View Full Version : Scroogle alternatives

Boss Hogg
11th May 2010, 06:02 AM
Been using scroogle as my search engine for a while, but now it may have to be permanently retired. Any similar search engines that don't leave a trail so to speak that could by my replacement?

11th May 2010, 06:04 AM
What is going on with scroogle? That's what I use too.

11th May 2010, 06:05 AM
me too

11th May 2010, 06:06 AM

Boss Hogg
11th May 2010, 06:10 AM
Cool thanks Brujo. Apparently something to do with Google's new interface. I'm sure if you try to use scroogle it will lead you to their explanation. They said they'd try to work around it the next few days, but not sure where it will lead to.

11th May 2010, 06:14 AM

11th May 2010, 06:16 AM
That's too bad. I hope they figure out a way to get around that interface.
From their site:

e regret to announce that our Google scraper may have to be permanently retired, thanks to a change at Google. It depends on whether Google is willing to restore the simple interface that we've been scraping since Scroogle started five years ago. Actually, we've been using that interface for scraping since Google-Watch.org began in 2002.

This interface (here's a sample from years ago) was remarkably stable all that time. During those eight years there were only about five changes that required some programming adjustments. Also, this interface was available at every Google data center in exactly the same form, which allowed us to use 700 IP addresses for Google.

That interface was at www.google.com/ie but on May 10, 2010 they took it down and inserted a redirect to /toolbar/ie8/sidebar.html. It used to have a search box, and the results it showed were generic during that entire time. It didn't show the snippets unless you moused-over the links it produced (they were there for our program, so that was okay), and it has never had any ads. Our impression was that these results were from Google's basic algorithms, and that extra features and ads were added on top of these generic results. Three years ago Google launched "Universal Search," which meant that they added results from other Google services on their pages. But this simple interface we were using was not affected at all.

Now that interface is gone. It is not possible to continue Scroogle unless we have a simple interface that is stable. Google's main consumer-oriented interface that they want everyone to use is too complex, and changes too frequently, to make our scraping operation possible.

Over the next few days we will attempt to contact Google and determine whether the old interface is gone as a matter of policy at Google, or if they simply have it hidden somewhere and will tell us where it is so that we can continue to use it.

Thank you for your support during these past five years. Check back in a week or so; if we don't hear from Google by next week, I think we can all assume that Google would rather have no Scroogle, and no privacy for searchers, at all.

— Daniel Brandt, Public Information Research, scroogle AT lavabit.com

11th May 2010, 06:36 AM
Ill wait to see what Book is doing here....he's one internet savvy dude ill tell you...

11th May 2010, 06:59 AM
From Scroogle Regret page:

"Over the next few days we will attempt to contact Google and determine whether the old interface is gone as a matter of policy at Google, or if they simply have it hidden somewhere and will tell us where it is so that we can continue to use it."

"Thank you for your support during these past five years. Check back in a week or so; if we don't hear from Google by next week, I think we can all assume that Google would rather have no Scroogle, and no privacy for searchers, at all."

— Daniel Brandt, Public Information Research, scroogle AT lavabit.com

11th May 2010, 07:33 AM
Ill wait to see what Book is doing here....he's one internet savvy dude ill tell you...

That is good to know.


11th May 2010, 07:47 AM
another for www.startpage.com

made by www.ixquick.com

11th May 2010, 07:54 AM
hmmm ixquick looks good, i'll have to five it a go :)

11th May 2010, 08:20 AM
I am not very "savy" about comps.........why hide anything if there is nothing to hide?, I mean, unless you are planning on bombing The White House or something like that..........in which case my planning would be only in person and not by comp, phone, teletype, Morse code or smoke signals.

11th May 2010, 08:23 AM
This link should take you to the firefox addon page for ixquick. It's now my new search engine in my search bar. I miss Scroogle.


11th May 2010, 09:01 AM
Ill wait to see what Book is doing here....he's one internet savvy dude ill tell you...


A great next step for Google would be to implement HTTPS for Google Search. Until that happens, the only way to get private, encrypted searches is by using a an HTTPS search engine like Ixquick or a third-party proxy to Google like ssl.scroogle.org, which requires users to trust the proxy operator. We understand that there are some latency costs to delivering search over HTTPS, and while new standards are needed to solve that problem, there's no reason not to offer optional search encryption in the mean time.



11th May 2010, 10:01 AM
I am not very "savy" about comps.........why hide anything if there is nothing to hide?, I mean, unless you are planning on bombing The White House or something like that..........in which case my planning would be only in person and not by comp, phone, teletype, Morse code or smoke signals.

You should, your internet is controlled by J :o gle.

Is a great way to rebel in cyberspace.

Saul Mine
11th May 2010, 12:41 PM
I am not very "savy" about comps.........why hide anything if there is nothing to hide?

Because you have no idea what you need to hide. In 1930 and 1940 it was quite alright to be of Japanese descent. In 1942 the .gov got the names and addresses of Japanese descendants from their census responses and locked them all up. In modern times people are denied jobs because of Facebook activities. Just being a nice guy is not good enough. You have to maintain a defensible position at all times.