View Full Version : SHTF Advice from a guy that has actually been there

10th May 2010, 05:56 AM

Someone hit me in the head please because I messed up about the gold issue.
Everyone wants to buy gold! “I buy gold. Pay cash” signs are everywhere, even on TV! I can’t believe I’m that silly! I just didn’t relate it to what I read here because they deal with junk gold, like jewelry, either stolen or sold because they needed the money, not the gold coins that you guys talk about. No one pays for the true value of the stuff, so big WARNING! Sign on people that are buying gold coins. Since it is impossible to determine the true mineral percentage of gold, small shops and dealers will pay for it as regular jewelry gold. What I would do if I were you: Besides gold coins, buy a lot of small gold rings and other jewelry. They should be less expensive than gold coins, and if the SHTF bad, you’ll not be loosing money, selling premium quality gold coins for the price of junk gold. If I could travel back in time, I’d buy a small bag worth of gold rings.
Small time thieves will snatch gold chains right out of your neck and sell them at these small dealers found everywhere. This is VERY common at train stations, subways and other crowded areas.

So, my advice, if you are preparing for a small economical crisis, gold coins make sense. You will keep the value of the stuff and be able to sell it for its actual cost to gold dealers or maybe other survivalists that know the true value of the item. In my case, gold coins would have been an excellent investment, saving me from loosing money when the local economy crashed. Even though things are bad, I can go to a bank down town and get paid for what a gold coin is truly worth, same goes for pure silver. But where I live, in my local are small time dealers will only pay you the value of junk gold, no matter what kind of gold you have. So, I’d have to say that if TSHTF bad, gold jewelry is a better trade item than gold coins. Forgive me for not talking about this before, but I didn’t realize this until today, when I visited my local market warehouse and saw a “Buy Gold” sign.



After TSHTF in 2001, only the most narrow minded, brain washed, butterfly IQ level idiots believed that the police would protect them from the crime wave that followed the collapse of our economy. A lot of people that could have been considered antigun before, ran to the gun shops, seeking advice on how to defend themselves and their families. They would buy a 38 revolver, a box of ammo, and leave it in the closet, probably believing that it would magically protect them from intruders.

Oh, maybe you don’t think that firearms are really necessary or your beliefs do not allow you to buy a tool designed to kill people. So you probably ask yourself, is a gun really necessary when TSHTF? Will it truly make a difference? Having gone through a SHTF scenario myself, total economical collapse in the year 2001, and still dealing with the consequences, 5 years later, I feel I can answer that question. YES, you need a gun, pepper spray, a machete, a battle axe, club with a rusty nail sticking out of it, or whatever weapon you can get hold of.

A LOT has been written on survival weapons. Everyone....

Pretty good reading with more at the link:


Twisted Titan
10th May 2010, 06:17 AM
Ah yes Fer Fal ..........

Reading that guy you would swear That tires are still burning and riots are still happening as we speak.

I use to admire him until I saw Live footage/documentary of the Argentina Collapse and aside from key areas in the city ( which were unsustainable even before the collapse) it was nothing close to bad as he is whipping it up to be.

He is a Fear Merchant and profits off it handsomely.


10th May 2010, 06:41 AM
You got it Mr. Titan..........where he was there for two or three years the Cuban people are still there AFTER FORTY SIX YEARS.

And once again........here in the US will last as long OR LONGER than in Cuba so be ready to bunker down for a very long time.

If you at this time are not ready then buy AT LEAST a gun so that you can take from those who have.........or your kids will die of hunger.

Twisted Titan
10th May 2010, 07:14 AM
Who is making more sense The Fear Merchant or this Documentary???


10th May 2010, 07:26 AM
Whatever. The fact that Cubans have lived in such a fashion does not do anything to discredit this guys first hand account, imo.

...and he's not making any profit from me. I just thought it was interesting reading.

Twisted Titan
10th May 2010, 08:47 AM
It is interesting reading that I do not dispute

But he is passing out advice that is highly controversial to say the least. One of his blog enteries sticks out like yesterday

He talks about having land in a foreign country and if things get bad you can just "go there"

I have two massive challenges with that:

1) Who can you trust to be a steward of your ex pat location? How can you be sure that the current regime will remain friendly to expats? History has shown they are the first group to be offered up to quell the masses

2) what do you think the money of the time will be if you have to cross international borders incognito: Visa Check Card, Currency of the collasping De Facto Ruler or Physical Gold and Silver??

He did get somethings right but others he did wrong and I mean really wrong.

Just saying.


10th May 2010, 09:13 AM
He did get somethings right but others he did wrong and I mean really wrong.

Agreed. We all need discernment here.


10th May 2010, 09:44 AM
Well, I do have a small farm in Argentina.......but.......is only my plan behind my plan behind my plan.......or in other words.....my final plan.

Lucky for me I speak the lingo and the chief of police in the next town is a Cuban who is keeping and eye on my farm for $12,000 per year......the farm is a working farm that produces (after expenses) about $18,000 a year.

I do know that I am loosing a lot of money from the nick nacks of "expenses" but is ok because I was counting on that when I bought the farm.

In two months I'll be going for about a week to see what is going on.