View Full Version : Elena Kagan's college thesis described "socialism's greatness"

10th May 2010, 10:36 PM
Elena Kagan's college thesis described "socialism's greatness"
Looks like the paper trail for Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan, though bereft of any judicial experience or rulings, is not completely bare.

She wrote her most major paper in College, on socialism's failure to become a major force in the U.S. by 1933... and invoked more than one spasm of regret for the "loss".

Has she outgrown such childish fantasies? Or might she still be harboring designs for making her college dream happen... using the courts as a tool?



Saturday, May 08, 2010

Solicitor General Elena Kagan has called for Socialists to unite in order to defeat the "entrenched foe."

White House aides expect President Obama to select Solicitor General Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. See here. Ms. Kagan, while attending Princeton University as an undergraduate, entitled her senior thesis "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933." In her thesis, Ms. Kagan wrote, "In our times [this was 30 years ago], a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States. Americans are more likely to speak of a golden past than of a golden future, of Capitalism's glories than of socialism's greatness. Conformity overrides dissent; the desire to conserve has overwhelmed the urge to alter. Such a state of affairs cries out for explanation. Why, in a society by no means perfect, has a radical party never attained the status of a major political force? Why, in particular, did the socialist movement never become an alternative to the nation's established parties?" (p. 127).

And then Ms. Kagan issues her call to action, her call for Socialists to unite in order to defeat "the entrenched foe." She writes, "Through its own internal feuding..the SP [Socialist Party] exhausted itself forever and further reduced labor radicalism in New York to the position of marginality and insignificance from which it has never recovered. The story is a sad but also a chastening one for those who, more than half a century after socialism's decline, still wish to change America. Radicals have often succumbed to the devastating bane of sectarianism; it is easier, after all, to fight one's fellows than it is to battle an entrenched and powerful foe. Yet if the history of Local New York shows anything, it is that American radicals cannot afford to become their own worst enemies. In unity lies their only hope." (pp. 129-130).

10th May 2010, 10:41 PM
Gonna be more than that coming out of her closet.

10th May 2010, 10:49 PM
Capitalism,socialism, communism, fascism are meaningless isms.
Use the king of the senses, that of sight. Look at her and trust your God-given instincts to form an opinion about what lies underneath her exterior.

philo beddoe
10th May 2010, 10:52 PM
Gonna be more than that coming out of her closet.

10th May 2010, 10:54 PM
Capitalism,socialism, communism, fascism are meaningless isms.
Use the king of the senses, that of sight. Look at her and trust your God-given instincts to form an opinion about what lies underneath her exterior.

Preaching to the choir, my friend!

11th May 2010, 12:56 AM
WTF cares?

Intellectual defectives will be whining about her "socialist" beliefs. I only concern myself with her Satanic orientation. This hex wants to join one of the most anti-Christ bodies in the history of the world. Whether she is "socialist" or "capitalist" is irrelevant, since she will be taking a seat on the Sanhedrin that decrees against God every session.

11th May 2010, 04:34 AM
Is Elena Kegel Gay?

The Case that Kagan Is a Lesbian:

The haircut: Let's just get this out of the way. Kagan has a dykey haircut. Yes, it borders on stereotype, but the easiest way to spot any lesbian is based on her tonsorial choices and Kagan's short 'do says more "Melissa Etheridge concert" than it does "wash-and-go busy professional." That's not good or bad, it just is.

She's never been married: Sure, she might be a career woman too busy for love, or perhaps she never found the right person to marry. But she is almost 50 and still single. That sounds pretty gay, because gay people can't get married. (Then again she's been living in Massachusetts for the last several years and gay marriage is legal there.) Still, that's all many people need for a swift conviction on charges of gayness.

She's opposed to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Long a thorn in the side of the gay civil rights movement, Kagan is staunchly against the policy that has kept gay soldiers from serving openly. She called it "a moral injustice of the first order" and filed a amicus brief when the matter reached the Supreme Court. When she became dean of Harvard Law in 2003, she tried to kick military recruiters off campus because of her concerns about discrimination. The plan didn't go through because it would have cost the school millions in federal funding. But it does raise the question of whether this is a personal issue for Kagan, or just about her opposition to any form of discrimination. In any event, you can expect right-wingers to use her anti-DADT stance to insinuate she's a big ol' dyke.

She played softball: When she worked at the University of Chicago, she played softball. There are pictures to prove it. Sorry, but softball=lesbian.

She wears plaid: Okay, since we're digging out the circumstantial evidence, there is a picture of Kagan from 1977 where she is wearing a plaid, flannel shirt. Sorry, but, like softball, flannel=lesbian.

The mayor of Gaytown has endorsed her: Andrew Sullivan, who is the ringleader of the "gays into politics," says that she is part of his gay club. "She is, according to large numbers of people who have known her, a lesbian," he says. If anyone knows the truth, it's Gay Uncle Andy.

She's never denied the rumors: The Kagan lesbian rumors aren't new, but she's never made a public statement denying them. Here's the basic rule on gay rumors: If someone doesn't deny them or won't talk about them, then they are true.

Obama digs lesbian judges: When Obama was looking at replacements for Justice Souter last year, two lesbians were seriously considered for the slot that eventually went to Sonia Sotomayor. This has no bearing on Kagan specifically, but it shows the administration isn't completely petrified of nominating someone of the Sapphic persuasion.

