View Full Version : Khazarian Kaganat
10th May 2010, 07:07 AM
A thread to discuss the Khazarian Kaganat.
Definition taken from this thread by FreeEnergy:
Khazarian Kaganat - this is how your rulers operate, this is a basis of their control. They run a separate parallel government that fully controls your "visible" government. You have control in local matters, but most international and large national issues are under their full and complete control.
Itil, also spelled Atil (literally meaning "Big River") - a city established in the first half of the VIIIth century, near the mouth of the Itil River to the Khazarian Sea. It was built on the model of a campsite and consisted of seven concentric rings. The city was one of the most important trading points on the route of the Silk Road, which connected China and Middle Asia with Europe. It was built by the Khazars, who inhabited that area. The Khazars were of a Turkish origin, they led a nomadic life, and a sea which today is called the Caspian Sea was named by them. Originally, the Khazars inhabited the West Turkish Empire. After its fall in the VIIth century, they became fully independent, and between years 630 and 650 they established their own country - Khazarian Kaganat. In its heyday, Khazars' country was the biggest and the richest in Europe. Its territory included south Russia, north Caucasus, east Ukraine, Crimea, west Kazakhstan and north-west Uzbekistan, as well as other Turkish tribes, such as Sabirs and Bulgars. In the IXth century the Khazars also ruled the tribes of east Slavs, Magyars, Burts, Pechenegs and north-caucasian Huns.
The first capital of Khazaria was Balanjar (upper Chir-Jurt). About 720 the Khazars moved their capital to Samandar (a coast city in north Caucasus famous for beautiful gardens and vineyards). In a year 750 the capital of Khazaria was moved to Itil for about 200 years. Itil was adjacent to Khazaran, one of the main trading centers in Khazaria. At the beginning of the Xth century Khazaran-Itil was mainly inhabited by Muslims, Jews and some Christians. In the middle of the Xth century, the capital was moved forward to west territories. With the help of Byzantine workmen, Sarkal was established on the river Don.
Khazaria was distinguished by its double monarchy. Khagan was the highest (reigning) king, and Khagan-bek was a ruling king and army commander. The Khagans were very tolerant, even when they converted to Judaism and it was their court's religion (which also means country's religion), they allowed Christian Greeks, pagan Slavs and Muslim Persians to profess their religion. In the capital there was the Supreme Court, consisting of 7 judges. 2 of them were for Christians, 2 for Muslims, 2 for Jews and one for pagans. What is more, Jews were judged according to the Torah, Christians according to the Bible, Muslims according to Koran and pagans according to their own (usually Slavic) habits.
The Khazars played an important role in the history of Europe. They drove away primitive people inhabiting the territories of present-day Bulgaria, which enabled to establish a modern Bulgarian nation. In its heyday, Khazaria managed to keep the balance of power between the Muslim Caliphate of Baghdad and the Christian Byzantine Empire. Waging wars known as Arabic-Khazar wars (usually victorious) in the VIIth and VIIIth century, Islamic expansion to the North of Caucasus was stopped. The symbol of Khazarian political independence was converting to Judaism as an official religion of the court and the country. The decision was made by the king (khagan) Bulan in A.D. 838.
In 965 the Khazars suffered first defeat, when a kievian duke Svyatoslav conquered Sarkel - the biggest Khazars' stronghold, and 2 years later the capital of Khazaria - Itil. Khazars' country vegetated till the XIIIth century, and a fatal decisive blow was dealt by Jingis Chan (1162-1227), who in a year 1223 devastated Khazaria as far as Crimea, banished Khazars and Jews to middle and Eastern Europe. The last Khazars' ruler found shelter in Georgia. Last references about the Khazars come from the XIIth century, however they did not disappear from the Earth. The vast majority escaped to the west territories of present-day Poland, Romania, Hungary, and then Germany and France. They mixed with local societies forming so called Ashkenazi- middle European Jewish community.
Today, in the place of the early medieval Khazars' capital Itil there is a town Astrahan, inhabited by about 500 thousand people. It is the capital of Astrahanian District, a big port and an important railway junction. With the exception of a small display cabinet in a local museum containing excavations findings from the times of kagnat, unfortunately there is no other trace of Itil.
The river Itil, in the ancient times Rha, today is called the Volga. From its source in Waldaj to the Caspian Sea it is 3530 km long, and it is still the longest river in Europe. Volga's basin is 1360 km long, and its main side streams are Kama and Oka.
10th May 2010, 07:32 AM
Speaking of khazars and kaganats, a khazar named Kagan has been nominated to sit on the highest court in the land.
10th May 2010, 09:59 AM
Speaking of khazars and kaganats, a khazar named Kagan has been nominated to sit on the highest court in the land.
I was wondering if that was what this thread was about when I clicked on it.
10th May 2010, 10:08 AM
The first part, at the top, that is the way that it is..........
10th May 2010, 10:10 AM
"In the capital there was the Supreme Court, consisting of 7 judges. 2 of them were for Christians, 2 for Muslims, 2 for Jews and one for pagans. What is more, Jews were judged according to the Torah, Christians according to the Bible, Muslims according to Koran and pagans according to their own (usually Slavic) habits."
It appears that even then, Khazars practiced multiculturalism. :o
10th May 2010, 10:20 AM
Scholar claims to find medieval Jewish capital
Sat Sep 20, 2:13 PM ET
MOSCOW – A Russian archaeologist says he has found the lost capital of the Khazars, a powerful nation that adopted Judaism as its official religion more than 1,000 years ago, only to disappear leaving little trace of its culture.
Dmitry Vasilyev, a professor at Astrakhan State University, said his nine-year excavation near the Caspian Sea has finally unearthed the foundations of a triangular fortress of flamed brick, along with modest yurt-shaped dwellings, and he believes these are part of what was once Itil, the Khazar capital.
By law Khazars could use flamed bricks only in the capital, Vasilyev said. The general location of the city on the Silk Road was confirmed in medieval chronicles by Arab, Jewish and European authors.
“The discovery of the capital of Eastern Europe’s first feudal state is of great significance,†he told The Associated Press. “We should view it as part of Russian history.â€
Kevin Brook, the American author of “The Jews of Khazaria,†e-mailed Wednesday that he has followed the Itil dig over the years, and even though it has yielded no Jewish artifacts, “Now I’m as confident as the archaeological team is that they’ve truly found the long-lost city,
The Khazars were a Turkic tribe that roamed the steppes from Northern China to the Black Sea. Between the 7th and 10th centuries they conquered huge swaths of what is now southern Russia and Ukraine, the Caucasus Mountains and Central Asia as far as the Aral Sea.
Itil, about 800 miles south of Moscow, had a population of up to 60,000 and occupied 0.8 square miles of marshy plains southwest of the Russian Caspian Sea port of Astrakhan, Vasilyev said.
It lay at a major junction of the Silk Road, the trade route between Europe and China, which “helped Khazars amass giant profits,†he said.
The Khazar empire was once a regional superpower, and Vasilyev said his team has found “luxurious collections†of well-preserved ceramics that help identify cultural ties of the Khazar state with Europe, the Byzantine Empire and even Northern Africa. They also found armor, wooden kitchenware, glass lamps and cups, jewelry and vessels for transporting precious balms dating back to the eighth and ninth centuries, he said.
But a scholar in Israel, while calling the excavations interesting, said the challenge was to find Khazar inscriptions.
“If they found a few buildings, or remains of buildings, that’s interesting but does not make a big difference,†said Dr. Simon Kraiz, an expert on Eastern European Jewry at Haifa University. “If they found Khazar writings, that would be very important.â€
Vasilyev says no Jewish artifacts have been found at the site, and in general, most of what is known about the Khazars comes from chroniclers from other, sometimes competing cultures and empires.
“We know a lot about them, and yet we know almost nothing: Jews wrote about them, and so did Russians, Georgians, and Armenians, to name a few,†said Kraiz. “But from the Khazars themselves we have nearly nothing.â€
The Khazars’ ruling dynasty and nobility converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th or 9th centuries. Vasilyev said the limited number of Jewish religious artifacts such as mezuzas and Stars of David found at other Khazar sites prove that ordinary Khazars preferred traditional beliefs such as shamanism, or newly introduced religions including Islam.
Yevgeny Satanovsky, director of the Middle Eastern Institute in Moscow, said he believes the Khazar elite chose Judaism out of political expediency — to remain independent of neighboring Muslim and Christian states. “They embraced Judaism because they wanted to remain neutral, like Switzerland these days,†he said.
In particular, he said, the Khazars opposed the Arab advance into the Caucasus Mountains and were instrumental in containing a Muslim push toward eastern Europe. He compared their role in eastern Europe to that of the French knights who defeated Arab forces at the Battle of Tours in France in 732.
The Khazars succeeded in holding off the Arabs, but a young, expanding Russian state vanquished the Khazar empire in the late 10th century. Medieval Russian epic poems mention Russian warriors fighting the “Jewish Giant.â€
“In many ways, Russia is a successor of the Khazar state,†Vasilyev said.
He said his dig revealed traces of a large fire that was probably caused by the Russian conquest. He said Itil was rebuilt following the fall of the Khazar empire, when ethnic Khazars were slowly assimilated by Turkic-speaking tribes, Tatars and Mongols, who inhabited the city until it was flooded by the rising Caspian Sea around the 14th century.
The study of the Khazar empire was discouraged in the Soviet Union. The dictator Josef Stalin, in particular, detested the idea that a Jewish empire had come before Russia’s own. He ordered references to Khazar history removed from textbooks because they “disproved his theory of Russian statehood,†Satanovsky said.
Only now are Russian scholars free to explore Khazar culture. The Itil excavations have been sponsored by the Russian-Jewish Congress, a nonprofit organization that supports cultural projects in Russia.
“Khazar studies are just beginning,†Satanovsky said.
10th May 2010, 10:27 AM
goldmonkey, I am humbled that you used my quote to start this thread, thanks, it means I am doing something right :)
TPTB: It appears that even then, Khazars practiced multiculturalism
They've been practicing multiculturalism for thousands of years, possibly >4000. You have to when you are from a foreign land. Otherwise you'd have no way of getting into the government.
Also, because there were international bankers among them, they could fund just about any politician, and that way control both sides. Here's how it is done. Say, you look at local election and see that it takes $10 million for an independent candidate to get on the ballot to compete. What you do then, since you print money out of nothing, you give your candidate $100 million, 10 times that. This way your candidate just overpowers the others. However, that is not all. Because if a strong well financed opponent comes along, he can give yours a run for the money. So, their favorite modus operandi is to create 2-party system, and FUND BOTH. That way, you give out $100 million to each, or $100 million to one and $50 million to the other (picking a guy you need this way). If one party is overtaken by opposition (rarely happens), you cut the funding. But usually, after a while, everyone sees it as the way our political system always been.
10th May 2010, 10:55 AM
The way people are confused is unbelievable. Khazars commonly use blacks in this country. They've run a slave trade in the past (even had monopoly at one point), and they still use blacks to their advantage. Read this:
Black Hebrew Israelites (also Black Hebrews, African Hebrew Israelites, and Hebrew Israelites) are groups of people mostly of Black African ancestry situated mainly in the United States who believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Black Hebrews adhere in varying degrees to the religious beliefs and practices of mainstream Judaism. They are generally not accepted as Jews by the greater Jewish community.
While Black Christians traditionally have identified themselves with the Children of Israel, they never claimed to be descendants of the Israelites.
10th May 2010, 11:08 AM
goldmonkey, I am humbled that you used my quote to start this thread, thanks, it means I am doing something right :)
TPTB: It appears that even then, Khazars practiced multiculturalism
They've been practicing multiculturalism for thousands of years, possibly >4000. You have to when you are from a foreign land. Otherwise you'd have no way of getting into the government.
Khazar University offers wide spectrum of diverse majors in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Architecture, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Economics, Management and Business Administration, Law, Education, Medicine, Dentistry and Public Health.
Innovative undergraduate, graduate and professional study programs provided by the university promote advanced study and research, educational policy and development in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Academic departments, institutes and centers carry out research in various fields of engineering sciences, economics and business, linguistics, area studies, legal studies, medicine and biomedicine, and education.
Affiliated "Dunya" school offers preschool, primary, middle and secondary school programs.
10th May 2010, 11:52 AM
TPTB :) don't forget that Baku is the capital of caspian oil. And Rothschilds had a hand there since 1880.
How about Harward then, and Chicago schools of law and economics? London school of economics? All true.
But if country is strongly nationalistic - for instance Italy elects only italians, in Russia - russians etc. it would be very hard to get a hold of it. You have to break nationalism and embed liberalism and multiculturalism. Because if you don't your puppet ruler may eventually be ousted by a strong nationalistic one (example: trotsky vs. stalin in USSR)
10th May 2010, 12:13 PM
Speaking of khazars and kaganats, a khazar named Kagan has been nominated to sit on the highest court in the land.
Wave after wave, the Nomads of Asia rode Westwards into Central Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and Eastwards into India and China. Their cultural influence, and at times their Empires covered most of the Medieval World.
These Nomad tribes, led by their Khans, came together under the leadership of a "Great Khan" -- Kha-Khan or Kagan. The Empires that were thus formed -- polyglot confederacies of Iranian, Uighur, Turkic, and Tatar-Mongol tribes -- were called Kaganates.
Khagan or Qaghan (Old Turkic kagan, kaɣan; alternatively spelled Chagan, Khaghan, Khakhan, Kagan, Kağan, Qagan) is a title of imperial rank in the Mongolian and Turkic languages equal to the status of emperor and someone who rules a Khaganate (empire, greater than an ordinary Khanate, but often referred to as such in western languages).
