View Full Version : Oil Leak, Hurricanes, Cold Fronts, Food Crops, Other Crops

10th May 2010, 02:27 PM
This has been churning in my head for the last couple of days. I have yet to find any "professional" discussion relating to the Oil being dispersed across land via weather systems. I have lots of questions and thoughts so bear with me.

I have been wondering if Hurricanes can and will pick up the oil and disperse it down South.
If so, would this have devasting results to plant life?

Would "Fresh Water" rains from a non Gulf systems wash of any oil that is dispersed onto plants?

Let's propose that Tropical weather systems can pick up and disperse oil from the leak.

How far inland would this travel oil travel?

I have been wondering if a Hurricane traveled up a passing Cold Front and made it all the way into the Midwest this year. This happens often enough to warrant the thought.

Could we possibly see the devestation of pasture land, food crops, & export crops in the Midwest?

Will the cotton harvest be affected at all?

What effect will occur in Florida with the Citris crop? How about all the veggies grown in Florida, Georgia, etc. How about the Tobacco crop.

Are those of you in the South considering on selling your properties and heading North?

Last questions about what I have been thinking about doing.

I have some spare room to charge on the CC. (Yeah I know).
I was planning on buying some more longterm stuff as the funds were available this year.
Would you go ahead and charge away and pay off later?
How abou picking up anything cotton related?

I don't see this spill shutting off anytime soon.

I can only see the propblem getting worse. I am hoping to beat the rush. The MSM is not talking about these possiblities as far as I can tell. Graned I don't really follow the MSM much any more. I have brough the topic up to a few people. None have thought at all about this.

Then again, maybe I read to much GSUS. :dunno

10th May 2010, 02:32 PM
Here's an article: http://gold-silver.us/forum/preparedness/food-prices-will-rise/

Read the original link, much better formatting.

10th May 2010, 02:37 PM
osoab, someone posted something that the sea oil could go inland for about ten miles.......and all that we need now is a hurricane to disperse the oil all over the world or a sea fire to cover the sun for weeks if not months.

10th May 2010, 02:49 PM
Yeah. Ponce

This is what shares the skit outta me.
It's following the "Bots" a little too closely to suit me
I think you're right-on

There's something on this at Rense.com which I read earlier

May not JUST be the Gulf leak but could be volcanic or other earth changes to alter/limit food production/distribution,

I was once worried...now, I don't mind admitting, I'm getting scared!

10th May 2010, 02:54 PM
Well my dear friend Doe, and that's another reason to have as much food at hand as you can buy.........tomorrow I'll be buying more to add to my collection.

Right now my 4 cars garage looks like CostCo Jr........

10th May 2010, 02:56 PM
I can't figure out how to embed this vid, but it is pretty good.

http://video.godlikeproductions.com/video/BP_Slick_THE_SOURCE_050710mov?id=6a3e0b23b80a5b2e4 c4

A guy is narrating his fly over of the "Spill"

10th May 2010, 02:58 PM
Well my dear friend Doe, and that's another reason to have as much food at hand as you can buy.........tomorrow I'll be buying more to add to my collection.

Right now my 4 cars garage looks like CostCo Jr........

Do you think it would be wise to speed up my food buying by using the CC?

My new found lack of desire to use the CC weighs on me heavily.

10th May 2010, 03:03 PM
Well my dear friend Doe, and that's another reason to have as much food at hand as you can buy.........tomorrow I'll be buying more to add to my collection.

Right now my 4 cars garage looks like CostCo Jr........

Do you think it would be wise to speed up my food buying by using the CC?

My new found lack of desire to use the CC weighs on me heavily.

Only if you can pay it off immediately.

10th May 2010, 03:07 PM
Only if you can pay it off immediately.

Nope. This was going to be a 3 or 4 month thing this year.

I am concerned that I won't have that time frame.

It can be paid off in the time frame. It's not like I am going to be paying for a pack of Juicy Fruit for 10 years.

Thanks for the ZeroHedge story above. I missed that one.

10th May 2010, 03:14 PM
You're welcome.

I guess it would depend on your level of preps right now, and also what the interest rate on your CC is....

hopefully others will chime in here on their thoughts.

10th May 2010, 03:24 PM
About using CC........the price of food will be going up (of that I am sure) so that the interest that you may have to pay for your CC "might" be the same.......but, will there be food to buy??????????

Remember that in Cuba there are many things that you CANNOT BUY even if you have US cash.

A lesson that I have learned from Cuba? not all is about money.

10th May 2010, 03:30 PM
I would go ahead & get your food. Worse case, you default on the CC. But you won't have to default on eating!

10th May 2010, 03:38 PM
I could probably buy the stuff outright. I don't won't to use up all my available cash.

I just want to hedge myself and beat the rush if there is one. I should add that I am just speeding up when my purchases would occur.

No one (quasi sheep) I have talked to has thought about any ramifications that the oil might cause. So there is no rush happening yet.

10th May 2010, 03:46 PM
Someone's famous GIM sig:

"Panic now! Avoid the rush!" :o

10th May 2010, 03:48 PM
I have some spare room to charge on the CC. (Yeah I know).
I was planning on buying some more longterm stuff as the funds were available this year.
Would you go ahead and charge away and pay off later?


Cut up your credit card now...today.


10th May 2010, 04:00 PM

Cut up your credit card now...today.


That would be all well and good if I am blowing this thing out of proportion.

