View Full Version : Ponce and his American flag..........

10th May 2010, 12:41 PM
I know, I know...........is all about Ponce........oh well.

Here we go, I almost forgot to post it because I was so angry, I have two scooters which I ride in warm days (save on gas) and last Saturday I stopped by a garage sale and this lady told me "You should not fly that flag on the back of your scatter" I then asked her "And why not?" and she says "Because not everyone in the US is an American"........ I looked at her and told her " You don't have to tell me, you are an Israeli Zionist", she didn't say a damn thing and I went away..........I now know where to find another one of "them".

10th May 2010, 02:14 PM
is it a flag made out of cloth so it waves in the breeze ?

10th May 2010, 02:15 PM
I enjoy your stories Ponce. Keep 'em coming!

10th May 2010, 02:28 PM
Excellent! Call em as you see em.

10th May 2010, 02:33 PM
Yes it is, it waves in the wind as I drive.........once again........go to the dollar store and get some of them, I have about 25 new ones put away just in case they stopped selling them.

By the way, it costs the dollar store 0.37 cents each.

After 57 years in this land I should feel like MOST Americans that could care less about the flag of this land......to me the flag represents our way of life and not the corrupt government that we have.

1970 Silver Art
10th May 2010, 05:22 PM
I guess that there will be less and less places to display the U.S. flag within the U.S. What a shame. It would not surprise one bit if they made it illegal to display the U.S. flag inside your own house.