View Full Version : Anyone being harrassed by census workers?
10th May 2010, 02:10 PM
We filled out our form but only put the number of people living in our home but that is all that is required, right? We were away last week and they left a notification on the door that they had been there 3 times. We were pissed because it kind of showed we weren't home and there have been break-ins in our neighborhood! So what is up? Do we have to give them more information or can we just tell them to get lost?
10th May 2010, 02:15 PM
Sunshine, I wish I could remember where I read this, and it would be my luck that it was posted on the old GIM forum. Oh, well.
What I recall is that the census workers have instructions to visit only so many times, and then they are expected to go to a neighbor's house and learn all they can about you so they can fill out their form.
Have you checked with any of your neighbors since the 3rd " sorry we missed you" message was left at your home?
I'd sure be curious to hear your answer. I want to know what kinds of questions they ask the neighbors.
This not being home situation you describe could happen to anyone of us.
10th May 2010, 02:21 PM
beefsteak, yes, she did try to get info. from my neighbor and he wouldn't tell her anything and she wasn't happy about it. Maybe she won't be back then.
10th May 2010, 02:22 PM
You've got a good neighbor then!
10th May 2010, 02:26 PM
You've got a good neighbor then!
Yes! We trust him. We look after each other's homes all the time.
10th May 2010, 02:33 PM
I just put the number of people that live the Constitution requires. Anything else and I view it as voluntary. They say they can fine you...not sure if they actually do it. I guess I'll find out :]
10th May 2010, 02:42 PM
I just put the number of people that live the Constitution requires. Anything else and I view it as voluntary. They say they can fine you...not sure if they actually do it. I guess I'll find out :]
I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone has ever been fined for failing to comply with the census.
1970 Silver Art
10th May 2010, 02:47 PM
So far no census workers came to my residence but then again I COMPLETELY filled out my Census form and mailed it on April 1, 2010 (No April fools joke) like a good little U.S. citizen. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I do not expect to get a visit from a Census worker but if a Census worker came to my apartment to ask any Census questions, then I would tell him/her that I already answered the questions and I would just give him/her a glass of orange juice and tell them to have a nice day. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
10th May 2010, 03:07 PM
If I'm not mistaken, they're suppose to attempt to contact you 6 times. After that they will attempt to collect the information from the neighbor on either side of you. Since this worker was clearly lazy and didn't follow procedure, maybe you should file a complaint.
10th May 2010, 03:53 PM
The wife (sweetdeems) and I have been getting harassed by an 80 year old census woman. LOL.
At first she would POUND on the door, and we'd just ignore her. She left her name and number after the 3rd attempt. I looked up her name and found out she lives just around the corner from me. I thought about pounding on her door to 'do the interview' or whatever, but I figured it might end up earning me a few charges, so I decided against it.
I have just been ignoring her.
She came by this afternoon and knocked a lot friendlier. I stepped outside a minute later to see who it was, and she turned around and looked at me as she walked to another house. She didn't say anything to me or try to get my attention. Perhaps she is losing her enthusiasm... LOL.
I may ignore her next time, or I may simply tell her that we will not be participating in the census, so she might as well stop wasting her time with us.
If they threaten me with a fine, I'll tell them to go ahead; I'd pay $100 to be the first guy ever fined over the census (after I'm found guilty in court, and after all the appeals, of course).
10th May 2010, 04:23 PM
If I'm not mistaken, they're suppose to attempt to contact you 6 times. After that they will attempt to collect the information from the neighbor on either side of you. Since this worker was clearly lazy and didn't follow procedure, maybe you should file a complaint.
yes, then another Census employee will have to start a case file.
it creates employment !
10th May 2010, 04:57 PM
If I'm not mistaken, they're suppose to attempt to contact you 6 times. After that they will attempt to collect the information from the neighbor on either side of you. Since this worker was clearly lazy and didn't follow procedure, maybe you should file a complaint.
yes, then another Census employee will have to start a case file.
it creates employment !
LOL It's a good thing we created all these new govt jobs! Such important work is being done. ::)
11th May 2010, 02:21 PM
Update: She came back again today:). The husband talked to her and just told her" there are 4 people living here and that's all you're getting." She tried to ask questions but he just said no, then she left.
11th May 2010, 02:28 PM
So, it looks like we have a new response: 'I might answer, but then, for your own good, I might not; the longer I hold out, the longer you collect a paycheck. I wonder how many census workers have figured this out..
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 02:45 PM
Update: She came back again today:). The husband talked to her and just told her" there are 4 people living here and that's all you're getting." She tried to ask questions but he just said no, then she left.
