View Full Version : Craigslist Diamond Ring ad leads to father's murder in home invasion

1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 04:10 AM
Another Craigslist-related murder..............


May 10, 2010 1:19 PM

Craigslist Diamond Ring Ad Leads to Father's Murder in Home Invasion, Say Wash. State Cops

Posted by Edecio Martinez

TACOMA, Wash. (CBS/AP) Four suspects are charged in a fatal home-invasion robbery linked to a Craigslist ad, according to Washington State officials.

James Sanders, of the Pierce County community of Edgewood, Wash., was fatally shot on April 28 trying to defend his home from robbers who showed up on the pretext of purchasing a diamond ring he had advertised on the online classified site.
Sanders' wife, Charlene, told reporters last week how the people who pretended to be interested in buying a ring, robbed and beat her family and shot her husband.

"I had a gun to the back of my head with a countdown - three, two - and I'm just screaming and my kids are standing there, and I'm saying, please, God, don't let them kill me, don't let them kill my kids," she said.

She said her husband was shot trying to protect her 14-year-old son who was being pistol-whipped. James Sanders died in his wife's arms.

"I just kept saying 'honey please stay with me, stay with me, stay with us, don't go, don't go,' and he was just barely gasping for air," she said. "They took the love of my live."

The rest of this story is at this link:


11th May 2010, 05:19 AM

It's the same story as before.


1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 05:27 AM
Ooops!!! Sorry about. I was not paying attention. I think I posted on that thread. Thanks wildcard. Thread closed.