It may also be translated as Khan of Khans, equivalent to King of Kings. ... "khagan" is a political term used to refer to an emperor. Kağan is a common Turkish name in Turkey.
Among Turkic peoples
The title became associated with the Ashina rulers of the Göktürks and their dynastic successors among such peoples as the Khazars (cf. the compound military title Khagan Bek).
10th May 2010, 12:27 PM
Speaking of khazars and kaganats, a khazar named Kagan has been nominated to sit on the highest court in the land.
I was wondering if that was what this thread was about when I clicked on it.
LOL - I thought this thread was going to be about the "Supreme" Court, as well.
10th May 2010, 12:50 PM
goldmonkey, here's some intersting reading on topic, this is just an opinion, so people are trying to figure this one out:
10th May 2010, 01:40 PM
goldmonkey, here's some intersting reading on topic, this is just an opinion, so people are trying to figure this one out:
Thanks, FreeEnergy. I'll read them when I get an opportunity.
10th May 2010, 02:05 PM
This is good stuff... Keep the education rolling.
However, to be fair, this is also about a long standing Russo Khazarian animosity that has been brewing for a very very long time and if we are indeed being taken over, or rather have been taken over by these same old world asiatic khazars from the medieval ages, that represents some bad ass blow back from some seriously smart determined mofo's. It means, at least in a metaphorical sense, that Genghis Khan Lives and he's kicking our cottage cheese white Neanderthal asses.
Actually worse,... it means the children of Khan to this day, own our asses. lol
I gotta laugh at this because I was virtually born into and brought up as a slave to the Great Khan. lol
But really, why should I give a shit whether I'm owned by a Khan or some Russki Czar offspring or Italian Roman Mafioso or Chinese Dragon Emperor.
This always comes down to The big Three, and it's really hard for me to get all worked up over it since I consider myself to be a stupid little dirt farmer, a Heathen who, no matter what army shows up is going to fuck with me and take my shit. So naturally, I don't like armies. Any armies.
Nevertheless, I find this stuff interesting, so please continue. To be honest though, Ive already read up on a lot of this Khazarian Kaganate stuff previously, so it's not really breaking historical news to me.
I do find it interesting that a huge Empire that actually rivaled any other European Empire practiced multiculturalism much like we do today. They practiced it and remained a huge and powerful Empire for at least 500 years, in which they basically controlled the flow of goods and information from the East to the west. Pretty impressive really.
In order to maintain such control over such a vast region, multiculturalism was and is employed out of necessity. Isn't that true?
I'm not suggesting that's what I want, but that it is a requirement for world domination.
All World Empires must by sheer necessity, be tolerant of differences, be multicultural and be multilingual as well. No?
I mean, when a Nation makes it their business to build an Empire, multiculturalism is simply required.
Oh, and didn't our paper currency fiat monetary system actually originate during the Song dynasty in China?
10th May 2010, 02:54 PM
I don't know about multiculturalism. I suppose this is the only way that you can make peoples accept foreign rulers - to say that "we are multicultural, diverse, look, we have a ruler from this little province, and that too" that you don't actually have a ruler from the mainland who's nationalistic and thus strong. And then you can have a shadow government control over a series of weak kings.
This only says that a country can't fall asleep at the wheel, and as soon as it does somebody else comes along who can care less about "feelings", "lets all be friends" stuff etc. and will be ruthless in taking it over.
Our paper currency is at least 4000 years old, and probably has roots in ancient Babylon. There are many evidence of clay tablets found all over - from Europe to China, including ancient Rome and Greece - that were nothing but banking records, warehouse receipts and other bank-created "money". So banking families probably ruled the planet since the time someone came up with "make money out of thin air via ledger entries" scam - which is the root of banking (what an irony - a fraud is cornerstone of banking!).
10th May 2010, 04:56 PM
No, that's not what I'm saying about multiculturalism.
What I'm saying is that in order to govern a diverse multinational Empire, and to control the flow of commodities, goods and wealth distribution, which consists of many cultures and many languages, that Empire, regardless of who rules it, absolutely must become multicultural. There's no way around it.
So, as the Western World revels in it's past civilization, its glories, it really must include these Khazars as well, since it appears that they were the peoples who brought the East and the West and the North together through a major junction of the very famous Silk Road trade route. They appear to have been not only the bankers between the East and the West, but the middlemen as well.
They must have had huge influence in the transference of vast knowledge, of trades and sciences brought back and forth between Greater China, Central Europe, and Rome.
It's really too bad most of the written documentation of Khazaria was destroyed by the Rus who conquered and overran their long held land later on.
As far as paper currency, I'm pretty sure the first usage was during the Song dynasty in China. The Chinese were known to make excellent paper very early.
Clay cuneiform tablets from early Sumerian and Babylonian culture do show evidence of recorded accounting transactions and banking practices, although the concept of usury may go back even further, I don't know.
I do know though, that most of the Khazar Jewdoo hoodoo is mostly old religion bashing propaganda designed to position Christendom at the apex of the early European hierarchy wherein most of that old propaganda was kept, recorded and built upon while the intellectual and written remnants of the Khazarian Empire were mercilessly burned and destroyed.
Those people who survived the destruction of the Empire were held together through the use of a common distinct language... Yiddish. Between a common language and a need to work together in small communal collectives in order to survive, they grew strong, intelligent, creative and resilient.
And no, I'm not Jewish. Nor am I sympathetic with the State of Israel. I'm Heathen. I'm not sympathetic toward Christians, Muslims or Jews. Every one of them are just as likely to be murderous thieving thugs who enslave my people and make us work the mines or build the shrines or grow the food for them.
10th May 2010, 05:08 PM
Those people who survived the destruction of the Empire were held together through the use of a common distinct language... Yiddish. Between a common language and a need to work together in small communal collectives in order to survive, they grew strong, intelligent, creative and resilient.
Jews are destroying Whitey through "Diversity" because they fear another POGROM by a united White society.
Kinda obvious
10th May 2010, 06:29 PM
Those people who survived the destruction of the Empire were held together through the use of a common distinct language... Yiddish. Between a common language and a need to work together in small communal collectives in order to survive, they grew strong, intelligent, creative and resilient.
Jews are destroying Whitey through "Diversity" because they fear another POGROM by a united White society.
Kinda obvious
I don't think so. If Whitey dies out, it'll be due to his own pathetic suicidal tendencies.
Whitey will either drink himself to death, scare himself to death or bring about mass infertility with crap like plastic throwaway bowls and bug-be-gone pesticide.
Face it, Whitey isn't looking too healthy these days anyway, dressing up as para-military banana Republic thugs, busting down neighbors doors in Mo. for God sakes, and shooting dogs in cages. You can't exactly blame that kind of insanity on Khazars. Besides most Khazars are white anyway... lol
10th May 2010, 06:43 PM
I don't think so. If Whitey dies out, it'll be due to his own pathetic suicidal tendencies.
It's all fun and ZOG games until the next pogrom ( History proves that jews regularly overplay their clockwork.
10th May 2010, 06:52 PM
You may be right there, but it won't save Whitey from a future of infertility, impotence and angry wives with big asses sneaking over to Jerome's to get properly knocked up. :)
10th May 2010, 06:59 PM
You may be right there, but it won't save Whitey from a future of infertility, impotence and angry wives with big asses sneaking over to Jerome's to get properly knocked up. :)
As if the jew is more crack me up with your constant disparagement of
10th May 2010, 07:06 PM
You may be right there, but it won't save Whitey from a future of infertility, impotence and angry wives with big asses sneaking over to Jerome's to get properly knocked up. :)
+1 reality strike :o :ROFL:
Hatha Sunahara
10th May 2010, 07:17 PM
We know them as Jews, but why not as Khazars? And the Jews themselves mostly don't know who or what the Khazars were.
Don't most people have a national or a cultural history? When the Khazars were defeated, they must have given up the idea of nations, and spread out in a diaspora into western countries. Jews trace their origins to Abraham, not to Khazaria. They don't teach Jews about Khazaria in Sunday School. Jews seem to be free to invent history. What did Orwell say about controlling the past?
And the language Yiddish, plus their associations are not all that keeps them together. Antisemitism keeps them together, whether real or perceived, or invented. It's a double edged sword. Keeps them together, and if they don't like you, you're an anti-semite. The irony is that they are not semitic at all.
They discovered the bottom line: If you act like you have power, people will give it to you. And the first thing you do is convince them that you are the only one who can issue money that everyone will accept. So you have even more power because you control all the money. And eventually you control the whole world.
I think the Khazars saw that they could control countries without having a country of their own. When they got kicked out of a country, it was like a local revolution--the people asserting their freedom. When the Jews left, the order they established left with them. Many of the governments that expelled Jews invited them back in a generation or less. They are the original Social Engineers. They have turned humanity into Sheeple.
10th May 2010, 07:35 PM
When they got kicked out of a country, it was like a local revolution--the people asserting their freedom. When the Jews left, the order they established left with them. Many of the governments that expelled Jews invited them back in a generation or less. They are the original Social Engineers.
Nonsense. Social Order after the jews were expelled.
Palestine after the jews arrived:
10th May 2010, 07:42 PM
With all the references, I'm starting to think you've become a Neo-Nazi, Book..
10th May 2010, 07:45 PM
With all the references, I'm starting to think you've become a Neo-Nazi, Book..
Re-read the title of this thread.
Whoever stands up for Whitey in this thread is a Neo-Nazi according to
10th May 2010, 07:51 PM
Was only citing the dual swastika posts.
Don't let'em getcha, Book. :o
10th May 2010, 07:51 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
10th May 2010, 07:53 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
What's with all the Khazar Jew idealism?
10th May 2010, 07:58 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
What's with all the Khazar idealism?
LOL, if you've read my posts, you should know that I don't idealize khazars.
Do you consider yourself a national socialist?
I just want people to know that it is OK to be white, not be ashamed of it, and NOT be a neo-nazi at the same time. I get disappointed when I see someone who is 'racially-aware' turn out to be another damned socialist!
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 07:59 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
10th May 2010, 08:01 PM
I just want people to know that it is OK to be white, not be ashamed of it, and NOT be a neo-nazi at the same time. I get disappointed when I see someone who is 'racially-aware' turn out to be another damned socialist!
Didn't Percival post that you emailed him to join here? Am I remembering that right?
10th May 2010, 08:04 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! "They" have arrived
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 08:05 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! "They" have arrived
Damn straight didn't you get the memo?
10th May 2010, 08:08 PM
I just want people to know that it is OK to be white, not be ashamed of it, and NOT be a neo-nazi at the same time. I get disappointed when I see someone who is 'racially-aware' turn out to be another damned socialist!
Didn't Percival post that you emailed him to join here? Am I remembering that right?
He did say something like that, but for the record, I never knowingly did so.
I PM'd a LOT of people to get them here. I knew there was a chance that I would inadvertently invite sockpuppets of people who would be deemed 'undesirable' here. I figured the membership here could stand to grow, and could handle a troll two, or what have you.
But no, I didn't just whip up an email and send it to percival.... I knew he'd find this place eventually anyway. It IS possible that I PM'd some sockpuppet account of his that I didn't know of.
Anyway, I like percival, he makes things interesting.
Book, you have to admit that you have enjoyed your "discussions" with him as well!
10th May 2010, 08:12 PM
You may be right there, but it won't save Whitey from a future of infertility, impotence and angry wives with big asses sneaking over to Jerome's to get properly knocked up. :)
As if the jew is more crack me up with your constant disparagement of
Constant disparagement of Whitey? lol... Oops, I know, right? I'm so prolific. I used the W word in a sentence. lol... You aren't gonna call the ADL on me are you?
Hey, I read somewhere that there are actually more redheaded Khazars than there are redheaded Irish and Scottish folk and have very recently extrapolated through deep research that for many centuries people from all over the continent flocked to Khazaria to enjoy the unique and fabulous liberties brought about by the dream of personal wealth and freedom due to the Silk Road Global Trade Route.
Yeah, and that lovely large family you posted look like they'd blend right in to Southern Khazaria circa 900 to 1100 AD. lol
10th May 2010, 08:13 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
I see socialism as a prison.
I see white socialism as an all-white prison.
I would rather be free.
10th May 2010, 08:13 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! "They" have arrived
Damn straight didn't you get the memo?
Yeah, the one where you grow up to be your own worst enemy.
You will succeed at only delivering more power into the hands of elitists, that is all.
10th May 2010, 08:16 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
Perhaps some look back fondly on Uncle Adolf's success in creating a vibrant society from a wreck in just four years.
Would the world be a better place today if Germany had won? You better believe it.
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
You'll keep failing until you distinguish between Jewish "socialism" and Christian socialism. The Masters of Lies set up phony "socialisms" to obscure the "taking care of our own" that has always existed amongst our kind.
10th May 2010, 08:18 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
Most people are so befuddled - or evil-minded - they choose "libertarian" race-mixing over Adamic socialism.
Racial socialism represents God's way. Anti-racial capitalism represents the Devil's.
10th May 2010, 08:21 PM
I see socialism as a prison.
I see white socialism as an all-white prison.
I would rather be free.
No you wouldn't. You're already enslaved to the Devil's deceit of "capitalism" and "libertarianism."
"Socialism" simply means taking care of one's own kind, of working for the mutual benefit of one's kind. Essentially, an extrapolation, an extension of "community."
Jewish "socialisms" like Marxism are merely forms of Jewish "capitalism." Capitalism is Satanism.