I am I blowing this thing out of proportion?

10th May 2010, 04:31 PM
I am I blowing this thing out of proportion?

Nobody here I know advocates running up a credit card for any reason. Where did you get such a wacky idea?


10th May 2010, 04:39 PM
Probably from "wacky" Ponce........food is a need and not a luxury and is better to have and be able to buy and eat than not to have and not eating.....they wont shoot you for running up your CC but you can die of hunger.

mick silver
10th May 2010, 04:46 PM
i never thought about the weather carring the oil ... dam now you just gave me more to think about . i dont see why it could not be carry by rain are wind inland

10th May 2010, 04:50 PM
I am I blowing this thing out of proportion?

Nobody here I know advocates running up a credit card for any reason. Where did you get such a wacky idea?


This is a good reason if the threat to our food crops etc is real.

If we see a 50% rise in food prices in the next month, a few percent on interest will seem like peanuts.

Credi Cards aside Book, do you see the Gulf Oil gusher as a serious threat to food production?

Besides. I'm helping the economy. :banrasta

10th May 2010, 04:51 PM
How are your preps now?

10th May 2010, 04:54 PM
i never thought about the weather carring the oil ... dam now you just gave me more to think about . i dont see why it could not be carry by rain are wind inland

I am wondering if the oil could be carried a heck of a lot of places.

I have been s.o.l. looking for info on oil being "carried" by weather systems.

10th May 2010, 05:00 PM
Credit Cards aside Book, do you see the Gulf Oil gusher as a serious threat to food production?


I agree with your premise that this disaster will make seafood scare and more expensive. Six months ago I purchased $400 worth of canned salmon. 5 year+ shelf life and it is only getting more scarce and more expensive.

Just challenging your notion of using the credit card. You already said you have cash. Ponce advising that your credit card is a Hedge Tool for investing is silly...lol.

Cut up that credit card.


10th May 2010, 05:06 PM
How are your preps now?

Better than most. Less than Ponce's :ROFL:

If this gets bad, I wouldn't have enough to offset the increased costs after a year or so.

This is where I see this being cost effective.

If pasture land is affected, well, I like to eat meat. This is one area I am short on.

mick silver
10th May 2010, 05:10 PM
BP Plc engineers desperately explored options on Sunday to control oil gushing from a ruptured well deep under the Gulf of Mexico after a setback with a huge undersea containment dome fueled fears of a prolonged and growing environmental disaster.

The spill is spreading west, further from Florida but toward the important shipping channels and rich seafood areas of the Louisiana shoreline, where fishing, shrimping and oyster harvesting bans have been widened.

A state of emergency was declared in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, with sheen, the leading edge of the oil slick, forecast to come ashore near Port Fourchon within days.

BP (BP.L) is exploring several new options to control the spill after a buildup of crystallized gas in the dome forced engineers to delay efforts to place a massive four-story containment chamber over the rupture on Saturday.

“We’re gathering some data to help us with two things. One is another way to do containment, the second is other ways to actually stop the flow,” BP chief operating officer Doug Suttles told Reuters

10th May 2010, 05:11 PM

I agree with your premise that this disaster will make seafood scare and more expensive. Six months ago I purchased $400 worth of canned salmon. 5 year+ shelf life and it is only getting more scarce and more expensive.

Just challenging your notion of using the credit card. You already said you have cash. Ponce advising that your credit card is a Hedge Tool for investing is silly...lol.

Cut up that credit card.


I would be stretching myself real thin and would leave myself without a way to pick up some bargains in hurry.

As far as the canned salmon. I worked @ a cannery in AK one summer. I'll just say I have not eaten much canned seafood after that adventure.

10th May 2010, 05:12 PM
Well my dear friend Doe, and that's another reason to have as much food at hand as you can buy.........tomorrow I'll be buying more to add to my collection.

Right now my 4 cars garage looks like CostCo Jr........

Two thumbs up on your preps and especially for your foresight!


10th May 2010, 05:49 PM
So Ponce...What are you stocking up on tomorrow?

Also, is there a problem w/ canned seafood as indicated in a post above?

10th May 2010, 05:55 PM
So Ponce...What are you stocking up on tomorrow?

Also, is there a problem w/ canned seafood as indicated in a post above?

After seeing what ends up in cans, for me personally there is a problem.

All the fish that couldn't be sold whole, ended up in the grinder.

Along the lines of if you worked @ a bologna factory, you don't eat bologna.

10th May 2010, 05:58 PM
Thanks osoab,
I think I understand

10th May 2010, 06:10 PM
I'll just say I have not eaten much canned seafood after that adventure.

You will eagerly be eating your neighbor wtshtf...lol.


10th May 2010, 06:15 PM
I'll just say I have not eaten much canned seafood after that adventure.

You will eagerly be eating your neighbor wtshtf...lol.


A couple are plump enough, but a few maybe a bit lean for me. ::)

10th May 2010, 06:16 PM
Meaning that he's coming after my food? good luck with that.

doe? I won't know till I get there.

10th May 2010, 07:34 PM
not to make light of the whole situation, but in corpus christi texas, I would swim and play on the beach every summer as a kid, near bob hall pier. if you dig down a few feet you hit a sandy layer of oil and always had to clean tar balls off your flip flops. There were still plenty of fish and birds and stuff. you could see tons of oil rigs offshore. I also dont have cancer or anything like that yet. im 30 yrs old.