I guess that Census workers do not have much choice but to be persistent but in the end the Census workers will fail in their objective. I would not want to do what the Census workers are doing especially in the current atmosphere of gov't dis-trust and growing anti-gov't sentiment. Being a Census worker seems to be just as bad as being a telemarketer.
11th May 2010, 02:54 PM
I am surprised that I haven't heard from a census worker yet. I just wrote the number of occupants and wrote "N/A" across everything else.
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 03:00 PM
I am surprised that I haven't heard from a census worker yet. I just wrote the number of occupants and wrote "N/A" across everything else.
I am sure the Census workers will get to you eventually. Your time with the Census worker will come very soon. ;D
11th May 2010, 03:29 PM
I am surprised that I haven't heard from a census worker yet. I just wrote the number of occupants and wrote "N/A" across everything else.
I was actually surprised to hear from them. I thought as long as we mailed it back that was it. I can see sending people to homes where they never received a form back but sending them to people for not filling them in completely is stupid. I don't see they will gain any additional information, you know?
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 03:40 PM
I am surprised that I haven't heard from a census worker yet. I just wrote the number of occupants and wrote "N/A" across everything else.
I was actually surprised to hear from them. I thought as long as we mailed it back that was it. I can see sending people to homes where they never received a form back but sending them to people for not filling them in completely is stupid. I don't see they will gain any additional information, you know?
The people who deliberately did not answer all of the questions when they mailed in the Census form will be the same people that are not going to answer the same questions that the Census worker will ask when they come to their home. Like you said waste of money. Waste of taxpayer money.
12th May 2010, 12:54 AM
Had one stop by here today. I let the dog out the back door and ignored her. She sat around writing sh*t on her clipboard (Yeah, they equip these dunce's with pieces of paper, which some other useless turd will then improperly data enter into some abomination of a system that we paid for). She was on my porch for a couple minutes, then her phone rang and she was talking to her sweetie. Then she got in her truck and was just sitting on my property. I was about to saddle up and go chase her away and she left.
Dog needs better training, only barked for a couple minutes and then just sat there. Not a very scary dog....
Black Blade
12th May 2010, 01:12 AM
A young little lady came to the door last night. I answered the door in the nude with a bottle of Negra Modelo in my hand. She just asked how many people and then said she didn't need anymore info and left. Pretty short (the interview that is). I find it works with persistent peddlers and proselytizers as well. After all, who wants to see a big nekkid Indian smelling of alcohol? :-X
1970 Silver Art
12th May 2010, 03:36 AM
Had one stop by here today. I let the dog out the back door and ignored her. She sat around writing sh*t on her clipboard (Yeah, they equip these dunce's with pieces of paper, which some other useless turd will then improperly data enter into some abomination of a system that we paid for). She was on my porch for a couple minutes, then her phone rang and she was talking to her sweetie. Then she got in her truck and was just sitting on my property. I was about to saddle up and go chase her away and she left.
Dog needs better training, only barked for a couple minutes and then just sat there. Not a very scary dog....
She probably was taking notes on Mouse being disobedient and not wanting to meet her to anwser some questions............
just kidding Mouse. ;D
With the increasing anti-government sentiment, a lot of people are not going to be in a friendly mood to answer any Census questions and a lot of people are just not going to let them in their house. I cannot blame them for not wanting to answer any questions when the gov't passes crap like Obamacare, bailing out bankers, and running up deficits that everybody will pay for one way or the other.
NOTE: I have not seen any Census workers yet at my apartment building. Probably just a matter of time. If they come knocking at my door, I do not plan to answer any questions since I already filled out the Census form and mailed it on April 1 (No April fools joke).
12th May 2010, 05:06 AM
Well I might as well come out with it. Leave it to me, first a bank teller and violently chastised over at the old GIM board for it.
Ok I'll come out and say it. I work(ed) for the Census Bureau. Not as an enumerator but as part of the office staff. The first few weeks on the job, I put together the maps so that the enumerators could pinpoint where to find the houses at. Those maps are extremely accurate. We try to make the initial contact by sending out the initial forms. If we don't here back we begin what is known as operation NRFU (Non Response Follow Up). We send our enumerators back out into the field to make contact. I have no idea how many times they try this as it wasn't my job. My job was to find your house and give the enumerator all the necessary maps to track you down.
Once NRFU started getting really busy, things got extremely confusing. We were literally the most inefficient group of people I had ever seen. Maps were getting crissed crossed and we were getting updated responses frequently. For example, you could very well have sent in your form but we had already sent out the enumerators so we couldn't update them anymore. We had several instances of knocking on a door that had already sent in their information. A few people were unlucky enough to get a big fat R on their form if things looked shady (or maybe it was completely random dunno) and we had to call them up to reinterview them.
Later when NRFU began winding down I would have to scan in the forms sent in from the field. Sometimes the jackasses would fill in one or two bubbles and leave the rest blank. The computer wouldn't accept forms that didn't have the 4 or 5 key questions filled in. So I would fill in a wild ass guess and do it for them. At one point I was given a memo. The memo said I was to call 5 crew leaders and tell them what employees needed to be fired for background check failures. I was like OMG WTF are you serious?!?! So for about an hour that morning I had to call people and tell them which employees to terminate immediately. Well some of the jackass crew leaders got wise and had the employees call my line directly. They would say, "You wanted to talk to me about something?" There was an awkward silence when I said, "Yeah, we're going to have to let you go because of some issues." Well there was a good reason some of those people were let go because the things they said to me after that were batshit crazy. I had never fired anyone before this job so it was kind of weird.
Here is where it got funny. The entire time I worked there, I didn't have a flipping clue who my boss was. During one shift I accidentally slept in two hours late (working 80-90 hours a week between two jobs) and walked into work anyway. No one knew I had slept in, so I just slipped into a task and no one was the wiser. I actually walked out last week, when I was told that there wasn't much left to do. I could grab a coffee and sit quietly in the backroom doing crosswords until they found something better for me to do. Sometimes I would listen to the radio and look at google maps and pretend I was busy. A few people got really annoyed I was listening to Jason Lewis or Sean Hannity and told me to turn it to something more politically neutral. I figured the easy money was made and I was probably going to get cut soon so I left. I honestly don't think they know I am missing. I've been absent for a week and if I walked into tomorrow no one would know or care that I hadn't been there. My job was supposed to go until July but I couldn't stomach much more. I met a hell of a lot of interesting people though. The entire job was like something out of Office Space.
So many other things were funny I could make a whole new thread explaining stories. In fact maybe I will later tonight.
12th May 2010, 05:30 AM
The entire job was like something out of Office Space.
LOL, It sounds like it:)
12th May 2010, 05:38 AM
BullionVince.... I would almost be surprised if you HADN'T been a census worker...
That's not meant to be an insult - just the way I see it. LOL.
12th May 2010, 05:41 AM
BullionVince.... I would almost be surprised if you HADN'T been a census worker...
That's not meant to be an insult - just the way I see it. LOL.
Yeah I know, I might as well talk to Goldman Sachs next. I think that would be a nice little rounding out for the old resume.
12th May 2010, 05:44 AM
BullionVince how does it feel to sell your soul for a shitty paying job?? J/K A job is a job in this market right now. We all can't live like a minority w/ 8 kids on welfare now can we. :)
12th May 2010, 05:49 AM
BullionVince.... I would almost be surprised if you HADN'T been a census worker...
That's not meant to be an insult - just the way I see it. LOL.
Yeah I know, I might as well talk to Goldman Sachs next. I think that would be a nice little rounding out for the old resume.
Hahaha it wouldn't shock me - you are quite the contrarian around here!
12th May 2010, 06:29 AM,0,3578244.story
Women raped by census worker
12th May 2010, 06:46 AM
So many other things were funny I could make a whole new thread explaining stories. In fact maybe I will later tonight.
Awesome stories, BV. Please do make a thread about it.
12th May 2010, 07:31 AM
We didn't fill out the form.
Census worker, who is a neighbor came by.
Asked the same questions as the last census.
We had coffee. Talked cattle, children, weather.
He had a flat on his truck when he went to leave so my son changed it.
End of story.
We did not find it intrusive at all and absolutely nothing like what we had expected based on the all the talk we had heard.
We were ready but????????????
Twisted Titan
12th May 2010, 08:04 AM
Oh Mr Census worker am I so glad to see you!!
I 've been so eager to fill out those forms
I just have a little reading Could you be as so kind to read the questions to me so I can answer them???
Since the form is so detailed and I dont want to mess anything up.Why do you coming inside so I can take my time and answer every single question.
You do want my information right????
12th May 2010, 11:41 AM
Got my first visit missed form today. I called the number to set up an appointment and made it clear "only 2 people live here. That is the only question mandated by the constitution. I do not want to be visited again." Then I called the office number and told them the same thing. I could tell the Main office person was not happy that I did not want to be visited again. ....We'll see
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