10th May 2010, 08:24 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
Perhaps some look back fondly on Uncle Adolf's success in creating a vibrant society from a wreck in just four years.
Would the world be a better place today if Germany had won? You better believe it.
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
You'll keep failing until you distinguish between Jewish "socialism" and Christian socialism. The Masters of Lies set up phony "socialisms" to obscure the "taking care of our own" that has always existed amongst our kind.
Is this "taking care of our own" enforced by the barrel of a gun? Because that is what socialism is to me... FORCED 'charity'.
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 08:27 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
I see socialism as a prison.
I see white socialism as an all-white prison.
I would rather be free.
well here's the rub gonzo
I purposefully penciled in only one half of the equation
white socialists can recover; all they have to do is slowly decentralize the gov
a mixed race balkanized republic will descend into chaos, and NEVER recover
so you would rather take your pretend freedoms, and eventually have a dictatorial brown society abusing your white children?
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 08:29 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
Perhaps some look back fondly on Uncle Adolf's success in creating a vibrant society from a wreck in just four years.
Would the world be a better place today if Germany had won? You better believe it.
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
You'll keep failing until you distinguish between Jewish "socialism" and Christian socialism. The Masters of Lies set up phony "socialisms" to obscure the "taking care of our own" that has always existed amongst our kind.
Is this "taking care of our own" enforced by the barrel of a gun? Because that is what socialism is to me... FORCED 'charity'.
BROWN people will have NO charity for us whiteys, and you know it. whether you think so or not, they are already at war with us, and to accommodate them is treason
10th May 2010, 08:32 PM
:) Khazaria, buried and nearly forgotten is at long last coming to light.
* Published 00:00 22.09.08
* Latest update 00:00 22.09.08
Ancient lost capital of the Jewish Khazar kingdom found
Capital of the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism, was thought washed away by Caspian Sea.
By The Associated Press Tags: Russia Jewish World
Russian archaeologists said Wednesday they had found the long-lost capital of the Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, a breakthrough for research on the ancient Jewish state.
"This is a hugely important discovery," expedition organiser Dmitry Vasilyev told AFP by telephone from Astrakhan State University after returning from excavations near the village of Samosdelka, just north of the Caspian Sea.
"We can now shed light on one of the most intriguing mysteries of that period -- how the Khazars actually lived. We know very little about the Khazars -- about their traditions, their funerary rites, their culture," he said.
The city was the capital of the Khazars, a semi-nomadic Turkic peoples who adopted Judaism as a state religion, from between the 8th and the 10th centuries, when it was captured and sacked by the rulers of ancient Russia.
At its height, the Khazar state and its tributaries controlled much of what is now southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan and large parts of Russia's North Caucasus region.
The capital is referred to as Itil in Arab chronicles but Vasilyev said the word may actually have been used to refer to the Volga River on which the city was founded or to the surrounding river delta region.
Itil was said to be a multi-ethnic place with houses of worship and judges for Christians, Jews, Muslims and pagans. Its remains have until now never been identified and were said to have been washed away by the Caspian Sea.
Archaeologists have been excavating in the area if Samosdelka for the past nine years but have only now collected enough material evidence to back their thesis, including the remains of an ancient brick fortress, he added.
"Within the fortress, we have found huts similar to yurts, which are characteristics of Khazar cities.... The fortress had a triangular shape and was made with bricks. It's another argument that this was no ordinary city."
It was mentioned in medieval travellers' accounts but Soviet dictator Josef Stalin banned any research into the city and the Khazars, fearing it would prove Russia was descended from a Jewish state.
10th May 2010, 08:37 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
I see socialism as a prison.
I see white socialism as an all-white prison.
I would rather be free.
well here's the rub gonzo
I purposefully penciled in only one half of the equation
white socialists can recover; all they have to do is slowly decentralize the gov
a mixed race balkanized republic will descend into chaos, and NEVER recover
so you would rather take your pretend freedoms, and eventually have a dictatorial brown society abusing your white children?
So are you saying that the reason you are a national socialist is simply as a means to the end - a white society?
You are a nazi NOT because you believe in socialism, but because you think that white nazi-like socialism is the only/best way to achieve an all white society? And after said society is achieved, socialism would be abandoned?
10th May 2010, 08:50 PM
BROWN people will have NO charity for us whiteys, and you know it. whether you think so or not, they are already at war with us, and to accommodate them is treason
No charity, he says... ;D
Philo, if you had a shovel and a pick axe you couldn't think you way outta "the brown's" paper bag.
I think your projecting a bit there philo, your gonna end up helping the Khazar's on their 3000yr.+ quest.
Damned if ya do.
10th May 2010, 08:50 PM
And no, I'm not Jewish. Nor am I sympathetic with the State of Israel. I'm Heathen. I'm not sympathetic toward Christians, Muslims or Jews. Every one of them are just as likely to be murderous thieving thugs who enslave my people and make us work the mines or build the shrines or grow the food for them.
Besides most Khazars are white anyway... lol
:) Khazaria, buried and nearly forgotten is at long last coming to light.
Khazar University offers wide spectrum of diverse majors ...
TPTB, you sure do take a lot of pride in Khazaria. ???
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 09:08 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
you gotta ask yourself the question
multikulti/mixed race/libertarian freedom lovers
how quickly can you make the choice?
I see socialism as a prison.
I see white socialism as an all-white prison.
I would rather be free.
well here's the rub gonzo
I purposefully penciled in only one half of the equation
white socialists can recover; all they have to do is slowly decentralize the gov
a mixed race balkanized republic will descend into chaos, and NEVER recover
so you would rather take your pretend freedoms, and eventually have a dictatorial brown society abusing your white children?
So are you saying that the reason you are a national socialist is simply as a means to the end - a white society?
You are a nazi NOT because you believe in socialism, but because you think that white nazi-like socialism is the only/best way to achieve an all white society? And after said society is achieved, socialism would be abandoned?
its funny, but it must of been yesterday where I clearly stated in a national socialism thread that I am a sympathiser. And now you use the gay joo word nazi? What is your best way to stay white? Or is that just a passing concern to you?
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 09:11 PM
BROWN people will have NO charity for us whiteys, and you know it. whether you think so or not, they are already at war with us, and to accommodate them is treason
No charity, he says... ;D
Philo, if you had a shovel and a pick axe you couldn't think you way outta "the brown's" paper bag.
I think your projecting a bit there philo, your gonna end up helping the Khazar's on their 3000yr.+ quest.
Damned if ya do.
what do you project? So you are saying I am just helping you and your tribe?
10th May 2010, 09:18 PM
TPTB, you sure do take a lot of pride in Khazaria. ???
Hey, Khazaria covered a lot of territory. As far as I know, I've got German, Dutch, Polish, Swiss, Saxon, Norman, Frankish, Scottish and late Kush Nubian mixed with a trace of that good old solid built redheaded Neanderthal. There's probably a bunch of other genetic material mixed in there as well. ;)
Mostly I sunburn too easily though.
10th May 2010, 09:18 PM
What is with the nazi idealism?
I am all for being white and all that, but I am against all forms of socialism.
Totally agree, Sirgonzo420.
Neo-Nazis, and those who idealize National Socialism make me LOL.
You'll keep failing until you distinguish between Jewish "socialism" and Christian socialism. The Masters of Lies set up phony "socialisms" to obscure the "taking care of our own" that has always existed amongst our kind.
Christian socialism is voluntary charity, not the state enforced extortion that is socialism as practiced in the West today.
10th May 2010, 09:26 PM
"It was mentioned in medieval travellers' accounts but Soviet dictator Josef Stalin banned any research into the city and the Khazars, fearing it would prove Russia was descended from a Jewish state."
I think this is what happened to the Khazars. They became Russia.
10th May 2010, 09:34 PM
what do you project? So you are saying I am just helping you and your tribe?
Do you know da vey to ze cabaret? Ve could create um master race of judaens. ;D
10th May 2010, 09:44 PM
Seriously though... Philo, Olmstein - get the fuck out of this thread.
Horn, Quantum, sirgonzon et al, let's get back on Khazarian Kaganat topic.
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 09:53 PM
Seriously though... Philo, Olmstein - get the f*ck out of this thread.
Horn, Quantum, sirgonzon et al, let's get back on Khazarian Kaganat topic.
ok antonio
10th May 2010, 09:53 PM
Seriously though... Philo, Olmstein - get the f*ck out of this thread.
Horn, Quantum, sirgonzon et al, let's get back on Khazarian Kaganat topic.
That wasn't necessary or even fair. I simply replied to two other posters in this thread.
Go censor somebody else, I won't be silenced.
10th May 2010, 10:04 PM
Anyway, I like percival, he makes things interesting.
10th May 2010, 10:09 PM
TPTB, you sure do take a lot of pride in Khazaria. ???
Downright flag
10th May 2010, 10:12 PM
Neo-Nazis, and those who idealize National Socialism make me LOL.
From a guy that calls himself "Olmstein"
10th May 2010, 10:15 PM
I'm starting to think you've become a Neo-Nazi, Book..
Don't bite my ankle
10th May 2010, 10:16 PM
Here I'll throw in a bone and re-write some history.
After Khazaria was pillaged it was realized due it's strategically land locked position that the head of the snake should be moved to the Isle of White, and thus protected by channel.
Prince Philo was named successor to the throne.
Prince Philip: We Need To 'Cull' The Surplus Population
10th May 2010, 10:17 PM
TPTB: What I'm saying is that in order to govern a diverse multinational Empire, and to control the flow of commodities, goods and wealth distribution, which consists of many cultures and many languages, that Empire, regardless of who rules it, absolutely must become multicultural. There's no way around it.
I disagree.
Did you learn mandarine so that you can eat chinese food or shop in wal-mart? no. Trading contacts are done invisible for the general masses.
You do NOT need multiculturalism to do international trade. Typically all you need is interpreters, and/or international contacts. And bankers for money exchange, that's it. As long as both sides see advantage in the trade, they will agree without any superficial "multiculturalism", on the basis of profit alone. Don't see any difference between now and then (again, we are talking about KHAZARIAN KAGANAT here).
"Multiculturalism" is a BS they are feeding everyone to install world government. You don't have to install "multiculturalism" to control a large empire. You would need to be able to do the following:
1) to speak a common language. In ancient world it was probably aramaic*
2) to know international banking machinations
3) have access to gold, silver, copper or other metal to introduce into circulation to deceive peoples that these are real money.
Then you start counterfeiting money and finance local rulers. You could care less about local population, except you maybe need it in your mass production slave facilities (also not invented by Ford but well known for centuries) and mines.
You do need multiculturalism to subvert existing government into becoming soft and allowing other nationals into the government posts (that is YOU, the banker).
* language - there was no yiddish :) it was most likely aramaic, canainite or phoenician of some sort. even greek is built on aramaic.
Aramaic ( was the day-to-day language of Israel in the Second Temple period (539 BCE – 70 CE), was the original language of large sections of the biblical books of Daniel and Ezra, was the language spoken by Jesus, and is the main language of the Talmud.
TPTB: As far as paper currency, I'm pretty sure the first usage was during the Song dynasty in China.
You are confusing the use of material (paper) with the actual purpose - fiat currency. We call it "paper" because it is printed, but it isn't even paper in our case, it is cotton. So when 4000 years ago they used clay tables or other things, it was still for the same purpose - fiat currency.
10th May 2010, 10:20 PM
BROWN people will have NO charity for us whiteys, and you know it. whether you think so or not, they are already at war with us, and to accommodate them is treason
No charity, he says... ;D
Philo, if you had a shovel and a pick axe you couldn't think you way outta "the brown's" paper bag.
I think your projecting a bit there philo, your gonna end up helping the Khazar's on their 3000yr.+ quest.
Damned if ya do.
It is a good thing I scrolled down three threads from Philo's post, because what you said about projecting is nearly verbatim to what I would have said.
10th May 2010, 10:22 PM
I'm starting to think you've become a Neo-Nazi, Book..
Don't bite my ankle
I liked your zionist Teddy Bear avatar better, Book.
Can't you see I'm trying to build a pyramid in the middle of Gaza here?
10th May 2010, 10:29 PM
Prudence would have you back off from defending the indefensible here.
Our friend Philo has gone off the deep end here, let him sink or swim on his own words. BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT, BECAUSE YOU SEE THAT HE IS GOING DOWN. Tisk, tisk.
10th May 2010, 10:36 PM
Prudence would have you back off from defending the indefensible here.
10th May 2010, 10:37 PM
Prudence would have you back off from defending the indefensible here.
Is that you?
10th May 2010, 10:38 PM
Is that you?
Your nose plugged up?
philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 10:48 PM
Prudence would have you back off from defending the indefensible here.
Our friend Philo has gone off the deep end here, let him sink or swim on his own words. BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT, BECAUSE YOU SEE THAT HE IS GOING DOWN. Tisk, tisk.
Oh, we 'buds' now? HEIL HITLER!!!
10th May 2010, 11:03 PM
Sorry my friends, but I don't collectively smite others, as you two are opt to do.
The only time my smite collection caught a break was when one of you were sent away on a break.
It is clear who the a$$ suckers are, you've made yourselves known.
You have your noses imbeded so deepely up one anothers a$$, that you must be gasping for fresh air. Good luck with that.
11th May 2010, 12:49 AM
"It was mentioned in medieval travellers' accounts but Soviet dictator Josef Stalin banned any research into the city and the Khazars, fearing it would prove Russia was descended from a Jewish state."
I think this is what happened to the Khazars. They became Russia.
