View Full Version : Israeli Legislator Submits A Proposal For A Palestinian State in Jordan

11th May 2010, 08:49 AM
My "proposal" is an Israeli state in HELL.

Israeli Legislator Submits A Proposal For A Palestinian State in Jordan
By Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies – May 10, 2010

Israeli Legislator, Aryeh Eldad, member of the National Union fundamentalist party, asked the Israeli Knesset to discuss a proposal he submitted regarding establishing a Palestinian state in Jordan.

Eldad initially filed his proposal in May of last year and the Knesset agreed to transfer the file to the Knesset’s The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

He demanded that the security committee should discuss the issue but head of the Parliamentarian Committee, Tsahi Hanegbi of the Kadima Party, refused to respond to Eldad’s request.

The Israeli paper, Yedioth Aharonoth, reported Sunday that Hanegbi presented his “solution” to the conflict by a two-state solution that suggests establishing a Palestinian State in Jordan and a Jewish state in all parts of the West Bank and Israel.

The paper added that Hanegbi informed Knesset head, Rovin Livlin of the Likud Party, that he would allow this issue to be presented next year.

But according to the Israeli Law, Eldad has the right to appeal the decision of Hanegbi and can even file an appeal to the High Court of Justice.

The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee at the Knesset is one of the most important and influential committee at the Knesset.


11th May 2010, 09:09 AM
actually, i think the healthiest thing for the Palestinians is for them to get out of harm's way - which means leaving Palestine.

it's not just, nor is it fair - but as long as Israel is practicing new forms of Sadism - as it has been doing for 62+ years - Palestine is not a safe place for a Palestinian to be.

11th May 2010, 10:47 AM
Sure, just as you would move out of the US if China decided to take over OUR land.

As long as there is one single Palestinian there to me it will be called Palestine.

mick silver
11th May 2010, 12:56 PM
if they had the tools Israel has to make wars this battle would of ended yearsss ago

11th May 2010, 04:06 PM
Jordan (all of it) is really WITHIN the nation of Israel...as God gave it to them.

11th May 2010, 04:50 PM
if they had the tools Israel has to make wars this battle would of ended yearsss ago

i think every Palestinian should be given a .50 caliber rifle. that would end the conflict quick.

but that won't be allowed to happen. as it is, they're being tortured and killed generation after generation.

none of the negotiations has any effect. it's like a negotiation between a hummingbird and a very sadistic elephant.

i think the Palestinians would be better off if they were all given farmland in a country other than Palestine. they would have better lives if they were allowed to return to the Israel-free lifestyle they had before the Irgun & Haganah & Stern Gang started terrorizing them in about 1935. admittedly in another country.

i know none of this is fair. but it's very obvious that Israel is going to keep beating the Sh*t out of the Palestinians.

the world lacks the will to stop them.

i know what i'm suggesting sucks, but it sucks less than living in a concentration camp in the middle of the desert with the f*cking Israeli's doing every imaginable thing to F*ck up your life.

11th May 2010, 05:10 PM
Jordan (all of it) is really WITHIN the nation of Israel...as God gave it to them.

Sure Kregener, and the crap in my toilet is given to them by Ponce who is real and here.

Kregener? are you a Zionist Israeli? if you are I have many questions for you.

11th May 2010, 06:00 PM
Sure, just as you would move out of the US if China decided to take over OUR land.

As long as there is one single Palestinian there to me it will be called Palestine.

As long as there is one Palestinian or one Jew in Greater Syria, to me it will be called a shithole. who really gives a shit? you guys have a Pro Caliphate or a Zionist agenda? I hope they all kill each other off.Im sick of hearing how "Brave" or how "Evil" (depending on your preferance)one or the other is.

12th May 2010, 05:51 AM
Funny how some of these same folks will advocate deporting any Mexicans in the southern states, you know, the ones we took from Mexico in a war. Sound familiar? But you don't see anyone here championing the cause of the "mexican refugees" who are being oppressed by the horrible white "settlers."

I guess only one race is not allowed to have their own land.