluation of fiat currencies, I mean if you can't get a quote that anywhere near matches silver's valuation in hand to hand trades.
I thnik we may be on the verge of that. It might not happen, but things look pretty shaky right now.
1970 Silver Art
6th May 2010, 03:25 PM
The DOG is still constipated but the DOG will have its day in the sun. Believe it. I refuse to give up on the DOG.
I guess that gold (a.k.a. The Yellow Metal Barbarian) is seen more as a safe haven metal than the DOG.
6th May 2010, 05:45 PM
I'm not worried about it. All these strange and inconsitent actions will create interest, speculation and conversation. Volatility is good, it gets people thinking, looking and talking about PM' doesn't matter which one.
The more they talk about the crazy gold-silver ratio the better. The more people focus on PM's the more nervous the bankers get.
Bankers have a lot of gold and little silver. They can manipulate both but they can manipulate gold a lot easier because they have gold to flood the market with when the timing is right.
In the end silver will outperform gold.
6th May 2010, 05:54 PM
Silver has zoomed one nickel and 2 pennies in the last hour and a half! Go baby Go!
6th May 2010, 06:18 PM
good time to add some shiny if you ask me. 68,69:1 ratio a no brainer.
6th May 2010, 06:33 PM
Europe banks on physical gold, not Comex paper
Once again it was Euro gold (gold priced in Euro terms) which was the real standout today. It made yet another brand new all time high at the PM fix coming in at €928.807. Gold in British Pound terms also notched another all time high fixed at £787.385. Even Dollar priced gold made its best showing at the PM fix since December of last year. Clearly, there is a wholesale flight in Europe to gold as a safe haven as fears surrounding the stability of the Euro intensify.
So strong is the demand that there have been some anecdotal reports that dealers are having difficulty keeping gold bars and coins in stock. Once again, it is this strong showing in terms of the European currency prices, that is generating the buying in Dollar priced gold and it is that which is making life for the Comex bears extremely challenging to say the least. They simply cannot hold it down with all the buying of physical metal originating out of Europe- demand for the real thing is overwhelming the paper sellers at the Comex.
Don’t you find it enlightening that no matter how often some seem to denigrate gold’s safe haven status, that it is an almost reflexive response in human nature to move towards the metal in times of uncertainty, fear and unrest? From that standpoint, the war on gold by the Western Monetary authorities must be judged an abysmal failure for they have failed to discredit it. Investors vote with their feet and those feet are running into gold. In the end, that is the real arbiter of what the public believes is of worth.
On the technical price charts gold’s showing today is very impressive. It knifed up through overhead selling resistance near $1190 in firm fashion. Every one of those brand new shorts that were piled on two days ago are now hemorrhaging severely with many of the weaker-hands being forced out as their buy stops were set off in a upward cascade effect.
Gold now needs to get a solid close above $1199 – $1202 to be primed for a run at the all time high. Either that or trade above this level for at least an hour would do the trick. There is a pretty fierce battle going on right now between the bullion banks and the funds above $1190. The banks are attempting to hold price under the above mentioned resistance level as they know full well that a push through there on the close means they will be forced to retreat to $1220.
There was a slight increase in open interest in yesterday’s session, most of that in the August and December contracts as it appears we might already be seeing some early rolling out of the Junes.
The HUI pulled itself away from the ongoing weakness in the broader equity markets as the breakout of bullion on the charts was the catalyst for new buyers to come into the mining sector. They are still lagging the performance of bullion however due to those infernal ratio trades of the hedgies. I am not sure at what point those will be lifted en masse but right now they are still active to some extent.
The bond market is on a solid tear higher as yesterday’s hesitancy to hold near the session highs gave way to increasing demand for “safe haven†plays. I still think that this is an idiotic investment choice but it is what it is for now. Some of these guys are clueless about gold and just run into Treasury debt for shelter pretty much along the lines of Pavlov’s dogs. That is a hard dinner bell clue to break. At some point they are all going to be standing around looking at each other and saying to each other, “ now what do we do with these scraps of paper?â€
Crude oil is in a near freefall dropping yet another $2+ a barrel at midday. The rampaging Dollar is engendering selling across many of the commodity markets again today although it does appear that some of them are making a bit of separation from the algorithm related selling.
I find it interesting to note that today the Swiss franc is trading higher as well as the Yen and the Dollar in a safe haven play. The Swissie has not been faring too well of late with all the selling taking place in the Euro. I want to repeat what I mentioned yesterday – the onus is on the ECB to perform in order to prevent a complete collapse in the Euro. So far they are doing nothing but talking. The more they talk and do nothing, the harder the Euro is going to get sold off and before long, they are going to be in serious trouble. European monetary officials seems paralyzed like a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming truck. At the very least they are going to have to buy Greek, Portugal and/or Spanish bonds. The market is about to force their hand.
6th May 2010, 08:29 PM
Maybe it was a well orchestrated shake-out -
HarveyOrgan's Blog Quote May 6:
"The silver comex OI succumbed to massive raids by the
banking cartel closing down by a rather large 2535 contracts to 120,913."
I think Silver will shine big time AFTER the sheeple wake up to Gold first.
May take a couple/few more years (2-4)
6th May 2010, 08:52 PM
Oh can you imagine when silver finds a true market unavailable to the invisible hand of the bankers?