11th May 2010, 03:41 AM
But if country is strongly nationalistic - for instance Italy elects only italians, in Russia - russians etc. it would be very hard to get a hold of it. You have to break nationalism and embed liberalism and multiculturalism. Because if you don't your puppet ruler may eventually be ousted by a strong nationalistic one
This is worth repeating.
11th May 2010, 07:11 AM
But if country is strongly nationalistic - for instance Italy elects only italians, in Russia - russians etc. it would be very hard to get a hold of it. You have to break nationalism and embed liberalism and multiculturalism. Because if you don't your puppet ruler may eventually be ousted by a strong nationalistic one
This is worth repeating.
I'm enjoying this topic.
Actually, the statement doesn't make any sense. What FreeEnergy is saying, perhaps unintentionally is that a country needs to be nationalistic because if it's multicultural, it may eventually be taken over by strong nationalists.... Huh?
I do agree that such an Empire would need a common language and Yiddish was apparently developed later, after the fall of Khazaria. Unfortunately their doesn't appear to be any remaining documentation about a common language, other than a word or two of Cyrillic
Furthermore, the Silk Road Trade Route wasn't like a Port of Entry to a Nation. A huge landlocked Empire. People from many different cultures were physically required to carry their goods and services through Khazaria. To do business together physically. To rub shoulders. That Empire held together for at least 500 years because it was religiously and ethnically tolerant. Remember, government was represented by each of the primary religions of the time. It was acting as a free trade zone for people of different cultures. That's what I mean by multicultural.
Oh, check this out... This is interesting... I just found it.
Herodotus wrote of the Scythians-the common ancestors of most of indo-European peoples. The name Scythian translates in Greek as Nomads or "wanderers."
Now, the legend, as told by Herodotus has it that the Sythians are direct descendants of Hercules who had three sons from a mythical beast whose lower part was "snakelike." Hmmm...
One of the three sons was called Aga-tirz whose later descendants called him Kozar, meaning (goat keeper.)
It just so happens that the region in which these children of Hercules lived was the same area as what was later known as Khazaria.
The Sycthians became the Kozar, then the Khazar, then the Kozak, or Cossack. In ancient times they were known as Akatzirs.
Thus, it has been documented that the Khazars were the same Agatzirs, the same Sythian tribe "Aga-tirz" or as they called themselves in Herodotus time, "Kozars."
Therefore, all this about the Khazars being Turkic, or Turkic-Caucasian is now known to be nonsense. The very term Turkic-Aryan is impossible and is false.
What this means is the Khazars were one of the most ancient European peoples, the remnants of which still inhabit todays Ukraine and Russia.
11th May 2010, 07:20 AM
The Huns and the Mongols came much later. The Khazars were classical Europeans.
11th May 2010, 07:24 AM
its funny, but it must of been yesterday where I clearly stated in a national socialism thread that I am a sympathiser. And now you use the gay joo word nazi? What is your best way to stay white? Or is that just a passing concern to you?
I used the word 'nazi' as an abbreviation for 'national socialism'.
My best way to say 'white' is 'white'... I care about my people (white people), which is partially why I am against socialism.
Socialism kills, and is bullshit. Socialism is some people controlling other people against their will. I don't support that, be it multicultural or all-white. I just want to be left alone... And I would like the possibility to live with other like-minded white people who ALSO wish to be left alone.
To the neo-nazis/national socialist sympathizers here, I hear you guys on the 14, but not on the 88.
That is to say, I have no problem, and in fact agree with David Lane's 14 words ("We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"), but I do NOT buy into the 88/"heil hitler" rhetoric.
You must realize that the anti-nazi stigma is very real, and when you are a self-proclaimed nazi sympathizer, you poison the well, so to speak. Otherwise reasonable, racially-aware white people will dismiss you because of their aversion to national socialism or socialism in general.
I am all for white people, but socialism is bullshit. Jewish socialism, white socialism - it is all bullshit if it is FORCED 'charity'.
11th May 2010, 07:45 AM
Ok, TPTB...there's a bunch of confusion here as far as history dates.
Khazaria - as a dual-government state, a jewish-run state where the khazarian elite accepted judaism as their religion, was on for only about 300 years, from 7th to 10th century AD. They weren't "benign multiculturalist". They were ruthless, they lived off slavic slave trade and off the tribute that merchants paid to them. There are legends and songs in russian and ukraininan about khazars pillaging their neighbors and enslaving people - you cannot falsify these how you can falsify other historical "facts".
What Pomakov from your link is talking about is peoples he call Scythians, that Herodotus wrote about in 440 BC (almost a 1000 years BEFORE Khazaria).
What is remarkable, and has a good application for today's US, is not as much origin of khazars (although this is very interesting), but the fact that for 3 centuries they were ruled by a judaism-practicing elite with a mix of real jews and khazarian nobility. And that blood has mixed, probably (although some say that modern ashkenazi have very little to no jewish blood).
There are a few interesting hypothesis about origin of khazars here at khazar-o-peida, with links
What is also remarkable that they were sending caravans around the world, and their three main incomes came from foreign trade (typically slaves), wars, and money (10% tribute from merchants, tributes from neighboring countries and banking). Does it ring a bell a little?
11th May 2010, 08:19 AM
It is also interesting that there are very little facts about khazaria. Mostly speculation. It is very possible that somebody financed a massive advertising campaign to "create" khazarian empire.
there's a lot of things mixed up. wikipedia mixes crimean tatars (who aren't even tatars) into this.
11th May 2010, 09:27 AM
True... confusion about dates and historical accuracy. I apologize for the previous statement about the Huns and Mongols coming much later. I realized my flaw immediately but let it stand if only for its provocative nature. And really, I'm not emotionally attached to Khazar Jews.
I'm forced to speculate about Khazaria as we all are.
The real problem is that there so little reliable historical data to back these legends about the origin of khazars.
My basic point here is to show that Khazaria was populated by a vast, broad and diverse mix of people.
That much I've shown beyond a reasonable doubt.
The story goes that there was a King named Bulan who wasn't religious, but took Judaism as the official religion sometime from the 700's to the 800's out of political expediency.
Why though? Why Judaism? That's a huge unanswered question. If Bulan were Mongol why wouldn't he have picked Islam?
Anyway, going back to Herodotus legend of Sycthian (Khazars) being the children of Hercules mixed with a snakelike hermaphrodite mythical creature. That's interesting... Snakelike, as in "The Serpent" and hermaphrodite as in either multi-sexed or maybe even a metaphor for immaculate conception. Genetic manipulation anyone? Reptilians?
I'm winging it here, but it could be that an elite family of blue-blooded (cold blooded) Khazars gained political control by becoming Jewish... or a secretive group of Jews from who knows where gained political control of the Khazars Mongolian Khan line...
At any rate, a family line of elites known as Khazars (goat herders) have taken over the world. Or so some are being led to believe.
Personally, I think accepting any of this stuff as absolute fact is utterly foolish and puerile.
But it's fun!
philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 10:06 AM
Sorry my friends, but I don't collectively smite others, as you two are opt to do.
The only time my smite collection caught a break was when one of you were sent away on a break.
It is clear who the a$$ suckers are, you've made yourselves known.
You have your noses imbeded so deepely up one anothers a$$, that you must be gasping for fresh air. Good luck with that.
patiently waiting for GAILLO to play the even hand that he is claiming
11th May 2010, 10:09 AM
Ok, my current ever changing theory about the group of elites currently taking over the world is that they are actually Khazarian, a 100% Aryan-Alien (Whitey) :oo--> Ultra Supremacist Reptilian Vampiric family bloodline that is using Monotheism in a triangular Hegelian dialectic as a religio-political Rothschildian Red Shield to create their NWO Hell on Earth.
And all those who follow Religious/Racial Supremacy ideology are pathetic useful idiots and followers of the evil Alien Serpent. The fallen One. :-*
11th May 2010, 02:07 PM
I used the word 'nazi' as an abbreviation for 'national socialism'.
"Nazi" is an epithet.
Socialism kills, and is bullsh*t. Socialism is some people controlling other people against their will. I don't support that, be it multicultural or all-white. I just want to be left alone... And I would like the possibility to live with other like-minded white people who ALSO wish to be left alone.
"Left alone" to what extent? No government at all?
You must realize that the anti-nazi stigma is very real, and when you are a self-proclaimed nazi sympathizer, you poison the well, so to speak.
"You must realize that the anti-Semitic stigma is very real, and when you are a self-proclaimed exposer of Khazars, you poison the well, so to speak."
See how it works?
Otherwise reasonable, racially-aware white people will dismiss you because of their aversion to national socialism or socialism in general.
Someone who is averse to National Socialism is not "racially-aware." Someone who confuses National Socialism with Jewish "socialism" is just plain ignorant.
I am all for white people, but socialism is bullsh*t. Jewish socialism, white socialism - it is all bullsh*t if it is FORCED 'charity'.
The only people who object to National Socialism are those who oppose Point 11 of the Program of the NSDAP: "We demand...The abolition of incomes unearned by work."
Playing the stock market is not work.
Speculating on and manipulating real estate is not work.
Scheming with banking, insurance, and similar scams are not work.
It is very rare to meet someone who has earned their wealth by actual work, who opposes the platform of the NSDAP in principle.
11th May 2010, 02:19 PM
I'm forced to speculate about Khazaria as we all are.
The real problem is that there so little reliable historical data to back these legends about the origin of khazars.
Most of the data was lost, either through the effect of time, or probably deliberate destruction by those who wanted to "forget the past." There is probably significant amounts of material still extant in "Israel," passed down, and hidden from the world.
My basic point here is to show that Khazaria was populated by a vast, broad and diverse mix of people.
That much I've shown beyond a reasonable doubt.
I believe you are correct.
Khazaria was not a monoracial land of Mongoloid beasts. The Khazars had incorporated a large number of Adamic people through conquest or alliance. The Ashkenazim show a wide-variety of traits from their Khazar ancestors, including blue eyes and blond or red hair. Those traits stem from the Scythian and Sarmatian (Iranian/Aryan) peoples within the Khazar nation. At the same time, many Khazars possessed the ugly traits that are now "classically Jewish."
Why though? Why Judaism? That's a huge unanswered question.
Actually, not. Talmudism was selected because it was most profitable, to be able to play both sides, Christendom and Islam. It was chosen because it allowed the appearance of "neutrality," so that Khazaria wouldn't become a prize for the other side to capture. This is still the foundation for Jewry, to play both sides, regardless of moral issues, in order to profit.
11th May 2010, 02:31 PM
Ok, my current ever changing theory about the group of elites currently taking over the world is that they are actually Khazarian, a 100% Aryan-Alien (Whitey) :oo--> Ultra Supremacist Reptilian Vampiric family bloodline that is using Monotheism in a triangular Hegelian dialectic as a religio-political Rothschildian Red Shield to create their NWO Hell on Earth.
And all those who follow Religious/Racial Supremacy ideology are pathetic useful idiots and followers of the evil Alien Serpent. The fallen One. :-*
The "Reptile" in charge is the "Serpent" of the Garden of Eden aka Satan/Lucifer/the Devil. He's not a big green man from Alpha Centauri. Just an ugly demon cast out of Heaven and sent to Hell.
The Khazars are NOT "White" and especially not Aryan (one branch of the Adamic Race). They are mixed-race bastards, in the Biblical term, mamzers (mixed-blood bastards).
The Devil doesn't care what race you are, just so you do his bidding. Hence, we see blue-eyed blonds, black-eyed blackheads, flat-nosed beasts, hook-nosed mongrels, straight-nosed models, and everything in between serving the Devil's "Novus Ordo Seclorum."
Racial egalitarianism and racial integration SERVES THE DEVIL, not God. It's always been that way. It's easy to get clued in by reading about the Tower of Babel; the Devil wanted a one-world, one-race, one-language system, and God said nothing doing, and used VIOLENCE to put an end to it. The Devil is trying again, and imbeciles claim that they're "fighting the Devil" by promoting race mixing.
The Rothschild ("Red Shield") Trademark, now known as the Star "of David," is quite possibly the Mark of the Beast. It graphically represents 6-6-6.
philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 02:45 PM
I used the word 'nazi' as an abbreviation for 'national socialism'.
"Nazi" is an epithet.
Socialism kills, and is bullsh*t. Socialism is some people controlling other people against their will. I don't support that, be it multicultural or all-white. I just want to be left alone... And I would like the possibility to live with other like-minded white people who ALSO wish to be left alone.
"Left alone" to what extent? No government at all?
You must realize that the anti-nazi stigma is very real, and when you are a self-proclaimed nazi sympathizer, you poison the well, so to speak.
"You must realize that the anti-Semitic stigma is very real, and when you are a self-proclaimed exposer of Khazars, you poison the well, so to speak."
See how it works?
Otherwise reasonable, racially-aware white people will dismiss you because of their aversion to national socialism or socialism in general.
Someone who is averse to National Socialism is not "racially-aware." Someone who confuses National Socialism with Jewish "socialism" is just plain ignorant.
I am all for white people, but socialism is bullsh*t. Jewish socialism, white socialism - it is all bullsh*t if it is FORCED 'charity'.
The only people who object to National Socialism are those who oppose Point 11 of the Program of the NSDAP: "We demand...The abolition of incomes unearned by work."
Playing the stock market is not work.
Speculating on and manipulating real estate is not work.
Scheming with banking, insurance, and similar scams are not work.
It is very rare to meet someone who has earned their wealth by actual work, who opposes the platform of the NSDAP in principle.
well I think you said it better than I had planned............congrats
11th May 2010, 03:13 PM
Herodotus Story of "Heracles and the Two-part creature."
