View Full Version : The Thirteenth Tribe

7th May 2010, 08:03 PM
The Thirteenth Tribe

The Khazar Empire and its Heritage

By Arthur Koestler

Anyone read this book? It's available online now.

If you're interested in finding out who the Khazars are this is the most well documented account.

7th May 2010, 08:14 PM
The Thirteenth Tribe (http://www.solargeneral.com/library/13-tribe.pdf)

Download and save this .pdf file format too.


7th May 2010, 08:19 PM
Thanks, read it long ago.........about three times in order to really understand who and what they are.......it was one of my learning tools that opened the doors to search for more information.

8th May 2010, 12:00 AM
Koestler's is great; Sand's is even better:

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Invention-Jewish-People-Shlomo-Sand/dp/1844674223">http://i43.tower.com/images/mm113461116/invention-jewish-people-shlomo-sand-hardcover-cover-art.jpg</a>

In short, Sand demonstrates that the Ashkenazim are phonies, mostly Khazars, but also that the Sephardim are also mostly phonies.

8th May 2010, 04:14 AM
And it came to pass that I ask: The 13th tribe? And it came to pass that I wondered if no one read the Book of Mormon?

Large Sarge
8th May 2010, 04:36 AM
Yes I own it / read it

I found it rather dry, but it had some good info.

i.e. Khazars are great at owning/controlling monopolies, he listed the "Jew Cart" the only form of transportation in Europe (touching Asia) for centuries (until the railroad came along)

He aslo documented that when the khazars were going to be thrown out (chased out) of a nation/City, it was always preceded by fighting/bickering between the king and the khazar (usually over some monetary problem)

the khazars would flee for greener pastures, leaving the treasury empty, the people broke, etc

on a slightly different topic, all the rumours of jews poisoning the well in the middle ages (the khazars)

now I have no doubt they did this, but finding proof is tricky

and I had the thought, could the chemtrail/flouride/vaccine programs be the equivalent of "jews poisoning the wells"???

I suspect so.

same old tricks really, poison the goyim.

8th May 2010, 05:37 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, Quantum, I'll order a copy of Shlomo Sand's book.

Large Sarge, Although The Thirteenth Tribe is well documented insofar as demonstrating that most "Jews" are Khazars, Koestler wrote this book to fill a void. The book is written in very "Jewish" terms full of hollowcostianism and "Jews are not a race" damage control type BS.

8th May 2010, 06:27 AM
interesting that 2,000 yrs age the jewish messiah stated " i will make those, who are of the synagogue of satan, who say they are jews but are not and do lie, to bow down at thy feet"
so even back then there were the false jews.

8th May 2010, 01:10 PM
And it came to pass that I ask: The 13th tribe? And it came to pass that I wondered if no one read the Book of Mormon?

The Book of Moron is a plagiarized mess penned by the crank and Freemason Joseph Smith.

8th May 2010, 01:11 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, Quantum, I'll order a copy of Shlomo Sand's book.

Sure thing!

8th May 2010, 01:13 PM
interesting that 2,000 yrs age the jewish messiah stated " i will make those, who are of the synagogue of satan, who say they are jews but are not and do lie, to bow down at thy feet"
so even back then there were the false jews.

The only real "Jews" (Judeans) are Israelites from the Tribe of Judah. Jesus Christ was one of them.

99.99% of all "Jews" people think are Jews are phonies, 80% of Khazar Asiatic extraction. Never confuse these Satanic phonies with the good people of the Tribe of Judah.

8th May 2010, 02:09 PM
And it came to pass that I ask: The 13th tribe? And it came to pass that I wondered if no one read the Book of Mormon?

The Book of Moron is a plagiarized mess penned by the crank and Freemason Joseph Smith.


8th May 2010, 07:33 PM
on a slightly different topic, all the rumours of jews poisoning the well in the middle ages (the khazars)

What if we could show biological warfare on populations
by an invading ruthless force, recorded by history and
linked to the Khazars through blood and power ?

The Khazars are/were a Turko Mongol people.

Who brought the "black death" to Europe. ? ? ?

"Originating in China and Inner Asia, the plague was transmitted to Europeans (1347) when a Kipchak army, besieging a Genoese trading post in the Crimea, catapulted plague-infested corpses into the town."

The Khazars came from the same place as the Huns did.
Half breds through invasion, war and mass murder.
Turko Mongols, in the south they fought the Muslim Arabs
and converted, became Muslims, in the North and East they
fought the Christians and converted to "judaism".
They believed in invasion, conquest and booty.
Subjugating whole nations and destroying whole peoples,
very warlike history. And the two forces were always allied
at the top invading and destroying Europe. "ventian bankers"
led the Turko Mongols to invade and destroy Europe for
centuries. Those same "venetian" bankers took over
England and created "freemasonry". Have a look at the images.
Mixed up, Jewish, Muslim, etc . Common theme, hatred of
Christians. Jews were kicked out of Spain then went to Ottoman
Empire and ran it administratively, were tax collectors.

Earlier, Hun is a Turkic language.
Later, more mongols.
Main target for 900 years, 600-1453.

8th May 2010, 07:54 PM
A little ot, but the book Under the Banner of Heaven was fantastic (although it did not talk about the freemasonry of Joseph Smith, just the scumbaggery).

And it came to pass that I ask: The 13th tribe? And it came to pass that I wondered if no one read the Book of Mormon?

The Book of Moron is a plagiarized mess penned by the crank and Freemason Joseph Smith.

