View Full Version : Entertaining?

8th May 2010, 07:57 AM
This is supposedly from 1944, never saw anything quite like it. After about the first minute it gets quite interesting.

Is work safe too.


8th May 2010, 11:33 AM
Wow! :D

That gives me a whole new outlook on Reptilians. Thanks.

8th May 2010, 11:49 AM
Ouch! That is neat stuff. Thx

8th May 2010, 12:02 PM
So that's what they were teaching in gym class!

8th May 2010, 12:07 PM
I'll never touch a potato salad ever again.......don't want to be turned into a snake.

8th May 2010, 12:40 PM
This is supposedly from 1944, never saw anything quite like it. After about the first minute it gets quite interesting.

Is work safe too.

Well, my thoughts aren't work safe, that's for sure. ;D

Seriously, I've never seen anything like that before. That is absolutely amazing!

8th May 2010, 02:57 PM
The Reptilian Trio LMAO!

8th May 2010, 04:00 PM


Posted By: EarthGrid <Send E-Mail>
Date: Thursday, 26-Feb-2009 00:00:19

In Response To: I Can't Believe It!! That's What I Kept Saying As I Watched... With My Mouth OPEN!! (Rayelan)

Do I get a gold star for finding this stuff? This would've helped in the forums when people were arguing on Metafilter about having no other links. Now you've got a whole lot of data!

I'm tired. It's midnight.

The Ross Sisters parents were VEDA CORDELIA LIPHAM and CHARLES ADOLPHUS ROSS (see below).
Real names of the Ross Sisters:
Betsy Ann Ross
Veda Victoria (Vickie) Ross
Dixie Jewel Ross
...all born in Texas (see below).
See why genealogy pages are helpful?

As we can see from http://www.doctoroakroot.com/, Doctor Oakroot's mother was one of the Ross Sisters. But which one? You got me. Doctor Oakroot might tell us.

Betsy Ross is listed as a production assistant in Siamsa: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland, which ran from Sep 27, 1976 to Oct 2, 1976. So we know Betsy helped with that.
Siamsa's production Assistants: Betsy Ross and Patricia Morinelli.

So what happened to Betsy after 1976?

------- Save this next part.
Here's a very cool page on the Ross Sisters!
Descendants of Fredrick Jacob Lipham:
VEDA CORDELIA LIPHAM, born: 1905 in Wedowee, ALA. m (married?) 24/12/1922.
Veda married: CHARLES ADOLPHUS ROSS, born 9/4/1902 in Colorado City, Texas; died 6/5/1955 Palm Springs, Calif.


Child 1: Betsy Ann Ross, born 20/6/1926 in Colorado City, TX. Married Bunny Hightower. Children; Dana (m) + ?

Child 2: Veda Victoria (Vickie) Ross, born 8/11/1927 in Roscoe, TX. Married Robert Lamouret 10/3/1950 in Paris. Children:
Annette (Nini) and Elizabeth (Zabette). 2nd marriage to Bob Hender

Child 3: Dixie Jewel Ross. born 9/8/1929 in Loraine, TX. Married 10/7/1948 to Richard (Dickie) Henderson.
Dixie died 10/7/1963. Buried in Gunnersbury cemetery, London, England. Children: Matthew (born 2/8/1951) and Linda (born 11/9/54).

About Dickie Henderson: he was also famous for making the original recording of the popular song 'Tiptoe through the Tulips'. Remember?

P.S.: There's even a Myspace page for a one Jennifer Henderson, and Dickie is her grand-dad.
I guess if you want more info about the Ross Sisters, ask Jennifer maybe?

: I'd like to see Madonna or Janet Jackson try to imitate this!!

: It starts slow... The song and dance are entertaining... then
: suddenly is MORPHS into something you just won't believe.

: In this classic footage from the movie "Broadway
: Rhythm" (1944), the Ross sisters, Aggie, Maggie and
: Elmira, sing and move in ways that don't look humanly
: possible. Yoga anyone? Movie buffs will recognize the tune
: as one of the background instrumentals from "The
: Godfather."

: Where are they now? I could find nothing more about them on
: the internet. Does anyone know what else they did?

8th May 2010, 04:08 PM
Watching that made my back hurt.

Cirque du Soleil has acts similar to this, however more artistic and less carnival side-show.

1970 Silver Art
8th May 2010, 04:23 PM
HOLY COW!!!!!! I did not think that the human body was capable of performing moves like that. I am wrong once again. Oh well............

8th May 2010, 04:44 PM
Watching that made my back hurt.

Cirque du Soleil has acts similar to this, however more artistic and less carnival side-show.

I was thinking Cirque du Soleil, too. Regardless, very amazing video. Thanks.