View Full Version : The only honest 'western media' is based in Russia

I am me, I am free
9th May 2010, 03:16 PM
Gotta love their journalist style.


I am me, I am free
9th May 2010, 03:17 PM

9th May 2010, 03:18 PM
There's just as much truth coming from Al Jazeera and Press TV.

9th May 2010, 03:19 PM
RT still releases a lot of great videos, but their website has become increasingly nationalistic over the past 3 months. Almost every story is a rah! rah! Russia story. And this was before their sacred anniversary.

9th May 2010, 03:24 PM
Question........did the state of Israel finally buy 51% of Al Jazeera? I know that it was in the works about a year ago.

9th May 2010, 03:29 PM
Perhaps Ponce because they have backed off lately also. PressTV from Iran still runs stuff you won't see anywhere else. I also check the Chinese Xinhua site.

9th May 2010, 03:37 PM
Perhaps Ponce because they have backed off lately also. PressTV from Iran still runs stuff you won't see anywhere else. I also check the Chinese Xinhua site.

CCTV (China Central Television) news is pretty good. I catch it at a Chinese restaurant. Pretty sad state of affairs when the overt Commies tell the truth more than the "capitalists."

9th May 2010, 04:10 PM
RT still releases a lot of great videos, but their website has become increasingly nationalistic over the past 3 months. Almost every story is a rah! rah! Russia story. And this was before their sacred anniversary.

Did you feel like putting the word "sacred" in quotation marks?

9th May 2010, 04:13 PM
Here you go antonio, fetch.


9th May 2010, 04:21 PM
Here you go antonio, fetch.


Well,it`s a lie according even to the official info about Stalin. The official number is 1.6 million incarcerated during his time and 600000 executed. So the plural "millions" killed is a lie according to the recently released Soviet archives. Considering that it was a war time and the country had 180million people in 1949, the numbers are surprisingly small. USA has 6 million behind bars. Try to investigate how many were executed in USA during the 30 years between 1925 and 1953.

9th May 2010, 04:37 PM
I am me, I am free, it is because investigative journalism in MSM is DEAD. Nobody wants it. But, in US, you can poke a finger at just about anything and you see a fraud or a cover-up. So they don't want ANY investigative journalism on hot topics, at all. Just on the subjects that are irrelevant, which are then beaten around ad nauseum. And if someone comes out with good analysis - he's fired, or later found dead.

And in Russia, because of 70 years of communism, everyone's been trained to read between the lines and analyze things on subtle hints. So they look at events, after that much "training", and see fraud and cover-up left and right, that ordinary folks in the west don't.

9th May 2010, 04:40 PM
You can hear all about some blonde bimbo's plastic surgeries and Tiger Wood's mistresses though!

9th May 2010, 04:53 PM
i used to enjoy Chris Floyd's column in the Moscow Times.

after he stopped writing for them i emailed them and asked about it. "He was your best writer, what happened ?"

they said something like "we decided to go in a different direction."

in any case his new website is.


he does a very good job of condemning the US.

9th May 2010, 05:28 PM
+1 on presstv from iran

9th May 2010, 05:50 PM
Vladimir Putin snubs Britain and US over VE Day celebrationsRussian president refuses to let Prince Charles and Joe Biden attend Red Square for parade of allied and Russian troops
(177)Tweet this (53)Luke Harding in Moscow guardian.co.uk, Friday 7 May 2010 17.11 BST Article history
Welsh guards in Red Square during a dress rehearsal on Thursday for Sunday's parade when US, French and Polish troops will parade with Russian troops to celebrate 60 years since the ends of the second world war. Photograph: Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters

Vladimir Putin has snubbed both the Prince of Wales and the US vice-president, Joe Biden, by refusing to allow them to attend a parade in Red Square marking the 65th anniversary of the end of the second world war, the Guardian has learned.

Russia invited Gordon Brown and other heads of state to attend the Kremlin's celebrations on Sunday – the biggest ever. But with the prime minister unable to attend because of the general election, the Foreign Office suggested Prince Charles instead.

Last week, however, the prince was quietly stood down after Putin made it clear that he did not want him there – apparently in a sign of his continuing annoyance with the UK over its failure to extradite Boris Berezovsky, the Kremlin critic and former oligarch, to Russia.

Putin, Russia's prime minister, also snubbed Biden, who had planned to go to Moscow and has been left kicking his heels in Brussels. Biden is close to Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia's president. During the 2008 Russian-Georgia war Putin famously threatened Saakashvili, pledging to "hang him by the balls".

The White House is privately furious at the snub. Barack Obama told Russia's president, Dmitry Medvedev, he was unable to attend but had confidently offered Biden as his replacement. Moscow's diplomatic corps has been abuzz all week with news of Putin's unexpected veto.

Pavel Felgenhaur, a defence analyst and columnist with the opposition Novaya Gazeta newspaper, said that Putin had personally decided to kick Prince Charles off the list. "It was entirely his decision," he said. Other sources have confirmed the story.

Felgenhaur said the Kremlin was in an uncompromising mood following a string of recent foreign policy successes. These include the overthrow of Ukraine's pro-western government and its replacement by a pro-Russian one, and last month's revolution in Kyrgyzstan, now run by a more Kremlin-friendly administration.

For the first time, troops from Britain, France and the US – the Soviet Union's wartime allies – are taking part in the victory parade, marching alongside 10,500 Russian soldiers. More than 25 foreign leaders will attend, including France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel.

But there will be no senior British figure. Both the UK and US will be represented by their respective ambassadors, Dame Anne Pringle and John Beyrle. Pringle hosted a reception on Thursday at the new British residence in Moscow, along with soldiers from the 2nd Company Battalion the Welsh guards who will march in Red Square.

UK-Russian relations have improved since the 2006 murder of Alexander Litvinenko and Britain's subsequent expulsion of Russian diplomats. But Putin has apparently not forgiven what he regards as an earlier betrayal by Tony Blair, who failed to phone him when Berezovsky was granted asylum in 2003.

Ever since, Putin has declined offers to meet senior British representatives. There has been no formal meeting with Gordon Brown over the past three years. Kremlin politicians today expressed a clear preference for a new Conservative or Conservative-led administration in Downing Street.

"I think the Conservatives will not escape a review of relations with Russia. And the review as such will lead to healthier relations between Britain and Russia," Gleb Pavlovsky, an analyst closely connected to the Kremlin, told the news agency Interfax, adding that Labour had "aggravated" ties with Russia.