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View Full Version : Fox poll....Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?

9th May 2010, 10:16 AM
WTH? I know its just a dumb poll but,
This is nuts!

67% say yes!... ???


Celtic Rogue
9th May 2010, 10:22 AM
anything to protect the children!!!!! LOL what a dumb country we have become.

big country
9th May 2010, 10:28 AM
Wow. Just Wow. F that.

Flouride is extremely effective apparently...

9th May 2010, 10:36 AM
That is just ridiculous, This is America isn't it???

9th May 2010, 10:37 AM
Wonder who the voting whack jobs are? With 67% voting for a ban, you just know this poll is open to the world.

9th May 2010, 10:51 AM

9th May 2010, 10:52 AM
Along the fence line at the front of my property I fly 10 small American flags at each post and a larger one in my front porch.........and I am not even a "real" American.

Go to the freaking dollar store and buy at least one small one and put it in your front porch....................but of course..........you won't, you will wait for someone else to do it for you.

One of this day (I know it for sure) I will see the Israeli flag fly alongside the American flag at the White House...............SHAME ON YOU.

9th May 2010, 11:40 AM
New FOX Poll!

How many believe Jews are loyal to America 1st?

9th May 2010, 12:21 PM
The AMERICAN FLAG will always be on prominent display at our place, and every place we have.

Cluckkkk those bastards, every one of them.


9th May 2010, 12:22 PM
New FOX Poll!

How many believe Jews are loyal to America 1st?

dead link

9th May 2010, 01:22 PM
New FOX Poll!

How many believe Jews are loyal to America 1st?

dead link

You were getting ready to vote on that one, weren't ya!
I'm sorry GB, it was a joke.
You didn't really think Zionist/Jew controlled, Judeo/Christian, Jew loving war for Israel FOX News would post such a poll.

9th May 2010, 02:41 PM
Did you see the way they worded the question?

Should the display of an American flag be banned, even if a school administrator feels that display could lead to fights?

They're wording the question wrong.

9th May 2010, 02:45 PM
How about the wording of the answers?

The people who chose yes did so because the answer "Yes." is followed by "The safety of students comes first."

And everyone has been programmed that if you don't pick the answer that is for the safety of the children, then you are a horrible parent.

1970 Silver Art
9th May 2010, 02:51 PM
This is a major WTF in my book. Banning the flag because the school administrator feels that it MIGHT lead to a fight? I say WTF on that too.

When a school administrator bans students from displaying the U.S. Flag but not to ban students from displaying the Mexico flag, then that will lead to fights. I think that has already happened but if I am wrong, then please feel free to correct me. I thought there was a thread on this but I did not look.

It is bad enough that public schools (in my area anyway) have these zero-policy rules but to ban the U.S. Flag? That is over-the-top IMO.

1970 Silver Art
9th May 2010, 02:58 PM
How about the wording of the answers?

The people who chose yes did so because the answer "Yes." is followed by "The safety of students comes first."

And everyone has been programmed that if you don't pick the answer that is for the safety of the children, then you are a horrible parent.

Yeah Chaos, you have a point there. The wording of the question and the answer are important. For example, If the question was worded in a different way, then a different result will come out of that poll and it will skew the perception of how U.S. citizens feel about, for example, the U.S. flag being displayed.

At least the FOX poll did allow for an "other" option to allow a person who voted to post another reason for why they voted a particular way. BTW I did not vote in this poll.

9th May 2010, 03:19 PM
Liked or not this is The United States Of North America.......where there is only ONE flag and were the spoken language is English........so if you don't like it then get the hell out of here.

Hey, hey........shhhhhhhh......Ponce is packing his bags and moving to China :oo-->

mick silver
9th May 2010, 03:24 PM
there some f up people in this country ... dam i just keep shaking my head

Twisted Titan
9th May 2010, 03:49 PM

9th May 2010, 07:50 PM
These are the new terrorists.

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Just ignore the invaders advocating

revolution against "frail, racist white people"

Patriots are the terrorists, tea party, Ron Paul followers,
9/11 truth advocates, that is what DHS was set up for
by Chertoff and his Zionist Masters.

Flags are banned in the UK and other parts of Europe too.

9th May 2010, 07:56 PM
Ah, what the hell. The USA is done. It's over. May as well hoist the Israeli flag for the kiddies.

9th May 2010, 08:32 PM
Toilet Paper To Buy?........that's the day that I will go to jail.

9th May 2010, 10:08 PM
Ah, what the hell. The USA is done. It's over. May as well hoist the Israeli flag for the kiddies.


9th May 2010, 10:16 PM
I guess they're already thinking on how to add the Puerto Rican star to it? :conf: