View Full Version : Spiegel`s pics of Russian-occupied Berlin

9th May 2010, 05:58 PM

Take a look.

PS. It is a pleasure to congratulate the GSUS community on the 65 anniversay of the USSR`s Victory in WW2.

willie pete
9th May 2010, 07:40 PM

Take a look.

Wow, the devastation was almost total, and to think a mere 15 years later, a segragated Germany existed

9th May 2010, 08:28 PM
A certain "historian" named Anthony Beevor wrote a book which alleges that Russians raped about 2 million women in Berlin after the war, every female from ages 5 to 80. Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions? There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?

willie pete
9th May 2010, 08:41 PM
A certain "historian" named Anthony Beevor wrote a book which alleges that Russians raped about 2 million women in Berlin after the war, every female from ages 5 to 80. Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions? There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?

I don't know, but I'd heard the same thing too, if I had to bet on it, I'd say it happened; 2m? probably not, but a lot, same thing with the japs in PI & nanking; wholesale rape and murder

9th May 2010, 08:46 PM
Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions?


Get real. General Eisenhower starved 1.7 Million German prisoners of war.


9th May 2010, 10:02 PM
A beautiful city full of beautiful people annihilated for the sake of Satanic International Jewish Bankers.

But Luciferians still worship Joseph Jewison (Stalin).

9th May 2010, 10:06 PM
A certain "historian" named Anthony Beevor wrote a book which alleges that Russians raped about 2 million women in Berlin after the war, every female from ages 5 to 80. Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions? There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?

“The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible oath. From now on the word German strikes us to the quick. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another -- there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometers. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German -- that is your grandmother's request. Kill the German -- that is your child's prayer. Kill the German -- that is your motherland's loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill.”

Satanic "Jew" Stalinist Ilya Ehrenburg


9th May 2010, 10:18 PM
By the way Ben Shockley, the chess pieces are in the position just as they were on the Agora before it disintegrated. I`m sure you are aware of this. Let`s replay the same match.

Had Stalin adopted the ideas of Ehrenburg we would have lost a lot less than 27 million and have a lot less problems now. When Germans retreated from Russia, they left ditches full of Russian babies and kids drained of blood which they used in transfusions to their wounded soldiers. In the light of this and similar acts the ideas of Ehrenburg make a lot of sense.

Stalin`s Orthodox Christian upbringing softened his hand.

Wandering Wastrel
9th May 2010, 10:21 PM
There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?
If the Germans hadn't eaten in a week, and there were gunmen standing behind the cameraman saying "Smile or we'll shoot you!", then yeah, I think it possible for those pictures to exist while rape was happening 'round the corner.

9th May 2010, 10:29 PM
There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?
If the Germans hadn't eaten in a week, and there were gunmen standing behind the cameraman saying "Smile or we'll shoot you!", then yeah, I think it possible for those pictures to exist while rape was happening 'round the corner.

Here we will discuss the logistics of raping 2 million women. Surely this had to be an official policy because mere marauding couldn`t progress to the point of establishing a world record orgy of mass-raping.
Could it be possible to rape 2 million women without leaving a single piece of hard evidence, pics etc?
The entire theory of this having occured is based on 1 or 2 letters of women describing this and mentioning this mind-boggling number. Not only this was the greatest mass rape of all time, it was also done in complete secrecy.

old steel
9th May 2010, 10:42 PM
I read a book about it borrowed from my brothers father in law years ago.

The mass rape happened in a well known tunnel that was sealed off at both ends with Soviet soldiers occupying one end of the tunnel and Allied soldiers at the other end. Not sure about the number of women involved but it was very large.

This drunken orgy of rape went on for a week. The book was well researched but i can't remember the title or author nevertheless you won't find it on anyone's best seller list as the truth is always heavily suppressed and history written by the victors of war.

Yes Eisenhower was a monster, Stalin even more so.

I need to re read that book to refresh my memory and do a report on it here.

9th May 2010, 10:50 PM
after allies leveled beautiful city of Dresden, and after both armies leveled practically every major eastern european city in Russia, stuff like this thread is just an attempt to make a conflict.


Capital of Belarus, Minsk, had only 3 or 4 undamaged buildings in the whole city after the war. City was leveled by germans going east, then by germans leaving (they loaded everything with explosives and destroyed most buildings that way), and then by russian army kicking germans out. Try finding a city that had 2 major battles on the ground that wasn't leveled (Berlin only have seen one).

9th May 2010, 11:01 PM
I read a book about it borrowed from my brothers father in law years ago.

The mass rape happened in a well known tunnel that was sealed off at both ends with Soviet soldiers occupying one end of the tunnel and Allied soldiers at the other end. Not sure about the number of women involved but it was very large.

This drunken orgy of rape went on for a week. The book was well researched but i can't remember the title or author nevertheless you won't find it on anyone's best seller list as the truth is always heavily suppressed and history written by the victors of war.

Yes Eisenhower was a monster, Stalin even more so.

I need to re read that book to refresh my memory and do a report on it here.

Patton, who was one of the greatest Russophobes of all time, describes Soviet Army as the most dsciplined army he`d ever seen. For example, there is an account of a British officer who was insulted by a drunken Russian soldier. The next day the Soviet commander came to offer official apologies for the incident and told the horrified Brits that the soldier was executed.

65 years later we can say anything about a tunnel sealed for the purpose of being turned into a rape factory thru which millions of German women went. We need to re-create the logistics of this mass operation, how many rapists (nobody in their right mind could call rapist a "soldier") took part in it, how many took part in hunting these women to bring them to this tunnel, what was done to them afterwards etc.

When an army starts to commit mass rapes, it is obviously a sign of either a complete breakdown of military discipline where the army turns into an uncontrollable horde of degenerates or of a deliberate policy from the top brass ordering soldiers to commit rapes.

Never before in Russian history and never since (actually in any nation`s history except African savages,Turks and other Muslims) has there been an event like this.

By the time this thread is finished, we will use logic and common sense and try to re-create what could and could not have happened in 1945 Berlin.

9th May 2010, 11:04 PM
after allies leveled beautiful city of Dresden, and after both armies leveled practically every major eastern european city in Russia, stuff like this thread is just an attempt to make a conflict.

I beg your pardon but whose conflict with whom?

9th May 2010, 11:11 PM
It would be relevant to our discussion to learn about the attitudes towards rape of the nation in question.

Now, when Russia has descended into a criminal hell, it has about half the rape statistics of Germany and about 1/10 of the rape statistics of USA:

Do you think 65 years ago Russia which was held in the steel hands of Stalin and the Orthodox Christian traditions were still very strong as many living then were born under the tsar, had softer attitudes towards rape than it has now, after complete disintegration and the advent of unprecedented lawlessness?
Yet, Russia today has only half the number of rapes per capita in Germany and 1/10 of the USA.

9th May 2010, 11:42 PM
I beg your pardon but whose conflict with whom?

never mind. was a remark to a different poster.

9th May 2010, 11:56 PM
By the way Ben Shockley, the chess pieces are in the position just as they were on the Agora before it disintegrated. I`m sure you are aware of this. Let`s replay the same match.

Had Stalin adopted the ideas of Ehrenburg we would have lost a lot less than 27 million and have a lot less problems now.

Stalin`s Orthodox Christian upbringing softened his hand.

If all Stalinists had been exterminated, Russia would be a far more prosperous land today, making many more times the contributions to Christian civilization. Mamzer "Jews" such as yourself, Stalin, and Ehrenburg are a plague to Russia.

Stalin had no "Orthodox upbringing." He was born a "Jew," and unsuccessfully attempted to penetrate into the Orthodox church, as so many "Jews" have done over the centuries. His failure to infiltrate gave him a fiery rage which led to his rampages against tens of millions of Christian, Slavic Russians and Ukrainians.

10th May 2010, 12:04 AM
By the way Ben Shockley, the chess pieces are in the position just as they were on the Agora before it disintegrated. I`m sure you are aware of this. Let`s replay the same match.

Had Stalin adopted the ideas of Ehrenburg we would have lost a lot less than 27 million and have a lot less problems now.

Stalin`s Orthodox Christian upbringing softened his hand.

If all Stalinists had been exterminated, Russia would be a far more prosperous land today, making many more times the contributions to Christian civilization. Mamzer "Jews" such as yourself, Stalin, and Ehrenburg are a plague to Russia.

Stalin had no "Orthodox upbringing." He was born a "Jew," and unsuccessfully attempted to penetrate into the Orthodox church, as so many "Jews" have done over the centuries. His failure to infiltrate gave him a fiery rage which led to his rampages against tens of millions of Christian, Slavic Russians and Ukrainians.

Wow, a call to exterminate a member of GSUS...

But anyhow, Stalin almost finished an Orthodox seminary. By the way, what was his method of disposing the countless millions of bodies of his victimes? Hitler supposedly used ovens, what did Stalin do? Why of course, he just dumped them in mass graves.

Russia is drowining in easy oil money and Medvedev is a treasonous anti-Stalinist.

Why doesn`t he sell his Rolex watch and buy a ground-penetrating radar so he could show the world the graves of Stalin`s victims ( surely the biggest such artefacts on this planet)?

10th May 2010, 12:50 AM
A certain "historian" named Anthony Beevor wrote a book which alleges that Russians raped about 2 million women in Berlin after the war, every female from ages 5 to 80. Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions? There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?

I don't know, but I'd heard the same thing too, if I had to bet on it, I'd say it happened; 2m? probably not, but a lot, same thing with the japs in PI & nanking; wholesale rape and murder

Japs as you say, also turned to cannibalism. For example, they found the taste of Australian nurses to be the best so Australian officers had orders to shoot the nurses in case they were surrounded and all was lost.
I have no way of verifying this story but Japanese and Chinese savagery is well-known, we have tons of pics of smiling Japs and other Asians standing next to a mountain built using human heads.

Saying Japs raped millions is not evidence that Russians also raped. It`s about the same as saying Ted Bundy was a serial killer and so are you.

10th May 2010, 01:53 AM

Agence France-Presse

MOSCOW-- Chinese President Hu Jintao on Sunday spoke out against rewriting the history of the Soviet Union's role in World War II, while attending Moscow celebrations for the 65th anniversary of victory.

"Some forces are trying to rewrite or erase the outstanding role of the Soviet people in the victory in World War II," said Hu while meeting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russian news agencies reported.

"When it comes to judging the history of World War II, China has an identical position to Russia," Hu said, calling for Moscow and Beijing to "decisively defend the veracity and seriousness of historical truth."

Both Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have publicly warned against what they call the falsification of history and criticised other countries for downplaying the Soviet Union's role in winning World War II.

Russia has also become more open about its past, recently giving public access to documents about the Katyn massacre in 1940, when Soviet secret police killed thousands of Polish officers.

China fought Japan from 1937 until the end of World War II in 1945. After a civil war, the People's Republic of China was established in 1949.

10th May 2010, 05:22 AM
A certain "historian" named Anthony Beevor wrote a book which alleges that Russians raped about 2 million women in Berlin after the war, every female from ages 5 to 80. Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions? There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?

I don't know, but I'd heard the same thing too, if I had to bet on it, I'd say it happened; 2m? probably not, but a lot, same thing with the japs in PI & nanking; wholesale rape and murder

Japs as you say, also turned to cannibalism. For example, they found the taste of Australian nurses to be the best so Australian officers had orders to shoot the nurses in case they were surrounded and all was lost.
I have no way of verifying this story but Japanese and Chinese savagery is well-known, we have tons of pics of smiling Japs and other Asians standing next to a mountain built using human heads.

Saying Japs raped millions is not evidence that Russians also raped. It`s about the same as saying Ted Bundy was a serial killer and so are you.

If these accusations were beng made against jewish russians, you would be foaming at the mouth with you vehement denial.
But because they are talking about "Japs", you contribute with speculation and conjecture.

10th May 2010, 02:25 PM
A certain "historian" named Anthony Beevor wrote a book which alleges that Russians raped about 2 million women in Berlin after the war, every female from ages 5 to 80. Now look at these pics and also keeping in mind that Berlin was full of war correspondents from US and UK if you think it was possible to rape any statistically significant number of women under these conditions? There were soup kitchens on every few blocks staffed with Soviets and there were long lines of German civilians waiting for their meals. Do you think it would be possible to have countless pics of smiling German civilians if there were monstrous gang rapes occuring at the same time around the corner?

I don't know, but I'd heard the same thing too, if I had to bet on it, I'd say it happened; 2m? probably not, but a lot, same thing with the japs in PI & nanking; wholesale rape and murder

Japs as you say, also turned to cannibalism. For example, they found the taste of Australian nurses to be the best so Australian officers had orders to shoot the nurses in case they were surrounded and all was lost.
I have no way of verifying this story but Japanese and Chinese savagery is well-known, we have tons of pics of smiling Japs and other Asians standing next to a mountain built using human heads.

Saying Japs raped millions is not evidence that Russians also raped. It`s about the same as saying Ted Bundy was a serial killer and so are you.

If these accusations were beng made against jewish russians, you would be foaming at the mouth with you vehement denial.
But because they are talking about "Japs", you contribute with speculation and conjecture.

What Japanese did in WW2 is undeniable and is known to every American. They also provided us with pictorial evidence of their deeds:

Back on the topic. If these Soviet mass rapes did occur, there can be only 2 theories:
1) This was an unprecedented breakdown of military discipline in the Soviet army which Patton called
"the most disciplined army he`d ever seen".
2) This was an official policy decided at the very top and the Soviet army commited these rapes while following orders.
Let`s think about these two possibilities.

10th May 2010, 04:55 PM
Back on the topic. If these Soviet mass rapes did occur, there can be only 2 theories:
1) This was an unprecedented breakdown of military discipline in the Soviet army which Patton called
"the most disciplined army he`d ever seen".
2) This was an official policy decided at the very top and the Soviet army commited these rapes while following orders.
Let`s think about these two possibilities.

If your great Soviet army was so disciplined, why did it need NKVD & SMERSH behind it ?
I believe the enforcing authorities had no orders on how to deal with rape. Which in the Soviet army means they just didn't deal with it. That is why it got out of hand.
2 million might not be true.
100,000 rapes just in Berlin is believable.

10th May 2010, 05:04 PM
What the hell is this marxist propaganda doing on GSUS?

I wish you jew pricks hadn't murdered Patton because he would've sent you Christian killers back to the stone age!

10th May 2010, 10:00 PM
What the hell is this marxist propaganda doing on GSUS?

I wish you jew pricks hadn't murdered Patton because he would've sent you Christian killers back to the stone age!

When I start a thread about impotent rage, I promise to include this post of yours as an illustration.

Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

11th May 2010, 01:10 PM
A beautiful city full of beautiful people annihilated for the sake of Satanic International Jewish Bankers.

But Luciferians still worship Joseph Jewison (Stalin).
No, the Nazis got annihilated because they attacked a more powerful country and lost.

11th May 2010, 02:44 PM
Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

That statement alone shows your utter lack of historical knowledge.

I suggest you research the American Revolution, when we kicked the ass of the most powerful military force the planet had seen at that time, while we were only an untrained militia.

Substitute Americans for jews and your statement rings true though, just look at Palestine. It takes a mighty big man to murder a 3 year old child.

11th May 2010, 04:26 PM
A beautiful city full of beautiful people annihilated for the sake of Satanic International Jewish Bankers.

But Luciferians still worship Joseph Jewison (Stalin).
No, the Nazis got annihilated because they attacked a more powerful country and lost.

Hitler's form of government and plans for a Greater Germany were irrelevant. "Dictatorships" and violations of civil rights are nothing to the rulers of this world. Only when he sent the International Jewish Bankers packing, and told them that Germany's money would be based solely upon the productivity of the German working man, did he become a "threat." In reaction, Jewry "declared war" on Germany, and used its tools in Britain, France, Poland, and later, the USSR and USA, to ignite war. Jew-controlled Britain & France had no problem with the USSR invading Poland, only Germany. Germany saw what was coming from Joseph Jewison (Stalin), and simply launched a defensive assault before the JewSSR could do so instead. Unfortunately, Europe lost, and the rest is history.

11th May 2010, 04:28 PM
Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

That statement alone shows your utter lack of historical knowledge.

I suggest you research the American Revolution, when we kicked the ass of the most powerful military force the planet had seen at that time, while we were only an untrained militia.

Substitute Americans for jews and your statement rings true though, just look at Palestine. It takes a mighty big man to murder a 3 year old child.

Brother, don't argue with the Jew mamzer. His aim is agitation & propaganda, and he's doing a good job on the former in respect to yourself. Just ignore him.

Remember, we win in the end, no matter what they do.

11th May 2010, 04:39 PM
Back on the topic. If these Soviet mass rapes did occur, there can be only 2 theories:
1) This was an unprecedented breakdown of military discipline in the Soviet army which Patton called
"the most disciplined army he`d ever seen".
2) This was an official policy decided at the very top and the Soviet army commited these rapes while following orders.
Let`s think about these two possibilities.

If your great Soviet army was so disciplined, why did it need NKVD & SMERSH behind it ?
I believe the enforcing authorities had no orders on how to deal with rape. Which in the Soviet army means they just didn't deal with it. That is why it got out of hand.
2 million might not be true.
100,000 rapes just in Berlin is believable.

Hitler was the first to point machine guns in the back of his troops. NKVD did the same when using the combat units composed of criminals who were given a choice between joining the army or rotting away in the camps. As one can imagine their fighting spirit was not particularly great so NKVD units pointing machine guns in their backs prevented them from deserting which is a capital offense in every army.

We have established that 2 million rapes is a lie. Pressing false charges is a crime in every country so claiming that Russians raped 2 million is a crime. In the light of this, wouldn`t the claim of Russians having raped 100000 be also a bit tainted? How many people would it take to rape even 100000? In a typical gang rape there are no more than 10 rapists assaulting one victim so we are talking about 1 million taking part in this mass rape.

Also, one needs to keep in mind that in Russia rape is considered the lowest crime and the ultimate taboo which places rapists in the same category as cannibals.
They are forced to stay in their own corners in prisons and use theyr own eating utensils, touching any object that has been touched by a rapist places the person who was unluky enough to touch it in the same category of the unclean outcasts as the rapists themselves. This unwritten prison law is known to every Russian and you can verify this by asking any Russian person.

PS. What really happened in Berlin was a few dozen cases of rape, possibly hundreds of such cases.In every case those who were caught by Russians themselves were immediatly executed on the spot.

11th May 2010, 04:41 PM
Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

That statement alone shows your utter lack of historical knowledge.

I suggest you research the American Revolution, when we kicked the ass of the most powerful military force the planet had seen at that time, while we were only an untrained militia.

Substitute Americans for jews and your statement rings true though, just look at Palestine. It takes a mighty big man to murder a 3 year old child.

Russia lost 27 million in WW2, more than 10000 a day for 5 years. How many casualties were there in the American revolution? Probably this amounted to less than a week of what went on the Russian front.

11th May 2010, 04:43 PM
Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

That statement alone shows your utter lack of historical knowledge.

I suggest you research the American Revolution, when we kicked the ass of the most powerful military force the planet had seen at that time, while we were only an untrained militia.

Substitute Americans for jews and your statement rings true though, just look at Palestine. It takes a mighty big man to murder a 3 year old child.

Brother, don't argue with the Jew mamzer. His aim is agitation & propaganda, and he's doing a good job on the former in respect to yourself. Just ignore him.

Remember, we win in the end, no matter what they do.

Does ADL pay you per post or do you get a bonus if you get some nazi wannabe cretin to agree with you?

Since I rip to shreads and utterly humiliate nazi wannabes in every thread they dare to enter and they keep coming back, it is obvious they are getting paid.

11th May 2010, 04:48 PM
Does ADL pay you per post or do you get a bonus if you get some nazi wannabe cretin to agree with you?

Considering your the only hook nose in this thread I would find it more likely you are the ADL shill.

11th May 2010, 06:16 PM
What the hell is this marxist propaganda doing on GSUS?

I wish you jew pricks hadn't murdered Patton because he would've sent you Christian killers back to the stone age!

When I start a thread about impotent rage, I promise to include this post of yours as an illustration.

Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

I believe i remember a certain group of "Brown People " sending the glorious Red Army home in large amounts of coffins in the late 70s. You dont know dick about the US military, just your Stalinist bullshit. The US was run from Vietnam by its own internal failures. Thats the only one. In WWII US forces engaged and defeated the Nazis, period. Russia recieved massive aid from the west and needed it badly. I dont remember the Soviets taking on Japan in WWII untill about a week before the war ended, They kicked the shit out of Russia in 1905 so dont say they werent a threat. Im a veteran and come from a family of military men, shut the fuck up if you dont know what your talking about.

11th May 2010, 06:41 PM
What the hell is this marxist propaganda doing on GSUS?

I wish you jew pricks hadn't murdered Patton because he would've sent you Christian killers back to the stone age!

When I start a thread about impotent rage, I promise to include this post of yours as an illustration.

Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

I believe i remember a certain group of "Brown People " sending the glorious Red Army home in large amounts of coffins in the late 70s. You dont know dick about the US military, just your Stalinist bullsh*t. The US was run from Vietnam by its own internal failures. Thats the only one. In WWII US forces engaged and defeated the Nazis, period. Russia recieved massive aid from the west and needed it badly. I dont remember the Soviets taking on Japan in WWII untill about a week before the war ended, They kicked the sh*t out of Russia in 1905 so dont say they werent a threat. Im a veteran and come from a family of military men, shut the f*ck up if you dont know what your talking about.

You mean the Afghan war which was in the 80`s? Give a decade, take a decade, give a few million rapes,take a few million rapes, what`s the difference,right?

Which Nazis did the US army engage and defeat? The starving last few 1000`s on the glorious D Day in 1944 when Hitler was cocking his pistol to shoot himself?

Russians lost the war with Japan because the Jew bankers and arms manufacturers sabotaged the war, they overcharged the Russian army 10x for each munition and they would "screw up" by sending a ship full of shoes instead of a ship loaded with munitions. The Japanese war was sabotaged by them in order to pave the way for the 1917 revolution, to create a deep psychological wound in the Russian nation which never lost a war before.

The conduct of the Russian fleet which was sunk completely by the Japanese was so heroic that the Japanese built a monument to the Russian sailors lost in that war and they`ve been placing flowers there every day since 1905.

11th May 2010, 06:45 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

11th May 2010, 06:46 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

same as here.

11th May 2010, 06:53 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

same as here.

I must've had you on ignore I don't remember you.

11th May 2010, 06:58 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

same as here.

I must've had you on ignore I don't remember you.

You place people on ignore without remembering who they are?

11th May 2010, 07:02 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

same as here.

I must've had you on ignore I don't remember you.

You place people on ignore without remembering who they are?

Yeah basically people who are obvious, trolls, shills etc. that repeatedly never ad anything to a discussion and are just around to cause division on the boards.

I had about 10 people on ignore at GIM Goldwampum and S Goldberg are 2 that I remember.

11th May 2010, 07:07 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

same as here.

I must've had you on ignore I don't remember you.

You place people on ignore without remembering who they are?

Yeah basically people who are obvious, trolls, shills etc. that repeatedly never ad anything to a discussion and are just around to cause division on the boards.

I had about 10 people on ignore at GIM Goldwampum and S Goldberg are 2 that I remember.

I`m one of the most informative posters on GIM and here, I keep chatting to a minimum while sharing with honest Americans the truth which is unavailable in English.

11th May 2010, 07:09 PM

You are ignoring this user. Show me the post.

philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 07:14 PM

Take a look.

PS. It is a pleasure to congratulate the GSUS community on the 65 anniversay of the USSR`s Victory in WW2.
The Soviets claiming victory is the same as France doing it.

11th May 2010, 07:20 PM

Take a look.

PS. It is a pleasure to congratulate the GSUS community on the 65 anniversay of the USSR`s Victory in WW2.
The Soviets claiming victory is the same as France doing it.

Wow, an early onset of schizophrenia in a male virgin due to excessive porn and masturbation.
But mostly impotent rage which is seen too often here. Sooner or later I`ll start a thread about this affliction.

philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 07:31 PM

Take a look.

PS. It is a pleasure to congratulate the GSUS community on the 65 anniversay of the USSR`s Victory in WW2.
The Soviets claiming victory is the same as France doing it.

Wow, an early onset of schizophrenia in a male virgin due to excessive porn and masturbation.
But mostly impotent rage which is seen too often here. Sooner or later I`ll start a thread about this affliction..
This from a guy who claims he never starts insults. but the truth hurts Are you adnmitting the French really didn't win anything, or are you claiming them the victors too?

12th May 2010, 02:36 AM
What the hell is this marxist propaganda doing on GSUS?

I wish you jew pricks hadn't murdered Patton because he would've sent you Christian killers back to the stone age!

When I start a thread about impotent rage, I promise to include this post of yours as an illustration.

Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

I believe i remember a certain group of "Brown People " sending the glorious Red Army home in large amounts of coffins in the late 70s. You dont know dick about the US military, just your Stalinist bullsh*t. The US was run from Vietnam by its own internal failures. Thats the only one. In WWII US forces engaged and defeated the Nazis, period. Russia recieved massive aid from the west and needed it badly. I dont remember the Soviets taking on Japan in WWII untill about a week before the war ended, They kicked the sh*t out of Russia in 1905 so dont say they werent a threat. Im a veteran and come from a family of military men, shut the f*ck up if you dont know what your talking about.

You mean the Afghan war which was in the 80`s? Give a decade, take a decade, give a few million rapes,take a few million rapes, what`s the difference,right?

Which Nazis did the US army engage and defeat? The starving last few 1000`s on the glorious D Day in 1944 when Hitler was cocking his pistol to shoot himself?

Russians lost the war with Japan because the Jew bankers and arms manufacturers sabotaged the war, they overcharged the Russian army 10x for each munition and they would "screw up" by sending a ship full of shoes instead of a ship loaded with munitions. The Japanese war was sabotaged by them in order to pave the way for the 1917 revolution, to create a deep psychological wound in the Russian nation which never lost a war before.

The conduct of the Russian fleet which was sunk completely by the Japanese was so heroic that the Japanese built a monument to the Russian sailors lost in that war and they`ve been placing flowers there every day since 1905.

Yes, 70s 1979 was the year of the invasion,.so bag it on that one, the rest of your response is so stupid and foolish i wont even comment.

12th May 2010, 10:35 AM

Take a look.

PS. It is a pleasure to congratulate the GSUS community on the 65 anniversay of the USSR`s Victory in WW2.
The Soviets claiming victory is the same as France doing it.

More Nazis died trying to take one house in Stalingrad than in conquering Paris:

12th May 2010, 10:47 AM
What the hell is this marxist propaganda doing on GSUS?

I wish you jew pricks hadn't murdered Patton because he would've sent you Christian killers back to the stone age!

When I start a thread about impotent rage, I promise to include this post of yours as an illustration.

Americans can successfully fight only completely unarmed people such as Native Americans. Brown and Asian people even while ridiculously outgunned have sent USA running with its tail between its legs.

I believe i remember a certain group of "Brown People " sending the glorious Red Army home in large amounts of coffins in the late 70s. You dont know dick about the US military, just your Stalinist bullsh*t. The US was run from Vietnam by its own internal failures. Thats the only one. In WWII US forces engaged and defeated the Nazis, period. Russia recieved massive aid from the west and needed it badly. I dont remember the Soviets taking on Japan in WWII untill about a week before the war ended, They kicked the sh*t out of Russia in 1905 so dont say they werent a threat. Im a veteran and come from a family of military men, shut the f*ck up if you dont know what your talking about.

So in which glorious genocide of Brown people did you participate? At least USSR didn`t use Agent Orange and napalm in Afghan. Do you think using profanities on this forum or trying to simply shut me up adds weight to your arguments?

12th May 2010, 04:40 PM
Nope not at all, just the way i speak, Im ignorant, brash and rude, thats how i am. Which brown people? I was in during and seen action in Grenada,(sorry Ponce!) and GW1, but didnt do any personal killing,My father and brother fought Asians, which i believe are not brown. my Grandfather an several uncles fought Germans in two World Wars who are definitely not brown. Im not trying to shut you up, but youll not glorify Russia at US expense and go unanswered by me. Many on this forum are so rabidly anti-govt they have become anti-US, and in my eyes traitors, as they wish harm on their own home to prove a point. I will not be browbeat by you or anyone else. You do not live in Russia, you live in the US, MY home as a Guest, i suggest you go back to Russia and then beat your drum.

14th May 2010, 07:53 PM
occam who were you on GIM?

same as here.

I must've had you on ignore I don't remember you.

You place people on ignore without remembering who they are?

Yeah basically people who are obvious, trolls, shills etc. that repeatedly never ad anything to a discussion and are just around to cause division on the boards.

I had about 10 people on ignore at GIM Goldwampum and S Goldberg are 2 that I remember.

I`m one of the most informative posters on GIM and here, I keep chatting to a minimum while sharing with honest Americans the truth which is unavailable in English.

So the only truth is your truth? Is that what you're saying?