9th May 2010, 11:14 AM
13 TRIBES, WAR OR [ PEACE ? ], 13, 13, 13

13 Arrows, waging war on you, 12 tribes + Khazars , 13 .

The eagle is a war bird, the eagle in older imagery
offers you war or peace, now it is offering you
a 13 leaf 13 berry branch, or 13 arrows, before
it was offering you a peace branch or 3 arrows, war.
So they changed the imagery. Even Lady Liberty
the way she is portrayed fits this imagery, war or
peace. Many of the SAE, GAE, other PM's, copy
ancient images that are all related and interchangable.
Wholesome images with good meanings, now some
are corrupted by the Khazars.

Rodin put up pictures of a Masonic Temple, 13 Spears,
where the hexagram is displayed on the floors and walls.



9th May 2010, 12:11 PM
The hardest thing to do today is actually know who is actually a descendant of

JUDAH and just doesn't claim the "religion". One can be a living descendant and

not even be "practising" that...."religion" (for lack of a better word).

For all the Israelites in general too. Their blood ties, and faith practices are claimed

by everybody today now it seems. You got people from Yemen to Kashmir.......from

the fringes of China to people in Europe.......

One thing is certain, their hasn't been a people more known to the world, whether

they be celebrated, envied or despised as much as the descendants of Jacob.

9th May 2010, 12:16 PM
To me the real Jews are the ones who's mothers were Jews...right from the bigginning........and why was that?, the the old days no one knew who the real father was.

9th May 2010, 12:53 PM
To me the real Jews are the ones who's mothers were Jews...right from the bigginning........and why was that?, the the old days no one knew who the real father was.
No, no, no Ponce! You have them mixed up with the Africans.

11th May 2010, 08:55 AM
To me the real Jews are the ones who's mothers were Jews...right from the bigginning........and why was that?, the the old days no one knew who the real father was.

Wrong. OT law allows presons who's father ONLY was jewish to be counted as pure.....many kings of israel and judah were of gentile mothers rehoboam son of solomon was of an ammonite

Hatha Sunahara
11th May 2010, 10:53 AM
I will accept that the Khazars came from the Caucasus area, but are they the same people described here?:


Jews generally believe they are descendents of Abraham--a semite. How do they reconcile their european appearance and culture with their alleged semitic ancestry? Are they deceiving themselves? Are they deceiving everyone else? Or is there more to this story that we don't know about?


11th May 2010, 11:19 AM
I will accept that the Khazars came from the Caucasus area, but are they the same people described here?:


Jews generally believe they are descendents of Abraham--a semite. How do they reconcile their european appearance and culture with their alleged semitic ancestry? Are they deceiving themselves? Are they deceiving everyone else? Or is there more to this story that we don't know about?


I am not a jew (I'm white), but I can trace my genealogy back to Abraham (and ultimately to Adam). Many "royal lines" are traceable back to biblical characters (which can then easily be traced back to Adam). When I was actively studying my family history, I eventually found my way back to William the Conqueror, Charlemagne, and many other like figures. Once I got that far, I simply copied their ancestry onto my own family tree, so I can't vouch for the accuracy at all, but generally, royal lines go back to Adam (often times, if not all, by way of Abraham), or are at least recorded that way.

I imagine that many, many millions of people (or billions, hell I don't know) could trace their lineage back to royal figures (supposing enough records were intact to "bridge the gap", so to speak), and ultimately, back to biblical characters.

I feel the need to bring this up in threads about ancestry - like if someone is discussing the fact that Bush and Cheney and Obama and the Queen are all related - like it is all some conspiracy. For what it's worth, George Dubya is my 8th cousin, and the Queen is also a cousin of mine, although I cannot remember off-hand to which degree. Same story with Cheney and likely a whole slew of ne'er-do-wells. Anyway, *they* may all be acting together in a vast conspiracy, but I don't believe it's all a "family thing". I believe you could pick any two people at random and find some distant relationship between them.

In theory, someone like Abraham would have a TREMENDOUS number of descendants today - it's a small world, after all.

philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 11:23 AM
much ado about nothing.....they are not white, and that is all we need to know....anything else is just chasing shadows and a waste of time

11th May 2010, 11:29 AM
and I had the thought, could the chemtrail/flouride/vaccine programs be the equivalent of "jews poisoning the wells"???

I suspect so.

same old tricks really, poison the goyim.

i think one of the Zionists' primary tools for this is the use of Depleted Uranium.

spread toxic nuclear waste all over the territory of designated nations ... and make sure the media you control doesn't say a word about it.

that's way sicker than poisoning a well.

Hatha Sunahara
11th May 2010, 04:09 PM

The Jews of Biblical times, and up to about 70 AD looked like today's arabs look. That is a semitic appearance. Fair skinned, blue eyed people from Europe who speak Yiddish being descendants of Abraham, a semite is a bit far fetched.

The remnants of the original descendants of Abraham are few and far between. Most Jews are Ashkenazis, who are descendants of converts to Judaism like the Khazars. The rest are descendants of people who converted to Judaism in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere. I would be surprised if even one half of one per cent of Jews can trace their lineage to Abraham. That percentage for modern Arabs is much much higher.

It seems that today's Jews have a more legitimate claim on Khazaria than they do on Israel. But I don't think they care. Their goal seems to be to have a claim on the entire earth. All because they figured out how to use money and power to control everything. They may achieve their goal, but it won't last long. I keep hearing the words of Lord Acton reverberating in my head: Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is why you can't maintain a totalitarian dictatorship for long, and why the NWO, if it ever comes, won't last--because it's apparatus will self destruct with corruption--like what is happening now.