Thus say the Scythians about themselves and about the region above them; but the Hellenes who dwell about the Pontus say as follows: -- Heracles driving the cattle of Geryones came to this land, then desert, which the Scythians now inhabit; and Geryones, says the tale, dwelt away from the region of the Pontus, living in the island called by the Hellenes Erytheia, near Gadeira which is outside the Pillars of Heracles by the Ocean. -- As to the Ocean, they say indeed that it flows round the whole earth beginning from the place of the sunrising, but they do not prove this by facts. -- From thence Heracles came to the land now called Scythia; and as a storm came upon him together with icy cold, he drew over him his lion's skin and went to sleep. Meanwhile the mares harnessed in his chariot disappeared by a miraculous chance, as they were feeding. 9. Then when Heracles woke he sought for them; and having gone over the whole land, at last he came to the region which is called Hylaia; and there he found in a cave a kind of twofold creature formed by the union of a maiden and a serpent, whose upper parts from the buttocks upwards were those of a woman, but her lower parts were those of a snake. Having seen her and marvelled at her, he asked her then whether she had seen any mares straying anywhere; and she said that she had them herself and would not give them up until he lay with her; and Heracles lay with her on condition of receiving them. She then tried to put off the giving back of the mares, desiring to have Heracles with her as long as possible, while he on the other hand desired to get the mares and depart; and at last she gave them back and said: "These mares when they came hither I saved for thee, and thou didst give me reward for saving them; for I have by thee three sons. Tell me then, what must I do with these when they shall be grown to manhood, whether I shall settle them here, for over this land I have power alone, or send them away to thee?" She thus asked of him, and he, they say, replied: "When thou seest that the boys are grown to men, do this and thou shalt not fail of doing right: -- whichsoever of them thou seest able to stretch this bow as I do now, and to be girded [12a] with this girdle, him cause to be the settler of this land; but whosoever of them fails in the deeds which I enjoin, send him forth out of the land: and if thou shalt do thus, thou wilt both have delight thyself and perform that which has been enjoined to thee." 10. Upon this he drew one of his bows (for up to that time Heracles, they say, was wont to carry two) and showed her the girdle, and then he delivered to her both the bow and the girdle, which had at the end of its clasp a golden cup; and having given them he departed. She then, when her sons had been born and had grown to be men, gave them names first, calling one of them Agathyrsos and the next Gelonos and the youngest Skythes; then bearing in mind the charge given to her, she did that which was enjoined. And two of her sons, Agathyrsos and Gelonos, not having proved themselves able to attain to the task set before them, departed from the land, being cast out by her who bore them; but Skythes the youngest of them performed the task and remained in the land: and from Skythes the son of Heracles were descended, they say, the succeeding kings of the Scythians (Skythians): and they say moreover that it is by reason of the cup that the Scythians still even to this day wear cups attached to their girdles: and this alone his mother contrived for Skythes. [13] Such is the story told by the Hellenes who dwell about the Pontus.
philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 03:19 PM
Ok, my current ever changing theory about the group of elites currently taking over the world is that they are actually Khazarian, a 100% Aryan-Alien (Whitey) :oo--> Ultra Supremacist Reptilian Vampiric family bloodline that is using Monotheism in a triangular Hegelian dialectic as a religio-political Rothschildian Red Shield to create their NWO Hell on Earth.
And all those who follow Religious/Racial Supremacy ideology are pathetic useful idiots and followers of the evil Alien Serpent. The fallen One. :-*
blah blah blah
11th May 2010, 04:11 PM
Ok, my current ever changing theory about the group of elites currently taking over the world is that they are actually Khazarian, a 100% Aryan-Alien (Whitey) :oo--> Ultra Supremacist Reptilian Vampiric family bloodline that is using Monotheism in a triangular Hegelian dialectic as a religio-political Rothschildian Red Shield to create their NWO Hell on Earth.
And all those who follow Religious/Racial Supremacy ideology are pathetic useful idiots and followers of the evil Alien Serpent. The fallen One. :-*
blah blah blah
11th May 2010, 04:16 PM
"Nazi" is an epithet.
Fair enough, I'll try to use the phrase "national socialism" from now on. I was not, however, trying to be derogatory.
"Left alone" to what extent? No government at all?
"Left alone" so that I can do WHATEVER I WANT, as long as I don't cause harm to another.
I could handle no government at all. So far, my experience living in a society *with* a government has been less than inspiring...
But in my opinion, an ideal government would only enforce the LAW, which can basically be summed up as "do unto others..." or "eye for an eye...". To violate the law, one will have had to hurt/kill another man or woman, or steal from them, or be fraudulent in their dealings, or something like that.... in other words, a man would have to verifiably COMMIT A REAL CRIME before the government would have ANY say over his life at all.
"You must realize that the anti-Semitic stigma is very real, and when you are a self-proclaimed exposer of Khazars, you poison the well, so to speak."
See how it works?
I'm just telling it like it is - You all (national socialists and sympathizers) will have a much HARDER time getting (white) people to seriously look into racial issues if they see you as a "nazi".
The impression I get from you is that I can't care about white people WITHOUT being a full-fledged national socialist.
Someone who is averse to National Socialism is not "racially-aware." Someone who confuses National Socialism with Jewish "socialism" is just plain ignorant.
Ok then. I'll plead ignorance - I don't see many, if any, real, substantial differences between your brand of socialism and regular ole' oppressive socialism. If you want to point out differences, by all means, go ahead.
To me, socialism in a nutshell means "FORCED charity". I don't like being told what to do... so I don't think I'd like ANY kind of socialism.
It's the COMPULSION that bothers me... Charity is fine, but being FORCED to do anything is wrong (unless after having been duly convicted of a REAL CRIME).
The only people who object to National Socialism are those who oppose Point 11 of the Program of the NSDAP: "We demand...The abolition of incomes unearned by work."
Playing the stock market is not work.
Speculating on and manipulating real estate is not work.
Scheming with banking, insurance, and similar scams are not work.
It is very rare to meet someone who has earned their wealth by actual work, who opposes the platform of the NSDAP in principle.
I don't have a problem with working for a living.... but who decides what work is? Would artists exist under your system? ;)
Granted, fractional reserve banking is FRAUD, and should be treated as the CRIME it is.
I just imagine that Point 11 wouldn't necessarily apply to some upper-level party members... There is always an 'elite', and there is always one set of rules for the top, and another set for the bottom (which is why I'm not a huge government fan - power corrupts).
philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 04:37 PM
The impression I get from you is that I can't care about white people WITHOUT being a full-fledged national socialist.
You absolutely can not care about whites if you are a libertarian
And there is absolutely no way of changing anything with the feckless government we have now
America is heading toward the fate of many other nations that fell for race mixing....Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.... .Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
11th May 2010, 05:09 PM
The impression I get from you is that I can't care about white people WITHOUT being a full-fledged national socialist.
You absolutely can not care about whites if you are a libertarian
And there is absolutely no way of changing anything with the feckless government we have now
America is heading toward the fate of many other nations that fell for race mixing....Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.... .Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
I just don't like being told what to do - whether the 'authority' ordering me around is white, black, jewish, polka-dot, or whatever.
I crave freedom.
Apparently I am incompatible with national socialism.
11th May 2010, 07:15 PM
Here's an interesting essay on Khazaria.
"The Khazars"
Presented at the CSJO Conference by Peter Wolfe and Jeff Zolitor, and published by Canadian Jewish Outlook in the Sept/Oct 2002 issue
At the height of their empire the tribe known as the Khazars controlled an area roughly encompassing The Ural Mountains to the Carpathian Range, the Caucusus,and much of the Black Sea. About 1/3 of what is now Eastern Europe, as well as much of the Asian Steppes came under direct control of the Khazars or one of their client states.
The powers of the world at the time, Islam and Christianity, were pushing ever closer to a total domination of much of the populated world. The Eastern Caliphate with its seat in Baghdad, had begun to cross the Caucusus and had hoped to conquer the area of the Black Sea and Eastern Europe.
The vast area separating the Eastern Christian Empire, or Byzantium and the Eastern Caliphate was home to numerous Turkic tribes, related by similarities in language origin and a common geographic ancestry. These tribes were mostly nomadic, expert horseman, fierce warriors, and inclined to remain unaffiliated with either the Christian or Islamic Empires.
Over time one of those tribes, The Khazars, grew in both size and sophistication and in turn came to be the dominant buffer between Byzantiums' eastward designs, and Islams' westward advances. Trade between Christianity and Islam took place through the land of the Khazars. Both spheres of influence put intense pressure on the Khazars to adopt their religion and worldview, thereby tipping the balance of power in the area. The Khazars chose a diplomatic course that steered clear of favoring one over the other, earned the grudging respect of both and insured their status and independence. They chose to become Jews!
There have been several stories of the Khazar conversion that have made it to us this day, coming from Moslem, Jewish and Christian sources.
al Masudi, a traveler from the Eastern Caliphate wrote that the Byzantine Emperor forced the Jews to emigrate and they came to the Khazar country and found "an intelligent but uneducated race to whom they offered their religion. The natives found it better than there own and accepted it."
In the late 950's, Hasdai ibn Shaprut, while serving the court of Abd al Rahman III, Caliph of the Umayyad Empire, the Western Islamic Caliphate in Spain, used his diplomatic ties to inquire about Jewish communities throughout the world and intervene on their behalf whenever possible. Hasdai first heard of the existence of the Khazars from merchant traders from Persia. Hasdai decided to send a delegation. He believed that the Khazars may have represented one of the ten lost tribes of Israel and were descendants from Palestine, as the Sephardim were. The letter contained a formal greeting, some detail of the current Caliph, and questions about the Jewish rituals of the Khazars. The response from Joseph included his version of the events that led to the conversion of the Khazars.
In Joseph's version, his ancestor King Bulan, drove out the sorcerers and idolaters from his land. An angel later appeared to Bulan telling him he must worship the one true god, and in return he would "bless and multiply Bulan's offspring, and deliver his enemies into his hands and secure his kingdom to the end of the world."
Joseph continues by relating how Bulan was again visited in a dream and bade to build a place of worship in which the Lord may dwell, for: "the sky and the skies above the sky are not enough to hold me". Bulan tells the angel that he wishes to carry out the endeavor but doesn't possess enough gold or silver to finance such an enterprise. The angel told Bulan to lead his armies into Armenia where a treasure of silver and gold awaits him.
There are Arab and Armenian sources that relate stories about a Khazar invasion into the area in 731C.E., lead by "Bulkhan". These sources seem to fit very well with the time frame of Joseph's story and Arab sources relate the fact that the Khazars controlled gold and silver mines in the Caucasus.
After the success in Armenia, "The King of Edom (Byzantium) and the King of the Ishmaelim (Muslims) heard the news and sent him envoys .... and learned men to convert him to their beliefs." Bulan was wise and also sent for a Jew. After long and futile discussions, the king decides to meet with the representatives' seperately. He asks the Christian which of the other two religions is nearer the truth. The Christian answers, the Jews". He then asks the Muslim the same question and gets the same answer, "the Jews". Since both Christianity and Islam believe that Judaism is nearer the truth, Bulan chooses to adopt the Jewish faith.
Regardless of how or why it happened, once the conversion took place, Judaism seems to have become stratified into Khazar society, and those who could, mostly the ruling classes, did send their sons to study in the great academies in Spain and quite possibly the great Academy at Sura in Babylonia as well.
The Kagan was a hereditary ruler who lived in seclusion, and established traditional law. By the 10th Century, the Kagan was reduced to a spiritual figurehead, and the real power was in the hands of the Bek, a person serving beside the Kagan. The Bek led the army and ran the government, with the Kagan remaining the Chief Judge. Under the Bek were a variety of administrative and military officials and local governors. While most were appointed, some localities elected leaders. The governors collected taxes on the products of blacksmiths, food and drink, and customs duties. A court, composed of two Jews, two Muslims, two Christians and one pagan, dealt primarily with trade issues.
In the 720's the Khazar capital was the city of Samander, which was visited by the Arab traveler, Al-Istakhri. He later wrote that it had vineyards and gardens, and that Muslims and mosques were plentiful, as well as markets. A later traveler, Ibn Hauqal, said there were people of multiple religions living there, with mosques, churches and synagogues. In 750, Itil became the capital of Khazaria. Travelers wrote that only the royal and public buildings were made of brick; most homes were yurts, or felt covered tents. The Khazars also founded part of Kiev as an economic hub, where people engaged in jewelry making, blacksmithing, bone and stone carving, and ironworking.
The Khazars grew grain and vegetables, using plows, hoes, sickles and scythes. They operated mills and created irrigation canals, and transported their goods in carts and on skiffs in the Volga River. They grew grapes and cherries and caught fish, bred domestic animals, and hunted wild animals, using arrows, spears, axes and lassos.
Khazaria was an important trading center, on the crossroads of the trade routes between Europe and China. The Great Silk Road, long the center of trade between China and the West, was blocked to Christian traders by the Muslims, so Byzantium concentrated their trade to China through Khazaria. Khazars participated in trade, trading candlewax, honey and wine. They exported central silver dishes and coins, quilts, cotton, felt, and cushion covers to the Urals and beyond, and imported pottery from Armenia, Iraq and Iran.
The traders included Jewish Radhanite merchants, traveling between Regensburg, Vienna and Kiev, Khazaria, Persia and China, trading cinnamon, musk, camphor, swords, silk, furs, and slaves; Viking Rus traders, who transported furs, foxskins and swordblades; Arabs, and perhaps Chinese. All traders paid custom duties, which were the main source of revenue for Khazaria.
