View Full Version : What to use on popcorn?

10th May 2010, 01:35 PM
So this is our first crack at backyard gardening and I am planting some popcorn this year. Does anyone have any recomendations on what kind of fertilizer to use for it? As I understand it corn sucks nitrogen from the soil. It is tom thumb popcorn if that makes a difference.

10th May 2010, 04:42 PM
i don't think it would be different from fertilizing / developing soil for normal corn.

primo (cheap) compost with decent drainage.

i have seen these guys' compost operation -

22 acres ... they take in 350 tons of yard waste a day and turn it into primo dirt that they sell to the wineries. using a process known as hot composting.

i took the guy's class and he showed us the chemical analysis for the "Mallard Plus". very good soil chemistry, Phosphorus Potassium Nitrogen etc.

what was notable was the price - $15 for a cubic yard. that's 27 cubic feet. it's cheaper than the "Super Soil" which has some nutrients but is definitely not a complete soil.

so if you can find someone like that in your area, and just get 1 or 2 cubic yards of a high-quality compost, it's primo plant nutrition but not too expensive.

after taking the class i made my own soil each of these last 2 winters. it's fun to take yard waste and food scraps and cow manure and make primo plant food.