View Full Version : DOW FALLS 1000 POINTS

6th May 2010, 01:03 PM
CNN Money.com

Made a copy of the article before TPTB remove it...lol.


6th May 2010, 01:09 PM

Treasury Secretary Geithner assures us that nothing is wrong. The recovery is going great!


6th May 2010, 02:10 PM
Not to worry....Plunge Protection Team missed that one...we'll pump it in no time...

What is DOW?

DOW, essentially, is a financial FRAUD.

You take 30 companies who's stock SELLS the best, and put them together to show everyone. If one company's stock isn't "performing" (i.e. suckers are not buying), you take it off the list, and put in a company which stock suckers like this time around.

Another words, you show only upside, you don't show any downside. And thus, it cannot possibly reflect the "stock market".

This is in every dictionary I know is called FRAUD.

7th May 2010, 05:56 AM
I heard on the radio today that the whole thing could have been caused by someone accidentally selling a billion instead of a million. It's nice to have a good laugh in the morning.

"It was an accident that took down stocks... great buying opportunity, buy buy buy!"

1970 Silver Art
7th May 2010, 04:00 PM
I heard on the radio today that the whole thing could have been caused by someone accidentally selling a billion instead of a million. It's nice to have a good laugh in the morning.

"It was an accident that took down stocks... great buying opportunity, buy buy buy!"

Yep it was the "fat fingers" that caused it all.


This just shows everybody how fragile the stock market is and that a single mistype of a critical letter (a "B" instead of an "M") on a computer keyboard can wipe out a trillion $'s (or more) of paper wealth in a heartbeat. If this does not scare people I do not know what will.