View Full Version : Audit the Fed bill neutered.

6th May 2010, 10:16 PM

Democrats defeat GOP alternative on consumer agency

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the chief sponsor, struck a deal on the Senate floor to limit the scope of the audit to only the Fed’s emergency lending activities.

Senate Democratic leaders cleared two major obstacles Thursday to winning passage of a Wall Street reform bill, beating back a Republican effort to curb the reach of a new consumer agency and striking a compromise on a watered-down bill to shine a light on Federal Reserve activities.

Democrats dispensed with the GOP's measure on a new consumer protection agency comfortably, bolstered by a statement from President Barack Obama that the Republican plan was "worse than the status quo."

But it took an aggressive last-minute lobbying effort by White House, Treasury and Federal Reserve officials to win a compromise on the Fed amendment. The original language called for a "comprehensive" audit of the Fed's activities, most of which historically have been kept from public view.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the chief sponsor, struck a deal on the Senate floor to limit the scope of the one-time audit to only the Fed's emergency lending to banks, allaying concerns that a review would have interfered with interest rate decisions.

"At a time when our entire financial system almost collapsed, we cannot let the Fed operate in secrecy any longer. The American people have a right to know," Sanders said. "This amendment is not a radical idea."

The Senate had been set to vote on the Fed amendment late Thursday but Republicans requested a delay until at least Tuesday.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Republicans wanted to make sure Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah), who has been campaigning in his state ahead of a nominating convention Saturday, wouldn't miss the vote. But a Republican leadership aide disputed Durbin, saying Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) wanted time to draw up an alternative to the new Sanders amendment, which some in the GOP viewed as "gutted."

The original Fed amendment had gained broad support in the Senate - and a version is included in the House legislation. But if it had survived the Senate intact, Obama might have been forced to veto the entire bill.

Sanders told POLITICO Thursday night that the compromise included "very minor modifications, which in some ways strengthen the bill." He pointed to provision requiring an audit of Fed bank governance, including whether the bank directors effectively represent the public and whether the election of bank directors presents a conflict of interest.

But Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who teamed up with Sanders on the issue, slammed the compromise on his Facebook page. Paul wanted the audit to include the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets interest rates.

"Bernie Sanders has sold out," Paul wrote. "We need to take action and stop this!"

Bernanke sent a letter to Dodd Thursday saying he had "deep concern" that expanding audit powers to the General Accounting Office would "seriously threaten monetary policy independence, increase inflation fears and market interest rates, and damage economic stability and job creation."


Continues at link:

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0510/36905.html#ixzz0nDZ1UKNO

Grand Master Melon
7th May 2010, 01:07 AM
Business as usual.

7th May 2010, 05:12 AM
Not surprising. Thanks for the post.

Celtic Rogue
7th May 2010, 05:42 AM
The way this whole game is rigged... did we EVER expect more? Not me not anymore,,, I used to hold out hope that there was a thread of honor left in out govt. :boohoo :boohoo :boohoo

7th May 2010, 05:47 AM
Christ needs to return and throw those ZOG sons of dogs into a roaring fire, it is the only way.

Sock Puppy
7th May 2010, 05:54 AM
Why am I not surprised?


7th May 2010, 06:06 AM
Auditing only the emergency lending would not include the 5-6 trillions of T-bonds the federal reserve is supposedly holding for some mysterious foreign entities. My bet is that this is the core of the corruption of the federal reserve... Interest rate payments on these bonds are at least a 100 Billion/year, and I wouldn't be surprised if that goes to the grunts in the inner circle, directly to their private bank accounts in the Cayman Islands... Maybe Senator Sander got one as well now...

7th May 2010, 06:07 AM
It should come as no surprise to many here that Sanders is a member of the banking tribe.

"Sanders, the son of Jewish Polish immigrants to the United States, was born in Brooklyn."

7th May 2010, 06:55 AM
I'm sure the 1000 point drop in the market had nothing to do with this.

7th May 2010, 07:36 AM
Fake opposition.

Do you really think that this khazar is your friend? :oo--> You must be insane if you do.

Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist - wikipedia


What is interesting is that you see a lot of these jewish boys from Brooklyn and Bronx, and then they go on to University of Chicago for law or political science or such, and then all of them become jewish democratic socialists...a classical pattern. maybe somebody can look at University of Chicago for a communist hotbed? For all you know, some future president may have gone there ...oh wait, obama did...

change...can you spare some change?... :P