The Khazars held influence in the area as evidenced by the stories that have made there way to us from various sources. Cherson, a border city between Byzantium and Khazaria became the home in exile of the former Byzantine Emperor Justinian II. He managed to escape and make his was the Khazar city of Doros where formed an alliance with the Kagan to regain the throne, and the Kagan's sister was given to the former Emperor in marriage. In the meantime, Kagan Busir made a deal with the new Byzantium Emperor Tiberius III who offered a rich reward for Justinian, dead or alive. Busir ordered Justinian assassinated but when his wife, Busir's sister, heard of the plot, she warned her husband and the two were able to flee to the land of the Bulgars. The Bulgar king then made an alliance with Justinian and helped him regain his throne.
During his second rein, Justinian had become overwhelmed with his hatred for the inhabitants of Cherson, now a Khazar town and sent expeditions against it. The Khazar army met the expeditionary force and upon being taken prisoner by the Khazars, Justinian's representative in the area, a man named Bardanes, promptly switched allegiance from the Bulgars and Justinian, to the Kazars, as did the entire Byzantine expeditionary force. The Byzantine armies deposed Justinian and elected Bardanes the new Emperor under the name of Philippicus. While Philippicus was deposed a few years later, the story goes to show the influence that the Khazars wielded over the destinies of the Eastern Empire.
That the Khazars were astute and able enough to finesse their way onto the scene as a superpower is true enough. What we must also come to realize when discussing the extent of their empire and influence, is that the world map of Eastern Europe and Asia looks the way it does thanks in large part to the Khazars. Had Islam gained a permanent foothold in eastern Europe, the pressure on Christian western Europe may have been too great to sustain its Christian kingdoms. Had Christianity made permanent inroads into the central Asia, the Caliphate may have had to expend resources at it's northern border that could have zapped much needed resources from the war against the Crusaders.
It is ironic that the most celebrated information we have on the Khazars, that being the Hasdai letters, were written by the Kagan who saw the destruction of his state. It wasn't pressure from the Caliph in the east, or the Emperor in the south that caused the eventual fall of the kingdom, it was the pagan hordes from the north, known variously as Vikings, Norsemen, and in the east, Varangians, or, the Rus. They were expert sailors, and fearless warriors on land.
In the mid to late ninth century, there was conspicuous movement of the various tribes in Eastern Europe and Asia. The Magyars, long allies of the Khazars and their agents in the Steppes, had begun moving across the Don River. Prior to the move, they were charged with collecting tribute from the Slav and Finn people north of their domain. The Rus had now begun their sweep with a combination of savage warfare and plunder, and the Kagan needed help securing his eastern and northern borders. It seems that the relocation of the Magyar was a mutual arrangement. At about the same time, an agreement between Byzantium and the Khazars brought craftsmen, engineers and architects to Khazaria to help build a massive fortress on the Volga, just south of the Don River in their new capital, Itil. The fortress was known as Sarkel. It seems that the relocation of the Magyar and the construction of Sarkel were part of a combined strategy to halt the Rus advance.
The strategy wasn't to last very long. In about 862C.E., the Rus conquered and occupied Kiev. At about the same time, in a global version of musical chairs, a tribe called the Pechenegs located in the area between the Volga and the Ural rivers and also ruthless according to Emperor Constantine, were retreating in advance of an onslaught from their neighbors to the east, the Ghuzz. The Pechenegs tried to cross the Don and settle in Khazaria but the Khazars beat them off. The Pechenegs continued their move to the west and confronted the relocated allies of the Khazars, the Magyar. In successive assaults, the Pechenegs continued to push the Magyar, and in 896, struck a deal with the Bulgars situated along the Danube. Constantine tells us that the Bulgars and the Pechenegs made a pact to annihilate the Magyar, and while the Magyar fighters were away on a campaign, the two tribes descended into the land of the Magyars and massacred their families. The Magyar warriors returned to find their families killed, their homes desolate and ruined. The once mighty Magyar then moved into present-day Hungary, were they remain to this day.
With the Magyar gone the loss of Kiev was inevitable. The western tribes were no longer under the Kagan's control and the Rus could now rally the Slavonic tribes around the Dnieper River with the cry, "Pay no tribute to the Khazars".
The loss of tribute and territory in the west was further exacerbated by the fact that the Rus were also following the Volga River down to the Caspian Sea, putting pressure on the Khazars from the east. In 910C.E., the goal of the Rus was to sack the rich cities of the Caliphate along the Caspian, but each time a flotilla traveling down the Volga passed the Khazarian capital of Itil, they were required to solicit permission, and pay customs duty. The Russians were not pleased with the arrangements, and the Khazars were equally perturbed because of their friendly relations with the Caliphate at the time. In 913 the matter exploded when the Russian fleet entered the Caspian Sea and once again set their sites on the Islamic cities around it. The Rus were particularly brutal and destroyed all that stood in their way, including woman and children. They raped and pillaged, raided and burned and even made incursions inland.
With the Magyars gone, Kiev gone and the Dnieper River firmly in the hands of the Vikings, control of the Black Sea was wavering. In 945, Byzantium entered into a commercial treaty with the prince of Kiev, Prince Ingvar - (later Igor), who was leader of the western Russian activities. The Rus were beginning the process of assimilating into Slavic culture, adopting Slavic names, and in the process becoming closer with the Christian Empire. The good relations that the Khazars had enjoyed with Byzantium were becoming strained under the pressure being applied to their western frontier, and another, less overt action. In 957 during a state visit, Helga - (later Olga), Igors's widow accepted baptism from no less than, the Byzantine Emperor Constantine himself. This small act sealed the fate of the Khazars.
Svyatoslav would hear none of this, and continued his brutal assault on everything Khazar. In an action against one of the Khazars tribute tribes south of Moscow, the Prince of Kiev decided to turn south and head for the Don River. One chronicler has the Prince, in true Viking form, sending messengers to the Khazars and announcing: "I am coming upon you". When the Kagan heard of the approach, he sent the army out to meet them. The Rus won the day, and took control of the Don River. The Khazars fortress on The Don, Sarkel, fell to the Russians in 965.
Arthur Koestler, in his book 'The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage argues that the defeated Khazars were the predominant ancestors of the Ashkenazic Jews. He based his theories on immigrations of the Khazars to Eastern Europe, which is supported by various types of evidence, some of which he cited, and some cited later by Kevin Brook.
Before the destruction of Khazaria, some Khazars joined the Magyars and migrated to Hungary. They were among the soldiers protecting Hungary's borders. In the 10th Century, Hungarian Duke Taksony, son of a Khazar princess and Magyar royalty, invited Khazar Jews to settle in Hungary. If it is to be believed, a Byzantine chronicle indicates that many Hungarian troops in the 12th Century observed Jewish law.
According to Martin Gilbert, Jews migrated from Khazaria to Lithuania in 1016, and Jews from Vilnius claim Khazar ancestry. Documents and archeological finds indicate that Khazars founded glass factories in Grodno. These similarities may support the idea of a Khazar influence in Eastern Europe, but they hardly support an argument that the Khazars were the predominant ancestors of the Ashkenazic Jews.
The greatest evidence against a significant Khazar ancestry for Ashkenazic Jews is DNA testing. Data shows that the predominant origin of Ashkenazic Jews has been the Middle East. This indicates that the role of the native-born Khazars as a source of Ashkenazic Jews was minor. However, there is some genetic evidence that characteristics of some Ashkenazic Jews are shared by Armenians and Turks, and Jews from the Balkans. The documentary and archeological evidence for a Khazar origin is stronger in Hungary and the Ukraine. Still, the sources I have examined seem to show that the influence of the Khazarian Jews in those areas, no matter how large or small, was overwhelmed by the emigration of western Jews.
Another reason for the slight DNA differences in some Ashkenazic Jews may be intermarriage. Jews converted and intermarried with others in ancient Israel, in the Roman Empire and in Medieval Europe. There is no reason to think that it did not occur in Central Asia as well. Jews from Crimea and the Byzantine Empire, who may have originated in the Middle East intermarried with the Turks. Genetic tests show that intermarriage occurred far less with Jews than in the population as a whole, and in certain groups, like the Kohanim, it happened very little at all. This infrequent intermarriage could well have been enough to account for any genetic marker differences.
philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 07:27 PM
The impression I get from you is that I can't care about white people WITHOUT being a full-fledged national socialist.
You absolutely can not care about whites if you are a libertarian
And there is absolutely no way of changing anything with the feckless government we have now
America is heading toward the fate of many other nations that fell for race mixing....Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.... .Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
I just don't like being told what to do - whether the 'authority' ordering me around is white, black, jewish, polka-dot, or whatever.
I crave freedom.
Apparently I am incompatible with national socialism.
So you have accepted the joos telling your family what to do? because no way in hell is our current form of gov going to do anything. the joos tell those arouns you what to think, and if you present them the truth, they will attack you, just as their jewish masters have planned. National Socialism as the Germans had it was hardly socialism in the sense of Russia or Cuba or most other hellholes. Hitler was for mainstreet. He eliminated the predatory big box stores that the joos were using push the German villager around.
Gee, gonzo would just hate a NS govt that fired each and every joo in the universities, replacing them with whites. I gues you would just hate Hitler coming in and wiping Goldman Sachs out.
11th May 2010, 07:59 PM
The impression I get from you is that I can't care about white people WITHOUT being a full-fledged national socialist.
You absolutely can not care about whites if you are a libertarian
And there is absolutely no way of changing anything with the feckless government we have now
America is heading toward the fate of many other nations that fell for race mixing....Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.... .Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
I just don't like being told what to do - whether the 'authority' ordering me around is white, black, jewish, polka-dot, or whatever.
I crave freedom.
Apparently I am incompatible with national socialism.
So you have accepted the joos telling your family what to do? because no way in hell is our current form of gov going to do anything. the joos tell those arouns you what to think, and if you present them the truth, they will attack you, just as their jewish masters have planned. National Socialism as the Germans had it was hardly socialism in the sense of Russia or Cuba or most other hellholes. Hitler was for mainstreet. He eliminated the predatory big box stores that the joos were using push the German villager around.
Gee, gonzo would just hate a NS govt that fired each and every joo in the universities, replacing them with whites. I gues you would just hate Hitler coming in and wiping Goldman Sachs out.
I don't like ANYBODY telling me what to do, so I live my life and do things my way, to the best of my ability.
I'm not saying that living under an NS gov't would be WORSE than the current gov't, but that doesn't make it better than living in a FREE system (if such a thing existed).
I am just NOT a statist, and so I naturally tend to reject national socialism.
I don't like forced charity.
Is your heart REALLY set on socialism?
Would you prefer a white-only FREE country, or a white-only SOCIALIST country?
I don't have a problem with whites having a homeland - hell, I think every race should have their own homeland!
That makes me a zionist! I think jews should have their homeland and they should involve themselves in politics there and stop meddling with the internal and external affairs of other countries!
I have no problem with different races/nations being separate and having their own land (as if such a thing is possible at this point), but I don't think socialism is a REQUIRED ingredient for such.
Anyway, would you prefer a white-only FREE country, or a white-only SOCIALIST country?
philo beddoe
11th May 2010, 08:12 PM
The impression I get from you is that I can't care about white people WITHOUT being a full-fledged national socialist.
You absolutely can not care about whites if you are a libertarian
And there is absolutely no way of changing anything with the feckless government we have now
America is heading toward the fate of many other nations that fell for race mixing....Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.... .Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
I just don't like being told what to do - whether the 'authority' ordering me around is white, black, jewish, polka-dot, or whatever.
I crave freedom.
Apparently I am incompatible with national socialism.
So you have accepted the joos telling your family what to do? because no way in hell is our current form of gov going to do anything. the joos tell those arouns you what to think, and if you present them the truth, they will attack you, just as their jewish masters have planned. National Socialism as the Germans had it was hardly socialism in the sense of Russia or Cuba or most other hellholes. Hitler was for mainstreet. He eliminated the predatory big box stores that the joos were using push the German villager around.
Gee, gonzo would just hate a NS govt that fired each and every joo in the universities, replacing them with whites. I gues you would just hate Hitler coming in and wiping Goldman Sachs out.
I don't like ANYBODY telling me what to do, so I live my life and do things my way, to the best of my ability.
I'm not saying that living under an NS gov't would be WORSE than the current gov't, but that doesn't make it better than living in a FREE system (if such a thing existed).
I am just NOT a statist, and so I naturally tend to reject national socialism.
I don't like forced charity.
Is your heart REALLY set on socialism?
Would you prefer a white-only FREE country, or a white-only SOCIALIST country?
I don't have a problem with whites having a homeland - hell, I think every race should have their own homeland!
That makes me a zionist! I think jews should have their homeland and they should involve themselves in politics there and stop meddling with the internal and external affairs of other countries!
I have no problem with different races/nations being separate and having their own land (as if such a thing is possible at this point), but I don't think socialism is a REQUIRED ingredient for such.
Anyway, would you prefer a white-only FREE country, or a white-only SOCIALIST country?
I'll get back to you in the morning. I respect your opinion, but I only watch one tv show a week, and it is on soon.....
11th May 2010, 08:17 PM
11th May 2010, 11:36 PM
Baa Baa Black Sheep still being taught as Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep in some British pre-schools.
Funded by jews.
The original story still stands.
12th May 2010, 05:05 AM
Baa Baa Black Sheep still being taught as Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep in some British pre-schools.
Funded by jews.
The original story still stands.
12th May 2010, 05:19 AM
Arguments about ideology between people who are aware of the Khazar problem are counterproductive.