The gay establishment is suspiciously quiet: Sure, Andrew Sullivan has said she's gay (as have several gay blogs), but much of the gay media has been mum about Kagan's sexuality. Is this because they're waiting for her to get her seat on the court first and don't want to rock the boat until then? It's entirely possible.

CBS News reported it: When Kagan's name was first floated last month, CBS News published a post by Republican blogger Ben Domenech calling her the "first openly gay justice." When pressured about the veracity of his claim, Domenech added to his post, "I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted—odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles." Oh, so there's a partner? It's beginning to sound like Kagan is living in a glass closet, going about campus with her lady lover, but refusing to confirm it on the record.
The Case that Kagan Is Not a Lesbian:

CBS retracted its story: After pressure from the White House CBS took Domenech's post down. An anonymous source in the Obama administration told the Washington Post that Kagan wasn't a lesbian. If the administration came out and declared that she's not gay, she might not be. Even worse than trying to sneak a lesbian Supreme Court justice past the country's virulently homophobic right wing would be getting caught lying about it.

She's against same-sex marriage: Before her confirmation as Solicitor General, the Judiciary Committee gave her a list of questions to answer, including one about same-sex marriage. She responded that "there is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage." These days, any homosexual who wants to hang out with other homosexuals can't be against same-sex marriage. It's stupid. And unfashionable, too. Even more damning is her answer to a question asking if she has ever expressed an opinion about the constitution containing a right to gay marriage. "I do not recall ever expressing an opinion on this question," she responded. If she were actually gay, she must have expressed this opinion, even in cocktail conversation with the ladies during a weekend in P-Town. So, if she's not expressing opinions, she's probably straight. Unless she means it semantically and hasn't expressed her opinion as a judge. Then she's just a dodgy lesbian.
Obama doesn't want this nomination to end badly: The White House can't afford a loss right now, and they're looking for someone who can make it through the confirmation process. Sure, Kagan breezed through hearings to become Solicitor General. But this is the Supreme Court we're talking about and conservatives are going to be guarding the gates a lot more diligently to keep out any "activist" (read: lesbian) judges. That means Kagan is either sufficiently straight or sufficiently closeted to make it through the process.

Verdict: Between the hair, the softball, the "open secret" at Harvard, the purported partner, and the Andrew Sullivan outing, I'm going to go ahead and guess she's gay. It should be interesting to see how her orientation plays out during the confirmation process and whether or not anyone on the Judiciary Committee will come right out and ask her.

11th May 2010, 04:54 AM
I don't give a damn if she's a lesbian or not. I just want someone who is going to follow the Constitution. Apparently, that is too much to ask.

11th May 2010, 04:57 AM
I don't give a damn if she's a lesbian or not. I just want someone who is going to follow the Constitution. Apparently, that is too much to ask.

I hope you don't have to regret those words?

11th May 2010, 04:59 AM
ALL mainstream politicians in EVERY country are gay, openly or in the closet.

11th May 2010, 08:10 AM
Elena Kagan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Kagan) - Wiki

- At Princeton, she wrote a senior thesis under historian Sean Wilentz studying the socialist movement in New York City in the early 20th century.

- Kagan joined the faculty of the University of Chicago Law School as an assistant professor in 1991 and became a tenured professor of law in 1995. While at Chicago, she published "Regulation of Hate Speech and Pornography After R.A.V.," a law review article on the regulation of First Amendment hate speech; "Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine," an article discussing the significance of governmental motive in regulating speech

- While at Harvard, she authored Presidential Administration, a law review article on administrative law, including the role of aiding the President of the United States in formulating and influencing federal administrative and regulatory law.

- From 2005 through 2008, Kagan was a member of the Research Advisory Council of the Goldman Sachs Global Markets Institute.

- At her confirmation hearing, Kagan also drew criticism for arguing that battlefield law, including indefinite detention without a trial, could apply outside of traditional battlefields. The New York Times paraphrases Kagan as saying "that someone suspected of helping finance Al Qaeda should be subject to battlefield law—indefinite detention without a trial—even if he were captured in a place like the Philippines rather than a physical battle zone."

And this is the woman who will defend 'Creator endowed Rights' and 'Individual Freedom' on the Supreme Court?

Why is it that the ones who graduate from Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, etc are completely clueless to what this country was founded on? Could it be that these brainwashing institutions are controlled and funded by subversives?

11th May 2010, 08:21 AM
Homosexuality has been around for 1000s of years, well documented in ancient Greece. The gay culture of today is a perverted version of homosexuality that started in the 1970's. The the cultural Marxist use these groups to destabilize society, to bring down the current order, so a new order will fill the vacuum---once there's a crisis.


11th May 2010, 09:07 AM
Capitalism,socialism, communism, fascism are meaningless isms.
Use the king of the senses, that of sight. Look at her and trust your God-given instincts to form an opinion about what lies underneath her exterior.

Kagan & Obama's version of "Socialism" is actually a "Jobs for Jews" program - Obama-care, Cap & Trade, the "Food Safety Act" (big gift to Monsanto) - creates lots of jobs for lawyers, doctors, and other members of the Club.

Korbin Dallas
11th May 2010, 09:20 AM
Say what you want about Kagan, but you have to admit she was hilarious in The Birdcage. ;D

11th May 2010, 09:22 AM
There is NO WAY this thing is "gay" Queer YES, Gay NO!