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8th May 2010, 01:48 AM

Police: Man Shoots Would-Be Robber

POSTED: Friday, May 7, 2010
UPDATED: 9:31 am EDT May 7, 2010

WINTER GARDEN, Fla. -- A man turned the tables on his would-be robber while he was pulling out cash at an ATM, police said.

Winter Garden Police said the victim was at the Wachovia ATM at 801 S. Dillard St. early Friday morning when he was approached by a man with a gun.

The victim, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled out a gun of his own and opened fire at the robber, identified as Tommie R. Ward, while he was being shot at himself, according to police.

Ward, 18, was shot three times and fled the scene with two other people, police said.

Police said officers caught up with the Ward's vehicle about a mile away where he crashed the car.

Ward was taken into custody and transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center, police said. He is in stable condition.

Another man who was in the car, Patrick White, 19, was also arrested. One other person escaped into some nearby woods.

Police said at this time the man who shot the robbery suspect faces no charges.

Watch Local 6 for more information on this story.