ANY ideology in a world not dominated by Khazars would be better than ANY ideology in a world dominated by Khazars.
12th May 2010, 07:02 AM
Arguments about ideology between people who are aware of the Khazar problem are counterproductive.
ANY ideology in a world not dominated by Khazars would be better than ANY ideology in a world dominated by Khazars.
Why? I know how much you love logic and that statement is about as logical as saying, "ANY police state not dominated by Scythian goat herders would be better than ANY police state dominated by Scythian goat herders." :oo-->
12th May 2010, 07:55 PM
So, topic successfully flooded, huh.
12th May 2010, 08:23 PM
Arguments about ideology between people who are aware of the Khazar problem are counterproductive.
ANY ideology in a world not dominated by Khazars would be better than ANY ideology in a world dominated by Khazars.
Why? I know how much you love logic and that statement is about as logical as saying, "ANY police state not dominated by Scythian goat herders would be better than ANY police state dominated by Scythian goat herders." :oo-->
Ideological forms of government are transient, nothing remains the same. That said, we need to take note that ideas like common law and the US Constitution did not originate in China or Somalia. Whites have more of a tendency towards liberty and cooperation amongst themselves that other races.
The main element which has hindered the freedom of Whites is the Khazar Tribe. Regardless of current ideology, if you remove the cause of tyranny (Khazars), the likely eventual default condition would be something akin to common law.
13th May 2010, 08:31 AM
^^ what he said.
13th May 2010, 04:19 PM
Arguments about ideology between people who are aware of the Khazar problem are counterproductive.
ANY ideology in a world not dominated by Khazars would be better than ANY ideology in a world dominated by Khazars.
Why? I know how much you love logic and that statement is about as logical as saying, "ANY police state not dominated by Scythian goat herders would be better than ANY police state dominated by Scythian goat herders." :oo-->
Ideological forms of government are transient, nothing remains the same. That said, we need to take note that ideas like common law and the US Constitution did not originate in China or Somalia. Whites have more of a tendency towards liberty and cooperation amongst themselves that other races.
The main element which has hindered the freedom of Whites is the Khazar Tribe. Regardless of current ideology, if you remove the cause of tyranny (Khazars), the likely eventual default condition would be something akin to common law.
No it isn't, no they don't and no it wouldn't.
But let's follow your logic. Let's say you remove the "Khazars" by which I must assume you mean the "Jews?" Ok, how would you accomplish such a task?
First of all, how would you be able to maintain the original US Constitution, the Bill of Rights or retain any semblance of Common Law while simultaneously removing Jews?
You couldn't, but just for grins, how would you figure out who all the crypto-Jews were? Would you round up everyone with suspiciously hooked noses? Kinky dark hair? Inspect for circumcisions? Seriously, you crack me up.
Remove Khazars... GTFO... :D
The irony of your assertions are that many have already tried exactly what you're suggesting. It's been done so many times it's pathetic and guess what? What we have right now IS the eventual default condition. If you think about it, forcing Jews into isolation and Ghetto's, by segregating them and winnowing them down, you are apparently creating the very "ubermenchen" that you can only wish you were. ???
Now that's irony.
13th May 2010, 04:38 PM
Remove Khazars... GTFO... :D
Jews were laughing in 1933 Germany
13th May 2010, 06:17 PM
So, topic successfully flooded, huh.
I was enjoying your input into the Khazarian Kaganate and it's implications, FreeEnergy.
I think there's an awful lot of agenda pushing around here and I'm suspicious of everyone right now, but so far as I can tell, you seem honest and at least authentic in your motives as well.
Anyway, I apologize if you think I've gone off track. Please continue if you wish to.
13th May 2010, 06:47 PM
Back on topic, some poster say " Why do we know so little"? Thats exactly the crux of this. this was a very important, large populated empire, that in the grand scheme of things, isnt that long ago...that we seem to be very limited in knowledge of. This wasnt some abstract kingdom in outer Messoamerica (which oddly enough we DO know a great deal about) This was a empire bordered by the Mongols, Persians, Turks, Byzantines and others who we have excellent record of. What nobody kept records of it? We know more about the Germanic invaders of Rome than these people. Im beginning the whole Khazar thing is a fairy tale,or being suppressed and has been suppressed for 1000 years.nothing the size of that country with its population and influence could be "forgotten" by over four major civilizations with no records anywhere. when we know so much about minor civilizations around that same area.
13th May 2010, 07:06 PM's-full-of-ScotsBraveheart-Patrick-McGoohan-Longshanks-King-Edward-I-
13th May 2010, 07:28 PM
No it isn't, no they don't and no it wouldn't.
But let's follow your logic. Let's say you remove the "Khazars" by which I must assume you mean the "Jews?" Ok, how would you accomplish such a task? I submitted a hypothetical scenario showing White society with and without Khazars. I did not advocate anything.
First of all, how would you be able to maintain the original US Constitution, the Bill of Rights or retain any semblance of Common Law while simultaneously removing Jews? Citizens of hostile foreign countries can be deported. They can enjoy freedom in Israel.
Freedom is not a religion. We don't have to extend our freedoms our ancestors fought for to foreign invaders. Niether common law nor the Constitution was designed for the benefit of hostile foreigners.
The only way we can take back our country and our heritage is to sieze the media and schools. Once the lies are exposed and the Protocols become standard high school reading, no action will have to be taken. When you turn on the light in the kitchen in the middle of the night all the cockroaches scurry away.
13th May 2010, 08:00 PM
Back on topic, some poster say " Why do we know so little"? Thats exactly the crux of this. this was a very important, large populated empire, that in the grand scheme of things, isnt that long ago...that we seem to be very limited in knowledge of. This wasnt some abstract kingdom in outer Messoamerica (which oddly enough we DO know a great deal about) This was a empire bordered by the Mongols, Persians, Turks, Byzantines and others who we have excellent record of. What nobody kept records of it? We know more about the Germanic invaders of Rome than these people. Im beginning the whole Khazar thing is a fairy tale,or being suppressed and has been suppressed for 1000 years.nothing the size of that country with its population and influence could be "forgotten" by over four major civilizations with no records anywhere. when we know so much about minor civilizations around that same area.
So true... and largely why I'm intrigued by it.
My first and best guess is that to the victor goes historical data. But just by reading the varying details here in this single thread alone, there were two victors. The Rus or Genghis Khan?
14th May 2010, 01:32 AM
Back on topic, some poster say " Why do we know so little"? Thats exactly the crux of this. this was a very important, large populated empire, that in the grand scheme of things, isnt that long ago...that we seem to be very limited in knowledge of. This wasnt some abstract kingdom in outer Messoamerica (which oddly enough we DO know a great deal about) This was a empire bordered by the Mongols, Persians, Turks, Byzantines and others who we have excellent record of. What nobody kept records of it? We know more about the Germanic invaders of Rome than these people. Im beginning the whole Khazar thing is a fairy tale,or being suppressed and has been suppressed for 1000 years.nothing the size of that country with its population and influence could be "forgotten" by over four major civilizations with no records anywhere. when we know so much about minor civilizations around that same area.
So true... and largely why I'm intrigued by it.
My first and best guess is that to the victor goes historical data. But just by reading the varying details here in this single thread alone, there were two victors. The Rus or Genghis Khan?
Normally id agree, but even if both the Mongols and Russians had seized control, that still leaves the Persians, Byzantines and Arab Caliphates that all magically had memory loss? This big nation disappears and nobody remembers anything important about it ? The more i think about it ,the stranger it becomes. Then if you deny its existence, someone will immediately pull out some bone of proof to quirt the argument, but never enough to give you enough info.
14th May 2010, 08:24 AM
Gypsybiker, there are numerous arabian sources of Khazaria, besides others. Somehow it was not a popular topic in Russia, but considering that khazars were (and probably are) in charge in Russia, they didn't want it to be in the open (they are not exactly liked in Russia).
14th May 2010, 08:49 AM
Normally id agree, but even if both the Mongols and Russians had seized control, that still leaves the Persians, Byzantines and Arab Caliphates that all magically had memory loss? This big nation disappears and nobody remembers anything important about it ? It's not a matter of whether or not anyone remembers events in history, it's a matter of whether or not anyone with significant influence remembers events in history and if the latter, whether that individual chooses to use that influence to accurately portay (if at all) that event.
By positioning themselves at the source point of the dissemination of most information, the Khazars have cleverly managed to define all the terms and draw all the lines of demarcation.
He who documents the past determines the future.
14th May 2010, 09:00 AM
Back on topic, some poster say " Why do we know so little"? Thats exactly the crux of this. this was a very important, large populated empire, that in the grand scheme of things, isnt that long ago...that we seem to be very limited in knowledge of. This wasnt some abstract kingdom in outer Messoamerica (which oddly enough we DO know a great deal about) This was a empire bordered by the Mongols, Persians, Turks, Byzantines and others who we have excellent record of. What nobody kept records of it? We know more about the Germanic invaders of Rome than these people. Im beginning the whole Khazar thing is a fairy tale,or being suppressed and has been suppressed for 1000 years.nothing the size of that country with its population and influence could be "forgotten" by over four major civilizations with no records anywhere. when we know so much about minor civilizations around that same area.
So true... and largely why I'm intrigued by it.
My first and best guess is that to the victor goes historical data. But just by reading the varying details here in this single thread alone, there were two victors. The Rus or Genghis Khan?
Normally id agree, but even if both the Mongols and Russians had seized control, that still leaves the Persians, Byzantines and Arab Caliphates that all magically had memory loss? This big nation disappears and nobody remembers anything important about it ? The more i think about it ,the stranger it becomes. Then if you deny its existence, someone will immediately pull out some bone of proof to quirt the argument, but never enough to give you enough info.
I've been looking for historical data all morning. Check out Anatoly Fomenko if you really want a mind blower.
Well, you decide...
Anyway, if you look at a map of the Caspian Sea, Khazarian, Mongolian Empire region of the continent, it appears that the map has been scribbled on and erased so many times in the past that there's nothing left but a big ass hole in the paper. >:(
Past Russian history has been heavily altered.
And it now appears that America's past is no less relative, 9/11 being a classic example of what can be accomplished in the Official Historical fact department.
14th May 2010, 09:00 AM
A thread to discuss the Khazarian Kaganat.
GoldMonkey , good thread, this is good key historical information,
I been around for a while talking about Turks, linking them to the Khazars, etc,
they are still working together, see Sibel Edmonds, ATC = AIPAC,
they distribute the heroin as middle men, I also know some history in
this area, well , and I have been posting what was relevant for a long
time but many did not see it even accusing me of being a "greek nationalist"
for my opinions, Turkey is a NWO creation, worth studying and key too
on many issues to understand. Past and present. Their systems have
a lot in common with communism and are being used and implemented
in Western countries, especially the USA, there is even some info that
points to Rockefeller family being Khazars from the Ottoman Empire,
100 years ago.
Seems to me this thread has degenerated, good info presented, too bad.
A good thread that is related, what I posted applies here.
I might not be totally correct but it fits, I always welcome
corrections and other points.
The Thirteenth Tribe
14th May 2010, 09:03 AM
welcome back Magnes.
14th May 2010, 09:25 AM
Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.....Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
Ben your posting on this is a joke considering you have seen me post
key information here on these issues, on Turks, Ottomans, invasions
of Europe, repelling, etc, you still did not learn any history here and it
is important, you just make ludicrous statements not knowing what
you are talking about here, I destroyed Aeondaze and Antonio on this
too, the two allied trolls on agora, I had Aeondaze at one point apologizing
to me at one point admitting he knows no history then he comes back
later calling us "n-words" . I think Aeondaze is a member of VNN posting
as Sandor Petrofi or maybe that person is Ulysses/Immanti, sure sounds
like that person, ROFL !
Key word on the Hellenic Republic , Byzantium !
And the wars have never stopped to this day.
There was no colonization, ever, in 1922, 700,000 "muslims"
were expelled and there was an exchange of populations,
those people were converts, the Ottomans couldn't even
muster their own troops so they resorted to the "paidomazoma",
and created Janisary armies of tens of thousands strong.
Resistance and fighting never stopped.
Hitler, someone you idolize on here destroyed Greece and
starved the populations, 10 % starved, 700,000, somehow the
Greeks managed to rebuild from WWII, from a 10 year civil war,
from other invasions, Albanian, Bulgarian, Ottoman, there was
no industrial revolution in Greece, people were lucky to survive
and feed themselves, that alone was an accomplishment, people
even went to "krypha skolia", secret schools at night not to lose their
outlawed language, Greeks hate Turks, don't forget the,
It is amazing the Hellenic Republic and it's people still exist.
This thread is about Turks basically.
I joined VNN to tell the Jew trolls to f*ck OFF , I would
love to see the monkey faces of the posters too, weak CAKES !
They ignore the history I presented and parade day
where you see Greek country boys. That is Greece.
Here is some of the "riff raff" for the troll that knows no history.
Personally, I come from a town that was destroyed 3 times,
once by Bulgarians, once by Turks, once by Commies,
the last time the USA rebuilt the town, and I am still alive
along with thousands of others.
You ever heard of Byzantium you Jew troll.
Greeks actually somehow managed to kick the Turks
out, over 700,000 in 1922 with an exchange of populations,
most of those, the huge majority were converts, not real
Turks, what is a real Turk, that is the question, and it is
actually a good exercise to find out, what is Turkey, not
what people on here think, apparently, this isn't the first
time I seen stupid comments on here from proven trolls,
not honest people.
