View Full Version : Bill Murphy~ Silver could double in a week.....
11th May 2010, 12:01 PM
11th May 2010, 12:18 PM
I think you forgot to paste or to link... :-\
11th May 2010, 12:50 PM
I think you forgot to paste or to link... :-\
Is a video. Am I the only one that can see it?
11th May 2010, 12:58 PM
I don't know about anyone else but it's just a blank page to me.
11th May 2010, 01:02 PM
I see it
11th May 2010, 01:19 PM
I see it
Must be just me then, I'm at work... I guess they have the video blocked.
I can usually see a square with an X inside of it when a video
is blocked, I can't see anything now, just a blank page.
11th May 2010, 01:49 PM
I can't see the video either, YouTube blocked, but I doubt Silver will double in a week, would be happy to be proven wrong though, possibly in the end days of the mania phase a doubling of silver could occur in a week, but we are far away from that yet though... Did silver double in a weeks time in the mania in 1980?
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 02:57 PM
I do not see the DOG....oops!!! I mean silver doubling in a week. No way. Even if spot silver doubled in price in a week, try selling physical silver bullion to a coin dealer at double the price. The spread would probably be so wide, that a person would not anywhere near double spot silver price.
11th May 2010, 07:41 PM
I actually could understand it doubling in a week. I do not think Murphy was implying it doubled this week. Just when all variables are in place , everyones cards on the table and nothing left up the sleeve of the manipulators.....
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 07:55 PM
I actually could understand it doubling in a week. I do not think Murphy was implying it doubled this week. Just when all variables are in place , everyones cards on the table and nothing left up the sleeve of the manipulators.....
The manipulators are probably throwing everything they can at silver but they are slowly becoming less effective at holding down the silver price. As far as I am concerned, the silver manipulation is giving people who "get it" more time to accumulate more oz's of it at the "artificial" low prices. If more people start paying attention to silver and start to buy into it, then that will overwhelm the manipulators. The negative long term fundamentals of the $ and the out-of-control spending of the U.S. gov't will ultimately help silver (and gold) win the "war" against the manipulators.
1970 Silver Art
11th May 2010, 09:13 PM
I don't care if you call it a dog, It is going down as I type $ 19.17 right now.
Jez, I don't know if it can ever break $20.00.
Yep. It will break $20.00. As far as I am concerned, it is a given that it will break $20. I am waiting for the DOG to break $23.00. ;D
12th May 2010, 07:16 AM
If JPM is forced to cover then I can see this exploding in a week no problem. Question is when will they be forced to cover.
12th May 2010, 10:18 AM
If silver gets to 20 again, it will be huge.
But i think there might be a sell off when it does.
Large Sarge
12th May 2010, 10:26 AM
If silver gets to 20 again, it will be huge.
But i think there might be a sell off when it does.
when silver breaks $19 , and we get a few closes in the $20 area, that is the last technical resistance for it.
it could (and likely will) really start moving after we are done with $19
12th May 2010, 11:08 AM
If silver gets to 20 again, it will be huge.
But i think there might be a sell off when it does.
when silver breaks $19 , and we get a few closes in the $20 area, that is the last technical resistance for it.
it could (and likely will) really start moving after we are done with $19
it seems like patterns that are observed at lower prices repeat at higher prices.
so maybe next May, we'll be talking about how silver 'crashed' to $20 from $25 in February, whereas this year it fell from $19 in December to $15 in February.
thinking back to the early February market price lows that were mentioned in some of Andrew Maguire's emails.
12th May 2010, 03:45 PM
If silver breaks 20 and beyond, the public will start putting 2 and 2 together that the dollar is slowly crumbling and all these "conspiracy nuts" (as well as accredited financial experts) might be on to something. Can you say RUN....... BTW, hope it doesn't happen, I want to accumulate more at these rock bottom prices.....
12th May 2010, 05:16 PM
When Joe Blow finally catches on, gold will be well beyond his means. The only alternative will be silver. The only reason silver is not money today is because our government demonetized silver for various reasons. The demonetization of silver is mind control, plain and simple. This mind control is beginning to shatter, this is what the PTB are afraid of. This is what was behind the BS collapse. Silver is the Achilles heel of the PTB. Long Live Silver, the money of the common man. And it is darn rare. Silver is money, and at the same time, much more than money. Silver is most likely the biggest bull market in the history of mankind. Just my humble opinion, FWIW.
13th May 2010, 12:47 AM
When Joe Blow finally catches on, gold will be well beyond his means. The only alternative will be silver. The only reason silver is not money today is because our government demonetized silver for various reasons. The demonetization of silver is mind control, plain and simple. This mind control is beginning to shatter, this is what the PTB are afraid of. This is what was behind the BS collapse. Silver is the Achilles heel of the PTB. Long Live Silver, the money of the common man. And it is darn rare. Silver is money, and at the same time, much more than money. Silver is most likely the biggest bull market in the history of mankind. Just my humble opinion, FWIW.
Yes the poor mans gold,and it is. :sun:
1970 Silver Art
13th May 2010, 04:08 AM
The public will never run to gold or silver. They're just too dumb and/or broke.
Wake me up when silver gets to $25
That might only be a short nap RatHoler. ;D
By the time the public realizes gold and silver, then there is a chance that they will go to silver. Gold will probably be out of the financial reach by the time the public goes into panic mode.
Currently at this point, I see gold and silver as the metal versions of the internet stocks before they went way up in the late 1990's but the only difference is that gold and silver will not get vaporized and they will not go out of business like the internet stocks did after the internet stock bust of 2000-2002. An oz of gold and an oz of silver will still be an oz of gold and an oz of silver.
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