We would all be showered with flowers like heroes, returning from battle.
9th May 2010, 02:29 PM
yeah...silver really is a dog isn't it?
I hate to say it, But I am starting to lose faith in silver
I shoulda bought more gold instead....shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Stacker. Might I suggest a really good book to read. It took me a day to read it. Its Michael Maloney's Guide to investing in gold/silver. One of the best books around by my account. After reading it, I don't doubt the dog at all. I'm waiting for it's day......
11th May 2010, 05:43 AM
Take a look at the chart on the first post and compare it with that the same chart lol??
11th May 2010, 09:15 AM
yeah...silver really is a dog isn't it?
I hate to say it, But I am starting to lose faith in silver
I shoulda bought more gold instead....shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Stacker. Might I suggest a really good book to read. It took me a day to read it. Its Michael Maloney's Guide to investing in gold/silver. One of the best books around by my account. After reading it, I don't doubt the dog at all. I'm waiting for it's day......
Thank Blink I may have to get that.
Days like today restore my confidence in silver :)
it's a roller-coaster for sure.
11th May 2010, 11:38 AM
Thank Blink I may have to get that.
Days like today restore my confidence in silver :)
it's a roller-coaster for sure.
gold is up 2% but silver is up 4%.
11th May 2010, 12:16 PM
Thank Blink I may have to get that.
Days like today restore my confidence in silver :)
it's a roller-coaster for sure.
gold is up 2% but silver is up 4%.
And still Climbing!!! :D
Might go to 5%
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 12:43 PM
Thank Blink I may have to get that.
Days like today restore my confidence in silver :)
it's a roller-coaster for sure.
gold is up 2% but silver is up 4%.
And still Climbing!!! :D
Might go to 5%
Yep. I am looking for the $20 DOG tomorrow. This is a good day to be a DOG bug. ;D
13th May 2010, 12:42 AM
You have to feel a little sorry for silver. It has been suffering from an identity crisis - it can't make up its mind whether it's an industrial metal or a Precious Metal. You could see this on Thursday when as gold surged and the stockmarket tanked, it hardly moved. It was like a bewildered child at a country crossroads not knowing whether to follow its big brother gold and take the high road, or to follow the man with the candy and take the low road. There is an old saying that blood is thicker than water , so after a sigh silver ran to catch up with its brother on Friday. It's nice to have a story with a happy ending, although actually what we are looking at here is a beginning, the beginning of the next stage of a journey to lofty heights.
1970 Silver Art
13th May 2010, 03:58 AM
You have to feel a little sorry for silver. It has been suffering from an identity crisis - it can't make up its mind whether it's an industrial metal or a Precious Metal. You could see this on Thursday when as gold surged and the stockmarket tanked, it hardly moved. It was like a bewildered child at a country crossroads not knowing whether to follow its big brother gold and take the high road, or to follow the man with the candy and take the low road. There is an old saying that blood is thicker than water , so after a sigh silver ran to catch up with its brother on Friday. It's nice to have a story with a happy ending, although actually what we are looking at here is a beginning, the beginning of the next stage of a journey to lofty heights.
The "little brother" named Silver can get on a "sugar high" and become "hyper-active" and run past its "big brother" named Gold but eventually, the "little brother" will crash and go back to following behind "big brother"'s footsteps.
13th May 2010, 06:30 AM
I think the manipulation of silver is being brought to the forefront more now than ever. Gold is a known investment, silver not so. If TPTB wanted to throw out a red herring to divert attention, why not stick with the tried and true. Get everyone going towards gold (a known) downplay the dog so that nobody views it as a avenue of investment/conversion, all the while stockpiling whatever remains, until a point when the manipulation ends (to a degree) and then silver will have its day....... Silver does not need to ride gold's coattail, it can manage on its own and it will, one of these days........
Large Sarge
13th May 2010, 06:47 AM
in gold run ups
Gold always leads the charge
Silver always finishes the move
So unless we get a full currency collapse
the usual scenario is that gold will charge ahead for weeks on end
and towards the end of the movement, silver will catch fire, and the silver market is so small, that the movement is explosive.
I believ eadam hamilton has a few articles on this, covering "silvers move up always happens during the second half of the game"
google adam hamilton (zeal ) & Gold moves first
1970 Silver Art
13th May 2010, 08:10 AM
Blink and Large Sarge,
I humbly stand corrected. I guess I am not seeing the whole gold and silver market movement picture. I will admit that I have not been watching the gold and silver markets for very long. Thanks Large Sarge for mentioning the Adam Hamilton articles. I will have to look at those articles.
13th May 2010, 08:52 AM
Yep. I am looking for the $20 DOG tomorrow. This is a good day to be a DOG bug. ;D
you mean ... like a flea or a tick ?
may be ... an UPtick, or a Flee-FRN's.
1970 Silver Art
13th May 2010, 02:38 PM
Yep. I am looking for the $20 DOG tomorrow. This is a good day to be a DOG bug. ;D
you mean ... like a flea or a tick ?
may be ... an UPtick, or a Flee-FRN's.
I am going to go for an UPtick for tomorrow. $20 silver will arrive tomorrow. If it does not hit $20 tomorrow then it will break through $20 sometime next week.
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