Jews ran the Ottoman Empire and were slaughtered alongside
the Turks, in one day Kolokotroni slaughtered 5,000 Jews
at Messenia, the territory, I will post about this later.
Another thing, the reason why all of you here speak English right
now and enjoyed growing up in Christian societies and free and
white is because of the Greeks who stopped the advances dead
in their tracks on the Eastern front of the pincer move on Europe.
They couldn't take Byzantium and they when they took the mainland
couldn't pacify the local Guerilla warriors called KLEFTS, for 400
to 500 years, even after banning the Greek language it was never
lost. The Greeks sparked the Renaissance after the dark ages
in Western Europe, Italy, there was no dark age in the East.
Greeks ruled but not solely. The Roman Empire did not die.
If you look at the faces, the men look like brothers, very homogenous,
and they look like the stones coming out of the ground too.
A Jew troll on another forum alerted me to the fact that 40% of Greeks
have a gene marker that goes back to 8,000 BC and identified as 100%
Greek, quite incredible actually. I was shocked, cause those markers
degenerate, and as much as 20% of Greeks have a later marker,
same as vikings, this is probably from old stock and/or slavic mixing
during Byzantium times, the Christians did mix, but not with the Turks.
Some dark Christian from the ME got mixed in too, small town Greece
is very similar everywhere, I have traveled there, cities are a bit different.
The Scots have nothing on us, we are the original mountain men.
Because of the mountains we are hard to kill.
And the guy with the queer name on here speaking.
Don't get any ideas okay. Your name would be abdula if
if wasn't for the Greeks you say don't exist.
And BTW, even Hitler found out the hard way who the Greeks are.
14th May 2010, 09:53 AM
welcome back Magnes.
Thanks, I was only banished for 2 days,
no problem, but I have been busy, you
guys/gals on here been doing a good job.
This is an excellent thread on Turks/Khazars and other related/relevant.
and the fun part about it is.
What do you got ?
Hitler even used Turko Mongols to mass murder Greeks,
on the northern border, when WWII was lost, 40,000 Albanians
fled the border area for fear of their lives never to return.
Research, CITY OF FEZ , it is in history books.
Key here, the mass murder of Europeans, Christians.
philo beddoe
14th May 2010, 10:03 AM
Portugal....Haiti...Rome......Greece.....Persian Empire.......once second rate at best
Ben your posting on this is a joke considering you have seen me post
key information here on these issues, on Turks, Ottomans, invasions
of Europe, repelling, etc, you still did not learn any history here and it
is important, you just make ludicrous statements not knowing what
you are talking about here, I destroyed Aeondaze and Antonio on this
too, the two allied trolls on agora, I had Aeondaze at one point apologizing
to me at one point admitting he knows no history then he comes back
later calling us "n-words" . I think Aeondaze is a member of VNN posting
as Sandor Petrofi or maybe that person is Ulysses/Immanti, sure sounds
like that person, ROFL !
Key word on the Hellenic Republic , Byzantium !
And the wars have never stopped to this day.
There was no colonization, ever, in 1922, 700,000 "muslims"
were expelled and there was an exchange of populations,
those people were converts, the Ottomans couldn't even
muster their own troops so they resorted to the "paidomazoma",
and created Janisary armies of tens of thousands strong.
Resistance and fighting never stopped.
Hitler, someone you idolize on here destroyed Greece and
starved the populations, 10 % starved, 700,000, somehow the
Greeks managed to rebuild from WWII, from a 10 year civil war,
from other invasions, Albanian, Bulgarian, Ottoman, there was
no industrial revolution in Greece, people were lucky to survive
and feed themselves, that alone was an accomplishment, people
even went to "krypha skolia", secret schools at night not to lose their
outlawed language, Greeks hate Turks, don't forget the,
It is amazing the Hellenic Republic and it's people still exist.
This thread is about Turks basically.
I joined VNN to tell the Jew trolls to f*ck OFF , I would
love to see the monkey faces of the posters too, weak CAKES !
They ignore the history I presented and parade day
where you see Greek country boys. That is Greece.
Here is some of the "riff raff" for the troll that knows no history.
Personally, I come from a town that was destroyed 3 times,
once by Bulgarians, once by Turks, once by Commies,
the last time the USA rebuilt the town, and I am still alive
along with thousands of others.
You ever heard of Byzantium you Jew troll.
Greeks actually somehow managed to kick the Turks
out, over 700,000 in 1922 with an exchange of populations,
most of those, the huge majority were converts, not real
Turks, what is a real Turk, that is the question, and it is
actually a good exercise to find out, what is Turkey, not
what people on here think, apparently, this isn't the first
time I seen stupid comments on here from proven trolls,
not honest people.
Jews ran the Ottoman Empire and were slaughtered alongside
the Turks, in one day Kolokotroni slaughtered 5,000 Jews
at Messenia, the territory, I will post about this later.
Another thing, the reason why all of you here speak English right
now and enjoyed growing up in Christian societies and free and
white is because of the Greeks who stopped the advances dead
in their tracks on the Eastern front of the pincer move on Europe.
They couldn't take Byzantium and they when they took the mainland
couldn't pacify the local Guerilla warriors called KLEFTS, for 400
to 500 years, even after banning the Greek language it was never
lost. The Greeks sparked the Renaissance after the dark ages
in Western Europe, Italy, there was no dark age in the East.
Greeks ruled but not solely. The Roman Empire did not die.
If you look at the faces, the men look like brothers, very homogenous,
and they look like the stones coming out of the ground too.
A Jew troll on another forum alerted me to the fact that 40% of Greeks
have a gene marker that goes back to 8,000 BC and identified as 100%
Greek, quite incredible actually. I was shocked, cause those markers
degenerate, and as much as 20% of Greeks have a later marker,
same as vikings, this is probably from old stock and/or slavic mixing
during Byzantium times, the Christians did mix, but not with the Turks.
Some dark Christian from the ME got mixed in too, small town Greece
is very similar everywhere, I have traveled there, cities are a bit different.
The Scots have nothing on us, we are the original mountain men.
Because of the mountains we are hard to kill.
And the guy with the queer name on here speaking.
Don't get any ideas okay. Your name would be abdula if
if wasn't for the Greeks you say don't exist.
And BTW, even Hitler found out the hard way who the Greeks are.
How much time did you spend writing this MAGNES?
Your opinions would go a lot farther if you composed your paragraphs coherently.
Go down to your local community college and sign up for an English 100 course.
What specific points do you want to tell me about Greece?
25th May 2010, 12:57 PM
Secret Jews of Turkey (Doenmeh)
5th September 2010, 05:32 PM
Two Hundred Years Together: From the Beginnings in Khazaria (
11th December 2010, 02:13 AM
Several "Guests" of the forum who are too chickenshiit to actually register here seem overly interested in this thread, reading/databasing it regularly, so I'm bumping it for all other members to see. What do you think could fascinate them so? ???
11th December 2010, 03:26 AM
Gaillo is it possible for you to see, the IP addresses of the guests who seek education on this topic? Maybe it is a bunch of people living in Khazaria who are interested in history? ;) :oo-->
11th December 2010, 12:23 PM
Several "Guests" of the forum who are too chickenshiit to actually register here seem overly interested in this thread, reading/databasing it regularly, so I'm bumping it for all other members to see. What do you think could fascinate them so? ???
Very interesting information, searches I am guessing.
And the fact google bots follow me around. ;D
11th December 2010, 12:39 PM
I like playing Volga Bulgaria in Medieval: Total War just so I can sack nearby Khazaria repeatedly. :D
11th December 2010, 12:53 PM
Ever see the tetragrammaton on the drug dealer on Scarface?
Nation of Yahweh
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other organizations with a name referring to Yahweh, see Yahweh (disambiguation).
Question book-new.svg
This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2007)
The Nation of Yahweh is a predominantly African-American religious group that is the most controversial offshoot of the Black Hebrew Israelites line of thought. It was founded in 1979 in Miami by Hulon Mitchell, Jr., who went by the name Yahweh ben Yahweh. Its goal is to return African Americans, whom they see as the original Israelites, to Israel. The group departs from mainstream Christianity and Judaism by accepting Yahweh ben Yahweh as the Son of God. In this way, its beliefs are unique and distinct from that of other known Black Hebrew Israelite groups.[1][2] The group has engendered controversy due to legal issues of its founder and has also faced accusations of being a black supremacist cult by the Southern Poverty Law Center[3] and The Miami Herald.[4]
The SPLC has criticized the beliefs of the Nation of Yahweh as racist, stating that the group believed blacks are "the true Jews" and that whites were "white devils." The SPLC also claims the group believed Yahweh ben Yahweh had a Messianic mission to vanquish whites and that it held views similar to the Christian Identity movement. The SPLC quotes Tom Metzger of White Aryan Resistance as saying groups like the Nation of Yahweh are "the black counterpart of us."[5]
The Anti-Defamation League has criticized the Nation of Yahweh and some other Black Hebrew sects, stating, "In 1987, ADL reported on Black sects holding these views [arguing that today's Jews are not the "chosen people" described in the Bible, ... instead that the label applies to people of African descent], such as the Yahwehs and the Original African Hebrew Israelite Nation of Jerusalem. Today, this form of Black supremacy is promoted on the Web by the 12 Tribes of Israel site, which cites hundreds of Biblical passages to prove that Blacks are the children of Israel and whites the Satanic offspring of Esau."[6]
Despite the recent death of their leader (see Yahweh ben Yahweh) the Nation of Yahweh is still active. Its members also claim to have abandoned their past racism and the leader's daughter has apparently stated that all people are children of God.[citation needed] An attorney and member of the group, Wendelyn Rush, insists their current war with the U.S. government is a non-violent verbal battle. The group is currently spread throughout the US and is no longer concentrated in one location (formerly Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA). They claim that their present literature downplays and has nearly erased all past racism.[citation needed] [7]
The Nation of Yahweh is perhaps best known nationally for its purchase of infomercial time. The Nation airs a weekly half-hour program on stations across the United States, usually on weekends during little-watched early morning hours, that combines Biblical study along with discussion of the Nation itself.
[edit] Notes
1. ^ Gallagher, Eugene V. (2004). The New Religious Movements Experience in America. Greenwood Press. p. 149. ISBN 0313328072.
2. ^ "Rebirth of A Nation". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved 2008-01-20.
3. ^ Potok, Mark (Fall 2007). "Margins to the Mainstream". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved 2008-01-20.
4. ^ Miami Herald article
5. ^ SPLC report
6. ^ "African-American Anti-Semitism". Anti-Defamation League. Retrieved 2007-10-18.
7. ^ Rebirth of A Nation
[edit] External links
* Cases against the Nation of Yahweh
* Apologetics Index site
* Nation of Yahweh
* Rick A. Ross Institute article collection
* Crime Library Nation of Yahweh feature article
v d e
Nation of Yahweh
Yahweh ben Yahweh Wendelyn Rush
Background and history
Black Hebrew Israelites Liberty City, Miami, Florida Hulon Mitchell Jr. Nation of Islam New religious movement RICO Robert Rozier
Beliefs and views
Black supremacy Christian Identity Yahweh
v d e
Black supremacist organizations
United States
Nation of Yahweh Nuwaubianism New Black Panther Party The Nation of Gods and Earths Nation of Islam
Tribu Ka
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Categories: African and Black nationalism | Black supremacy | Nation of Yahweh | Religious organizations established in 1979
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The way people are confused is unbelievable. Khazars commonly use blacks in this country. They've run a slave trade in the past (even had monopoly at one point), and they still use blacks to their advantage. Read this:
Black Hebrew Israelites (also Black Hebrews, African Hebrew Israelites, and Hebrew Israelites) are groups of people mostly of Black African ancestry situated mainly in the United States who believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Black Hebrews adhere in varying degrees to the religious beliefs and practices of mainstream Judaism. They are generally not accepted as Jews by the greater Jewish community.
While Black Christians traditionally have identified themselves with the Children of Israel, they never claimed to be descendants of the Israelites.
11th December 2010, 01:43 PM
Perhaps some look back fondly on Uncle Adolf's success in creating a vibrant society from a wreck in just four years.
Sure, through military expansionism and violent empire.
The Nazi's here leave one shaking one's head, no?
11th December 2010, 01:51 PM
Perhaps some look back fondly on Uncle Adolf's success in creating a vibrant society from a wreck in just four years.
Sure, through military expansionism and violent empire.
The Nazi's here leave one shaking one's head, no?
I've never understood Hitler/NAZI worship... those guys did FAR more to further the destruction of Western culture and the "White Race" than they did to help it. Hitler and his party gave the enemies of Western culture the ULTIMATE "justified" persecution complex, along with the strongest emotional appeal for multiculturalism in the history of the world!
11th December 2010, 02:12 PM
Hitler and his party gave the enemies of Western culture the ULTIMATE "justified" persecution complex
God forbid our enemies feel persecuted.
11th December 2010, 02:27 PM
Hitler and his party gave the enemies of Western culture the ULTIMATE "justified" persecution complex
God forbid our enemies feel persecuted.
That would be no problem, except for the fact that (through clever use of media and schools) they've figured out how to use "persecution" as a finely honed WEAPON against us!
How many times have you heard it here? "He cries out in pain as he strikes you!"
11th December 2010, 02:54 PM
That would be no problem, except for the fact that (through clever use of media and schools) they've figured out how to use "persecution" as a finely honed WEAPON against us!
Don't forget religion. The 'poor persecuted Jews' meme is 100% biblical in origin.
How many times have you heard it here? "He cries out in pain as he strikes you!"
So if they are going to cry in pain either way, why not give them a good reason to?
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